Widgets Classes
The Widget Classes
The following sections list the widget classes. See the Qt Widget Gallery for some examples.
Basic Widget Classes
These basic widgets (controls), e.g. buttons, comboboxes and scroll bars, are designed for direct use.
The base class of all user interface objects |
Checkbox with a text label |
Combined button and popup list |
Vista style command link button |
Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget |
Widget for editing dates and times |
Widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget |
Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer) |
Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area |
Combobox that lets the user select a font family |
Text or image display |
Displays a number with LCD-like digits |
One-line text editor |
Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus |
Horizontal or vertical progress bar |
Command button |
Radio button with a text label |
Scrolling view onto another widget |
Vertical or horizontal scroll bar |
Resize handle for resizing top-level windows |
Vertical or horizontal slider |
Spin box widget that takes doubles |
Spin box widget |
Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs |
Stack of tabbed widgets |
Column of tabbed widget items |
Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar |
Advanced Widget Classes
Advanced GUI widgets, e.g. tab widgets and progress bars, provide more complex user interface controls.
Model/view implementation of a column view |
Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets |
List or icon view onto a model |
Default model/view implementation of a table view |
Default model/view implementation of a tree view |
Displays the contents of a QUndoStack |
Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date |
Widget for macOS that can be used to wrap arbitrary Cocoa views (i.e., NSView subclasses) and insert them into Qt hierarchies |
Widget for macOS that provides a way to put Qt widgets into Cocoa hierarchies |
Abstract Widget Classes
The abstract widget classes are base classes. They are not usable as standalone classes but provide functionality when they are subclassed.
The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons |
Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars |
Integer value within a range |
Spinbox and a line edit to display values |
The base class of widgets that can have a frame |
The base class of dialog windows |
Organizer Widget Classes
Classes like splitters, tab bars, button groups, etc are used for organizing and grouping GUI primitives into more complex applications and dialogs.
Container to organize groups of button widgets |
Group box frame with a title |
Implements a splitter widget |
Handle functionality for the splitter |
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time |
Stack of tabbed widgets |
Graphics View Classes
The base class for all graphics effects |
Represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout |
Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View |
Grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View |
Common base for all path items |
Ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
The base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene |
Container that treats a group of items as a single item |
Line item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
Base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties |
Path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
Pixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
Rectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
Simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
Text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text |
The base class for all layouts in Graphics View |
Can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts |
Horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View |
Proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene |
Surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items |
Context menu events in the graphics view framework |
Events for drag and drop in the graphics view framework |
Base class for all graphics view related events |
Events when a tooltip is requested |
Hover events in the graphics view framework |
Mouse events in the graphics view framework |
Events for widget moving in the graphics view framework |
Events for widget resizing in the graphics view framework |
Wheel events in the graphics view framework |
Abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems |
Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene |
The base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene |
Used to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem |
QGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG files |
Model/View Classes
The abstract interface for item model classes |
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models |
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models |
Used to locate data in a data model |
Used to locate data in a data model |
Base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks |
Proxies multiple source models, concatenating their rows |
Proxies its source model unmodified |
Manages information about selected items in a model |
Keeps track of a view's selected items |
Manages information about a range of selected items in a model |
Support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view |
Model that supplies strings to views |
Item for use with the QStandardItemModel class |
Generic model for storing custom data |
Used to display and edit data items from a model |
The basic functionality for item view classes |
Model/view implementation of a column view |
Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets |
Header row or header column for item views |
Display and editing facilities for data items from a model |
Makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase |
Abstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators |
Widgets for editing item data in views and delegates |
The possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase |
List or icon view onto a model |
Item-based list widget |
Item for use with the QListWidget item view class |
Display and editing facilities for data items from a model |
Default model/view implementation of a table view |
Item-based table view with a default model |
Item for use with the QTableWidget class |
Way to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model |
Default model/view implementation of a tree view |
Tree view that uses a predefined tree model |
Item for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class |
Way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance |
Data model for the local filesystem |
Main Window and Related Classes
Abstract user interface action that can be inserted into widgets |
Groups actions together |
Extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars |
Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop |
Main application window |
Area in which MDI windows are displayed |
Subwindow class for QMdiArea |
Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus |
Horizontal menu bar |
Resize handle for resizing top-level windows |
Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information |
Movable panel that contains a set of controls |
Widget Appearance and Style-Related Classes
Classes used for customizing UI appearance and style.
Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape |
Contains color groups for each widget state |
Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values |
Specifies a query for a font used for drawing text |
Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system |
General information about fonts |
Represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout |
Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View |
Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI |
Abstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI |
Creates QStyle objects |
Style hints that return more than basic data types |
Style hints that return a QRegion |
Style hints that return a QVariant |
Stores the parameters used by QStyle functions |
Convenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget |
Layout Classes
Represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout |
Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View |
Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically |
Lines up widgets horizontally |
Lines up widgets vertically |
Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels |
Lays out widgets in a grid |
The base class of geometry managers |
Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates |
Blank space in a layout |
Layout item that represents a widget |
Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy |
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time |
Container to organize groups of button widgets |
Group box frame with a title |
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time |
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