module Syslog

The syslog package provides a Ruby interface to the POSIX system logging facility.

Syslog messages are typically passed to a central logging daemon. The daemon may filter them; route them into different files (usually found under /var/log); place them in SQL databases; forward them to centralized logging servers via TCP or UDP; or even alert the system administrator via email, pager or text message.

Unlike application-level logging via Logger or Log4r, syslog is designed to allow secure tamper-proof logging.

The syslog protocol is standardized in RFC 5424.

Public Class Methods

close() Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_close(VALUE self)
    if (!syslog_opened) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "syslog not opened");


    xfree((void *)syslog_ident);
    syslog_ident = NULL;
    syslog_options = syslog_facility = syslog_mask = -1;
    syslog_opened = 0;

    return Qnil;

Closes the syslog facility. Raises a runtime exception if it is not open.

facility() Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_facility(VALUE self)
    return syslog_opened ? INT2NUM(syslog_facility) : Qnil;

Returns the facility number used in the last call to open()

ident() Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_ident(VALUE self)
    return syslog_opened ? rb_str_new2(syslog_ident) : Qnil;

Returns the identity string used in the last call to open()

inspect() Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_inspect(VALUE self)
    Check_Type(self, T_MODULE);

    if (!syslog_opened)
        return rb_sprintf("<#%"PRIsVALUE": opened=false>", self);

    return rb_sprintf("<#%"PRIsVALUE": opened=true, ident=\"%s\", options=%d, facility=%d, mask=%d>",

Returns an inspect() string summarizing the object state.

instance() Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_instance(VALUE self)
    return self;

Returns self, for backward compatibility.

log(priority, format_string, *format_args) Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_log(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE pri;

    rb_check_arity(argc, 2, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS);

    pri = *argv++;

    if (!FIXNUM_P(pri)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %"PRIsVALUE" given", rb_obj_class(pri));

    syslog_write(FIX2INT(pri), argc, argv);

    return self;

Log a message with the specified priority. Example:

Syslog.log(Syslog::LOG_CRIT, "Out of disk space")
Syslog.log(Syslog::LOG_CRIT, "User %s logged in", ENV['USER'])

The priority levels, in descending order, are:


System is unusable


Action needs to be taken immediately


A critical condition has occurred


An error occurred


Warning of a possible problem


A normal but significant condition occurred


Informational message


Debugging information

Each priority level also has a shortcut method that logs with it's named priority. As an example, the two following statements would produce the same result:

Syslog.log(Syslog::LOG_ALERT, "Out of memory")
Syslog.alert("Out of memory")

Format strings are as for printf/sprintf, except that in addition %m is replaced with the error message string that would be returned by strerror(errno).

mask() Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_get_mask(VALUE self)
    return syslog_opened ? INT2NUM(syslog_mask) : Qnil;

Returns the log priority mask in effect. The mask is not reset by opening or closing syslog.

mask=(priority_mask) Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_set_mask(VALUE self, VALUE mask)
    if (!syslog_opened) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "must open syslog before setting log mask");

    setlogmask(syslog_mask = NUM2INT(mask));

    return mask;

Sets the log priority mask. A method LOG_UPTO is defined to make it easier to set mask values. Example:

Syslog.mask = Syslog::LOG_UPTO(Syslog::LOG_ERR)

Alternatively, specific priorities can be selected and added together using binary OR. Example:

Syslog.mask = Syslog::LOG_MASK(Syslog::LOG_ERR) | Syslog::LOG_MASK(Syslog::LOG_CRIT)

The priority mask persists through calls to open() and close().

open(ident, options, facility) → syslog Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_open(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE ident, opt, fac;
    const char *ident_ptr;

    if (syslog_opened) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "syslog already open");

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &ident, &opt, &fac);

    if (NIL_P(ident)) {
        ident = rb_gv_get("$0");
    ident_ptr = StringValueCStr(ident);
    syslog_ident = strdup(ident_ptr);

    if (NIL_P(opt)) {
        syslog_options = LOG_PID | LOG_CONS;
    } else {
        syslog_options = NUM2INT(opt);

    if (NIL_P(fac)) {
        syslog_facility = LOG_USER;
    } else {
        syslog_facility = NUM2INT(fac);

    openlog(syslog_ident, syslog_options, syslog_facility);

    syslog_opened = 1;

    setlogmask(syslog_mask = setlogmask(0));

    /* be like {...} */
    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
        rb_ensure(rb_yield, self, mSyslog_close, self);

    return self;

Open the syslog facility. Raises a runtime exception if it is already open.

Can be called with or without a code block. If called with a block, the Syslog object created is passed to the block.

If the syslog is already open, raises a RuntimeError.

ident is a String which identifies the calling program.

options is the logical OR of any of the following:


If there is an error while sending to the system logger, write directly to the console instead.


Open the connection now, rather than waiting for the first message to be written.


Don't wait for any child processes created while logging messages. (Has no effect on Linux.)


Opposite of LOG_NDELAY; wait until a message is sent before opening the connection. (This is the default.)


Print the message to stderr as well as sending it to syslog. (Not in POSIX.1-2001.)


Include the current process ID with each message.

facility describes the type of program opening the syslog, and is the logical OR of any of the following which are defined for the host OS:


Security or authorization. Deprecated, use LOG_AUTHPRIV instead.


Security or authorization messages which should be kept private.


System console message.


System task scheduler (cron or at).


A system daemon which has no facility value of its own.


An FTP server.


A kernel message (not sendable by user processes, so not of much use to Ruby, but listed here for completeness).


Line printer subsystem.


Mail delivery or transport subsystem.


Usenet news system.


Network Time Protocol server.


General security message.


Messages generated internally by syslog.


Generic user-level message.


UUCP subsystem.


Locally-defined facilities.

Example:"webrick", Syslog::LOG_PID,
            Syslog::LOG_DAEMON | Syslog::LOG_LOCAL3)
reopen(ident, options, facility) → syslog Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_reopen(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)

    return mSyslog_open(argc, argv, self);

Closes and then reopens the syslog.

Arguments are the same as for open().

opened? Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_isopen(VALUE self)
    return syslog_opened ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

Returns true if the syslog is open.

options() Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_options(VALUE self)
    return syslog_opened ? INT2NUM(syslog_options) : Qnil;

Returns the options bitmask used in the last call to open()

reopen(ident, options, facility) → syslog Show source
static VALUE mSyslog_reopen(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)

    return mSyslog_open(argc, argv, self);

Closes and then reopens the syslog.

Arguments are the same as for open().

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Licensed under the Ruby License.
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