Package | system.web.widgets |
Inheritance | class CActiveForm » CWidget » CBaseController » CComponent |
Subclasses | CCodeForm |
Since | 1.1.1 |
Source Code | framework/web/widgets/CActiveForm.php |
The 'beginWidget' and 'endWidget' call of CActiveForm widget will render the open and close form tags. Most other methods of CActiveForm are wrappers of the corresponding 'active' methods in CHtml. Calling them in between the 'beginWidget' and 'endWidget' calls will render text labels, input fields, etc. For example, calling CActiveForm::textField would generate an input field for a specified model attribute.
What makes CActiveForm extremely useful is its support for data validation. CActiveForm supports data validation at three levels:
- server-side validation: the validation is performed at server side after the whole page containing the form is submitted. If there is any validation error, CActiveForm will render the error in the page back to user.
- AJAX-based validation: when the user enters data into an input field, an AJAX request is triggered which requires server-side validation. The validation result is sent back in AJAX response and the input field changes its appearance accordingly.
- client-side validation (available since version 1.1.7): when the user enters data into an input field, validation is performed on the client side using JavaScript. No server contact will be made, which reduces the workload on the server.
All these validations share the same set of validation rules declared in the associated model class. CActiveForm is designed in such a way that all these validations will lead to the same user interface changes and error message content.
To ensure data validity, server-side validation is always performed. By setting enableAjaxValidation to true, one can enable AJAX-based validation; and by setting enableClientValidation to true, one can enable client-side validation. Note that in order to make the latter two validations work, the user's browser must has its JavaScript enabled. If not, only the server-side validation will be performed.
The AJAX-based validation and client-side validation may be used together or separately. For example, in a user registration form, one may use AJAX-based validation to check if the user has picked a unique username, and use client-side validation to ensure all required fields are entered with data. Because the AJAX-based validation may bring extra workload on the server, if possible, one should mainly use client-side validation.
The AJAX-based validation has a few limitations. First, it does not work with file upload fields. Second, it should not be used to perform validations that may cause server-side state changes. Third, it is not designed to work with tabular data input for the moment.
Support for client-side validation varies for different validators. A validator will support client-side validation only if it implements CValidator::clientValidateAttribute and has its CValidator::enableClientValidation property set true. At this moment, the following core validators support client-side validation:
- CBooleanValidator
- CCaptchaValidator
- CCompareValidator
- CEmailValidator
- CNumberValidator
- CRangeValidator
- CRegularExpressionValidator
- CRequiredValidator
- CStringValidator
- CUrlValidator
CActiveForm relies on CSS to customize the appearance of input fields which are in different validation states. In particular, each input field may be one of the four states: initial (not validated), validating, error and success. To differentiate these states, CActiveForm automatically assigns different CSS classes for the last three states to the HTML element containing the input field. By default, these CSS classes are named as 'validating', 'error' and 'success', respectively. We may customize these CSS classes by configuring the clientOptions property or specifying in the error method.
The following is a piece of sample view code showing how to use CActiveForm:
<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array( 'id'=>'user-form', 'enableAjaxValidation'=>true, 'enableClientValidation'=>true, 'focus'=>array($model,'firstName'), )); ?> <?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'firstName'); ?> <?php echo $form->textField($model,'firstName'); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model,'firstName'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'lastName'); ?> <?php echo $form->textField($model,'lastName'); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model,'lastName'); ?> </div> <?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
To respond to the AJAX validation requests, we need the following class code:
public function actionCreate() { $model=new User; $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if(isset($_POST['User'])) { $model->attributes=$_POST['User']; if($model->save()) $this->redirect('index'); } $this->render('create',array('model'=>$model)); } protected function performAjaxValidation($model) { if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='user-form') { echo CActiveForm::validate($model); Yii::app()->end(); } }
In the above code, if we do not enable the AJAX-based validation, we can remove the
method and its invocation.Public Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
action | mixed | the form action URL (see CHtml::normalizeUrl for details about this parameter). | CActiveForm |
actionPrefix | string | the prefix to the IDs of the actions. | CWidget |
clientOptions | array | the options to be passed to the javascript validation plugin. | CActiveForm |
controller | CController | Returns the controller that this widget belongs to. | CWidget |
enableAjaxValidation | boolean | whether to enable data validation via AJAX. | CActiveForm |
enableClientValidation | boolean | whether to enable client-side data validation. | CActiveForm |
errorMessageCssClass | string | the CSS class name for error messages. | CActiveForm |
focus | mixed | form element to get initial input focus on page load. | CActiveForm |
htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes that should be rendered for the form tag. | CActiveForm |
id | string | Returns the ID of the widget or generates a new one if requested. | CWidget |
method | string | the form submission method. | CActiveForm |
owner | CBaseController | Returns the owner/creator of this widget. | CWidget |
skin | mixed | the name of the skin to be used by this widget. | CWidget |
stateful | boolean | whether to generate a stateful form (See CHtml::statefulForm). | CActiveForm |
