Document class
The base class for all documents.
Each web page loaded in the browser has its own Document object, which is typically an HtmlDocument.
If you aren't comfortable with DOM concepts, see the Dart tutorial Target 2: Connect Dart & HTML.
- Inheritance
- Object
- EventTarget
- Node
- Document
- Implementers
- Annotations
- @Native("Document")
- Document() factory
- activeElement → Element? read-only
- addressSpace → String? read-only
- baseUri → String? @JSName('baseURI'), read-only, inherited
- childNodes → List<
Node> @Creates('NodeList'), @Returns('NodeList'), read-only, inherited - A list of this node's children. [...]
- contentType → String? read-only
- currentScript → ScriptElement? read-only
- documentElement → Element? read-only
- domain → String? read-only
- firstChild → Node? read-only, inherited
- The first child of this node. [...]
- fonts → FontFaceSet? read-only
- fullscreenElement → Element? read-only
- fullscreenEnabled → bool? read-only
- hashCode → int read-only, inherited
- The hash code for this object. [...]
- implementation → DomImplementation? read-only
- isConnected → bool? read-only, inherited
- lastChild → Node? read-only, inherited
- The last child of this node. [...]
- nextNode → Node? @JSName('nextSibling'), read-only, inherited
- The next sibling node. [...]
- nodeName → String? read-only, inherited
- The name of this node. [...]
- nodes ↔ List<
Node> read / write, inherited - A modifiable list of this node's children.
- nodeType → int read-only, inherited
- The type of node. [...]
- nodeValue → String? read-only, inherited
- The value of this node. [...]
- on → Events read-only, inherited
- This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be used when an explicit accessor is not available.
- onAbort → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onBeforeCopy → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onBeforeCut → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onBeforePaste → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onBlur → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onCanPlay → Stream<
Event> read-only - onCanPlayThrough → Stream<
Event> read-only - onChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onClick → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onContextMenu → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onCopy → Stream<
ClipboardEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onCut → Stream<
ClipboardEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDoubleClick → Stream<
Event> @DomName('Document.ondblclick'), read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDrag → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDragEnd → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDragEnter → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDragLeave → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDragOver → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDragStart → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDrop → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onDurationChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - onEmptied → Stream<
Event> read-only - onEnded → Stream<
Event> read-only - onError → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onFocus → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onFullscreenChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onFullscreenError → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onInput → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onInvalid → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onKeyDown → Stream<
KeyboardEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onKeyPress → Stream<
KeyboardEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onKeyUp → Stream<
KeyboardEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onLoad → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onLoadedData → Stream<
Event> read-only - onLoadedMetadata → Stream<
Event> read-only - onMouseDown → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onMouseEnter → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onMouseLeave → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onMouseMove → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onMouseOut → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onMouseOver → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onMouseUp → Stream<
MouseEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onMouseWheel → Stream<
WheelEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onPaste → Stream<
ClipboardEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onPause → Stream<
Event> read-only - onPlay → Stream<
Event> read-only - onPlaying → Stream<
Event> read-only - onPointerLockChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - onPointerLockError → Stream<
Event> read-only - onRateChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - onReadyStateChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onReset → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onResize → Stream<
Event> read-only - onScroll → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onSearch → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onSecurityPolicyViolation → Stream<
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onSeeked → Stream<
Event> read-only - onSeeking → Stream<
Event> read-only - onSelect → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onSelectionChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onSelectStart → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onStalled → Stream<
Event> read-only - onSubmit → Stream<
Event> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onSuspend → Stream<
Event> read-only - onTimeUpdate → Stream<
Event> read-only - onTouchCancel → Stream<
TouchEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onTouchEnd → Stream<
TouchEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onTouchMove → Stream<
TouchEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onTouchStart → Stream<
TouchEvent> read-only - Stream of
events handled by this Document. - onVolumeChange → Stream<
Event> read-only - onWaiting → Stream<
Event> read-only - origin → String? read-only
- ownerDocument → Document? read-only, inherited
- The document this node belongs to. [...]
- parent → Element? @JSName('parentElement'), read-only, inherited
- The parent element of this node. [...]
