Class App

App is responsible for path management, class location and class loading.

Adding paths

You can add paths to the search indexes App uses to find classes using App::build(). Adding additional controller paths for example would alter where CakePHP looks for controllers. This allows you to split your application up across the filesystem.


CakePHP is organized around the idea of packages, each class belongs to a package or folder where other classes reside. You can configure each package location in your application using App::build('APackage/SubPackage', $paths) to inform the framework where should each class be loaded. Almost every class in the CakePHP framework can be swapped by your own compatible implementation. If you wish to use your own class instead of the classes the framework provides, just add the class to your libs folder mocking the directory location of where CakePHP expects to find it.

For instance if you'd like to use your own HttpSocket class, put it under


Inspecting loaded paths

You can inspect the currently loaded paths using App::path('Controller') for example to see loaded controller paths.

It is also possible to inspect paths for plugin classes, for instance, to see a plugin's helpers you would call App::path('View/Helper', 'MyPlugin')

Locating plugins and themes

Plugins and Themes can be located with App as well. Using App::pluginPath('DebugKit') for example, will give you the full path to the DebugKit plugin. App::themePath('purple'), would give the full path to the purple theme.

Inspecting known objects

You can find out which objects App knows about using App::objects('Controller') for example to find which application controllers App knows about.

Package: Cake\Core
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Core/App.php

Constants summary

Properties summary

  • $_cacheChange protected static
    Indicates whether the class cache should be stored again because of an addition to it
  • $_classMap protected static
    Holds the location of each class
  • $_map protected static
    Holds key/value pairs of $type => file path.
  • $_objectCacheChange protected static
    Indicates whether the object cache should be stored again because of an addition to it
  • $_objects protected static
    Holds and key => value array of object types.
  • $_packageFormat protected static
    Holds the templates for each customizable package path in the application
  • $_packages protected static
    Holds the possible paths for each package name
  • $bootstrapping public static

    Indicates the the Application is in the bootstrapping process. Used to better cache loaded classes while the cache libraries have not been yet initialized

  • $legacy public static
    Maps an old style CakePHP class type to the corresponding package
  • $return public static
    Whether or not to return the file that is loaded.
  • $search public static
    Paths to search for files.
  • $types public static
    List of object types and their properties

Method Summary

  • _checkFatalError() protected static
    Check if a fatal error happened and trigger the configured handler if configured
  • _loadClass() protected static

    Helper function to include classes This is a compatibility wrapper around using App::uses() and automatic class loading

  • _loadFile() protected static
    Helper function to include single files
  • _loadVendor() protected static
    Helper function to load files from vendors folders
  • _map() protected static
    Maps the $name to the $file.
  • _mapped() protected static
    Returns a file's complete path.
  • _packageFormat() protected static
    Sets then returns the templates for each customizable package path
  • build() public static

    Sets up each package location on the file system. You can configure multiple search paths for each package, those will be used to look for files one folder at a time in the specified order All paths should be terminated with a Directory separator

  • core() public static
    Returns the full path to a package inside the CakePHP core
  • import() public static

    Finds classes based on $name or specific file(s) to search. Calling App::import() will not construct any classes contained in the files. It will only find and require() the file.

  • increaseMemoryLimit() public static

    Increases the PHP "memory_limit" ini setting by the specified amount in kilobytes

  • init() public static
    Initializes the cache for App, registers a shutdown function.
  • load() public static

    Method to handle the automatic class loading. It will look for each class' package defined using App::uses() and with this information it will resolve the package name to a full path to load the class from. File name for each class should follow the class name. For instance, if a class is name MyCustomClass the file name should be MyCustomClass.php

  • location() public static
    Returns the package name where a class was defined to be located at
  • objects() public static
    Returns an array of objects of the given type.
  • path() public static
    Used to read information stored path
  • paths() public static

    Get all the currently loaded paths from App. Useful for inspecting or storing all paths App knows about. For a paths to a specific package use App::path()

  • pluginPath() public static
    Gets the path that a plugin is on. Searches through the defined plugin paths.
  • shutdown() public static
    Object destructor.
  • themePath() public static
    Finds the path that a theme is on. Searches through the defined theme paths.
  • uses() public static

    Declares a package for a class. This package location will be used by the automatic class loader if the class is tried to be used

Method Detail

_checkFatalError()source protected static

_checkFatalError( )

Check if a fatal error happened and trigger the configured handler if configured

_loadClass()source protected static

_loadClass( string $name , string $plugin , string $type , string $originalType , boolean $parent )

