SensorGesture QML Type
Provides notifications when sensor-based gestures are detected. More...
Import Statement: | import QtSensors 5.11 |
Since: | QtSensors 5.0 |
- availableGestures : stringlist
- enabled : bool
- gestures : stringlist
- invalidGestures : stringlist
- validGestures : stringlist
- detected(gesture)
Detailed Description
This type provides notification when sensor gestures are triggered.
The following QML code creates a "shake" and "SecondCounter" SensorGesture QML type, and displays the detected gesture in a text type.
QtSensors.shake gesture is available with the Qt Sensors API, but the QtSensors.SecondCounter sensor gesture is provided as example code for the Qt Sensors - SensorGesture QML Type example
Item { SensorGesture { id: sensorGesture enabled: false gestures : ["QtSensors.shake", "QtSensors.SecondCounter"] onDetected:{ detectedText.text = gesture } } Text { id: detectedText x:5 y:160 } }
Qt Sensor Gestures contains a list of currently supported sensor gestures and their descriptions.
Property Documentation
availableGestures : stringlist
This property can be used to determine all available gestures on the system.
enabled : bool
This property can be used to activate or deactivate the sensor gesture. Default value is false;
See also SensorGesture::detected and detected.
gestures : stringlist
Set this property to a list of the gestures that the application is interested in detecting. This property cannot be changed while the type is enabled.
The properties validGestures and invalidGestures will be set as appropriate immediately. To determine all available getures on the system please use the availableGestures property.
See also QtSensorGestures Plugins.
invalidGestures : stringlist
This property holds the requested gestures that were not found on the system.
validGestures : stringlist
This property holds the requested gestures that were found on the system.
Signal Documentation
This signal is emitted whenever a gesture is detected. The gesture parameter contains the gesture that was detected.
The corresponding handler is onDetected
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