win_psexec - Runs commands (remotely) as another (privileged) user
New in version 2.3.
- Run commands (remotely) through the PsExec service
- Run commands as another (domain) user (with elevated privileges)
Requirements (on host that executes module)
- Microsoft PsExec
parameter | required | default | choices | comments |
chdir | no | Run the command from this (remote) directory. | ||
command | yes | The command line to run through PsExec (limited to 260 characters). | ||
elevated | no | no |
| Run the command with elevated privileges. |
executable | no | psexec.exe | The location of the PsExec utility (in case it is not located in your PATH). | |
hostnames | no | The hostnames to run the command. If not provided, the command is run locally. | ||
interactive | no | no |
| Run the program so that it interacts with the desktop on the remote system. |
limited | no | no |
| Run the command as limited user (strips the Administrators group and allows only privileges assigned to the Users group). |
nobanner (added in 2.4)
| no | no |
| Do not display the startup banner and copyright message. This only works for specific versions of the PsExec binary. |
noprofile | no | no |
| Run the command without loading the account's profile. |
password | no | The password for the (remote) user to run the command as. This is mandatory in order authenticate yourself. | ||
priority | no |
| Used to run the command at a different priority. | |
system | no | no |
| Run the remote command in the System account. |
timeout | no | The connection timeout in seconds | ||
username | no | The (remote) user to run the command as. If not provided, the current user is used. | ||
wait | no | yes |
| Wait for the application to terminate. Only use for non-interactive applications. |
- name: Test the PsExec connection to the local system (target node) with your user win_psexec: command: whoami.exe - name: Run regedit.exe locally (on target node) as SYSTEM and interactively win_psexec: command: regedit.exe interactive: yes system: yes - name: Run the setup.exe installer on multiple servers using the Domain Administrator win_psexec: command: E:\setup.exe /i /IACCEPTEULA hostnames: - remote_server1 - remote_server2 username: DOMAIN\Administrator password: some_password priority: high - name: Run PsExec from custom location C:\Program Files\sysinternals\ win_psexec: command: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off executable: C:\Program Files\sysinternals\psexec.exe hostnames: [ remote_server ] password: some_password priority: low
Return Values
Common return values are documented here Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:
name | description | returned | type | sample |
changed | Whether or not any changes were made. | always | bool | True |
cmd | The complete command line used by the module, including PsExec call and additional options. | always | string | psexec.exe -nobanner \\remote_server -u "DOMAIN\Administrator" -p "some_password" -accepteula E:\setup.exe |
msg | Possible error message on failure | failed | string | The 'password' parameter is a required parameter. |
rc | The return code for the command | always | int | 0 |
stderr | The error output from the command | always | string | Error 15 running E:\setup.exe |
stdout | The standard output from the command | always | string | Success. |
- More information related to Microsoft PsExec is available from
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
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© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.