class Fiddle::Pointer


Fiddle::Pointer is a class to handle C pointers

Public Class Methods

Fiddle::Pointer[val] → cptr Show source
to_ptr(val) → cptr
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_s_to_ptr(VALUE self, VALUE val)
    VALUE ptr, wrap = val, vptr;

    if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_cIO))){
        rb_io_t *fptr;
        FILE *fp;
        GetOpenFile(val, fptr);
        fp = rb_io_stdio_file(fptr);
        ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr_new(fp, 0, NULL);
    else if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_cString))){
        char *str = StringValuePtr(val);
        ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr_new(str, RSTRING_LEN(val), NULL);
    else if ((vptr = rb_check_funcall(val, id_to_ptr, 0, 0)) != Qundef){
        if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(vptr, rb_cPointer)){
            ptr = vptr;
            wrap = 0;
            rb_raise(rb_eFiddleDLError, "to_ptr should return a Fiddle::Pointer object");
        VALUE num = rb_Integer(val);
        if (num == val) wrap = 0;
        ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr_new(NUM2PTR(num), 0, NULL);
    if (wrap) RPTR_DATA(ptr)->wrap[0] = wrap;
    return ptr;

Get the underlying pointer for ruby object val and return it as a Fiddle::Pointer object.

Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, freefunc = nil) → fiddle pointer instance Show source
Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, freefunc) { |pointer| ... } → ...
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_s_malloc(int argc, VALUE argv[], VALUE klass)
    VALUE size, sym, obj, wrap = 0;
    long s;
    freefunc_t f;

    switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &size, &sym)) {
      case 1:
        s = NUM2LONG(size);
        f = NULL;
      case 2:
        s = NUM2LONG(size);
        f = get_freefunc(sym, &wrap);

    obj = rb_fiddle_ptr_malloc(klass, s,f);
    if (wrap) RPTR_DATA(obj)->wrap[1] = wrap;

    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
        if (!f) {
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "a free function must be supplied to Fiddle::Pointer.malloc when it is called with a block");
        return rb_ensure(rb_yield, obj, rb_fiddle_ptr_call_free, obj);
    } else {
        return obj;


# Automatically freeing the pointer when the block is exited - recommended
Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE) do |pointer|

# Manually freeing but relying on the garbage collector otherwise
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Relying on the garbage collector - may lead to unlimited memory allocated before freeing any, but safe
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Only manually freeing
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)
ensure pointer

# No free function and no call to free - the native memory will leak if the pointer is garbage collected
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)

Allocate size bytes of memory and associate it with an optional freefunc.

If a block is supplied, the pointer will be yielded to the block instead of being returned, and the return value of the block will be returned. A freefunc must be supplied if a block is.

If a freefunc is supplied it will be called once, when the pointer is garbage collected or when the block is left if a block is supplied or when the user calls call_free, whichever happens first. freefunc must be an address pointing to a function or an instance of Fiddle::Function. → fiddle_cptr Show source
new(address, size) → fiddle_cptr
new(address, size, freefunc) → fiddle_cptr
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_initialize(int argc, VALUE argv[], VALUE self)
    VALUE ptr, sym, size, wrap = 0, funcwrap = 0;
    struct ptr_data *data;
    void *p = NULL;
    freefunc_t f = NULL;
    long s = 0;

    if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &ptr, &size, &sym) >= 1) {
        VALUE addrnum = rb_Integer(ptr);
        if (addrnum != ptr) wrap = ptr;
        p = NUM2PTR(addrnum);
    if (argc >= 2) {
        s = NUM2LONG(size);
    if (argc >= 3) {
        f = get_freefunc(sym, &funcwrap);

    if (p) {
        TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
        if (data->ptr && data->free) {
            /* Free previous memory. Use of inappropriate initialize may cause SEGV. */
        data->wrap[0] = wrap;
        data->wrap[1] = funcwrap;
        data->ptr  = p;
        data->size = s;
        data->free = f;

    return Qnil;

Create a new pointer to address with an optional size and freefunc.

freefunc will be called when the instance is garbage collected.

