– Manages isis view configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
This plugin is part of the collection (version 1.3.0).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install
To use it in a playbook, specify:
New in version 0.2.0: of
- Manages isis process id, creates a isis instance id or deletes a process id on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
aclnum_or_name string | Specifies the acl number or name for isis. | |
allow_filter boolean |
| Specifies the alow filter or not. |
allow_up_down boolean |
| Specifies the alow up or down. |
autocostenable boolean |
| Specifies the alow auto cost enable. |
autocostenablecompatible boolean |
| Specifies the alow auto cost enable compatible. |
avoid_learning boolean |
| Specifies the alow avoid learning. |
bfd_min_rx integer | Specifies the bfd min received package. | |
bfd_min_tx integer | Specifies the bfd min sent package. | |
bfd_multiplier_num integer | Specifies the bfd multiplier number. | |
cost integer | Specifies the bfd cost. | |
cost_type string |
| Specifies the cost type. |
coststyle string |
| Specifies the cost style. |
defaultmode string |
| Specifies the default mode. |
description string | Specifies description of isis. | |
enablelevel1tolevel2 boolean |
| Enable level1 to level2. |
export_aclnumorname string | Specifies export acl number or name. | |
export_ipprefix string | Specifies export ip prefix. | |
export_policytype string |
| Specifies the default mode. |
export_processid integer | Specifies export process id. | |
export_protocol string |
| Specifies the export router protocol. |
export_routepolicyname string | Specifies export route policy name. | |
import_aclnumorname string | Specifies import acl number or name. | |
import_cost integer | Specifies import cost. | |
import_ipprefix string | Specifies import ip prefix. | |
import_route_policy string | Specifies import route policy. | |
import_routepolicy_name string | Specifies import route policy name. | |
import_routepolicyname string | Specifies import route policy name. | |
import_tag integer | Specifies import tag. | |
impotr_leveltype string |
| Specifies the export router protocol. |
inheritcost boolean |
| Enable inherit cost. |
instance_id integer | Specifies instance id. | |
ip_address string | Specifies ip address. | |
ip_prefix_name string | Specifies ip prefix name. | |
islevel string |
| Specifies the isis level. |
level_type string |
| Specifies the isis level type. |
max_load integer | Specifies route max load. | |
mode_routepolicyname string | Specifies the mode of route polic yname. | |
mode_tag integer | Specifies the tag of mode. | |
netentity string | Specifies the netentity. | |
penetration_direct string |
| Specifies the penetration direct. |
permitibgp boolean |
| Specifies the permitibgp. |
preference_value integer | Specifies the preference value. | |
processid integer | Specifies the process id. | |
protocol string |
| Specifies the protocol. |
relaxspfLimit boolean |
| Specifies enable the relax spf limit. |
route_policy_name string | Specifies the route policy name. | |
state string |
| Determines whether the config should be present or not on the device. |
stdbandwidth integer | Specifies the std band width. | |
stdlevel1cost integer | Specifies the std level1 cost. | |
stdlevel2cost integer | Specifies the std level2 cost. | |
tag integer | Specifies the isis tag. | |
weight integer | Specifies the isis weight. |
- This module requires the netconf system service be enabled on the remote device being managed.
- This module works with connection
- name: Set isis description instance_id: 3 description: abcdeggfs state: present - name: Set isis islevel instance_id: 3 islevel: level_1 state: present - name: Set isis coststyle instance_id: 3 coststyle: narrow state: present - name: Set isis stdlevel1cost instance_id: 3 stdlevel1cost: 63 state: present - name: Set isis stdlevel2cost instance_id: 3 stdlevel2cost: 63 state: present - name: Set isis stdbandwidth instance_id: 3 stdbandwidth: 1 state: present
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
changed boolean | always | check to see if a change was made on the device Sample: True |
end_state dictionary | always | k/v pairs of configuration after module execution Sample: {'session': {'addrType': 'IPV4', 'createType': 'SESS_STATIC', 'destAddr': None, 'outIfName': '10GE1/0/1', 'sessName': 'bfd_l2link', 'srcAddr': None, 'useDefaultIp': 'true', 'vrfName': None}} |
existing dictionary | always | k/v pairs of existing configuration Sample: {'session': {}} |
proposed dictionary | always | k/v pairs of parameters passed into module Sample: {'state': 'present'} |
updates list / elements=string | always | commands sent to the device Sample: ['bfd bfd_l2link bind peer-ip default-ip interface 10ge1/0/1'] |
- xuxiaowei0512 (@CloudEngine-Ansible)
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.