Package | system.web.auth |
Inheritance | class CDbAuthManager » CAuthManager » CApplicationComponent » CComponent |
Implements | IAuthManager, IApplicationComponent |
Since | 1.0 |
Source Code | framework/web/auth/CDbAuthManager.php |
The database connection is specified by connectionID. And the database schema should be as described in "framework/web/auth/*.sql". You may change the names of the three tables used to store the authorization data by setting itemTable, itemChildTable and assignmentTable.
Public Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
assignmentTable | string | the name of the table storing authorization item assignments. | CDbAuthManager |
authItems | array | Returns the authorization items of the specific type and user. | CDbAuthManager |
behaviors | array | the behaviors that should be attached to this component. | CApplicationComponent |
connectionID | string | the ID of the CDbConnection application component. | CDbAuthManager |
db | CDbConnection | the database connection. | CDbAuthManager |
defaultRoles | array | list of role names that are assigned to all users implicitly. | CAuthManager |
isInitialized | boolean | Checks if this application component has been initialized. | CApplicationComponent |
itemChildTable | string | the name of the table storing authorization item hierarchy. | CDbAuthManager |
itemTable | string | the name of the table storing authorization items. | CDbAuthManager |
operations | array | Returns operations. | CAuthManager |
roles | array | Returns roles. | CAuthManager |
showErrors | boolean | Enable error reporting for bizRules. | CAuthManager |
tasks | array | Returns tasks. | CAuthManager |
Protected Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
dbConnection | CDbConnection | the DB connection instance | CDbAuthManager |
Public Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
__call() | Calls the named method which is not a class method. | CComponent |
__get() | Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. | CComponent |
__isset() | Checks if a property value is null. | CComponent |
__set() | Sets value of a component property. | CComponent |
__unset() | Sets a component property to be null. | CComponent |
addItemChild() | Adds an item as a child of another item. | CDbAuthManager |
asa() | Returns the named behavior object. | CComponent |
assign() | Assigns an authorization item to a user. | CDbAuthManager |
attachBehavior() | Attaches a behavior to this component. | CComponent |
attachBehaviors() | Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. | CComponent |
attachEventHandler() | Attaches an event handler to an event. | CComponent |
canGetProperty() | Determines whether a property can be read. | CComponent |
canSetProperty() | Determines whether a property can be set. | CComponent |
checkAccess() | Performs access check for the specified user. | CDbAuthManager |
clearAll() | Removes all authorization data. | CDbAuthManager |
clearAuthAssignments() | Removes all authorization assignments. | CDbAuthManager |
createAuthItem() | Creates an authorization item. | CDbAuthManager |
createOperation() | Creates an operation. | CAuthManager |
createRole() | Creates a role. | CAuthManager |
createTask() | Creates a task. | CAuthManager |
detachBehavior() | Detaches a behavior from the component. | CComponent |
detachBehaviors() | Detaches all behaviors from the component. | CComponent |
detachEventHandler() | Detaches an existing event handler. | CComponent |
disableBehavior() | Disables an attached behavior. | CComponent |
disableBehaviors() | Disables all behaviors attached to this component. | CComponent |
enableBehavior() | Enables an attached behavior. | CComponent |
enableBehaviors() | Enables all behaviors attached to this component. | CComponent |
evaluateExpression() | Evaluates a PHP expression or callback under the context of this component. | CComponent |
executeBizRule() | Executes the specified business rule. | CAuthManager |
getAuthAssignment() | Returns the item assignment information. | CDbAuthManager |
getAuthAssignments() | Returns the item assignments for the specified user. | CDbAuthManager |
getAuthItem() | Returns the authorization item with the specified name. | CDbAuthManager |
getAuthItems() | Returns the authorization items of the specific type and user. | CDbAuthManager |
getEventHandlers() | Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. | CComponent |
getIsInitialized() | Checks if this application component has been initialized. | CApplicationComponent |
getItemChildren() | Returns the children of the specified item. | CDbAuthManager |
getOperations() | Returns operations. | CAuthManager |
getRoles() | Returns roles. | CAuthManager |
getTasks() | Returns tasks. | CAuthManager |
hasEvent() | Determines whether an event is defined. | CComponent |
hasEventHandler() | Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. | CComponent |
hasItemChild() | Returns a value indicating whether a child exists within a parent. | CDbAuthManager |
hasProperty() | Determines whether a property is defined. | CComponent |
init() | Initializes the application component. | CDbAuthManager |
isAssigned() | Returns a value indicating whether the item has been assigned to the user. | CDbAuthManager |
raiseEvent() | Raises an event. | CComponent |
removeAuthItem() | Removes the specified authorization item. | CDbAuthManager |
removeItemChild() | Removes a child from its parent. | CDbAuthManager |
revoke() | Revokes an authorization assignment from a user. | CDbAuthManager |
save() | Saves the authorization data to persistent storage. | CDbAuthManager |
saveAuthAssignment() | Saves the changes to an authorization assignment. | CDbAuthManager |
saveAuthItem() | Saves an authorization item to persistent storage. | CDbAuthManager |
Protected Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
checkAccessRecursive() | Performs access check for the specified user. | CDbAuthManager |
checkItemChildType() | Checks the item types to make sure a child can be added to a parent. | CAuthManager |
detectLoop() | Checks whether there is a loop in the authorization item hierarchy. | CDbAuthManager |
getDbConnection() | Returns the DB connection instance | CDbAuthManager |
usingSqlite() | CDbAuthManager |
Property Details
assignmentTable property
public string $assignmentTable;
the name of the table storing authorization item assignments. Defaults to 'AuthAssignment'.
