class Pool
Public Class Methods
static VALUE rb_fiber_pool_initialize(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); VALUE size = Qnil, count = Qnil, vm_stack_size = Qnil; struct fiber_pool * fiber_pool = NULL; // Maybe these should be keyword arguments. rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &size, &count, &vm_stack_size); if (NIL_P(size)) { size = INT2NUM(th->vm->default_params.fiber_machine_stack_size); } if (NIL_P(count)) { count = INT2NUM(128); } if (NIL_P(vm_stack_size)) { vm_stack_size = INT2NUM(th->vm->default_params.fiber_vm_stack_size); } TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct fiber_pool, &FiberPoolDataType, fiber_pool); fiber_pool_initialize(fiber_pool, NUM2SIZET(size), NUM2SIZET(count), NUM2SIZET(vm_stack_size)); return self; }
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