Interface Phalcon\Mvc\ViewInterface
Phalcon\Mvc\ViewInterface initializer
abstract public setViewsDir (string $viewsDir)
Sets views directory. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash
abstract public string getViewsDir ()
Gets views directory
abstract public setLayoutsDir (string $layoutsDir)
Sets the layouts sub-directory. Must be a directory under the views directory. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash
abstract public string getLayoutsDir ()
Gets the current layouts sub-directory
abstract public setPartialsDir (string $partialsDir)
Sets a partials sub-directory. Must be a directory under the views directory. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash
abstract public string getPartialsDir ()
Gets the current partials sub-directory
abstract public setBasePath (string $basePath)
Sets base path. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash
abstract public string getCurrentRenderLevel ()
Gets the current render level
abstract public string getRenderLevel ()
Gets the render level for the view
abstract public setRenderLevel (string $level)
Sets the render level for the view
abstract public setMainView (string $viewPath)
Sets default view name. Must be a file without extension in the views directory
abstract public string getMainView ()
Returns the name of the main view
abstract public setLayout (string $layout)
Change the layout to be used instead of using the name of the latest controller name
abstract public string getLayout ()
Returns the name of the main view
abstract public setTemplateBefore (string|array $templateBefore)
Appends template before controller layout
abstract public cleanTemplateBefore ()
Resets any template before layouts
abstract public setTemplateAfter (string|array $templateAfter)
Appends template after controller layout
abstract public cleanTemplateAfter ()
Resets any template before layouts
abstract public setParamToView (string $key, mixed $value)
Adds parameters to views (alias of setVar)
abstract public setVar (string $key, mixed $value)
Adds parameters to views
abstract public array getParamsToView ()
Returns parameters to views
abstract public string getControllerName ()
Gets the name of the controller rendered
abstract public string getActionName ()
Gets the name of the action rendered
abstract public array getParams ()
Gets extra parameters of the action rendered
abstract public start ()
Starts rendering process enabling the output buffering
abstract public registerEngines (array $engines)
Register templating engines
abstract public render (string $controllerName, string $actionName, [array $params])
Executes render process from dispatching data
abstract public pick (string $renderView)
Choose a view different to render than last-controller/last-action
abstract public string partial (string $partialPath)
Renders a partial view
abstract public finish ()
Finishes the render process by stopping the output buffering
abstract public Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface getCache ()
Returns the cache instance used to cache
abstract public cache ([boolean|array $options])
Cache the actual view render to certain level
abstract public setContent (string $content)
Externally sets the view content
abstract public string getContent ()
Returns cached ouput from another view stage
abstract public string getActiveRenderPath ()
Returns the path of the view that is currently rendered
abstract public disable ()
Disables the auto-rendering process
abstract public enable ()
Enables the auto-rendering process
abstract public reset ()
Resets the view component to its factory default values
abstract public bool isDisabled ()
Whether the automatic rendering is disabled
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