retainAll method

void retainAll (
  1. Iterable<Object?> elements

Removes all elements of this set that are not elements in elements.

Checks for each element of elements whether there is an element in this set that is equal to it (according to this.contains), and if so, the equal element in this set is retained, and elements that are not equal to any element in elements are removed.


void retainAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) {
  // Build a set with the same sense of equality as this set.
  SplayTreeSet<E> retainSet = SplayTreeSet<E>(_compare, _validKey);
  int modificationCount = _modificationCount;
  for (Object? object in elements) {
    if (modificationCount != _modificationCount) {
      // The iterator should not have side effects.
      throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
    // Equivalent to this.contains(object).
    if (_validKey(object) && _splay(object as E) == 0) {
  // Take over the elements from the retained set, if it differs.
  if (retainSet._count != _count) {
    _root = retainSet._root;
    _count = retainSet._count;

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