
Package system.utils
Inheritance class CFormatter » CApplicationComponent » CComponent
Implements IApplicationComponent
Subclasses CLocalizedFormatter
Since 1.1.0
Source Code framework/utils/CFormatter.php
CFormatter provides a set of commonly used data formatting methods.

The formatting methods provided by CFormatter are all named in the form of formatXyz. The behavior of some of them may be configured via the properties of CFormatter. For example, by configuring dateFormat, one may control how formatDate formats the value into a date string.

For convenience, CFormatter also implements the mechanism of calling formatting methods with their shortcuts (called types). In particular, if a formatting method is named formatXyz, then its shortcut method is xyz (case-insensitive). For example, calling $formatter->date($value) is equivalent to calling $formatter->formatDate($value).

Currently, the following types are recognizable:
  • raw: the attribute value will not be changed at all.
  • text: the attribute value will be HTML-encoded when rendering.
  • ntext: the formatNtext method will be called to format the attribute value as a HTML-encoded plain text with newlines converted as the HTML <br /> or <p></p> tags.
  • html: the attribute value will be purified and then returned.
  • date: the formatDate method will be called to format the attribute value as a date.
  • time: the formatTime method will be called to format the attribute value as a time.
  • datetime: the formatDatetime method will be called to format the attribute value as a date with time.
  • boolean: the formatBoolean method will be called to format the attribute value as a boolean display.
  • number: the formatNumber method will be called to format the attribute value as a number display.
  • email: the formatEmail method will be called to format the attribute value as a mailto link.
  • image: the formatImage method will be called to format the attribute value as an image tag where the attribute value is the image URL.
  • url: the formatUrl method will be called to format the attribute value as a hyperlink where the attribute value is the URL.
  • size: the formatSize method will be called to format the attribute value, interpreted as a number of bytes, as a size in human readable form.

By default, CApplication registers CFormatter as an application component whose ID is 'format'. Therefore, one may call Yii::app()->format->boolean(1). You might want to replace this component with CLocalizedFormatter to enable formatting based on the current locale settings.

Public Properties

Property Type Description Defined By
behaviors array the behaviors that should be attached to this component. CApplicationComponent
booleanFormat array the text to be displayed when formatting a boolean value. CFormatter
dateFormat string the format string to be used to format a date using PHP date() function. CFormatter
datetimeFormat string the format string to be used to format a date and time using PHP date() function. CFormatter
htmlPurifier CHtmlPurifier the HTML purifier instance CFormatter
htmlPurifierOptions array the options to be passed to CHtmlPurifier instance used in this class. CFormatter
isInitialized boolean Checks if this application component has been initialized. CApplicationComponent
numberFormat array the format used to format a number with PHP number_format() function. CFormatter
sizeFormat array the format used to format size (bytes). CFormatter
timeFormat string the format string to be used to format a time using PHP date() function. CFormatter

