Interface Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface

Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface initializer


abstract public setId (mixed $id)

Sets a value for the _id propery, creates a MongoId object if needed

abstract public MongoId getId ()

Returns the value of the _id property

abstract public array getReservedAttributes ()

Returns an array with reserved properties that cannot be part of the insert/update

abstract public string getSource ()

Returns collection name mapped in the model

abstract public setConnectionService (string $connectionService)

Sets a service in the services container that returns the Mongo database

abstract public MongoDb getConnection ()

Retrieves a database connection

abstract public mixed readAttribute (string $attribute)

Reads an attribute value by its name

abstract public writeAttribute (string $attribute, mixed $value)

Writes an attribute value by its name

abstract public static Phalcon\Mvc\Collection cloneResult (Phalcon\Mvc\Collection $collection, array $document)

Returns a cloned collection

abstract public boolean fireEvent (string $eventName)

Fires an event, implicitly calls behaviors and listeners in the events manager are notified

abstract public boolean fireEventCancel (string $eventName)

Fires an event, implicitly listeners in the events manager are notified This method stops if one of the callbacks/listeners returns boolean false

abstract public boolean validationHasFailed ()

Check whether validation process has generated any messages

abstract public Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MessageInterface [] getMessages ()

Returns all the validation messages

abstract public appendMessage (Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MessageInterface $message)

Appends a customized message on the validation process

abstract public boolean save ()

Creates/Updates a collection based on the values in the atributes

abstract public static Phalcon\Mvc\Collection findById (string $id)

Find a document by its id

abstract public static array findFirst ([array $parameters])

Allows to query the first record that match the specified conditions

abstract public static array find ([array $parameters])

Allows to query a set of records that match the specified conditions

abstract public static array count ([array $parameters])

Perform a count over a collection

abstract public boolean delete ()

Deletes a model instance. Returning true on success or false otherwise

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