Class Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter\Files
extends abstract class Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
implements Phalcon\Annotations\AdapterInterface
Stores the parsed annotations in files. This adapter is suitable for production
$annotations = new \Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter\Files(array( 'annotationsDir' => 'app/cache/annotations/' ));
public __construct ([array $options])
Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter\Files constructor
public Phalcon\Annotations\Reflection read (string $key)
Reads parsed annotations from files
public write (string $key, Phalcon\Annotations\Reflection $data)
Writes parsed annotations to files
public setReader (Phalcon\Annotations\ReaderInterface $reader) inherited from Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
Sets the annotations parser
public Phalcon\Annotations\ReaderInterface getReader () inherited from Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
Returns the annotation reader
public Phalcon\Annotations\Reflection get (string|object $className) inherited from Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
Parses or retrieves all the annotations found in a class
public array getMethods (string $className) inherited from Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
Returns the annotations found in all the class’ methods
public Phalcon\Annotations\Collection getMethod (string $className, string $methodName) inherited from Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
Returns the annotations found in a specific method
public array getProperties (string $className) inherited from Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
Returns the annotations found in all the class’ methods
public Phalcon\Annotations\Collection getProperty (string $className, string $propertyName) inherited from Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter
Returns the annotations found in a specific property
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