ToggleButtonStyle QML Type

Provides custom styling for ToggleButton. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Since: Qt 5.5


Detailed Description

You can create a custom toggle button by replacing the same delegates that ButtonStyle provides.

Property Documentation

checkedDropShadowColor : color

The color that is used for the drop shadow below the checked state indicator.

See also uncheckedDropShadowColor.

checkedGradient : Gradient

The gradient that is displayed on the checked state indicator.

See also uncheckedGradient and inactiveGradient.

[read-only] control : ToggleButton

The ToggleButton that this style is attached to.

inactiveGradient : Gradient

The gradient that is displayed on the inactive state indicator. The inactive state indicator will be the checked gradient when the button is unchecked, and the unchecked gradient when the button is checked.

See also checkedGradient and uncheckedGradient.

uncheckedDropShadowColor : color

The color that is used for the drop shadow below the checked state indicator.

See also checkedDropShadowColor.

uncheckedGradient : Gradient

The gradient that is displayed on the unchecked state indicator.

See also checkedGradient and inactiveGradient.

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