Interface Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface
Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface initializer
abstract public setDefaultAction (int $defaultAccess)
Sets the default access level (Phalcon\Acl::ALLOW or Phalcon\Acl::DENY)
abstract public int getDefaultAction ()
Returns the default ACL access level
abstract public boolean addRole (Phalcon\Acl\RoleInterface $role, [string $accessInherits])
Adds a role to the ACL list. Second parameter lets to inherit access data from other existing role
abstract public addInherit (string $roleName, string $roleToInherit)
Do a role inherit from another existing role
abstract public boolean isRole (string $roleName)
Check whether role exist in the roles list
abstract public boolean isResource (string $resourceName)
Check whether resource exist in the resources list
abstract public boolean addResource (Phalcon\Acl\ResourceInterface $resource, [array $accessList])
Adds a resource to the ACL list Access names can be a particular action, by example search, update, delete, etc or a list of them
abstract public addResourceAccess (string $resourceName, mixed $accessList)
Adds access to resources
abstract public dropResourceAccess (string $resourceName, mixed $accessList)
Removes an access from a resource
abstract public allow (string $roleName, string $resourceName, mixed $access)
Allow access to a role on a resource
abstract public boolean deny (string $roleName, string $resourceName, mixed $access)
Deny access to a role on a resource
abstract public boolean isAllowed (string $role, string $resource, string $access)
Check whether a role is allowed to access an action from a resource
abstract public string getActiveRole ()
Returns the role which the list is checking if it’s allowed to certain resource/access
abstract public string getActiveResource ()
Returns the resource which the list is checking if some role can access it
abstract public string getActiveAccess ()
Returns the access which the list is checking if some role can access it
abstract public Phalcon\Acl\RoleInterface [] getRoles ()
Return an array with every role registered in the list
abstract public Phalcon\Acl\ResourceInterface [] getResources ()
Return an array with every resource registered in the list
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