QCanBusDeviceInfo Class

The QCanBusDeviceInfo provides information about CAN bus interfaces. More...

Header: #include <QCanBusDeviceInfo>
qmake: QT += serialbus
Since: Qt 5.9

This class was introduced in Qt 5.9.

Public Functions

QCanBusDeviceInfo(const QCanBusDeviceInfo &other)
QCanBusDeviceInfo & operator=(QCanBusDeviceInfo &&other)
QCanBusDeviceInfo & operator=(const QCanBusDeviceInfo &other)
int channel() const
QString description() const
bool hasFlexibleDataRate() const
bool isVirtual() const
QString name() const
QString serialNumber() const
void swap(QCanBusDeviceInfo &other)

Detailed Description

Each plugin may support one or more interfaces with different capabilities. This class provides information about available functions.

Member Function Documentation

QCanBusDeviceInfo::QCanBusDeviceInfo(const QCanBusDeviceInfo &other)

Constructs a copy of other.

QCanBusDeviceInfo &QCanBusDeviceInfo::operator=(QCanBusDeviceInfo &&other)

Move-assigns other to this QCanBusDeviceInfo instance.

QCanBusDeviceInfo &QCanBusDeviceInfo::operator=(const QCanBusDeviceInfo &other)

Assigns other to this CAN bus device info and returns a reference to this CAN bus device info.


Destroys the CAN bus device info.

int QCanBusDeviceInfo::channel() const

Returns the sequential channel number of the CAN bus interface, starting with zero. For example, a two channel CAN interface may have the channels 0 and 1. If the interface has only one channel or if no information about the channel is available, zero is returned.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.11.

QString QCanBusDeviceInfo::description() const

Returns a textual description of the CAN bus interface, if available. Example output: "PCAN USB Pro FD". If no description is available, an empty string is returned.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.11.

bool QCanBusDeviceInfo::hasFlexibleDataRate() const

Returns true, if the CAN bus interface is CAN FD (flexible data rate) capable.

If this information is not available, false is returned.

bool QCanBusDeviceInfo::isVirtual() const

Returns true, if the CAN bus interface is virtual (i.e. not connected to real CAN hardware).

If this information is not available, false is returned.

QString QCanBusDeviceInfo::name() const

Returns the interface name of this CAN bus interface, e.g. can0.

QString QCanBusDeviceInfo::serialNumber() const

Returns the serial number of the CAN bus interface as string, if available. Otherwise, an empty string is returned.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.11.

void QCanBusDeviceInfo::swap(QCanBusDeviceInfo &other)

Swaps this CAN bus device info with other. This operation is very fast and never fails.

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