authItems property read-only
public array getAuthItems(integer $type=NULL, mixed $userId=NULL)
Returns the authorization items of the specific type and user.
connectionID property
public string $connectionID;
the ID of the CDbConnection application component. Defaults to 'db'. The database must have the tables as declared in "framework/web/auth/*.sql".
db property
public CDbConnection $db;
the database connection. By default, this is initialized automatically as the application component whose ID is indicated as connectionID.
dbConnection property read-only
protected CDbConnection getDbConnection()
the DB connection instance
itemChildTable property
public string $itemChildTable;
the name of the table storing authorization item hierarchy. Defaults to 'AuthItemChild'.
itemTable property
public string $itemTable;
the name of the table storing authorization items. Defaults to 'AuthItem'.
Method Details
addItemChild() method
public boolean addItemChild(string $itemName, string $childName) | ||
$itemName | string | the parent item name |
$childName | string | the child item name |
{return} | boolean | whether the item is added successfully |
public function addItemChild($itemName,$childName)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Cannot add "{name}" as a child of itself.',
->where('name=:name1 OR name=:name2', array(
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Cannot add "{child}" as a child of "{name}". A loop has been detected.',
->insert($this->itemChildTable, array(
return true;
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Either "{parent}" or "{child}" does not exist.',array('{child}'=>$childName,'{parent}'=>$itemName)));
Adds an item as a child of another item.
assign() method
public CAuthAssignment assign(string $itemName, mixed $userId, string $bizRule=NULL, mixed $data=NULL) | ||
$itemName | string | the item name |
$userId | mixed | the user ID (see IWebUser::getId) |
$bizRule | string | the business rule to be executed when checkAccess is called for this particular authorization item. |
$data | mixed | additional data associated with this assignment |
{return} | CAuthAssignment | the authorization assignment information. |
public function assign($itemName,$userId,$bizRule=null,$data=null)
if($this->usingSqlite() && $this->getAuthItem($itemName)===null)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The item "{name}" does not exist.',array('{name}'=>$itemName)));
->insert($this->assignmentTable, array(
return new CAuthAssignment($this,$itemName,$userId,$bizRule,$data);
Assigns an authorization item to a user.
checkAccess() method
public boolean checkAccess(string $itemName, mixed $userId, array $params=array ( )) | ||
$itemName | string | the name of the operation that need access check |
$userId | mixed | the user ID. This should can be either an integer and a string representing the unique identifier of a user. See IWebUser::getId. |
$params | array | name-value pairs that would be passed to biz rules associated with the tasks and roles assigned to the user. Since version 1.1.11 a param with name 'userId' is added to this array, which holds the value of $userId . |
{return} | boolean | whether the operations can be performed by the user. |
public function checkAccess($itemName,$userId,$params=array())
return $this->checkAccessRecursive($itemName,$userId,$params,$assignments);
Performs access check for the specified user.
checkAccessRecursive() method (available since v1.1.3)
protected boolean checkAccessRecursive(string $itemName, mixed $userId, array $params, array $assignments) | ||
$itemName | string | the name of the operation that need access check |
$userId | mixed | the user ID. This should can be either an integer and a string representing the unique identifier of a user. See IWebUser::getId. |
$params | array | name-value pairs that would be passed to biz rules associated with the tasks and roles assigned to the user. Since version 1.1.11 a param with name 'userId' is added to this array, which holds the value of $userId . |
$assignments | array | the assignments to the specified user |
{return} | boolean | whether the operations can be performed by the user. |
protected function checkAccessRecursive($itemName,$userId,$params,$assignments)
return false;
Yii::trace('Checking permission "'.$item->getName().'"','system.web.auth.CDbAuthManager');
$params['userId'] = $userId;
return true;
return true;
->where('child=:name', array(':name'=>$itemName))
foreach($parents as $parent)
return true;
return false;
Performs access check for the specified user. This method is internally called by checkAccess.