viewPath | string | Returns the directory containing the view files for this widget. | CWidget |
Protected Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
attributes | array | the javascript options for model attributes (input ID => options) | CActiveForm |
summaryID | string | the ID of the container element for error summary | CActiveForm |
Public Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
__call() | Calls the named method which is not a class method. | CComponent |
__construct() | Constructor. | CWidget |
__get() | Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. | CComponent |
__isset() | Checks if a property value is null. | CComponent |
__set() | Sets value of a component property. | CComponent |
__unset() | Sets a component property to be null. | CComponent |
actions() | Returns a list of actions that are used by this widget. | CWidget |
asa() | Returns the named behavior object. | CComponent |
attachBehavior() | Attaches a behavior to this component. | CComponent |
attachBehaviors() | Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. | CComponent |
attachEventHandler() | Attaches an event handler to an event. | CComponent |
beginCache() | Begins fragment caching. | CBaseController |
beginClip() | Begins recording a clip. | CBaseController |
beginContent() | Begins the rendering of content that is to be decorated by the specified view. | CBaseController |
beginWidget() | Creates a widget and executes it. | CBaseController |
canGetProperty() | Determines whether a property can be read. | CComponent |
canSetProperty() | Determines whether a property can be set. | CComponent |
checkBox() | Renders a checkbox for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
checkBoxList() | Renders a checkbox list for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
colorField() | Renders a color picker field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
createWidget() | Creates a widget and initializes it. | CBaseController |
dateField() | Renders a date field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
dateTimeField() | Renders a datetime field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
dateTimeLocalField() | Renders a local datetime field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
detachBehavior() | Detaches a behavior from the component. | CComponent |
detachBehaviors() | Detaches all behaviors from the component. | CComponent |
detachEventHandler() | Detaches an existing event handler. | CComponent |
disableBehavior() | Disables an attached behavior. | CComponent |
disableBehaviors() | Disables all behaviors attached to this component. | CComponent |
dropDownList() | Renders a dropdown list for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
emailField() | Renders an email field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
enableBehavior() | Enables an attached behavior. | CComponent |
enableBehaviors() | Enables all behaviors attached to this component. | CComponent |
endCache() | Ends fragment caching. | CBaseController |
endClip() | Ends recording a clip. | CBaseController |
endContent() | Ends the rendering of content. | CBaseController |
endWidget() | Ends the execution of the named widget. | CBaseController |
error() | Displays the first validation error for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
errorSummary() | Displays a summary of validation errors for one or several models. | CActiveForm |
evaluateExpression() | Evaluates a PHP expression or callback under the context of this component. | CComponent |
fileField() | Renders a file field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
getController() | Returns the controller that this widget belongs to. | CWidget |
getEventHandlers() | Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. | CComponent |
getId() | Returns the ID of the widget or generates a new one if requested. | CWidget |
getOwner() | Returns the owner/creator of this widget. | CWidget |
getViewFile() | Looks for the view script file according to the view name. | CWidget |
getViewPath() | Returns the directory containing the view files for this widget. | CWidget |
hasEvent() | Determines whether an event is defined. | CComponent |
hasEventHandler() | Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. | CComponent |
hasProperty() | Determines whether a property is defined. | CComponent |
init() | Initializes the widget. | CActiveForm |
label() | Renders an HTML label for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
labelEx() | Renders an HTML label for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
listBox() | Renders a list box for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
numberField() | Renders a number field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
passwordField() | Renders a password field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
radioButton() | Renders a radio button for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
radioButtonList() | Renders a radio button list for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
raiseEvent() | Raises an event. | CComponent |
rangeField() | Generates a range field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
render() | Renders a view. | CWidget |
renderFile() | Renders a view file. | CBaseController |
renderInternal() | Renders a view file. | CBaseController |
run() | Runs the widget. | CActiveForm |
searchField() | Renders a search field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
setId() | Sets the ID of the widget. | CWidget |
telField() | Renders a tel field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
textArea() | Renders a text area for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
textField() | Renders a text field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
timeField() | Renders a time field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
urlField() | Renders a url field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
validate() | Validates one or several models and returns the results in JSON format. | CActiveForm |
validateTabular() | Validates an array of model instances and returns the results in JSON format. | CActiveForm |
weekField() | Renders a week field for a model attribute. | CActiveForm |
widget() | Creates a widget and executes it. | CBaseController |
Property Details
action property
public mixed $action;
the form action URL (see CHtml::normalizeUrl for details about this parameter). If not set, the current page URL is used.
