Abstract class Phalcon\Session\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Session\AdapterInterface, Countable, IteratorAggregate, Traversable, ArrayAccess

Base class for Phalcon\Session adapters


public __construct ([array $options])

Phalcon\Session\Adapter constructor

public __destruct ()


public boolean start ()

Starts the session (if headers are already sent the session will not be started)

public setOptions (array $options)

Sets session’s options

    'uniqueId' => 'my-private-app'

public array getOptions ()

Get internal options

public mixed get (string $index, [mixed $defaultValue])

Gets a session variable from an application context

public set (string $index, string $value)

Sets a session variable in an application context

$session->set('auth', 'yes');

public boolean has (string $index)

Check whether a session variable is set in an application context


public remove (string $index)

Removes a session variable from an application context


public string getId ()

Returns active session id

echo $session->getId();

public boolean isStarted ()

Check whether the session has been started


public boolean destroy ([unknown $session_id])

Destroys the active session


public __get (unknown $property)


public __set (unknown $property, unknown $value)


public __isset (unknown $property)


public __unset (unknown $property)


public offsetGet (unknown $property)


public offsetSet (unknown $property, unknown $value)


public offsetExists (unknown $property)


public offsetUnset (unknown $property)


public count ()


public getIterator ()


public setId (unknown $sid)

Set the current session id


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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0.