Helper function to include classes This is a compatibility wrapper around using App::uses() and automatic class loading


string $name
unique name of the file for identifying it inside the application
string $plugin
camel cased plugin name if any
string $type
name of the packed where the class is located
string $originalType
type name as supplied initially by the user
boolean $parent
whether to load the class parent or not


true indicating the successful load and existence of the class

_loadFile()source protected static

_loadFile( string $name , string $plugin , array $search , string $file , boolean $return )

Helper function to include single files


string $name
unique name of the file for identifying it inside the application
string $plugin
camel cased plugin name if any
array $search
list of paths to search the file into
string $file
filename if known, the $name param will be used otherwise
boolean $return
whether this function should return the contents of the file after being parsed by php or just a success notice


if $return contents of the file after php parses it, boolean indicating success otherwise

_loadVendor()source protected static

_loadVendor( string $name , string $plugin , string $file , string $ext )

Helper function to load files from vendors folders


string $name
unique name of the file for identifying it inside the application
string $plugin
camel cased plugin name if any
string $file
file name if known
string $ext
file extension if known


true if the file was loaded successfully, false otherwise

_map()source protected static

_map( string $file , string $name , string $plugin null )

Maps the $name to the $file.


string $file
full path to file
string $name
unique name for this map
string $plugin optional null
camelized if object is from a plugin, the name of the plugin

_mapped()source protected static

_mapped( string $name , string $plugin null )

Returns a file's complete path.


string $name
unique name
string $plugin optional null
camelized if object is from a plugin, the name of the plugin


file path if found, false otherwise

_packageFormat()source protected static

_packageFormat( )

Sets then returns the templates for each customizable package path


templates for each customizable package path

build()source public static

build( array $paths array() , boolean|string $mode App::PREPEND )

Sets up each package location on the file system. You can configure multiple search paths for each package, those will be used to look for files one folder at a time in the specified order All paths should be terminated with a Directory separator


App::build(array('Model' => array('/a/full/path/to/models/'))); will setup a new search path for the Model package

App::build(array('Model' => array('/path/to/models/')), App::RESET); will setup the path as the only valid path for searching models

App::build(array('View/Helper' => array('/path/to/helpers/', '/another/path/'))); will setup multiple search paths for helpers

App::build(array('Service' => array('%s' . 'Service' . DS)), App::REGISTER); will register new package 'Service'

If reset is set to true, all loaded plugins will be forgotten and they will be needed to be loaded again.


array $paths optional array()
associative array with package names as keys and a list of directories for new search paths
boolean|string $mode optional App::PREPEND

App::RESET will set paths, App::APPEND with append paths, App::PREPEND will prepend paths (default) App::REGISTER will register new packages and their paths, %s in path will be replaced by APP path


core()source public static

core( string $type )

Returns the full path to a package inside the CakePHP core


App::core('Cache/Engine'); will return the full path to the cache engines package


string $type
Package type.


full path to package


import()source public static

import( string|array $type null , string $name null , boolean|array $parent true , array $search array() , string $file null , boolean $return false )

Finds classes based on $name or specific file(s) to search. Calling App::import() will not construct any classes contained in the files. It will only find and require() the file.


string|array $type optional null

The type of Class if passed as a string, or all params can be passed as a single array to $type.

string $name optional null
Name of the Class or a unique name for the file
boolean|array $parent optional true

boolean true if Class Parent should be searched, accepts key => value array('parent' => $parent, 'file' => $file, 'search' => $search, 'ext' => '$ext'); $ext allows setting the extension of the file name based on Inflector::underscore($name) . ".$ext";

array $search optional array()
paths to search for files, array('path 1', 'path 2', 'path 3');
string $file optional null
full name of the file to search for including extension
boolean $return optional false

Return the loaded file, the file must have a return statement in it to work: return $variable;


true if Class is already in memory or if file is found and loaded, false if not


increaseMemoryLimit()source public static

increaseMemoryLimit( string $additionalKb )

Increases the PHP "memory_limit" ini setting by the specified amount in kilobytes


string $additionalKb
Number in kilobytes

init()source public static

init( )

Initializes the cache for App, registers a shutdown function.

load()source public static

load( string $className )

Method to handle the automatic class loading. It will look for each class' package defined using App::uses() and with this information it will resolve the package name to a full path to load the class from. File name for each class should follow the class name. For instance, if a class is name MyCustomClass the file name should be MyCustomClass.php


string $className
the name of the class to load



location()source public static

location( string $className )

Returns the package name where a class was defined to be located at


string $className
name of the class to obtain the package name from


Package name, or null if not declared


objects()source public static

objects( string $type , string|array $path null , boolean $cache true )

Returns an array of objects of the given type.