Fiddle::Pointer[val] → cptr Show source
to_ptr(val) → cptr
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_s_to_ptr(VALUE self, VALUE val)
    VALUE ptr, wrap = val, vptr;

    if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_cIO))){
        rb_io_t *fptr;
        FILE *fp;
        GetOpenFile(val, fptr);
        fp = rb_io_stdio_file(fptr);
        ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr_new(fp, 0, NULL);
    else if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_cString))){
        char *str = StringValuePtr(val);
        ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr_new(str, RSTRING_LEN(val), NULL);
    else if ((vptr = rb_check_funcall(val, id_to_ptr, 0, 0)) != Qundef){
        if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(vptr, rb_cPointer)){
            ptr = vptr;
            wrap = 0;
            rb_raise(rb_eFiddleDLError, "to_ptr should return a Fiddle::Pointer object");
        VALUE num = rb_Integer(val);
        if (num == val) wrap = 0;
        ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr_new(NUM2PTR(num), 0, NULL);
    if (wrap) RPTR_DATA(ptr)->wrap[0] = wrap;
    return ptr;

Get the underlying pointer for ruby object val and return it as a Fiddle::Pointer object.

Public Instance Methods

ptr + n → new cptr Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_plus(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    void *ptr;
    long num, size;

    ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr(self);
    size = RPTR_DATA(self)->size;
    num = NUM2LONG(other);
    return rb_fiddle_ptr_new((char *)ptr + num, size - num, 0);

Returns a new pointer instance that has been advanced n bytes.

Returns a new Fiddle::Pointer instance that is a dereferenced pointer for this pointer.

Analogous to the star operator in C.

Alias for: ptr
ptr - n → new cptr Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_minus(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    void *ptr;
    long num, size;

    ptr = rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr(self);
    size = RPTR_DATA(self)->size;
    num = NUM2LONG(other);
    return rb_fiddle_ptr_new((char *)ptr - num, size + num, 0);

Returns a new pointer instance that has been moved back n bytes.

Returns a new Fiddle::Pointer instance that is a reference pointer for this pointer.

Analogous to the ampersand operator in C.

Alias for: ref
ptr <=> other → -1, 0, 1, or nil Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_cmp(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    void *ptr1, *ptr2;
    SIGNED_VALUE diff;

    if(!rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_cPointer)) return Qnil;

    ptr1 = rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr(self);
    ptr2 = rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr(other);
    diff = (SIGNED_VALUE)ptr1 - (SIGNED_VALUE)ptr2;
    if (!diff) return INT2FIX(0);
    return diff > 0 ? INT2NUM(1) : INT2NUM(-1);

Returns -1 if less than, 0 if equal to, 1 if greater than other.

Returns nil if ptr cannot be compared to other.

ptr == other → true or false Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_eql(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    void *ptr1, *ptr2;

    if(!rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_cPointer)) return Qfalse;

    ptr1 = rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr(self);
    ptr2 = rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr(other);

    return ptr1 == ptr2 ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

Returns true if other wraps the same pointer, otherwise returns false.

Also aliased as: eql?
ptr[index] → an_integer Show source
ptr[start, length] → a_string
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_aref(int argc, VALUE argv[], VALUE self)
    VALUE arg0, arg1;
    VALUE retval = Qnil;
    size_t offset, len;
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    if (!data->ptr) rb_raise(rb_eFiddleDLError, "NULL pointer dereference");
    switch( rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &arg0, &arg1) ){
      case 1:
        offset = NUM2ULONG(arg0);
        retval = INT2NUM(*((char *)data->ptr + offset));
      case 2:
        offset = NUM2ULONG(arg0);
        len    = NUM2ULONG(arg1);
        retval = rb_str_new((char *)data->ptr + offset, len);
    return retval;

Returns integer stored at index.

If start and length are given, a string containing the bytes from start of length will be returned.

ptr[index] = int → int Show source
ptr[start, length] = string or cptr or addr → string or dl_cptr or addr
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_aset(int argc, VALUE argv[], VALUE self)
    VALUE arg0, arg1, arg2;
    VALUE retval = Qnil;
    size_t offset, len;
    void *mem;
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    if (!data->ptr) rb_raise(rb_eFiddleDLError, "NULL pointer dereference");
    switch( rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &arg0, &arg1, &arg2) ){
      case 2:
        offset = NUM2ULONG(arg0);
        ((char*)data->ptr)[offset] = NUM2UINT(arg1);
        retval = arg1;
      case 3:
        offset = NUM2ULONG(arg0);
        len    = NUM2ULONG(arg1);
        if (RB_TYPE_P(arg2, T_STRING)) {
            mem = StringValuePtr(arg2);
        else if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg2, rb_cPointer) ){
            mem = rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr(arg2);
            mem    = NUM2PTR(arg2);
        memcpy((char *)data->ptr + offset, mem, len);
        retval = arg2;
    return retval;

Set the value at index to int.

