apache2_mod_proxy - Set and/or get members’ attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool

New in version 2.2.


  • Set and/or get members’ attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool, using HTTP POST and GET requests. The httpd mod_proxy balancer-member status page has to be enabled and accessible, as this module relies on parsing this page. This module supports ansible check_mode, and requires BeautifulSoup python module.


parameter required default choices comments
no /balancer-manager/
Suffix of the balancer pool url required to access the balancer pool status page (e.g. balancer_vhost[:port]/balancer_url_suffix).
yes None
(ipv4|ipv6|fqdn):port of the Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool.
no None
(ipv4|ipv6|fqdn) of the balancer member to get or to set attributes to. Port number is autodetected and should not be specified here. If undefined, apache2_mod_proxy module will return a members list of dictionaries of all the current balancer pool members' attributes.
no None
  • present
  • absent
  • enabled
  • disabled
  • drained
  • hot_standby
  • ignore_errors
Desired state of the member host. (absent|disabled),drained,hot_standby,ignore_errors can be simultaneously invoked by separating them with a comma (e.g. state=drained,ignore_errors).
  • true
  • false
Use https to access balancer management page.
no True
  • true
  • false
Validate ssl/tls certificates.


# Get all current balancer pool members' attributes:
- apache2_mod_proxy:

# Get a specific member's attributes:
- apache2_mod_proxy:
    balancer_vhost: myws.mydomain.org
    balancer_suffix: /lb/
    member_host: node1.myws.mydomain.org

# Enable all balancer pool members:
- apache2_mod_proxy:
    balancer_vhost: '{{ myloadbalancer_host }}'
  register: result
- apache2_mod_proxy:
    balancer_vhost: '{{ myloadbalancer_host }}'
    member_host: '{{ item.host }}'
    state: present
  with_items: '{{ result.members }}'

# Gracefully disable a member from a loadbalancer node:
- apache2_mod_proxy:
    balancer_vhost: '{{ vhost_host }}'
    member_host: '{{ member.host }}'
    state: drained
  delegate_to: myloadbalancernode
- wait_for:
    host: '{{ member.host }}'
    port: '{{ member.port }}'
    state: drained
  delegate_to: myloadbalancernode
- apache2_mod_proxy:
    balancer_vhost: '{{ vhost_host }}'
    member_host: '{{ member.host }}'
    state: absent
  delegate_to: myloadbalancernode

Return Values

Common return values are documented here Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:

name description returned type sample
specific balancer member information dictionary, returned when apache2_mod_proxy module is invoked with member_host parameter.
success dict {'status': {'disabled': False, 'hot_standby': False, 'drained': False, 'ignore_errors': False}, 'protocol': 'http', 'management_url': '', 'balancer_url': '', 'host': '', 'attributes': {'Load': '0', 'Status': 'Init Ok ', 'Busy': '0', 'From': '136K', 'Elected': '42', 'Route': None, 'To': ' 47K', 'Set': '0', 'Factor': '1', 'Worker URL': None, 'RouteRedir': None}, 'path': '/ws', 'port': 8080}
list of member (defined above) dictionaries, returned when apache2_mod_proxy is invoked with no member_host and state args.
success list [{'status': {'disabled': False, 'hot_standby': False, 'drained': False, 'ignore_errors': False}, 'protocol': 'http', 'management_url': '', 'balancer_url': '', 'host': '', 'attributes': {'Load': '0', 'Status': 'Init Ok ', 'Busy': '0', 'From': '136K', 'Elected': '42', 'Route': None, 'To': ' 47K', 'Set': '0', 'Factor': '1', 'Worker URL': None, 'RouteRedir': None}, 'path': '/ws', 'port': 8080}, {'status': {'disabled': False, 'hot_standby': False, 'drained': False, 'ignore_errors': False}, 'protocol': 'http', 'management_url': '', 'balancer_url': '', 'host': '', 'attributes': {'Load': '0', 'Status': 'Init Ok ', 'Busy': '0', 'From': '136K', 'Elected': '42', 'Route': None, 'To': ' 47K', 'Set': '0', 'Factor': '1', 'Worker URL': None, 'RouteRedir': None}, 'path': '/ws', 'port': 8080}]


This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.

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© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.