

AccessDeniedException AccessDeniedException is thrown when the account has not the required role.
AccountExpiredException AccountExpiredException is thrown when the user account has expired.
AccountStatusException AccountStatusException is the base class for authentication exceptions caused by the user account status.
AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException is thrown when an authentication is rejected because no Token is available.
AuthenticationException AuthenticationException is the base class for all authentication exceptions.
AuthenticationServiceException AuthenticationServiceException is thrown when an authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.
BadCredentialsException BadCredentialsException is thrown when the user credentials are invalid.
CookieTheftException This exception is thrown when the RememberMeServices implementation detects that a presented cookie has already been used by someone else.
CredentialsExpiredException CredentialsExpiredException is thrown when the user account credentials have expired.
DisabledException DisabledException is thrown when the user account is disabled.
InsufficientAuthenticationException InsufficientAuthenticationException is thrown if the user credentials are not sufficiently trusted.
InvalidCsrfTokenException This exception is thrown when the csrf token is invalid.
LockedException LockedException is thrown if the user account is locked.
LogoutException LogoutException is thrown when the account cannot be logged out.
NonceExpiredException NonceExpiredException is thrown when an authentication is rejected because the digest nonce has expired.
ProviderNotFoundException ProviderNotFoundException is thrown when no AuthenticationProviderInterface instance supports an authentication Token.
SessionUnavailableException This exception is thrown when no session is available.
TokenNotFoundException TokenNotFoundException is thrown if a Token cannot be found.
UnsupportedUserException This exception is thrown when an account is reloaded from a provider which doesn't support the passed implementation of UserInterface.
UsernameNotFoundException UsernameNotFoundException is thrown if a User cannot be found by its username.

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.