Class AbstractPasswordHasher
Abstract password hashing class
Direct Subclasses
Package: Cake\Controller\Component\Auth
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Controller/Component/Auth/AbstractPasswordHasher.php
Properties summary
Configurations for this object. Settings passed from authenticator class to the constructor are merged with this property.
Method Summary
- __construct() publicConstructor
Check hash. Generate hash from user provided password string or data array and check against existing hash.
- config() publicGet/Set the config
- Generates password hash.
Method Detail
__construct()source public
__construct( array $config array() )
- array
optional array() - Array of config.
check()source abstract public
check( string|array $password , string $hashedPassword )
Check hash. Generate hash from user provided password string or data array and check against existing hash.
- string|array
- Plain text password to hash or data array.
- string
- Existing hashed password.
booleanTrue if hashes match else false.
config()source public
config( array $config null )
Get/Set the config
- array
optional null - Sets config, if null returns existing config
arrayReturns configs
hash()source abstract public
hash( string|array $password )
Generates password hash.
- string|array
Plain text password to hash or array of data required to generate password hash.
stringPassword hash
Properties detail
protected array
Configurations for this object. Settings passed from authenticator class to the constructor are merged with this property.
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