attributes property (available since v1.1.7)
protected array $attributes;
the javascript options for model attributes (input ID => options)
See Also
clientOptions property
public array $clientOptions;
the options to be passed to the javascript validation plugin. The following options are supported:
- ajaxVar: string, the name of the parameter indicating the request is an AJAX request. When the AJAX validation is triggered, a parameter named as this property will be sent together with the other form data to the server. The parameter value is the form ID. The server side can then detect who triggers the AJAX validation and react accordingly. Defaults to 'ajax'.
- validationUrl: string, the URL that performs the AJAX validations. If not set, it will take the value of action.
- validationDelay: integer, the number of milliseconds that an AJAX validation should be delayed after an input is changed. A value 0 means the validation will be triggered immediately when an input is changed. A value greater than 0 means changing several inputs may only trigger a single validation if they happen fast enough, which may help reduce the server load. Defaults to 200 (0.2 second).
- validateOnSubmit: boolean, whether to perform AJAX validation when the form is being submitted. If there are any validation errors, the form submission will be stopped. Defaults to false.
- validateOnChange: boolean, whether to trigger an AJAX validation each time when an input's value is changed. You may want to turn this off if it causes too much performance impact, because each AJAX validation request will submit the data of the whole form. Defaults to true.
- validateOnType: boolean, whether to trigger an AJAX validation each time when the user presses a key. When setting this property to be true, you should tune up the 'validationDelay' option to avoid triggering too many AJAX validations. Defaults to false.
- hideErrorMessage: boolean, whether to hide the error message even if there is an error. Defaults to false, which means the error message will show up whenever the input has an error.
- inputContainer: string, the jQuery selector for the HTML element containing the input field. During the validation process, CActiveForm will set different CSS class for the container element to indicate the state change. If not set, it means the closest 'div' element that contains the input field.
- errorCssClass: string, the CSS class to be assigned to the container whose associated input has AJAX validation error. Defaults to 'error'.
- successCssClass: string, the CSS class to be assigned to the container whose associated input passes AJAX validation without any error. Defaults to 'success'.
- validatingCssClass: string, the CSS class to be assigned to the container whose associated input is currently being validated via AJAX. Defaults to 'validating'.
- errorMessageCssClass: string, the CSS class assigned to the error messages returned by AJAX validations. Defaults to 'errorMessage'.
- beforeValidate: function, the function that will be invoked before performing ajax-based validation triggered by form submission action (available only when validateOnSubmit is set true). The expected function signature should be
beforeValidate(form) {...}
, where 'form' is the jquery representation of the form object. If the return value of this function is NOT true, the validation will be cancelled.
Note that because this option refers to a js function, you should wrap the value with CJavaScriptExpression to prevent it from being encoded as a string. This option has been available since version 1.1.3. - afterValidate: function, the function that will be invoked after performing ajax-based validation triggered by form submission action (available only when validateOnSubmit is set true). The expected function signature should be
afterValidate(form, data, hasError) {...}
, where 'form' is the jquery representation of the form object; 'data' is the JSON response from the server-side validation; 'hasError' is a boolean value indicating whether there is any validation error. If the return value of this function is NOT true, the normal form submission will be cancelled.
Note that because this option refers to a js function, you should wrap the value with CJavaScriptExpression to prevent it from being encoded as a string. This option has been available since version 1.1.3. - beforeValidateAttribute: function, the function that will be invoked before performing ajax-based validation triggered by a single attribute input change. The expected function signature should be
beforeValidateAttribute(form, attribute) {...}
, where 'form' is the jquery representation of the form object and 'attribute' refers to the js options for the triggering attribute (see error). If the return value of this function is NOT true, the validation will be cancelled.
