Describes a set of TPU devices.
tf.tpu.experimental.Topology( serialized=None, mesh_shape=None, device_coordinates=None )
Represents both the shape of the physical mesh, and the mapping between TensorFlow TPU devices to physical mesh coordinates.
Args | |
serialized | A serialized TopologyProto , or None . If not None , the serialized proto is parsed to discover the topology. |
mesh_shape | A sequence of 4 positive integers, or None . If not None , the shape of the TPU topology, in number of cores. Ignored if serialized is not None . |
device_coordinates | A rank 4 numpy array that describes the mapping from TensorFlow TPU devices to TPU fabric coordinates, or None . Ignored if serialized is not None`. |
Raises | |
ValueError | If serialized does not describe a well-formed topology. |
ValueError | If serialized is None and mesh_shape is not a sequence of 4 positive integers. |
ValueError | If serialized is None and device_coordinates is not a rank 4 numpy int32 array that describes a valid coordinate mapping. |
Attributes | |
device_coordinates | Describes the mapping from TPU devices to topology coordinates. |
mesh_rank | Returns the number of dimensions in the mesh. |
mesh_shape | A rank 1 int32 array describing the shape of the TPU topology. |
missing_devices | Array of indices of missing devices. |
num_tasks | Returns the number of TensorFlow tasks in the TPU slice. |
num_tpus_per_task | Returns the number of TPU devices per task in the TPU slice. |
cpu_device_name_at_coordinates( device_coordinates, job=None )
Returns the CPU device attached to a logical core.
Returns the serialized form of the topology.
task_ordinal_at_coordinates( device_coordinates )
Returns the TensorFlow task number attached to device_coordinates
Args | |
device_coordinates | An integer sequence describing a device's physical coordinates in the TPU fabric. |
Returns | |
Returns the TensorFlow task number that contains the TPU device with those physical coordinates. |
tpu_device_name_at_coordinates( device_coordinates, job=None )
Returns the name of the TPU device assigned to a logical core.
tpu_device_ordinal_at_coordinates( device_coordinates )
Returns the TensorFlow device number at device_coordinates
Args | |
device_coordinates | An integer sequence describing a device's physical coordinates in the TPU fabric. |
Returns | |
Returns the TensorFlow device number within the task corresponding to attached to the device with those physical coordinates. |
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