Class FormHelper

Form helper library.

Automatic generation of HTML FORMs from given data.

Extended by FormHelper
Package: Cake\View\Helper
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/View/Helper/FormHelper.php

Constants summary

Properties summary

  • $_domIdSuffixes protected
    Holds already used DOM ID suffixes to avoid collisions with multiple form field elements.
  • $_inputDefaults protected
    Persistent default options used by input(). Set by FormHelper::create().
  • $_lastAction protected

    The action attribute value of the last created form. Used to make form/request specific hashes for SecurityComponent.

  • $_models protected

    Holds the model references already loaded by this helper product of trying to inspect them out of field names

  • $_options protected
    Options used by DateTime fields
  • $_unlockedFields protected

    An array of field names that have been excluded from the Token hash used by SecurityComponent's validatePost method

  • $defaultModel public
    The default model being used for the current form.
  • $fields public
    List of fields created, used with secure forms.
  • $helpers public
    Other helpers used by FormHelper
  • $requestType public
    Defines the type of form being created. Set by FormHelper::create().
  • array

    Holds all the validation errors for models loaded and inspected it can also be set manually to be able to display custom error messages in the any of the input fields generated by this helper

Magic properties summary

Method Summary

  • __call() public

    Missing method handler - implements various simple input types. Is used to create inputs of various types. e.g. $this->Form->text(); will create <input type="text" /> while $this->Form->range(); will create <input type="range" />

  • __construct() public
    Copies the validationErrors variable from the View object into this instance
  • _csrfField() protected

    Return a CSRF input if the _Token is present. Used to secure forms in conjunction with SecurityComponent

  • Selects values for dateTime selects.
  • _divOptions() protected
    Generate div options for input
  • _extractOption() protected
    Extracts a single option from an options array.
  • _generateOptions() protected
    Generates option lists for common menus
  • Parse the value for a datetime selected value
  • _getFormat() protected
    Generate format options
  • _getInput() protected
    Generates an input element
  • _getLabel() protected
    Generate label for input
  • _getModel() protected

    Guess the location for a model based on its name and tries to create a new instance or get an already created instance of the model

  • _initInputField() protected

    Sets field defaults and adds field to form security input hash. Will also add a 'form-error' class if the field contains validation errors.

  • _inputLabel() protected
    Generate a label for an input() call.
  • _introspectModel() protected

    Inspects the model properties to extract information from them. Currently it can extract information from the the fields, the primary key and required fields

  • _isRequiredField() protected
    Returns if a field is required to be filled based on validation properties from the validating object.
  • _lastAction() protected
    Sets the last created form action.
  • _magicOptions() protected
    Magically set option type and corresponding options
  • _maxLength() protected
    Calculates maxlength option
  • _name() protected
    Gets the input field name for the current tag
  • _optionsOptions() protected
    Generates list of options for multiple select
  • _parseOptions() protected
    Generates input options array
  • _secure() protected

    Determine which fields of a form should be used for hash. Populates $this->fields

  • _secureFieldName() protected
    Get the field name for use with _secure().
  • _selectOptions() protected
    Returns an array of formatted OPTION/OPTGROUP elements
  • button() public

    Creates a <button> tag. The type attribute defaults to type="submit" You can change it to a different value by using $options['type'].

  • checkbox() public
    Creates a checkbox input widget.
  • create() public
    Returns an HTML FORM element.
  • dateTime() public
    Returns a set of SELECT elements for a full datetime setup: day, month and year, and then time.
  • day() public
    Returns a SELECT element for days.
  • domIdSuffix() public

    Generates a valid DOM ID suffix from a string. Also avoids collisions when multiple values are coverted to the same suffix by appending a numeric value.

  • end() public

    Closes an HTML form, cleans up values set by FormHelper::create(), and writes hidden input fields where appropriate.

