dart:web_gl library
3D programming in the browser.
- ActiveInfo
- AngleInstancedArrays
- Buffer
- Canvas
- ColorBufferFloat
- CompressedTextureAstc
- CompressedTextureAtc
- CompressedTextureEtc
- CompressedTextureETC1
- CompressedTexturePvrtc
- CompressedTextureS3TC
- CompressedTextureS3TCsRgb
- ContextEvent
- DebugRendererInfo
- DebugShaders
- DepthTexture
- DrawBuffers
- ExtBlendMinMax
- ExtColorBufferFloat
- ExtColorBufferHalfFloat
- ExtDisjointTimerQuery
- ExtDisjointTimerQueryWebGL2
- ExtFragDepth
- ExtShaderTextureLod
- EXTsRgb
- ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic
- Framebuffer
- GetBufferSubDataAsync
- LoseContext
- OesElementIndexUint
- OesStandardDerivatives
- OesTextureFloat
- OesTextureFloatLinear
- OesTextureHalfFloat
- OesTextureHalfFloatLinear
- OesVertexArrayObject
- Program
- Query
- Renderbuffer
- RenderingContext
- RenderingContext2
- Sampler
- Shader
- ShaderPrecisionFormat
- Sync
- Texture
- TimerQueryExt
- TransformFeedback
- UniformLocation
- VertexArrayObject
- VertexArrayObjectOes
- WebGL
- Amalgamation of the WebGL constants from the IDL interfaces in WebGLRenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextBase, & WebGLDrawBuffers. Because the RenderingContextBase interfaces are hidden they would be replicated in more than one class (e.g., RenderingContext and RenderingContext2) to prevent that duplication these 600+ constants are defined in one abstract class (WebGL).
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