ansible.builtin.ssh – connect via ssh client binary
This module is part of ansible-base
and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short module name ssh even without specifying the collections:
keyword. Despite that, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same module name.
- This connection plugin allows ansible to communicate to the target machines via normal ssh command line.
- Ansible does not expose a channel to allow communication between the user and the ssh process to accept a password manually to decrypt an ssh key when using this connection plugin (which is the default). The use of
is highly recommended.
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Configuration | Comments |
control_path string | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH var: ansible_control_path added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | This is the location to save ssh's ControlPath sockets, it uses ssh's variable substitution. Since 2.3, if null, ansible will generate a unique hash. Use `%(directory)s` to indicate where to use the control dir path setting. | |
control_path_dir string | Default: "~/.ansible/cp" | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH_DIR var: ansible_control_path_dir added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | This sets the directory to use for ssh control path if the control path setting is null. Also, provides the `%(directory)s` variable for the control path setting. |
host string | Default: "inventory_hostname" | var: ansible_host var: ansible_ssh_host | Hostname/ip to connect to. |
host_key_checking boolean |
| ini entries: [defaults] [ssh_connection] added in 2.5 of ansible.builtin env:ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING env:ANSIBLE_SSH_HOST_KEY_CHECKING added in 2.5 of ansible.builtin var: ansible_host_key_checking added in 2.5 of ansible.builtin var: ansible_ssh_host_key_checking added in 2.5 of ansible.builtin | Determines if ssh should check host keys |
password string | var: ansible_password var: ansible_ssh_pass var: ansible_ssh_password | Authentication password for the remote_user . Can be supplied as CLI option. | |
pipelining boolean |
"ANSIBLE_PIPELINING" | ini entries: [defaults] [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_PIPELINING env:ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING var: ansible_pipelining var: ansible_ssh_pipelining | Pipelining reduces the number of SSH operations required to execute a module on the remote server, by executing many Ansible modules without actual file transfer. This can result in a very significant performance improvement when enabled. However this conflicts with privilege escalation (become). For example, when using sudo operations you must first disable 'requiretty' in the sudoers file for the target hosts, which is why this feature is disabled by default. |
port integer | Default: 22 | ini entries: [defaults] env:ANSIBLE_REMOTE_PORT var: ansible_port var: ansible_ssh_port | Remote port to connect to. |
private_key_file string | ini entries: [defaults] env:ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE var: ansible_private_key_file var: ansible_ssh_private_key_file | Path to private key file to use for authentication | |
remote_user string | ini entries: [defaults] env:ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER var: ansible_user var: ansible_ssh_user | User name with which to login to the remote server, normally set by the remote_user keyword. If no user is supplied, Ansible will let the ssh client binary choose the user as it normally | |
retries integer | Default: 3 | ini entries: [connection] [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SSH_RETRIES var: ansible_ssh_retries added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | Number of attempts to connect. |
scp_executable string added in 2.6 of ansible.builtin | Default: "scp" | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SCP_EXECUTABLE var: ansible_scp_executable added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | This defines the location of the scp binary. It defaults to `scp` which will use the first binary available in $PATH. |
scp_extra_args string | ini entries: [ssh_connection] added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin env:ANSIBLE_SCP_EXTRA_ARGS added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin var: ansible_scp_extra_args | Extra exclusive to the ``scp`` CLI | |
scp_if_ssh string | Default: "smart" | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SCP_IF_SSH var: ansible_scp_if_ssh added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | Preferred method to use when transfering files over ssh When set to smart, Ansible will try them until one succeeds or they all fail If set to True, it will force 'scp', if False it will use 'sftp' |
sftp_batch_mode boolean |
| ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SFTP_BATCH_MODE var: ansible_sftp_batch_mode added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | TODO: write it |
sftp_executable string added in 2.6 of ansible.builtin | Default: "sftp" | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SFTP_EXECUTABLE var: ansible_sftp_executable added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | This defines the location of the sftp binary. It defaults to ``sftp`` which will use the first binary available in $PATH. |
sftp_extra_args string | ini entries: [ssh_connection] added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin env:ANSIBLE_SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin var: ansible_sftp_extra_args | Extra exclusive to the ``sftp`` CLI | |
ssh_args string | Default: "-C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s" | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS var: ansible_ssh_args added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | Arguments to pass to all ssh cli tools |
ssh_common_args string | ini entries: [ssh_connection] added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin env:ANSIBLE_SSH_COMMON_ARGS added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin var: ansible_ssh_common_args | Common extra args for all ssh CLI tools | |
ssh_executable string added in 2.2 of ansible.builtin | Default: "ssh" | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SSH_EXECUTABLE var: ansible_ssh_executable added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | This defines the location of the ssh binary. It defaults to ``ssh`` which will use the first ssh binary available in $PATH. This option is usually not required, it might be useful when access to system ssh is restricted, or when using ssh wrappers to connect to remote hosts. |
ssh_extra_args string | ini entries: [ssh_connection] added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin env:ANSIBLE_SSH_EXTRA_ARGS added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin var: ansible_ssh_extra_args | Extra exclusive to the 'ssh' CLI | |
sshpass_prompt string added in 2.10 of ansible.builtin | Default: "" | ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SSHPASS_PROMPT var: ansible_sshpass_prompt | Password prompt that sshpass should search for. Supported by sshpass 1.06 and up. |
use_tty boolean added in 2.5 of ansible.builtin |
| ini entries: [ssh_connection] env:ANSIBLE_SSH_USETTY var: ansible_ssh_use_tty added in 2.7 of ansible.builtin | add -tt to ssh commands to force tty allocation |
- ansible (@core)
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.