  • error() public
    Returns a formatted error message for given FORM field, NULL if no errors.
  • file() public
    Creates file input widget.
  • hidden() public
    Creates a hidden input field.
  • hour() public
    Returns a SELECT element for hours.
  • input() public
    Generates a form input element complete with label and wrapper div
  • Set/Get inputDefaults for form elements
  • inputs() public

    Generate a set of inputs for $fields. If $fields is null the fields of current model will be used.

  • Returns true if there is an error for the given field, otherwise false
  • label() public

    Returns a formatted LABEL element for HTML FORMs. Will automatically generate a for attribute if one is not provided.

  • meridian() public
    Returns a SELECT element for AM or PM.
  • minute() public
    Returns a SELECT element for minutes.
  • month() public
    Returns a SELECT element for months.
  • postButton() public
    Create a <button> tag with a surrounding <form> that submits via POST.
  • postLink() public

    Creates an HTML link, but access the URL using the method you specify (defaults to POST). Requires javascript to be enabled in browser.

  • radio() public

    Creates a set of radio widgets. Will create a legend and fieldset by default. Use $options to control this

  • secure() public

    Generates a hidden field with a security hash based on the fields used in the form.

  • select() public
    Returns a formatted SELECT element.
  • submit() public

    Creates a submit button element. This method will generate <input /> elements that can be used to submit, and reset forms by using $options. image submits can be created by supplying an image path for $caption.

  • Returns false if given form field described by the current entity has no errors. Otherwise it returns the validation message

  • textarea() public
    Creates a textarea widget.
  • unlockField() public

    Add to or get the list of fields that are currently unlocked. Unlocked fields are not included in the field hash used by SecurityComponent unlocking a field once its been added to the list of secured fields will remove it from the list of fields.

  • year() public
    Returns a SELECT element for years

Method Detail

__call()source public

__call( string $method , array $params )

Missing method handler - implements various simple input types. Is used to create inputs of various types. e.g. $this->Form->text(); will create <input type="text" /> while $this->Form->range(); will create <input type="range" />


$this->Form->search('User.query', array('value' => 'test'));

Will make an input like:

<input type="search" id="UserQuery" name="data[User][query]" value="test" />

The first argument to an input type should always be the fieldname, in Model.field format. The second argument should always be an array of attributes for the input.


string $method
Method name / input type to make.
array $params
Parameters for the method call


Formatted input method.


When there are no params for the method call.

__construct()source public

__construct( View $View , array $settings array() )

Copies the validationErrors variable from the View object into this instance


View $View
The View this helper is being attached to.
array $settings optional array()
Configuration settings for the helper.

_csrfField()source protected

_csrfField( )

Return a CSRF input if the _Token is present. Used to secure forms in conjunction with SecurityComponent



_dateTimeSelected()source protected

_dateTimeSelected( string $select , string $fieldName , array $attributes )

Selects values for dateTime selects.


string $select
Name of element field. ex. 'day'
string $fieldName
Name of fieldName being generated ex. Model.created
array $attributes
Array of attributes, must contain 'empty' key.


Attributes array with currently selected value.

_divOptions()source protected

_divOptions( array $options )

Generate div options for input


array $options
Options list.



_extractOption()source protected

_extractOption( string $name , array $options , mixed $default null )

Extracts a single option from an options array.


string $name
The name of the option to pull out.
array $options
The array of options you want to extract.
mixed $default optional null
The default option value


the contents of the option or default

_generateOptions()source protected

_generateOptions( string $name , array $options array() )

Generates option lists for common menus


string $name
List type name.
array $options optional array()
Options list.



_getDateTimeValue()source protected

_getDateTimeValue( string|array $value , integer $timeFormat )

Parse the value for a datetime selected value


string|array $value
The selected value.
integer $timeFormat
The time format


Array of selected value.

_getFormat()source protected

_getFormat( array $options )

Generate format options


array $options
Options list.