Public Methods

Method Description Defined By
__call() Calls the format method when its shortcut is invoked. CFormatter
__get() Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. CComponent
__isset() Checks if a property value is null. CComponent
__set() Sets value of a component property. CComponent
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. CComponent
asa() Returns the named behavior object. CComponent
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. CComponent
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. CComponent
attachEventHandler() Attaches an event handler to an event. CComponent
canGetProperty() Determines whether a property can be read. CComponent
canSetProperty() Determines whether a property can be set. CComponent
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. CComponent
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. CComponent
detachEventHandler() Detaches an existing event handler. CComponent
disableBehavior() Disables an attached behavior. CComponent
disableBehaviors() Disables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
enableBehavior() Enables an attached behavior. CComponent
enableBehaviors() Enables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
evaluateExpression() Evaluates a PHP expression or callback under the context of this component. CComponent
format() Formats a value based on the given type. CFormatter
formatBoolean() Formats the value as a boolean. CFormatter
formatDate() Formats the value as a date. CFormatter
formatDatetime() Formats the value as a date and time. CFormatter
formatEmail() Formats the value as a mailto link. CFormatter
formatHtml() Formats the value as HTML text without any encoding. CFormatter
formatImage() Formats the value as an image tag. CFormatter
formatNtext() Formats the value as a HTML-encoded plain text and converts newlines with HTML <br /> or CFormatter
formatNumber() Formats the value as a number using PHP number_format() function. CFormatter
formatRaw() Formats the value as is without any formatting. CFormatter
formatSize() Formats the value in bytes as a size in human readable form. CFormatter
formatText() Formats the value as a HTML-encoded plain text. CFormatter
formatTime() Formats the value as a time. CFormatter
formatUrl() Formats the value as a hyperlink. CFormatter
getEventHandlers() Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. CComponent
getHtmlPurifier() Returns the HTML purifier instance CFormatter
getIsInitialized() Checks if this application component has been initialized. CApplicationComponent
hasEvent() Determines whether an event is defined. CComponent
hasEventHandler() Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. CComponent
hasProperty() Determines whether a property is defined. CComponent
init() Initializes the application component. CApplicationComponent
raiseEvent() Raises an event. CComponent

Protected Methods

Method Description Defined By
normalizeDateValue() Normalizes an expression as a timestamp. CFormatter

Property Details

booleanFormat property

public array $booleanFormat;

the text to be displayed when formatting a boolean value. The first element corresponds to the text display for false, the second element for true. Defaults to array('No', 'Yes').

dateFormat property

public string $dateFormat;

the format string to be used to format a date using PHP date() function. Defaults to 'Y/m/d'.

datetimeFormat property

public string $datetimeFormat;

the format string to be used to format a date and time using PHP date() function. Defaults to 'Y/m/d h:i:s A'.

htmlPurifier property read-only

public CHtmlPurifier getHtmlPurifier()

the HTML purifier instance

htmlPurifierOptions property (available since v1.1.13)

public array $htmlPurifierOptions;

the options to be passed to CHtmlPurifier instance used in this class. CHtmlPurifier is used in formatHtml method, so this property could be useful to customize HTML filtering behavior.

numberFormat property

public array $numberFormat;

the format used to format a number with PHP number_format() function. Three elements may be specified: "decimals", "decimalSeparator" and "thousandSeparator". They correspond to the number of digits after the decimal point, the character displayed as the decimal point and the thousands separator character.

sizeFormat property (available since v1.1.11)

public array $sizeFormat;

the format used to format size (bytes). Three elements may be specified: "base", "decimals" and "decimalSeparator". They correspond to the base at which a kilobyte is calculated (1000 or 1024 bytes per kilobyte, defaults to 1024), the number of digits after the decimal point (defaults to 2) and the character displayed as the decimal point. "decimalSeparator" is available since version 1.1.13

timeFormat property

public string $timeFormat;

the format string to be used to format a time using PHP date() function. Defaults to 'h:i:s A'.

Method Details

__call() method

public mixed __call(string $name, array $parameters)
$name string the method name
$parameters array method parameters
{return} mixed the method return value
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#108 (show)
public function __call($name,$parameters)

Calls the format method when its shortcut is invoked. This is a PHP magic method that we override to implement the shortcut format methods.

format() method

public string format(mixed $value, string $type)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
$type string the data type. This must correspond to a format method available in CFormatter. For example, we can use 'text' here because there is method named formatText.
{return} string the formatted data
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#124 (show)
public function format($value,$type)
        throw new 
CException(Yii::t('yii','Unknown type "{type}".',array('{type}'=>$type)));

Formats a value based on the given type.

formatBoolean() method

public string formatBoolean(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#249 (show)
public function formatBoolean($value)
$value $this->booleanFormat[1] : $this->booleanFormat[0];

Formats the value as a boolean.

See Also

formatDate() method

public string formatDate(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#196 (show)
public function formatDate($value)

Formats the value as a date.

See Also

formatDatetime() method

public string formatDatetime(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#218 (show)
public function formatDatetime($value)

Formats the value as a date and time.