Note that because this option refers to a js function, you should wrap the value with CJavaScriptExpression to prevent it from being encoded as a string. This option has been available since version 1.1.3. - afterValidateAttribute: function, the function that will be invoked after performing ajax-based validation triggered by a single attribute input change. The expected function signature should be
afterValidateAttribute(form, attribute, data, hasError) {...}
, where 'form' is the jquery representation of the form object; 'attribute' refers to the js options for the triggering attribute (see error); 'data' is the JSON response from the server-side validation; 'hasError' is a boolean value indicating whether there is any validation error.
Note that because this option refers to a js function, you should wrap the value with CJavaScriptExpression to prevent it from being encoded as a string. This option has been available since version 1.1.3.
Some of the above options may be overridden in individual calls of error(). They include: validationDelay, validateOnChange, validateOnType, hideErrorMessage, inputContainer, errorCssClass, successCssClass, validatingCssClass, beforeValidateAttribute, afterValidateAttribute.
enableAjaxValidation property
public boolean $enableAjaxValidation;
whether to enable data validation via AJAX. Defaults to false. When this property is set true, you should respond to the AJAX validation request on the server side as shown below:
public function actionCreate() { $model=new User; if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='user-form') { echo CActiveForm::validate($model); Yii::app()->end(); } ...... }
enableClientValidation property (available since v1.1.7)
public boolean $enableClientValidation;
whether to enable client-side data validation. Defaults to false.
When this property is set true, client-side validation will be performed by validators that support it (see CValidator::enableClientValidation and CValidator::clientValidateAttribute).
See Also
errorMessageCssClass property
public string $errorMessageCssClass;
the CSS class name for error messages. Since 1.1.14 this defaults to 'errorMessage' defined in CHtml::$errorMessageCss. Individual error call may override this value by specifying the 'class' HTML option.
focus property (available since v1.1.4)
public mixed $focus;
form element to get initial input focus on page load.
Defaults to null meaning no input field has a focus. If set as array, first element should be model and second element should be the attribute. If set as string any jQuery selector can be used
Example - set input focus on page load to:
- 'focus'=>array($model,'username') - $model->username input filed
- 'focus'=>'#'.CHtml::activeId($model,'username') - $model->username input field
- 'focus'=>'#LoginForm_username' - input field with ID LoginForm_username
- 'focus'=>'input[type="text"]:first' - first input element of type text
- 'focus'=>'input:visible:enabled:first' - first visible and enabled input element
- 'focus'=>'input:text[value=""]:first' - first empty input
htmlOptions property
public array $htmlOptions;
additional HTML attributes that should be rendered for the form tag.
method property
public string $method;
the form submission method. This should be either 'post' or 'get'. Defaults to 'post'.
stateful property
public boolean $stateful;
whether to generate a stateful form (See CHtml::statefulForm). Defaults to false.
summaryID property (available since v1.1.7)
protected string $summaryID;
the ID of the container element for error summary
See Also
Method Details
checkBox() method
public string checkBox(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated check box |
public function checkBox($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeCheckBox($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a checkbox for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeCheckBox. Please check CHtml::activeCheckBox for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
checkBoxList() method
public string checkBoxList(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $data, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$data | array | value-label pairs used to generate the check box list. |
$htmlOptions | array | addtional HTML options. |
{return} | string | the generated check box list |
public function checkBoxList($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeCheckBoxList($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions);
Renders a checkbox list for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeCheckBoxList. Please check CHtml::activeCheckBoxList for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
colorField() method (available since v1.1.16)
public string colorField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function colorField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeColorField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a color picker field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeColorField. Please check CHtml::activeColorField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
dateField() method (available since v1.1.11)
public string dateField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function dateField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeDateField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a date field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeDateField. Please check CHtml::activeDateField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
dateTimeField() method (available since v1.1.16)
public string dateTimeField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function dateTimeField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeDateTimeField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a datetime field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeDateTimeField. Please check CHtml::activeDateTimeField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
dateTimeLocalField() method (available since v1.1.16)
public string dateTimeLocalField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function dateTimeLocalField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeDateTimeLocalField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a local datetime field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeDateTimeLocalField. Please check CHtml::activeDateTimeLocalField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
