Class ProgressShellHelper

Create a progress bar using a supplied callback.

Extended by ProgressShellHelper
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Console/Helper/ProgressShellHelper.php

Properties summary

  • $_progress protected
    The current progress.
  • $_total protected
    The total number of 'items' to progress through.
  • $_width protected
    The width of the bar.

Inherited Properties

Method Summary

  • draw() public
    Render the progress bar based on the current state.
  • increment() public
    Increment the progress bar.
  • init() public
    Initialize the progress bar for use.
  • output() public
    Output a progress bar.

Method Detail

draw()source public

draw( )

Render the progress bar based on the current state.

increment()source public

increment( integer $num 1 )

Increment the progress bar.


integer $num optional 1
The amount of progress to advance by.

init()source public

init( array $args array() )

Initialize the progress bar for use.

  • total The total number of items in the progress bar. Defaults to 100.
  • width The width of the progress bar. Defaults to 80.


array $args optional array()
The initialization data.

output()source public

output( array $args )

Output a progress bar.

Takes a number of options to customize the behavior:

  • total The total number of items in the progress bar. Defaults to 100.
  • width The width of the progress bar. Defaults to 80.
  • callback The callback that will be called in a loop to advance the progress bar.


array $args
The arguments/options to use when outputing the progress bar.



Methods inherited from BaseShellHelper

__construct()source public

__construct( ConsoleOutput $consoleOutput , array $config array() )



ConsoleOutput $consoleOutput
The ConsoleOutput instance to use.
array $config optional array()
The settings for this helper.

config()source public

config( null $config null )

Initialize config & store config values


null $config optional null
Config values to set



Properties detail


protected integer

The current progress.


protected integer

The total number of 'items' to progress through.


protected integer

The width of the bar.

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Licensed under the MIT License.
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We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.