Or, set the memory at start until length with the contents of string, the memory from dl_cptr, or the memory pointed at by the memory address addr.

call_free → nil Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_call_free(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *pdata;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, pdata);
    return Qnil;

Call the free function for this pointer. Calling more than once will do nothing. Does nothing if there is no free function attached.

eql?(other) → true or false

Returns true if other wraps the same pointer, otherwise returns false.

Alias for: ==
free → Fiddle::Function Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_free_get(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *pdata;
    VALUE address;
    VALUE arg_types;
    VALUE ret_type;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, pdata);

    if (!pdata->free)
        return Qnil;

    address = PTR2NUM(pdata->free);
    ret_type = INT2NUM(TYPE_VOID);
    arg_types = rb_ary_new();
    rb_ary_push(arg_types, INT2NUM(TYPE_VOIDP));

    return rb_fiddle_new_function(address, arg_types, ret_type);

Get the free function for this pointer.

Returns a new instance of Fiddle::Function.


free=(function) Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_free_set(VALUE self, VALUE val)
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    data->free = get_freefunc(val, &data->wrap[1]);

    return Qnil;

Set the free function for this pointer to function in the given Fiddle::Function.

freed? → bool Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_freed_p(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *pdata;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, pdata);
    return pdata->freed ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

Returns if the free function for this pointer has been called.

inspect Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_inspect(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    return rb_sprintf("#<%"PRIsVALUE":%p ptr=%p size=%ld free=%p>",
                      RB_OBJ_CLASSNAME(self), (void *)data, data->ptr, data->size, (void *)data->free);

Returns a string formatted with an easily readable representation of the internal state of the pointer.

null? Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_null_p(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    return data->ptr ? Qfalse : Qtrue;

Returns true if this is a null pointer.

static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_ptr(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    return rb_fiddle_ptr_new(*((void**)(data->ptr)),0,0);

Returns a new Fiddle::Pointer instance that is a dereferenced pointer for this pointer.

Analogous to the star operator in C.

Also aliased as: +@
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_ref(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    return rb_fiddle_ptr_new(&(data->ptr),0,0);

Returns a new Fiddle::Pointer instance that is a reference pointer for this pointer.

Analogous to the ampersand operator in C.

Also aliased as: -@
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_size_get(VALUE self)
    return LONG2NUM(RPTR_DATA(self)->size);

Get the size of this pointer.

size=(size) Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_size_set(VALUE self, VALUE size)
    RPTR_DATA(self)->size = NUM2LONG(size);
    return size;

Set the size of this pointer to size

static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_to_i(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    return PTR2NUM(data->ptr);

Returns the integer memory location of this pointer.

Also aliased as: to_int

Returns the integer memory location of this pointer.

Alias for: to_i
to_s → string Show source
to_s(len) → string
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_to_s(int argc, VALUE argv[], VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;
    VALUE arg1, val;
    int len;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &arg1)) {
      case 0:
        val = rb_str_new2((char*)(data->ptr));
      case 1:
        len = NUM2INT(arg1);
        val = rb_str_new((char*)(data->ptr), len);

    return val;

Returns the pointer contents as a string.

When called with no arguments, this method will return the contents until the first NULL byte.

When called with len, a string of len bytes will be returned.

See to_str

to_str → string Show source
to_str(len) → string
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_to_str(int argc, VALUE argv[], VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;
    VALUE arg1, val;
    int len;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &arg1)) {
      case 0:
        val = rb_str_new((char*)(data->ptr),data->size);
      case 1:
        len = NUM2INT(arg1);
        val = rb_str_new((char*)(data->ptr), len);

    return val;

Returns the pointer contents as a string.

When called with no arguments, this method will return the contents with the length of this pointer's size.

When called with len, a string of len bytes will be returned.

See to_s

to_value Show source
static VALUE
rb_fiddle_ptr_to_value(VALUE self)
    struct ptr_data *data;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct ptr_data, &fiddle_ptr_data_type, data);
    return (VALUE)(data->ptr);

Cast this pointer to a ruby object.

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Licensed under the Ruby License.
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