_getInput()source protected

_getInput( array $args )

Generates an input element


array $args
The options for the input element


The generated input element

_getLabel()source protected

_getLabel( string $fieldName , array $options )

Generate label for input


string $fieldName
Field name.
array $options
Options list.


false or Generated label element

_getModel()source protected

_getModel( string $model )

Guess the location for a model based on its name and tries to create a new instance or get an already created instance of the model


string $model
Model name.


Model instance

_initInputField()source protected

_initInputField( string $field , array $options array() )

Sets field defaults and adds field to form security input hash. Will also add a 'form-error' class if the field contains validation errors.


  • secure - boolean whether or not the field should be added to the security fields. Disabling the field using the disabled option, will also omit the field from being part of the hashed key.

This method will convert a numerically indexed 'disabled' into an associative value. FormHelper's internals expect associative options.


string $field
Name of the field to initialize options for.
array $options optional array()
Array of options to append options into.


Array of options for the input.

_inputLabel()source protected

_inputLabel( string $fieldName , string|array $label , array $options )

Generate a label for an input() call.

$options can contain a hash of id overrides. These overrides will be used instead of the generated values if present.


string $fieldName
Field name.
string|array $label
Label text or array with text and options.
array $options

Options for the label element. 'NONE' option is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0


Generated label element

_introspectModel()source protected

_introspectModel( string $model , string $key , string $field null )

Inspects the model properties to extract information from them. Currently it can extract information from the the fields, the primary key and required fields

The $key parameter accepts the following list of values:

  • key: Returns the name of the primary key for the model
  • fields: Returns the model schema
  • validates: returns the list of fields that are required
  • errors: returns the list of validation errors

If the $field parameter is passed if will return the information for that sole field.

$this->_introspectModel('Post', 'fields', 'title'); will return the schema information for title column


string $model
name of the model to extract information from
string $key
name of the special information key to obtain (key, fields, validates, errors)
string $field optional null
name of the model field to get information from


information extracted for the special key and field in a model

_isRequiredField()source protected

_isRequiredField( CakeValidationSet $validationRules )

Returns if a field is required to be filled based on validation properties from the validating object.


CakeValidationSet $validationRules
Validation rules set.


true if field is required to be filled, false otherwise

_lastAction()source protected

_lastAction( string|array $url )

Sets the last created form action.


string|array $url

_magicOptions()source protected

_magicOptions( array $options )

Magically set option type and corresponding options


array $options
Options list.



_maxLength()source protected

_maxLength( array $options )

Calculates maxlength option


array $options
Options list.



_name()source protected

_name( array $options array() , string $field null , string $key 'name' )

Gets the input field name for the current tag


array $options optional array()
Options list.
string $field optional null
Field name.
string $key optional 'name'
Key name.



_optionsOptions()source protected

_optionsOptions( array $options )

Generates list of options for multiple select


array $options
Options list.



_parseOptions()source protected

_parseOptions( array $options )

Generates input options array


array $options
Options list.



_secure()source protected

_secure( boolean $lock , string|array $field null , mixed $value null )

Determine which fields of a form should be used for hash. Populates $this->fields


boolean $lock

Whether this field should be part of the validation or excluded as part of the unlockedFields.

string|array $field optional null
Reference to field to be secured. Should be dot separated to indicate nesting.
mixed $value optional null
Field value, if value should not be tampered with.

_secureFieldName()source protected

_secureFieldName( array $options )

Get the field name for use with _secure().

Parses the name attribute to create a dot separated name value for use in secured field hash.


array $options
An array of options possibly containing a name key.



_selectOptions()source protected

_selectOptions( array $elements array() , array $parents array() , boolean $showParents null , array $attributes array() )

Returns an array of formatted OPTION/OPTGROUP elements


array $elements optional array()
Elements to format.
array $parents optional array()
Parents for OPTGROUP.
boolean $showParents optional null
Whether to show parents.
array $attributes optional array()
HTML attributes.



button()source public

button( string $title , array $options array() )

Creates a <button> tag. The type attribute defaults to type="submit" You can change it to a different value by using $options['type'].