- parentNode → Node? read-only, inherited
- The parent node of this node. [...]
- pointerLockElement → Element? read-only
- previousNode → Node? @JSName('previousSibling'), read-only, inherited
- The previous sibling node. [...]
- readyState → String? read-only
- rootElement → SvgSvgElement? read-only
- rootScroller ↔ Element? read / write
- runtimeType → Type read-only, inherited
- A representation of the runtime type of the object.
- scrollingElement → Element? read-only
- suborigin → String? read-only
- supportsRegister → bool read-only
- Deprecated: use supportsRegisterElement instead.
- supportsRegisterElement → bool read-only
- Checks if registerElement is supported on the current platform.
- text ↔ String? @JSName('textContent'), read / write, inherited
- All text within this node and its descendents. [...]
- timeline → DocumentTimeline? read-only
- visibilityState → String @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10'), read-only
- window → WindowBase? read-only
- addEventListener(
String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void inherited - adoptNode(
Node node) → Node - append(
Node node) → Node @JSName('appendChild'), inherited - Adds a node to the end of the child nodes list of this node. [...]
- clone(
bool? deep) → Node @JSName('cloneNode'), inherited - Returns a copy of this node. [...]
- contains(
Node? other) → bool inherited - Returns true if this node contains the specified node. [...]
- createDocumentFragment(
) → DocumentFragment - createElement(
String tagName, [String? typeExtension]) → Element - createElementNS(
String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, [String? typeExtension]) → Element - createRange(
) → Range - dispatchEvent(
Event event) → bool inherited - elementsFromPoint(
int x, int y) → List< Element> - execCommand(
String commandId, [bool? showUI, String? value]) → bool - exitFullscreen(
) → void - exitPointerLock(
) → void - getAnimations(
) → List< Animation> - getElementById(
String elementId) → Element? - getElementsByClassName(
String classNames) → List< Node> @Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection'), @Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection') - getElementsByName(
String elementName) → List< Node> @Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection'), @Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection') - getElementsByTagName(
String localName) → List< Node> @Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection'), @Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection') - getRootNode(
[Map? options]) → Node inherited - hasChildNodes(
) → bool inherited - Returns true if this node has any children. [...]
- importNode(
Node node, [bool? deep]) → Node - insertAllBefore(
Iterable< Node> newNodes, Node refChild) → voidinherited - Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild. [...]
- insertBefore(
Node node, Node? child) → Node inherited - Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild. [...]
- noSuchMethod(
Invocation invocation) → dynamic inherited - Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
- queryCommandEnabled(
String commandId) → bool - queryCommandIndeterm(
String commandId) → bool - queryCommandState(
String commandId) → bool - queryCommandSupported(
String commandId) → bool - queryCommandValue(
String commandId) → String - querySelector(
String selectors) → Element? - Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the specified group of selectors. [...]
- querySelectorAll<
T extends Element> (String selectors) → ElementList< T> - Finds all descendant elements of this document that match the specified group of selectors. [...]
- registerElement(
String tag, Type customElementClass, {String? extendsTag}) → void - registerElement2(
String type, [Map? options]) → Function - remove(
) → void inherited - Removes this node from the DOM.
- removeEventListener(
String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void inherited - replaceWith(
Node otherNode) → Node inherited - Replaces this node with another node.
- toString(
) → String inherited - Print out a String representation of this Node.
- operator ==(
Object other) → bool inherited - The equality operator. [...]
- pointerLockChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<
Event> -
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pointerlockchange')
- pointerLockErrorEvent → const EventStreamProvider<
Event> -
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pointerlockerror')
- readyStateChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<
Event> - Static factory designed to expose
events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Document. [...]const EventStreamProvider<Event>('readystatechange')
- securityPolicyViolationEvent → const EventStreamProvider<
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent> - Static factory designed to expose
events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Document. [...]const EventStreamProvider<SecurityPolicyViolationEvent>('securitypolicyviolation')
- selectionChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<
Event> - Static factory designed to expose
events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Document. [...]const EventStreamProvider<Event>('selectionchange')
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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v4.0.