community.postgresql.postgresql_info – Gather information about PostgreSQL servers
This plugin is part of the community.postgresql collection (version 1.0.0).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.postgresql
To use it in a playbook, specify: community.postgresql.postgresql_info
- Gathers information about PostgreSQL servers.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- psycopg2
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
ca_cert string | Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s). If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities. aliases: ssl_rootcert | |
db string | Name of database to connect. aliases: login_db | |
filter list / elements=string | Limit the collected information by comma separated string or YAML list. Allowable values are version , databases , in_recovery , settings , tablespaces , roles , replications , repl_slots .By default, collects all subsets. You can use shell-style (fnmatch) wildcard to pass groups of values (see Examples). You can use '!' before value (for example, !settings ) to exclude it from the information.If you pass including and excluding values to the filter, for example, filter=!settings,ver, the excluding values will be ignored. | |
login_host string | Host running the database. | |
login_password string | The password used to authenticate with. | |
login_unix_socket string | Path to a Unix domain socket for local connections. | |
login_user string | Default: "postgres" | The username used to authenticate with. |
port integer | Default: 5432 | Database port to connect to. aliases: login_port |
session_role string | Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of. Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally. | |
ssl_mode string |
| Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection will be negotiated with the server. See for more information on the modes. Default of prefer matches libpq default. |
trust_input boolean added in 0.2.0 of community.postgresql |
| If no , check whether a value of session_role is potentially dangerous.It makes sense to use no only when SQL injections via session_role are possible. |
- The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo’ing to the
account on the host. - To avoid “Peer authentication failed for user postgres” error, use postgres user as a become_user.
- This module uses psycopg2, a Python PostgreSQL database adapter. You must ensure that psycopg2 is installed on the host before using this module.
- If the remote host is the PostgreSQL server (which is the default case), then PostgreSQL must also be installed on the remote host.
- For Ubuntu-based systems, install the postgresql, libpq-dev, and python-psycopg2 packages on the remote host before using this module.
- The ca_cert parameter requires at least Postgres version 8.4 and psycopg2 version 2.4.3.
See Also
See also
- community.postgresql.postgresql_ping
The official documentation on the community.postgresql.postgresql_ping module.
# Display info from postgres hosts. # ansible postgres -m postgresql_info # Display only databases and roles info from all hosts using shell-style wildcards: # ansible all -m postgresql_info -a 'filter=dat*,rol*' # Display only replications and repl_slots info from standby hosts using shell-style wildcards: # ansible standby -m postgresql_info -a 'filter=repl*' # Display all info from databases hosts except settings: # ansible databases -m postgresql_info -a 'filter=!settings' - name: Collect PostgreSQL version and extensions become: yes become_user: postgres community.postgresql.postgresql_info: filter: ver*,ext* - name: Collect all info except settings and roles become: yes become_user: postgres community.postgresql.postgresql_info: filter: "!settings,!roles" # On FreeBSD with PostgreSQL 9.5 version and lower use pgsql user to become # and pass "postgres" as a database to connect to - name: Collect tablespaces and repl_slots info become: yes become_user: pgsql community.postgresql.postgresql_info: db: postgres filter: - tablesp* - repl_sl* - name: Collect all info except databases become: yes become_user: postgres community.postgresql.postgresql_info: filter: - "!databases"
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description | ||||
databases dictionary | always | Information about databases. Sample: [{'postgres': {'access_priv': '', 'collate': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'ctype': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'owner': 'postgres', 'size': '7997 kB'}}] | ||||
database_name dictionary | always | Database name. Sample: template1 | ||||
access_priv string | always | Database access privileges. Sample: =c/postgres_npostgres=CTc/postgres | ||||
collate string | always | Database collation Sample: en_US.UTF-8 | ||||
ctype string | always | Database LC_CTYPE Sample: en_US.UTF-8 | ||||
encoding string | always | Database encoding Sample: UTF8 | ||||
extensions dictionary | always | Sample: [{'plpgsql': {'description': 'PL/pgSQL procedural language', 'extversion': {'major': 1, 'minor': 0}}}] | ||||
extdescription string | if existent | Extension description. Sample: PL/pgSQL procedural language | ||||
extversion dictionary | always | Extension description. | ||||
major integer | always | Extension major version. Sample: 1 | ||||
minor integer | always | Extension minor version. | ||||
nspname string | always | Namespace where the extension is. Sample: pg_catalog | ||||
languages dictionary | always | Procedural languages Sample: {'sql': {'lanacl': '', 'lanowner': 'postgres'}} | ||||
lanacl string | always | Language access privileges Sample: {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres} | ||||
lanowner string | always | Language owner Sample: postgres | ||||
namespaces dictionary | always | Namespaces (schema) Sample: {'pg_catalog': {'nspacl': '{postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}', 'nspowner': 'postgres'}} | ||||
nspacl string | always | Access privileges Sample: {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres} | ||||
nspowner string | always | Sample: postgres | ||||