  • escape - HTML entity encode the $title of the button. Defaults to false.


string $title
The button's caption. Not automatically HTML encoded
array $options optional array()
Array of options and HTML attributes.


A HTML button tag.


checkbox()source public

checkbox( string $fieldName , array $options array() )

Creates a checkbox input widget.


  • value - the value of the checkbox
  • checked - boolean indicate that this checkbox is checked.
  • hiddenField - boolean to indicate if you want the results of checkbox() to include a hidden input with a value of ''.
  • disabled - create a disabled input.
  • default - Set the default value for the checkbox. This allows you to start checkboxes as checked, without having to check the POST data. A matching POST data value, will overwrite the default value.


string $fieldName
Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname"
array $options optional array()
Array of HTML attributes.


An HTML text input element.


create()source public

create( mixed|null $model null , array $options array() )

Returns an HTML FORM element.


  • type Form method defaults to POST
  • action The controller action the form submits to, (optional). Deprecated since 2.8, use url.
  • url The URL the form submits to. Can be a string or a URL array. If you use 'url' you should leave 'action' undefined.
  • default Allows for the creation of AJAX forms. Set this to false to prevent the default event handler. Will create an onsubmit attribute if it doesn't not exist. If it does, default action suppression will be appended.
  • onsubmit Used in conjunction with 'default' to create AJAX forms.
  • inputDefaults set the default $options for FormHelper::input(). Any options that would be set when using FormHelper::input() can be set here. Options set with inputDefaults can be overridden when calling input()
  • encoding Set the accept-charset encoding for the form. Defaults to Configure::read('App.encoding')


mixed|null $model optional null

The model name for which the form is being defined. Should include the plugin name for plugin models. e.g. ContactManager.Contact. If an array is passed and $options argument is empty, the array will be used as options. If false no model is used.

array $options optional array()
An array of html attributes and options.


A formatted opening FORM tag.


dateTime()source public

dateTime( string $fieldName , string $dateFormat 'DMY' , string $timeFormat '12' , array $attributes array() )

Returns a set of SELECT elements for a full datetime setup: day, month and year, and then time.


  • monthNames If false, 2 digit numbers will be used instead of text. If an array, the given array will be used.
  • minYear The lowest year to use in the year select
  • maxYear The maximum year to use in the year select
  • interval The interval for the minutes select. Defaults to 1
  • separator The contents of the string between select elements. Defaults to '-'
  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • round - Set to up or down if you want to force rounding in either direction. Defaults to null.
  • value | default The default value to be used by the input. A value in $this->data matching the field name will override this value. If no default is provided time() will be used.


string $fieldName
Prefix name for the SELECT element
string $dateFormat optional 'DMY'
DMY, MDY, YMD, or null to not generate date inputs.
string $timeFormat optional '12'
12, 24, or null to not generate time inputs.
array $attributes optional array()
Array of Attributes


Generated set of select boxes for the date and time formats chosen.


day()source public

day( string $fieldName null , array $attributes array() )

Returns a SELECT element for days.


  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • value The selected value of the input.


string $fieldName optional null
Prefix name for the SELECT element
array $attributes optional array()
HTML attributes for the select element


A generated day select box.


domIdSuffix()source public

domIdSuffix( string $value , string $type 'html4' )

Generates a valid DOM ID suffix from a string. Also avoids collisions when multiple values are coverted to the same suffix by appending a numeric value.

For pre-HTML5 IDs only characters like a-z 0-9 - _ are valid. HTML5 doesn't have that limitation, but to avoid layout issues it still filters out some sensitive chars.


string $value
The value that should be transferred into a DOM ID suffix.
string $type optional 'html4'
Doctype to use. Defaults to html4.



end()source public

end( string|array $options null , array $secureAttributes array() )

Closes an HTML form, cleans up values set by FormHelper::create(), and writes hidden input fields where appropriate.