dropDownList() method
public string dropDownList(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $data, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$data | array | data for generating the list options (value=>display) |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated drop down list |
public function dropDownList($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeDropDownList($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions);
Renders a dropdown list for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeDropDownList. Please check CHtml::activeDropDownList for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
emailField() method (available since v1.1.11)
public string emailField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function emailField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeEmailField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders an email field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeEmailField. Please check CHtml::activeEmailField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
error() method
public string error(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( ), boolean $enableAjaxValidation=true, boolean $enableClientValidation=true) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute name |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes to be rendered in the container div tag. Besides all those options available in CHtml::error, the following options are recognized in addition:
Example: <div class="form-element"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'attribute'); ?> <?php echo $form->textField($model,'attribute', array('id'=>'custom-id')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model,'attribute',array('inputID'=>'custom-id')); ?> </div> When client-side validation is enabled, an option named "clientValidation" is also recognized. This option should take a piece of JavaScript code to perform client-side validation. In the code, the variables are predefined:
$enableAjaxValidation | boolean | whether to enable AJAX validation for the specified attribute. Note that in order to enable AJAX validation, both enableAjaxValidation and this parameter must be true. |
$enableClientValidation | boolean | whether to enable client-side validation for the specified attribute. Note that in order to enable client-side validation, both enableClientValidation and this parameter must be true. This parameter has been available since version 1.1.7. |
{return} | string | the validation result (error display or success message). |
public function error($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array(),$enableAjaxValidation=true,$enableClientValidation=true)
if(!$enableAjaxValidation && !$enableClientValidation)
return CHtml::error($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
$inputID=isset($htmlOptions['inputID']) ? $htmlOptions['inputID'] : $id;
foreach($optionNames as $name)
if($model instanceof CActiveRecord && !$model->isNewRecord)
$validators=isset($htmlOptions['clientValidation']) ? array($htmlOptions['clientValidation']) : array();
$attributeName = $attribute;
if(($pos=strrpos($attribute,']'))!==false && $pos!==strlen($attribute)-1) // e.g. [a]name
foreach($model->getValidators($attributeName) as $validator)
$option['clientValidation']=new CJavaScriptExpression("function(value, messages, attribute) {\n".implode("\n",$validators)."\n}");
if(empty($option['hideErrorMessage']) && empty($this->clientOptions['hideErrorMessage']))
return $html;
Displays the first validation error for a model attribute. This is similar to CHtml::error except that it registers the model attribute so that if its value is changed by users, an AJAX validation may be triggered.
See Also
errorSummary() method
public string errorSummary(mixed $models, string $header=NULL, string $footer=NULL, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$models | mixed | the models whose input errors are to be displayed. This can be either a single model or an array of models. |
$header | string | a piece of HTML code that appears in front of the errors |
$footer | string | a piece of HTML code that appears at the end of the errors |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes to be rendered in the container div tag. |
{return} | string | the error summary. Empty if no errors are found. |
public function errorSummary($models,$header=null,$footer=null,$htmlOptions=array())
if(!$this->enableAjaxValidation && !$this->enableClientValidation)
return CHtml::errorSummary($models,$header,$footer,$htmlOptions);
$header='<p>'.Yii::t('yii','Please fix the following input errors:').'</p>';
$htmlOptions['style']=isset($htmlOptions['style']) ? rtrim($htmlOptions['style'],';').';display:none' : 'display:none';
foreach(is_array($models) ? $models : array($models) as $model)
foreach($model->getSafeAttributeNames() as $attribute)
return $html;
Displays a summary of validation errors for one or several models. This method is very similar to CHtml::errorSummary except that it also works when AJAX validation is performed.
See Also
fileField() method
public string fileField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function fileField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeFileField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a file field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeFileField. Please check CHtml::activeFileField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
hiddenField() method
public string hiddenField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function hiddenField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeHiddenField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a hidden field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeHiddenField. Please check CHtml::activeHiddenField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
init() method
public void init() |
public function init()
echo CHtml::statefulForm($this->action, $this->method, $this->htmlOptions);
echo CHtml::beginForm($this->action, $this->method, $this->htmlOptions);
Initializes the widget. This renders the form open tag.