clearAll() method
public void clearAll() |
public function clearAll()
Removes all authorization data.
clearAuthAssignments() method
public void clearAuthAssignments() |
public function clearAuthAssignments()
Removes all authorization assignments.
createAuthItem() method
public CAuthItem createAuthItem(string $name, integer $type, string $description='', string $bizRule=NULL, mixed $data=NULL) | ||
$name | string | the item name. This must be a unique identifier. |
$type | integer | the item type (0: operation, 1: task, 2: role). |
$description | string | description of the item |
$bizRule | string | business rule associated with the item. This is a piece of PHP code that will be executed when checkAccess is called for the item. |
$data | mixed | additional data associated with the item. |
{return} | CAuthItem | the authorization item |
public function createAuthItem($name,$type,$description='',$bizRule=null,$data=null)
->insert($this->itemTable, array(
return new CAuthItem($this,$name,$type,$description,$bizRule,$data);
Creates an authorization item. An authorization item represents an action permission (e.g. creating a post). It has three types: operation, task and role. Authorization items form a hierarchy. Higher level items inherit permissions representing by lower level items.
detectLoop() method
protected boolean detectLoop(string $itemName, string $childName) | ||
$itemName | string | parent item name |
$childName | string | the name of the child item that is to be added to the hierarchy |
{return} | boolean | whether a loop exists |
protected function detectLoop($itemName,$childName)
return true;
foreach($this->getItemChildren($childName) as $child)
return true;
return false;
Checks whether there is a loop in the authorization item hierarchy.
getAuthAssignment() method
public CAuthAssignment getAuthAssignment(string $itemName, mixed $userId) | ||
$itemName | string | the item name |
$userId | mixed | the user ID (see IWebUser::getId) |
{return} | CAuthAssignment | the item assignment information. Null is returned if the item is not assigned to the user. |
public function getAuthAssignment($itemName,$userId)
->where('itemname=:itemname AND userid=:userid', array(
return new CAuthAssignment($this,$row['itemname'],$row['userid'],$row['bizrule'],$data);
return null;
Returns the item assignment information.
getAuthAssignments() method
public array getAuthAssignments(mixed $userId) | ||
$userId | mixed | the user ID (see IWebUser::getId) |
{return} | array | the item assignment information for the user. An empty array will be returned if there is no item assigned to the user. |
public function getAuthAssignments($userId)
->where('userid=:userid', array(':userid'=>$userId))
foreach($rows as $row)
$assignments[$row['itemname']]=new CAuthAssignment($this,$row['itemname'],$row['userid'],$row['bizrule'],$data);
return $assignments;
Returns the item assignments for the specified user.
getAuthItem() method
public CAuthItem getAuthItem(string $name) | ||
$name | string | the name of the item |
{return} | CAuthItem | the authorization item. Null if the item cannot be found. |
public function getAuthItem($name)
->where('name=:name', array(':name'=>$name))
return new CAuthItem($this,$row['name'],$row['type'],$row['description'],$row['bizrule'],$data);
return null;
Returns the authorization item with the specified name.
getAuthItems() method
public array getAuthItems(integer $type=NULL, mixed $userId=NULL) | ||
$type | integer | the item type (0: operation, 1: task, 2: role). Defaults to null, meaning returning all items regardless of their type. |
$userId | mixed | the user ID. Defaults to null, meaning returning all items even if they are not assigned to a user. |
{return} | array | the authorization items of the specific type. |
public function getAuthItems($type=null,$userId=null)
if($type===null && $userId===null)
->where('type=:type', array(':type'=>$type));
$this->itemTable.' t1',
$this->assignmentTable.' t2'
->where('name=itemname AND userid=:userid', array(':userid'=>$userId));
$this->itemTable.' t1',
$this->assignmentTable.' t2'
->where('name=itemname AND type=:type AND userid=:userid', array(
foreach($command->queryAll() as $row)
$items[$row['name']]=new CAuthItem($this,$row['name'],$row['type'],$row['description'],$row['bizrule'],$data);
return $items;
Returns the authorization items of the specific type and user.