If $options is set a form submit button will be created. Options can be either a string or an array.

array usage:

array('label' => 'save'); value="save"
array('label' => 'save', 'name' => 'Whatever'); value="save" name="Whatever"
array('name' => 'Whatever'); value="Submit" name="Whatever"
array('label' => 'save', 'name' => 'Whatever', 'div' => 'good') <div class="good"> value="save" name="Whatever"
array('label' => 'save', 'name' => 'Whatever', 'div' => array('class' => 'good')); <div class="good"> value="save" name="Whatever"

If $secureAttributes is set, these html attributes will be merged into the hidden input tags generated for the Security Component. This is especially useful to set HTML5 attributes like 'form'


string|array $options optional null
as a string will use $options as the value of button,
array $secureAttributes optional array()

will be passed as html attributes into the hidden input elements generated for the Security Component.


a closing FORM tag optional submit button.


error()source public

error( string $field , string|array $text null , array $options array() )

Returns a formatted error message for given FORM field, NULL if no errors.


  • escape boolean - Whether or not to html escape the contents of the error.
  • wrap mixed - Whether or not the error message should be wrapped in a div. If a string, will be used as the HTML tag to use.
  • class string - The class name for the error message


string $field
A field name, like "Modelname.fieldname"
string|array $text optional null

Error message as string or array of messages. If array contains attributes key it will be used as options for error container

array $options optional array()

Rendering options for

wrapper tag


If there are errors this method returns an error message, otherwise null.


file()source public

file( string $fieldName , array $options array() )

Creates file input widget.


string $fieldName
Name of a field, in the form "Modelname.fieldname"
array $options optional array()
Array of HTML attributes.


A generated file input.


hidden()source public

hidden( string $fieldName , array $options array() )

Creates a hidden input field.


string $fieldName
Name of a field, in the form of "Modelname.fieldname"
array $options optional array()
Array of HTML attributes.


A generated hidden input


hour()source public

hour( string $fieldName , boolean $format24Hours false , array $attributes array() )

Returns a SELECT element for hours.


  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • value The selected value of the input.


string $fieldName
Prefix name for the SELECT element
boolean $format24Hours optional false
True for 24 hours format
array $attributes optional array()
List of HTML attributes


Completed hour select input


input()source public

input( string $fieldName , array $options array() )

Generates a form input element complete with label and wrapper div


See each field type method for more information. Any options that are part of $attributes or $options for the different type methods can be included in $options for input().i Additionally, any unknown keys that are not in the list below, or part of the selected type's options will be treated as a regular html attribute for the generated input.

  • type - Force the type of widget you want. e.g. type => 'select'
  • label - Either a string label, or an array of options for the label. See FormHelper::label().
  • div - Either false to disable the div, or an array of options for the div. See HtmlHelper::div() for more options.
  • options - For widgets that take options e.g. radio, select.
  • error - Control the error message that is produced. Set to false to disable any kind of error reporting (field error and error messages).
  • errorMessage - Boolean to control rendering error messages (field error will still occur).
  • empty - String or boolean to enable empty select box options.
  • before - Content to place before the label + input.
  • after - Content to place after the label + input.
  • between - Content to place between the label + input.
  • format - Format template for element order. Any element that is not in the array, will not be in the output.
  • Default input format order: array('before', 'label', 'between', 'input', 'after', 'error')
  • Default checkbox format order: array('before', 'input', 'between', 'label', 'after', 'error')
  • Hidden input will not be formatted
  • Radio buttons cannot have the order of input and label elements controlled with these settings.


string $fieldName
This should be "Modelname.fieldname"
array $options optional array()
Each type of input takes different options.


Completed form widget.


inputDefaults()source public

inputDefaults( array $defaults null , boolean $merge false )

Set/Get inputDefaults for form elements


array $defaults optional null
New default values
boolean $merge optional false
Merge with current defaults



inputs()source public

inputs( array $fields null , array $blacklist null , array $options array() )

Generate a set of inputs for $fields. If $fields is null the fields of current model will be used.