label() method
public string label(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated label tag |
public function label($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeLabel($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders an HTML label for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeLabel. Please check CHtml::activeLabel for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
labelEx() method
public string labelEx(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated label tag |
public function labelEx($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeLabelEx($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders an HTML label for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeLabelEx. Please check CHtml::activeLabelEx for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
listBox() method
public string listBox(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $data, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$data | array | data for generating the list options (value=>display) |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated list box |
public function listBox($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeListBox($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions);
Renders a list box for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeListBox. Please check CHtml::activeListBox for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
numberField() method (available since v1.1.11)
public string numberField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function numberField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeNumberField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a number field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeNumberField. Please check CHtml::activeNumberField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
passwordField() method
public string passwordField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function passwordField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activePasswordField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a password field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activePasswordField. Please check CHtml::activePasswordField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
radioButton() method
public string radioButton(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated radio button |
public function radioButton($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeRadioButton($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a radio button for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeRadioButton. Please check CHtml::activeRadioButton for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
radioButtonList() method
public string radioButtonList(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $data, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$data | array | value-label pairs used to generate the radio button list. |
$htmlOptions | array | addtional HTML options. |
{return} | string | the generated radio button list |
public function radioButtonList($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeRadioButtonList($model,$attribute,$data,$htmlOptions);
Renders a radio button list for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeRadioButtonList. Please check CHtml::activeRadioButtonList for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
rangeField() method (available since v1.1.11)
public string rangeField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function rangeField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeRangeField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Generates a range field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeRangeField. Please check CHtml::activeRangeField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
run() method
public void run() |
public function run()
echo CHtml::endForm();
if(!$this->enableAjaxValidation && !$this->enableClientValidation || empty($this->attributes))
if(isset($this->clientOptions['validationUrl']) && is_array($this->clientOptions['validationUrl']))
foreach($this->_summaryAttributes as $attribute)
Runs the widget. This registers the necessary javascript code and renders the form close tag.
searchField() method (available since v1.1.14)
public string searchField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function searchField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeSearchField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a search field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeSearchField. Please check CHtml::activeSearchField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
telField() method (available since v1.1.14)
public string telField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function telField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeTelField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a tel field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeTelField. Please check CHtml::activeTelField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
textArea() method
public string textArea(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated text area |
public function textArea($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeTextArea($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a text area for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeTextArea. Please check CHtml::activeTextArea for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
textField() method
public string textField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function textField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeTextField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a text field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeTextField. Please check CHtml::activeTextField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
timeField() method (available since v1.1.14)
public string timeField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function timeField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeTimeField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a time field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeTimeField. Please check CHtml::activeTimeField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
urlField() method (available since v1.1.11)
public string urlField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function urlField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeUrlField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a url field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeUrlField. Please check CHtml::activeUrlField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
validate() method
public static string validate(mixed $models, array $attributes=NULL, boolean $loadInput=true) | ||
$models | mixed | a single model instance or an array of models. |
$attributes | array | list of attributes that should be validated. Defaults to null, meaning any attribute listed in the applicable validation rules of the models should be validated. If this parameter is given as a list of attributes, only the listed attributes will be validated. |
$loadInput | boolean | whether to load the data from $_POST array in this method. If this is true, the model will be populated from $_POST[ModelClass] . |
{return} | string | the JSON representation of the validation error messages. |
public static function validate($models, $attributes=null, $loadInput=true)
foreach($models as $model)
if($loadInput && isset($_POST[$modelName]))
foreach($model->getErrors() as $attribute=>$errors)
return function_exists('json_encode') ? json_encode($result) : CJSON::encode($result);
Validates one or several models and returns the results in JSON format. This is a helper method that simplifies the way of writing AJAX validation code.
validateTabular() method
public static string validateTabular(mixed $models, array $attributes=NULL, boolean $loadInput=true) | ||
$models | mixed | an array of model instances. |
$attributes | array | list of attributes that should be validated. Defaults to null, meaning any attribute listed in the applicable validation rules of the models should be validated. If this parameter is given as a list of attributes, only the listed attributes will be validated. |
$loadInput | boolean | whether to load the data from $_POST array in this method. If this is true, the model will be populated from $_POST[ModelClass][$i] . |
{return} | string | the JSON representation of the validation error messages. |
public static function validateTabular($models, $attributes=null, $loadInput=true)
foreach($models as $i=>$model)
if($loadInput && isset($_POST[$modelName][$i]))
foreach($model->getErrors() as $attribute=>$errors)
return function_exists('json_encode') ? json_encode($result) : CJSON::encode($result);
Validates an array of model instances and returns the results in JSON format. This is a helper method that simplifies the way of writing AJAX validation code for tabular input.
weekField() method (available since v1.1.16)
public string weekField(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlOptions=array ( )) | ||
$model | CModel | the data model |
$attribute | string | the attribute |
$htmlOptions | array | additional HTML attributes. |
{return} | string | the generated input field |
public function weekField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeWeekField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
Renders a week field for a model attribute. This method is a wrapper of CHtml::activeWeekField. Please check CHtml::activeWeekField for detailed information about the parameters for this method.
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Licensed under the three clause BSD license.