getDbConnection() method
protected CDbConnection getDbConnection() | ||
{return} | CDbConnection | the DB connection instance |
protected function getDbConnection()
return $this->db;
elseif(($this->db=Yii::app()->getComponent($this->connectionID)) instanceof CDbConnection)
return $this->db;
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CDbAuthManager.connectionID "{id}" is invalid. Please make sure it refers to the ID of a CDbConnection application component.',
getItemChildren() method
public array getItemChildren(mixed $names) | ||
$names | mixed | the parent item name. This can be either a string or an array. The latter represents a list of item names. |
{return} | array | all child items of the parent |
public function getItemChildren($names)
elseif(is_array($names) && $names!==array())
foreach($names as &$name)
$condition='parent IN ('.implode(', ',$names).')';
->select('name, type, description, bizrule, data')
->where($condition.' AND name=child')
foreach($rows as $row)
$children[$row['name']]=new CAuthItem($this,$row['name'],$row['type'],$row['description'],$row['bizrule'],$data);
return $children;
Returns the children of the specified item.
hasItemChild() method
public boolean hasItemChild(string $itemName, string $childName) | ||
$itemName | string | the parent item name |
$childName | string | the child item name |
{return} | boolean | whether the child exists |
public function hasItemChild($itemName,$childName)
return $this->db->createCommand()
->where('parent=:parent AND child=:child', array(
->queryScalar() !== false;
Returns a value indicating whether a child exists within a parent.
init() method
public void init() |
public function init()
Initializes the application component. This method overrides the parent implementation by establishing the database connection.
isAssigned() method
public boolean isAssigned(string $itemName, mixed $userId) | ||
$itemName | string | the item name |
$userId | mixed | the user ID (see IWebUser::getId) |
{return} | boolean | whether the item has been assigned to the user. |
public function isAssigned($itemName,$userId)
return $this->db->createCommand()
->where('itemname=:itemname AND userid=:userid', array(
->queryScalar() !== false;
Returns a value indicating whether the item has been assigned to the user.
removeAuthItem() method
public boolean removeAuthItem(string $name) | ||
$name | string | the name of the item to be removed |
{return} | boolean | whether the item exists in the storage and has been removed |
public function removeAuthItem($name)
->delete($this->itemChildTable, 'parent=:name1 OR child=:name2', array(
->delete($this->assignmentTable, 'itemname=:name', array(
return $this->db->createCommand()
->delete($this->itemTable, 'name=:name', array(
)) > 0;
Removes the specified authorization item.
removeItemChild() method
public boolean removeItemChild(string $itemName, string $childName) | ||
$itemName | string | the parent item name |
$childName | string | the child item name |
{return} | boolean | whether the removal is successful |
public function removeItemChild($itemName,$childName)
return $this->db->createCommand()
->delete($this->itemChildTable, 'parent=:parent AND child=:child', array(
)) > 0;
Removes a child from its parent. Note, the child item is not deleted. Only the parent-child relationship is removed.
revoke() method
public boolean revoke(string $itemName, mixed $userId) | ||
$itemName | string | the item name |
$userId | mixed | the user ID (see IWebUser::getId) |
{return} | boolean | whether removal is successful |
public function revoke($itemName,$userId)
return $this->db->createCommand()
->delete($this->assignmentTable, 'itemname=:itemname AND userid=:userid', array(
)) > 0;
Revokes an authorization assignment from a user.
save() method
public void save() |
Saves the authorization data to persistent storage.
saveAuthAssignment() method
public void saveAuthAssignment(CAuthAssignment $assignment) | ||
$assignment | CAuthAssignment | the assignment that has been changed. |
public function saveAuthAssignment($assignment)
->update($this->assignmentTable, array(
), 'itemname=:itemname AND userid=:userid', array(
Saves the changes to an authorization assignment.
saveAuthItem() method
public void saveAuthItem(CAuthItem $item, string $oldName=NULL) | ||
$item | CAuthItem | the item to be saved. |
$oldName | string | the old item name. If null, it means the item name is not changed. |
public function saveAuthItem($item,$oldName=null)
if($this->usingSqlite() && $oldName!==null && $item->getName()!==$oldName)
->update($this->itemChildTable, array(
), 'parent=:whereName', array(
->update($this->itemChildTable, array(
), 'child=:whereName', array(
->update($this->assignmentTable, array(
), 'itemname=:whereName', array(
->update($this->itemTable, array(
), 'name=:whereName', array(
Saves an authorization item to persistent storage.
usingSqlite() method
protected boolean usingSqlite() | ||
{return} | boolean | whether the database is a SQLite database |
protected function usingSqlite()
return $this->_usingSqlite;
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