PieMenuStyle QML Type

Provides custom styling for PieMenu. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Since: Qt 5.5



Detailed Description

PieMenuStyle is a style for PieMenu that draws each section of the menu as a filled "slice".

You can create a custom pie menu by replacing the following delegates:

To customize the appearance of each menuItem without having to define your own, you can use the backgroundColor and selectionColor properties. To customize the drop shadow, use the shadowColor, shadowRadius and shadowSpread properties.

Icons that are too large for the section that they are in will be scaled down appropriately.

To style individual sections of the menu, use the menuItem component:

PieMenuStyle {
    shadowRadius: 0

    menuItem: Item {
        id: item
        rotation: -90 + sectionCenterAngle(styleData.index)

        Rectangle {
            width: parent.height * 0.2
            height: width
            color: "darkorange"
            radius: width / 2
            anchors.right: parent.right
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

            Text {
                id: textItem
                text: control.menuItems[styleData.index].text
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                color: control.currentIndex === styleData.index ? "red" : "white"
                rotation: -item.rotation

A custom PieMenu

Property Documentation

background : Component

The background of the menu.

By default, there is no background defined.

backgroundColor : color

The background color.

cancel : Component

The cancel component of the menu.

This is an area in the center of the menu that closes the menu when clicked.

By default, it is not visible.

cancelRadius : real

The radius of the area that is used to cancel the menu.

See also radius.

[read-only] control : PieMenu

The PieMenu that this style is attached to.

endAngle : real

The angle (in degrees) at which the last menu item will be drawn.

The absolute range formed by startAngle and endAngle must be less than or equal to 360 degrees.

Menu items are displayed clockwise when startAngle is less than endAngle, otherwise they are displayed anti-clockwise.

See also startAngle.

This component defines each section of the pie menu.

This component covers the width and height of the control.

No mouse events are propagated to this component, which means that controls like Button will not function when used within it. You can check if the mouse is over this section by comparing control.currentIndex to styleData.index.

Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:

readonly property int styleData.index The index of this menu item.
readonly property bool styleData.hovered true if this menu item is under the mouse.
readonly property bool styleData.pressed true if the mouse is pressed down on this menu item.

[read-only] radius : real

The distance from the center of the menu to the outer edge of the menu.

See also cancelRadius.

selectionColor : color

The selection color.

shadowColor : color

The shadow color.

See also DropShadow.

shadowRadius : real

The shadow radius.

See also DropShadow.

shadowSpread : real

The shadow spread.

See also DropShadow.

startAngle : real

The angle (in degrees) at which the first menu item will be drawn.

The absolute range formed by startAngle and endAngle must be less than or equal to 360 degrees.

Menu items are displayed clockwise when startAngle is less than endAngle, otherwise they are displayed anti-clockwise.

See also endAngle.

title : Component

The component that displays the text of the currently selected menu item, or the title if there is no current item.

The current item's text is available via the styleData.text property.

Method Documentation

real sectionCenterAngle(int itemIndex)

Returns the center of the section at itemIndex as an angle in degrees.

real sectionEndAngle(int itemIndex)

Returns the end of the section at itemIndex as an angle in degrees.

real sectionStartAngle(int itemIndex)

Returns the start of the section at itemIndex as an angle in degrees.

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