See Also

formatEmail() method

public string formatEmail(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#259 (show)
public function formatEmail($value)

Formats the value as a mailto link.

formatHtml() method

public string formatHtml(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#185 (show)
public function formatHtml($value)

Formats the value as HTML text without any encoding.

formatImage() method

public string formatImage(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#269 (show)
public function formatImage($value)

Formats the value as an image tag.

formatNtext() method

public string formatNtext(mixed $value, boolean $paragraphs=false, boolean $removeEmptyParagraphs=true)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
$paragraphs boolean whether newlines should be converted to HTML <p></p> tags, false by default meaning that HTML <br /> tags will be used
$removeEmptyParagraphs boolean whether empty paragraphs should be removed, defaults to true; makes sense only when $paragraphs parameter is true
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#164 (show)
public function formatNtext($value,$paragraphs=false,$removeEmptyParagraphs=true)
$value='<p>'.str_replace(array("\r\n""\n""\r"), '</p><p>',$value).'</p>';

Formats the value as a HTML-encoded plain text and converts newlines with HTML <br /> or <p></p> tags.

formatNumber() method

public string formatNumber(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#293 (show)
public function formatNumber($value)

Formats the value as a number using PHP number_format() function.

See Also

formatRaw() method

public string formatRaw(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#139 (show)
public function formatRaw($value)

Formats the value as is without any formatting. This method simply returns back the parameter without any format.

formatSize() method (available since v1.1.11)

public string formatSize(integer $value, boolean $verbose=false)
$value integer value in bytes to be formatted
$verbose boolean if full names should be used (e.g. bytes, kilobytes, ...). Defaults to false meaning that short names will be used (e.g. B, KB, ...).
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#318 (show)
public function formatSize($value,$verbose=false)
$i=0$base<=$value && $i<5$i++)

$formattedValue=isset($this->sizeFormat['decimalSeparator']) ? str_replace('.',$this->sizeFormat['decimalSeparator'],$value) : $value;

$verbose Yii::t('yii','{n} byte|{n} bytes',$params) : Yii::t('yii''{n} B',$params);
$verbose Yii::t('yii','{n} kilobyte|{n} kilobytes',$params) : Yii::t('yii','{n} KB',$params);
$verbose Yii::t('yii','{n} megabyte|{n} megabytes',$params) : Yii::t('yii','{n} MB',$params);
$verbose Yii::t('yii','{n} gigabyte|{n} gigabytes',$params) : Yii::t('yii','{n} GB',$params);
$verbose Yii::t('yii','{n} terabyte|{n} terabytes',$params) : Yii::t('yii','{n} TB',$params);

Formats the value in bytes as a size in human readable form.

See Also

formatText() method

public string formatText(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#149 (show)
public function formatText($value)

Formats the value as a HTML-encoded plain text.

formatTime() method

public string formatTime(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#207 (show)
public function formatTime($value)

Formats the value as a time.

See Also

formatUrl() method

public string formatUrl(mixed $value)
$value mixed the value to be formatted
{return} string the formatted result
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#279 (show)
public function formatUrl($value)
strpos($url,'http://')!==&& strpos($url,'https://')!==0)

Formats the value as a hyperlink.

getHtmlPurifier() method

public CHtmlPurifier getHtmlPurifier()
{return} CHtmlPurifier the HTML purifier instance
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#301 (show)
public function getHtmlPurifier()
$this->_htmlPurifier=new CHtmlPurifier;

normalizeDateValue() method

protected int normalizeDateValue(mixed $time)
$time mixed the time expression to be normalized
{return} int the normalized result as a UNIX timestamp
Source Code: framework/utils/CFormatter.php#228 (show)
protected function normalizeDateValue($time)
ctype_digit($time) || ($time{0}=='-' && ctype_digit(substr($time1))))
            return (int)
    elseif (
class_exists('DateTime'false) && $time instanceof DateTime)
        return (int)

Normalizes an expression as a timestamp.

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