owner string | always | Database owner Sample: postgres | ||||
publications dictionary added in 0.2.0 of community.postgresql | if configured | Information about logical replication publications (available for PostgreSQL 10 and higher) Content depends on PostgreSQL server version. Sample: {'pub1': {'ownername': 'postgres', 'puballtables': True, 'pubinsert': True, 'pubupdate': True}} | ||||
size string | always | Database size in bytes. Sample: 8189415 | ||||
subscriptions dictionary added in 0.2.0 of community.postgresql | if configured | Information about replication subscriptions (available for PostgreSQL 10 and higher) Content depends on PostgreSQL server version. Sample: [{'my_subscription': {'ownername': 'postgres', 'subenabled': True, 'subpublications': ['first_publication']}}] | ||||
in_recovery boolean | always | Indicates if the service is in recovery mode or not. | ||||
pending_restart_settings list / elements=string | always | List of settings that are pending restart to be set. Sample: ['shared_buffers'] | ||||
repl_slots dictionary | if existent | Replication slots (available in 9.4 and later) Sample: {'slot0': {'active': False, 'database': None, 'plugin': None, 'slot_type': 'physical'}} | ||||
active boolean | always | True means that a receiver has connected to it, and it is currently reserving archives. Sample: True | ||||
database string | always | Database name this slot is associated with, or null. Sample: acme | ||||
plugin string | always | Base name of the shared object containing the output plugin this logical slot is using, or null for physical slots. Sample: pgoutput | ||||
slot_type string | always | The slot type - physical or logical. Sample: logical | ||||
replications dictionary | if pg_stat_replication view existent | Information about the current replications by process PIDs Sample: [{'76580': {'app_name': 'standby1', 'backend_start': '2019-02-03 00:14:33.908593+03', 'client_addr': '', 'client_hostname': '', 'state': 'streaming', 'usename': 'postgres'}}] | ||||
app_name string | if existent | Name of the application that is connected to this WAL sender. Sample: acme_srv | ||||
backend_start string | always | Time when this process was started, i.e., when the client connected to this WAL sender. Sample: 2019-02-03 00:14:33.908593+03 | ||||
client_addr string | always | IP address of the client connected to this WAL sender. If this field is null, it indicates that the client is connected via a Unix socket on the server machine. Sample: | ||||
client_hostname string | always | Host name of the connected client, as reported by a reverse DNS lookup of client_addr. This field will only be non-null for IP connections, and only when log_hostname is enabled. Sample: dbsrv1 | ||||
state string | always | Current WAL sender state. Sample: streaming | ||||
usename string | always | Name of the user logged into this WAL sender process ('usename' is a column name in pg_stat_replication view). Sample: replication_user | ||||
roles dictionary | always | Information about roles Sample: [{'test_role': {'canlogin': True, 'member_of': ['user_ro'], 'superuser': False, 'valid_until': '9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999+00:00'}}] | ||||
canlogin boolean | always | Login privilege Sample: True | ||||
member_of list / elements=string | always | Role membership Sample: ['read_only_users'] | ||||
superuser boolean | always | User is a superuser or not. | ||||
valid_until string | always | Password expiration date Sample: 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999+00:00 | ||||
settings dictionary | always | Information about run-time server parameters Sample: [{'work_mem': {'boot_val': '4096', 'context': 'user', 'max_val': '2147483647', 'min_val': '64', 'setting': '8192', 'sourcefile': '/var/lib/pgsql/10/data/', 'unit': 'kB', 'val_in_bytes': 4194304, 'vartype': 'integer'}}] | ||||
boot_val string | always | Parameter value assumed at server startup if the parameter is not otherwise set. Sample: 4096 | ||||
context string | always | Context required to set the parameter's value. For more information see Sample: user | ||||
max_val string | always | Maximum allowed value of the parameter (null for non-numeric values). Sample: 2147483647 | ||||
min_val string | always | Minimum allowed value of the parameter (null for non-numeric values). Sample: 64 | ||||
pending_restart boolean | always | True if the value has been changed in the configuration file but needs a restart; or false otherwise. Returns only if settings is passed. | ||||
pretty_val string | always | Value presented in the pretty form. Sample: 2MB | ||||
setting string | always | Current value of the parameter. Sample: 49152 | ||||
sourcefile string | always | Configuration file the current value was set in. Null for values set from sources other than configuration files, or when examined by a user who is neither a superuser or a member of pg_read_all_settings. Helpful when using include directives in configuration files. Sample: /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/ | ||||
unit string | always | Implicit unit of the parameter. Sample: kB | ||||
val_in_bytes integer | if supported | Current value of the parameter in bytes. Sample: 2147483647 | ||||
vartype string | always | Parameter type (bool, enum, integer, real, or string). Sample: integer | ||||
tablespaces dictionary | always | Information about tablespaces Sample: [{'test': {'spcacl': '{postgres=C/postgres,andreyk=C/postgres}', 'spcoptions': ['seq_page_cost=1'], 'spcowner': 'postgres'}}] | ||||
spcacl string | always | Tablespace access privileges. Sample: {postgres=C/postgres,andreyk=C/postgres} | ||||
spcoptions list / elements=string | always | Tablespace-level options. Sample: ['seq_page_cost=1'] | ||||
spcowner string | always | Owner of the tablespace. Sample: test_user | ||||
version dictionary | always | Database server version Sample: {'version': {'major': 10, 'minor': 6}} | ||||
major integer | always | Major server version. Sample: 11 | ||||
minor integer | always | Minor server version. Sample: 1 |
- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.