
interface StubbingContextInterface


string getBinaryDir()

Returns the directory where the binary resource bundles are stored.

string getStubDir()

Returns the directory where the stub resource bundles are stored.

Filesystem getFilesystem()

Returns a tool for manipulating the filesystem.

string getIcuVersion()

Returns the ICU version of the bundles being converted.


string getBinaryDir()

Returns the directory where the binary resource bundles are stored.

Return Value

string An absolute path to a directory.

string getStubDir()

Returns the directory where the stub resource bundles are stored.

Return Value

string An absolute path to a directory.

Filesystem getFilesystem()

Returns a tool for manipulating the filesystem.

Return Value

Filesystem The filesystem manipulator.

string getIcuVersion()

Returns the ICU version of the bundles being converted.

Return Value

string The ICU version string.