
interface StoreInterface

Interface implemented by HTTP cache stores.


Response|null lookup(Request $request)

Locates a cached Response for the Request provided.

string write(Request $request, Response $response)

Writes a cache entry to the store for the given Request and Response.

invalidate(Request $request)

Invalidates all cache entries that match the request.

bool|string lock(Request $request)

Locks the cache for a given Request.

bool unlock(Request $request)

Releases the lock for the given Request.

bool isLocked(Request $request)

Returns whether or not a lock exists.

bool purge(string $url)

Purges data for the given URL.


Cleanups storage.


Response|null lookup(Request $request)

Locates a cached Response for the Request provided.


Request $request

Return Value

Response|null A Response instance, or null if no cache entry was found

string write(Request $request, Response $response)

Writes a cache entry to the store for the given Request and Response.

Existing entries are read and any that match the response are removed. This method calls write with the new list of cache entries.


Request $request
Response $response

Return Value

string The key under which the response is stored

invalidate(Request $request)

Invalidates all cache entries that match the request.


Request $request

bool|string lock(Request $request)

Locks the cache for a given Request.


Request $request

Return Value

bool|string true if the lock is acquired, the path to the current lock otherwise

bool unlock(Request $request)

Releases the lock for the given Request.


Request $request

Return Value

bool False if the lock file does not exist or cannot be unlocked, true otherwise

bool isLocked(Request $request)

Returns whether or not a lock exists.


Request $request

Return Value

bool true if lock exists, false otherwise

bool purge(string $url)

Purges data for the given URL.


string $url A URL

Return Value

bool true if the URL exists and has been purged, false otherwise


Cleanups storage.

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.