Example usage:

App::objects('plugin'); returns array('DebugKit', 'Blog', 'User');

App::objects('Controller'); returns array('PagesController', 'BlogController');

You can also search only within a plugin's objects by using the plugin dot syntax.

App::objects('MyPlugin.Model'); returns array('MyPluginPost', 'MyPluginComment');

When scanning directories, files and directories beginning with . will be excluded as these are commonly used by version control systems.


string $type
Type of object, i.e. 'Model', 'Controller', 'View/Helper', 'file', 'class' or 'plugin'
string|array $path optional null
Optional Scan only the path given. If null, paths for the chosen type will be used.
boolean $cache optional true
Set to false to rescan objects of the chosen type. Defaults to true.


Either false on incorrect / miss. Or an array of found objects.


path()source public static

path( string $type , string $plugin null )

Used to read information stored path


App::path('Model'); will return all paths for models

App::path('Model/Datasource', 'MyPlugin'); will return the path for datasources under the 'MyPlugin' plugin


string $type
type of path
string $plugin optional null
name of plugin




paths()source public static

paths( )

Get all the currently loaded paths from App. Useful for inspecting or storing all paths App knows about. For a paths to a specific package use App::path()


An array of packages and their associated paths.


pluginPath()source public static

pluginPath( string $plugin )

Gets the path that a plugin is on. Searches through the defined plugin paths.


App::pluginPath('MyPlugin'); will return the full path to 'MyPlugin' plugin'


3.0.0 Use CakePlugin::path() instead.


string $plugin
CamelCased/lower_cased plugin name to find the path of.


full path to the plugin.


shutdown()source public static

shutdown( )

Object destructor.

Writes cache file if changes have been made to the $_map. Also, check if a fatal error happened and call the handler.

themePath()source public static

themePath( string $theme )

Finds the path that a theme is on. Searches through the defined theme paths.


App::themePath('MyTheme'); will return the full path to the 'MyTheme' theme


string $theme
theme name to find the path of.


full path to the theme.


uses()source public static

uses( string $className , string $location )

Declares a package for a class. This package location will be used by the automatic class loader if the class is tried to be used


App::uses('MyCustomController', 'Controller'); will setup the class to be found under Controller package

App::uses('MyHelper', 'MyPlugin.View/Helper'); will setup the helper class to be found in plugin's helper package


string $className
the name of the class to configure package for
string $location
the package name


Properties detail


protected static boolean

Indicates whether the class cache should be stored again because of an addition to it



protected static array

Holds the location of each class



protected static array

Holds key/value pairs of $type => file path.



protected static boolean

Indicates whether the object cache should be stored again because of an addition to it



protected static array

Holds and key => value array of object types.



protected static array

Holds the templates for each customizable package path in the application



protected static array

Holds the possible paths for each package name



public static boolean

Indicates the the Application is in the bootstrapping process. Used to better cache loaded classes while the cache libraries have not been yet initialized



public static array

Maps an old style CakePHP class type to the corresponding package

    'models' => 'Model',
    'behaviors' => 'Model/Behavior',
    'datasources' => 'Model/Datasource',
    'controllers' => 'Controller',
    'components' => 'Controller/Component',
    'views' => 'View',
    'helpers' => 'View/Helper',
    'shells' => 'Console/Command',
    'libs' => 'Lib',
    'vendors' => 'Vendor',
    'plugins' => 'Plugin',
    'locales' => 'Locale'


public static boolean

Whether or not to return the file that is loaded.



public static array

Paths to search for files.



public static array

List of object types and their properties

    'class' => array('extends' => null, 'core' => true),
    'file' => array('extends' => null, 'core' => true),
    'model' => array('extends' => 'AppModel', 'core' => false),
    'behavior' => array('suffix' => 'Behavior', 'extends' => 'Model/ModelBehavior', 'core' => true),
    'controller' => array('suffix' => 'Controller', 'extends' => 'AppController', 'core' => true),
    'component' => array('suffix' => 'Component', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true),
    'lib' => array('extends' => null, 'core' => true),
    'view' => array('suffix' => 'View', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true),
    'helper' => array('suffix' => 'Helper', 'extends' => 'AppHelper', 'core' => true),
    'vendor' => array('extends' => null, 'core' => true),
    'shell' => array('suffix' => 'Shell', 'extends' => 'AppShell', 'core' => true),
    'plugin' => array('extends' => null, 'core' => true)

© 2005–2016 The Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License.
CakePHP is a registered trademark of Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.