You can customize individual inputs through $fields.

    'name' => array('label' => 'custom label')

In addition to controller fields output, $fields can be used to control legend and fieldset rendering. $this->Form->inputs('My legend'); Would generate an input set with a custom legend. Passing fieldset and legend key in $fields array has been deprecated since 2.3, for more fine grained control use the fieldset and legend keys in $options param.


array $fields optional null
An array of fields to generate inputs for, or null.
array $blacklist optional null
A simple array of fields to not create inputs for.
array $options optional array()

Options array. Valid keys are: - fieldset Set to false to disable the fieldset. If a string is supplied it will be used as the class name for the fieldset element. - legend Set to false to disable the legend for the generated input set. Or supply a string to customize the legend text.


Completed form inputs.


isFieldError()source public

isFieldError( string $field )

Returns true if there is an error for the given field, otherwise false


string $field
This should be "Modelname.fieldname"


If there are errors this method returns true, else false.


label()source public

label( string $fieldName null , string $text null , array|string $options array() )

Returns a formatted LABEL element for HTML FORMs. Will automatically generate a for attribute if one is not provided.


  • for - Set the for attribute, if its not defined the for attribute will be generated from the $fieldName parameter using FormHelper::domId().


The text and for attribute are generated off of the fieldname

echo $this->Form->label('Post.published');
<label for="PostPublished">Published</label>

Custom text:

echo $this->Form->label('Post.published', 'Publish');
<label for="PostPublished">Publish</label>

Custom class name:

echo $this->Form->label('Post.published', 'Publish', 'required');
<label for="PostPublished" class="required">Publish</label>

Custom attributes:

echo $this->Form->label('Post.published', 'Publish', array(
    'for' => 'post-publish'
<label for="post-publish">Publish</label>

Warning Unlike most FormHelper methods, this method does not automatically escape the $text parameter. You must escape the $text parameter yourself if you are using user supplied data.


string $fieldName optional null
This should be "Modelname.fieldname"
string $text optional null

Text that will appear in the label field. If $text is left undefined the text will be inflected from the fieldName.

array|string $options optional array()
An array of HTML attributes, or a string, to be used as a class name.


The formatted LABEL element


meridian()source public

meridian( string $fieldName , array $attributes array() )

Returns a SELECT element for AM or PM.


  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • value The selected value of the input.


string $fieldName
Prefix name for the SELECT element
array $attributes optional array()
Array of Attributes


Completed meridian select input


minute()source public

minute( string $fieldName , array $attributes array() )

Returns a SELECT element for minutes.


  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • value The selected value of the input.


string $fieldName
Prefix name for the SELECT element
array $attributes optional array()
Array of Attributes


Completed minute select input.


month()source public

month( string $fieldName , array $attributes array() )

Returns a SELECT element for months.


  • monthNames - If false, 2 digit numbers will be used instead of text. If an array, the given array will be used.
  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • value The selected value of the input.


string $fieldName
Prefix name for the SELECT element
array $attributes optional array()
Attributes for the select element


A generated month select dropdown.


postButton()source public

postButton( string $title , string|array $url , array $options array() )

Create a <button> tag with a surrounding <form> that submits via POST.

This method creates a <form> element. So do not use this method in an already opened form. Instead use FormHelper::submit() or FormHelper::button() to create buttons inside opened forms.


  • data - Array with key/value to pass in input hidden
  • Other options is the same of button method.


string $title
The button's caption. Not automatically HTML encoded
string|array $url
URL as string or array
array $options optional array()
Array of options and HTML attributes.


A HTML button tag.

postLink( string $title , string|array $url null , array $options array() , boolean|string $confirmMessage false )

Creates an HTML link, but access the URL using the method you specify (defaults to POST). Requires javascript to be enabled in browser.

This method creates a <form> element. If you want to use this method inside of an existing form, you must use the inline or block options so that the new form is being set to a view block that can be rendered outside of the main form.

