community.postgresql.postgresql_query – Run PostgreSQL queries
This plugin is part of the community.postgresql collection (version 1.0.0).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.postgresql
To use it in a playbook, specify: community.postgresql.postgresql_query
- Runs arbitrary PostgreSQL queries.
- Can run queries from SQL script files.
- Does not run against backup files. Use community.postgresql.postgresql_db with state=restore to run queries on files made by pg_dump/pg_dumpall utilities.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- psycopg2
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
autocommit boolean |
| Execute in autocommit mode when the query can't be run inside a transaction block (e.g., VACUUM). Mutually exclusive with check_mode. |
ca_cert string | Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s). If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities. aliases: ssl_rootcert | |
db string | Name of database to connect to and run queries against. aliases: login_db | |
encoding string added in 0.2.0 of community.postgresql | Set the client encoding for the current session (e.g. UTF-8 ).The default is the encoding defined by the database. | |
login_host string | Host running the database. | |
login_password string | The password used to authenticate with. | |
login_unix_socket string | Path to a Unix domain socket for local connections. | |
login_user string | Default: "postgres" | The username used to authenticate with. |
named_args dictionary | Dictionary of key-value arguments to pass to the query. When the value is a list, it will be converted to PostgreSQL array. Mutually exclusive with positional_args. | |
path_to_script path | Path to a SQL script on the target machine. If the script contains several queries, they must be semicolon-separated. Mutually exclusive with query. | |
port integer | Default: 5432 | Database port to connect to. aliases: login_port |
positional_args list / elements=raw | List of values to be passed as positional arguments to the query. When the value is a list, it will be converted to PostgreSQL array. Mutually exclusive with named_args. | |
query string | SQL query to run. Variables can be escaped with psycopg2 syntax | |
search_path list / elements=string added in 1.0.0 of community.postgresql | List of schema names to look in. | |
session_role string | Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of. Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally. | |
ssl_mode string |
| Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection will be negotiated with the server. See for more information on the modes. Default of prefer matches libpq default. |
trust_input boolean added in 0.2.0 of community.postgresql |
| If no , check whether a value of session_role is potentially dangerous.It makes sense to use no only when SQL injections via session_role are possible. |
- The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo’ing to the
account on the host. - To avoid “Peer authentication failed for user postgres” error, use postgres user as a become_user.
- This module uses psycopg2, a Python PostgreSQL database adapter. You must ensure that psycopg2 is installed on the host before using this module.
- If the remote host is the PostgreSQL server (which is the default case), then PostgreSQL must also be installed on the remote host.
- For Ubuntu-based systems, install the postgresql, libpq-dev, and python-psycopg2 packages on the remote host before using this module.
- The ca_cert parameter requires at least Postgres version 8.4 and psycopg2 version 2.4.3.
See Also
See also
- community.postgresql.postgresql_db
The official documentation on the community.postgresql.postgresql_db module.
- PostgreSQL Schema reference
Complete reference of the PostgreSQL schema documentation.
- name: Simple select query to acme db community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: acme query: SELECT version() - name: Select query to db acme with positional arguments and non-default credentials community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: acme login_user: django login_password: mysecretpass query: SELECT * FROM acme WHERE id = %s AND story = %s positional_args: - 1 - test - name: Select query to test_db with named_args community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: test_db query: SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = %(id_val)s AND story = %(story_val)s named_args: id_val: 1 story_val: test - name: Insert query to test_table in db test_db community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: test_db query: INSERT INTO test_table (id, story) VALUES (2, 'my_long_story') - name: Run queries from SQL script using UTF-8 client encoding for session community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: test_db path_to_script: /var/lib/pgsql/test.sql positional_args: - 1 encoding: UTF-8 - name: Example of using autocommit parameter community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: test_db query: VACUUM autocommit: yes - name: > Insert data to the column of array type using positional_args. Note that we use quotes here, the same as for passing JSON, etc. community.postgresql.postgresql_query: query: INSERT INTO test_table (array_column) VALUES (%s) positional_args: - '{1,2,3}' # Pass list and string vars as positional_args - name: Set vars ansible.builtin.set_fact: my_list: - 1 - 2 - 3 my_arr: '{1, 2, 3}' - name: Select from test table by passing positional_args as arrays community.postgresql.postgresql_query: query: SELECT * FROM test_array_table WHERE arr_col1 = %s AND arr_col2 = %s positional_args: - '{{ my_list }}' - '{{ my_arr|string }}' # Select from test table looking into app1 schema first, then, # if the schema doesn't exist or the table hasn't been found there, # try to find it in the schema public - name: Select from test using search_path community.postgresql.postgresql_query: query: SELECT * FROM test_array_table search_path: - app1 - public
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
query string | always | Executed query. When reading several queries from a file, it contains only the last one. Sample: SELECT * FROM bar |
query_all_results list / elements=list | always | List containing results of all queries executed (one sublist for every query). Useful when reading several queries from a file. Sample: [[{'Column': 'Value1'}, {'Column': 'Value2'}], [{'Column': 'Value1'}, {'Column': 'Value2'}]] |
query_list list / elements=string | always | List of executed queries. Useful when reading several queries from a file. Sample: ['SELECT * FROM foo', 'SELECT * FROM bar'] |
query_result list / elements=dictionary | always | List of dictionaries in column:value form representing returned rows. When running queries from a file, returns result of the last query. Sample: [{'Column': 'Value1'}, {'Column': 'Value2'}] |
rowcount integer | changed | Number of produced or affected rows. When using a script with multiple queries, it contains a total number of produced or affected rows. Sample: 5 |
statusmessage string | always | Attribute containing the message returned by the command. When reading several queries from a file, it contains a message of the last one. Sample: INSERT 0 1 |
- Felix Archambault (@archf)
- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
- Will Rouesnel (@wrouesnel)
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.