Interface Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\ManagerInterface
Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\ManagerInterface initializer
abstract public setCustomEventsManager (Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model, Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager)
Sets a custom events manager for a specific model
abstract public Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface getCustomEventsManager (Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model)
Returns a custom events manager related to a model
abstract public initialize (Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model)
Initializes a model in the models manager
abstract public bool isInitialized (string $modelName)
Check whether a model is already initialized
abstract public Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface getLastInitialized ()
Get the latest initialized model
abstract public setConnectionService (Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model, string $connectionService)
Sets a connection service for a specific model
abstract public useImplicitObjectIds (Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model, boolean $useImplicitObjectIds)
Sets if a model must use implicit objects ids
abstract public boolean isUsingImplicitObjectIds (Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model)
Checks if a model is using implicit object ids
abstract public Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface getConnection (Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model)
Returns the connection related to a model
abstract public notifyEvent (string $eventName, Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface $model)
Receives events generated in the models and dispatches them to a events-manager if available Notify the behaviors that are listening in the model
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