If all you are looking for is a button to submit your form, then you should use FormHelper::submit() instead.


  • data - Array with key/value to pass in input hidden
  • method - Request method to use. Set to 'delete' to simulate HTTP/1.1 DELETE request. Defaults to 'post'.
  • confirm - Can be used instead of $confirmMessage.
  • inline - Whether or not the associated form tag should be output inline. Set to false to have the form tag appended to the 'postLink' view block. Defaults to true.
  • block - Choose a custom block to append the form tag to. Using this option will override the inline option.
  • Other options are the same of HtmlHelper::link() method.
  • The option onclick will be replaced.


string $title
The content to be wrapped by tags.
string|array $url optional null
Cake-relative URL or array of URL parameters, or external URL (starts with http://)
array $options optional array()
Array of HTML attributes.
boolean|string $confirmMessage optional false

JavaScript confirmation message. This argument is deprecated as of 2.6. Use confirm key in $options instead.


An <a /> element.


radio()source public

radio( string $fieldName , array $options array() , array $attributes array() )

Creates a set of radio widgets. Will create a legend and fieldset by default. Use $options to control this

You can also customize each radio input element using an array of arrays:

$options = array(
 array('name' => 'United states', 'value' => 'US', 'title' => 'My title'),
 array('name' => 'Germany', 'value' => 'DE', 'class' => 'de-de', 'title' => 'Another title'),


  • separator - define the string in between the radio buttons
  • between - the string between legend and input set or array of strings to insert strings between each input block
  • legend - control whether or not the widget set has a fieldset & legend
  • fieldset - sets the class of the fieldset. Fieldset is only generated if legend attribute is provided
  • value - indicate a value that is should be checked
  • label - boolean to indicate whether or not labels for widgets show be displayed
  • hiddenField - boolean to indicate if you want the results of radio() to include a hidden input with a value of ''. This is useful for creating radio sets that non-continuous
  • disabled - Set to true or disabled to disable all the radio buttons.
  • empty - Set to true to create an input with the value '' as the first option. When true the radio label will be 'empty'. Set this option to a string to control the label value.


string $fieldName
Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname"
array $options optional array()
Radio button options array.
array $attributes optional array()
Array of HTML attributes, and special attributes above.


Completed radio widget set.


secure()source public

secure( array|null $fields array() , array $secureAttributes array() )

Generates a hidden field with a security hash based on the fields used in the form.

If $secureAttributes is set, these html attributes will be merged into the hidden input tags generated for the Security Component. This is especially useful to set HTML5 attributes like 'form'.


array|null $fields optional array()

If set specifies the list of fields to use when generating the hash, else $this->fields is being used.

array $secureAttributes optional array()

will be passed as html attributes into the hidden input elements generated for the Security Component.


A hidden input field with a security hash, otherwise null.


select()source public

select( string $fieldName , array $options array() , array $attributes array() )

Returns a formatted SELECT element.


  • showParents - If included in the array and set to true, an additional option element will be added for the parent of each option group. You can set an option with the same name and it's key will be used for the value of the option.
  • multiple - show a multiple select box. If set to 'checkbox' multiple checkboxes will be created instead.
  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • escape - If true contents of options will be HTML entity encoded. Defaults to true.
  • value The selected value of the input.
  • class - When using multiple = checkbox the class name to apply to the divs. Defaults to 'checkbox'.
  • disabled - Control the disabled attribute. When creating a select box, set to true to disable the select box. When creating checkboxes, true will disable all checkboxes. You can also set disabled to a list of values you want to disable when creating checkboxes.

Using options

A simple array will create normal options:

$options = array(1 => 'one', 2 => 'two);
$this->Form->select('Model.field', $options));

While a nested options array will create optgroups with options inside them.

$options = array(
 1 => 'bill',
 'fred' => array(
    2 => 'fred',
    3 => 'fred jr.'
$this->Form->select('Model.field', $options);

In the above 2 => 'fred' will not generate an option element. You should enable the showParents attribute to show the fred option.

If you have multiple options that need to have the same value attribute, you can use an array of arrays to express this:

$options = array(
 array('name' => 'United states', 'value' => 'USA'),
 array('name' => 'USA', 'value' => 'USA'),


string $fieldName
Name attribute of the SELECT
array $options optional array()

Array of the OPTION elements (as 'value'=>'Text' pairs) to be used in the SELECT element

array $attributes optional array()
The HTML attributes of the select element.


Formatted SELECT element


submit()source public

submit( string $caption null , array $options array() )

Creates a submit button element. This method will generate <input /> elements that can be used to submit, and reset forms by using $options. image submits can be created by supplying an image path for $caption.


  • div - Include a wrapping div? Defaults to true. Accepts sub options similar to FormHelper::input().
  • before - Content to include before the input.
  • after - Content to include after the input.
  • type - Set to 'reset' for reset inputs. Defaults to 'submit'
  • confirm - JavaScript confirmation message.
  • Other attributes will be assigned to the input element.


  • div - Include a wrapping div? Defaults to true. Accepts sub options similar to FormHelper::input().
  • Other attributes will be assigned to the input element.


string $caption optional null

The label appearing on the button OR if string contains :// or the extension .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif, .png use an image if the extension exists, AND the first character is /, image is relative to webroot, OR if the first character is not /, image is relative to webroot/img.

array $options optional array()
Array of options. See above.


A HTML submit button


tagIsInvalid()source public

tagIsInvalid( )

Returns false if given form field described by the current entity has no errors. Otherwise it returns the validation message



Either false when there are no errors, or an array of error strings. An error string could be ''.


textarea()source public

textarea( string $fieldName , array $options array() )

Creates a textarea widget.


  • escape - Whether or not the contents of the textarea should be escaped. Defaults to true.


string $fieldName
Name of a field, in the form "Modelname.fieldname"
array $options optional array()
Array of HTML attributes, and special options above.


A generated HTML text input element


unlockField()source public

unlockField( string $name null )

Add to or get the list of fields that are currently unlocked. Unlocked fields are not included in the field hash used by SecurityComponent unlocking a field once its been added to the list of secured fields will remove it from the list of fields.


string $name optional null
The dot separated name for the field.


Either null, or the list of fields.


year()source public

year( string $fieldName , integer $minYear null , integer $maxYear null , array $attributes array() )

Returns a SELECT element for years


  • empty - If true, the empty select option is shown. If a string, that string is displayed as the empty element.
  • orderYear - Ordering of year values in select options. Possible values 'asc', 'desc'. Default 'desc'
  • value The selected value of the input.


string $fieldName
Prefix name for the SELECT element
integer $minYear optional null
First year in sequence
integer $maxYear optional null
Last year in sequence
array $attributes optional array()
Attribute array for the select elements.


Completed year select input


Properties detail


protected array

Holds already used DOM ID suffixes to avoid collisions with multiple form field elements.



protected array

Persistent default options used by input(). Set by FormHelper::create().



protected string

The action attribute value of the last created form. Used to make form/request specific hashes for SecurityComponent.



protected array

Holds the model references already loaded by this helper product of trying to inspect them out of field names



protected array

Options used by DateTime fields

    'day' => array(), 'minute' => array(), 'hour' => array(),
    'month' => array(), 'year' => array(), 'meridian' => array()


protected array

An array of field names that have been excluded from the Token hash used by SecurityComponent's validatePost method




public string

The default model being used for the current form.



public array

List of fields created, used with secure forms.



public array

Other helpers used by FormHelper



public string

Defines the type of form being created. Set by FormHelper::create().



public array

Holds all the validation errors for models loaded and inspected it can also be set manually to be able to display custom error messages in the any of the input fields generated by this helper


Magic properties detail


public HtmlHelper

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