class BigDecimal
provides arbitrary-precision floating point decimal arithmetic.
Ruby provides built-in support for arbitrary precision integer arithmetic.
For example:
42**13 #=> 1265437718438866624512
provides similar support for very large or very accurate floating point numbers.
Decimal arithmetic is also useful for general calculation, because it provides the correct answers people expect–whereas normal binary floating point arithmetic often introduces subtle errors because of the conversion between base 10 and base 2.
For example, try:
sum = 0 10_000.times do sum = sum + 0.0001 end print sum #=> 0.9999999999999062
and contrast with the output from:
require 'bigdecimal' sum = BigDecimal("0") 10_000.times do sum = sum + BigDecimal("0.0001") end print sum #=> 0.1E1
(BigDecimal("1.2") - BigDecimal("1.0")) == BigDecimal("0.2") #=> true (1.2 - 1.0) == 0.2 #=> false
Special features of accurate decimal arithmetic
Because BigDecimal
is more accurate than normal binary floating point arithmetic, it requires some special values.
sometimes needs to return infinity, for example if you divide a value by zero.
BigDecimal("1.0") / BigDecimal("0.0") #=> Infinity BigDecimal("-1.0") / BigDecimal("0.0") #=> -Infinity
You can represent infinite numbers to BigDecimal
using the strings 'Infinity'
, '+Infinity'
and '-Infinity'
Not a Number
When a computation results in an undefined value, the special value NaN
(for 'not a number') is returned.
BigDecimal("0.0") / BigDecimal("0.0") #=> NaN
You can also create undefined values.
NaN is never considered to be the same as any other value, even NaN itself:
n = BigDecimal('NaN') n == 0.0 #=> false n == n #=> false
Positive and negative zero
If a computation results in a value which is too small to be represented as a BigDecimal
within the currently specified limits of precision, zero must be returned.
If the value which is too small to be represented is negative, a BigDecimal
value of negative zero is returned.
BigDecimal("1.0") / BigDecimal("-Infinity") #=> -0.0
If the value is positive, a value of positive zero is returned.
BigDecimal("1.0") / BigDecimal("Infinity") #=> 0.0
(See BigDecimal.mode
for how to specify limits of precision.)
Note that -0.0
and 0.0
are considered to be the same for the purposes of comparison.
Note also that in mathematics, there is no particular concept of negative or positive zero; true mathematical zero has no sign.
When you require bigdecimal/util
, the to_d
method will be available on BigDecimal
and the native Integer
, Float
, Rational
, and String
require 'bigdecimal/util' 42.to_d # => 0.42e2 0.5.to_d # => 0.5e0 (2/3r).to_d(3) # => 0.667e0 "0.5".to_d # => 0.5e0
Copyright (C) 2002 by Shigeo Kobayashi <[email protected]>.
is released under the Ruby and 2-clause BSD licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
Maintained by mrkn <[email protected]> and ruby-core members.
Documented by zzak <[email protected]>, mathew <[email protected]>, and many other contributors.
Base value used in internal calculations. On a 32 bit system,
is 10000, indicating that calculation is done in groups of 4 digits. (If it were larger, BASE**2 wouldn't fit in 32 bits, so you couldn't guarantee that two groups could always be multiplied together without overflow.) - EXCEPTION_ALL
Determines whether overflow, underflow or zero divide result in an exception being thrown. See
Determines what happens when the result of a computation is infinity. See
Determines what happens when the result of a computation is not a number (NaN). See
Determines what happens when the result of a computation is an overflow (a result too large to be represented). See
Determines what happens when the result of a computation is an underflow (a result too small to be represented). See
Determines what happens when a division by zero is performed. See
Positive infinity value.
'Not a Number' value.
Round towards +Infinity. See
Indicates that values should be rounded towards zero. See
Round towards -Infinity. See
Indicates that digits >= 6 should be rounded up, others rounded down. See
Round towards the even neighbor. See
Indicates that digits >= 5 should be rounded up, others rounded down. See
Determines what happens when a result must be rounded in order to fit in the appropriate number of significant digits. See
Indicates that values should be rounded away from zero. See
Indicates that a value is negative and finite. See
Indicates that a value is negative and infinite. See
Indicates that a value is -0. See
. - SIGN_NaN
Indicates that a value is not a number. See
Indicates that a value is positive and finite. See
Indicates that a value is positive and infinite. See
Indicates that a value is +0. See
The version of bigdecimal library
Public Class Methods
static VALUE BigDecimal_load(VALUE self, VALUE str) { ENTER(2); Real *pv; unsigned char *pch; unsigned char ch; unsigned long m=0; pch = (unsigned char *)StringValueCStr(str); /* First get max prec */ while((*pch) != (unsigned char)'\0' && (ch = *pch++) != (unsigned char)':') { if(!ISDIGIT(ch)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "load failed: invalid character in the marshaled string"); } m = m*10 + (unsigned long)(ch-'0'); } if (m > VpBaseFig()) m -= VpBaseFig(); GUARD_OBJ(pv, VpNewRbClass(m, (char *)pch, self)); m /= VpBaseFig(); if (m && pv->MaxPrec > m) { pv->MaxPrec = m+1; } return ToValue(pv); }
Internal method used to provide marshalling support. See the Marshal
static VALUE BigDecimal_double_fig(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(VpDblFig()); }
The BigDecimal.double_fig
class method returns the number of digits a Float
number is allowed to have. The result depends upon the CPU and OS in use.
static VALUE BigDecimal_s_interpret_loosely(VALUE klass, VALUE str) { ENTER(1); char const *c_str; Real *pv; c_str = StringValueCStr(str); GUARD_OBJ(pv, VpAlloc(0, c_str, 0, 1)); pv->obj = TypedData_Wrap_Struct(klass, &BigDecimal_data_type, pv); RB_OBJ_FREEZE(pv->obj); return pv->obj; }
static VALUE BigDecimal_limit(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE nFig; VALUE nCur = SIZET2NUM(VpGetPrecLimit()); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &nFig) == 1) { int nf; if (NIL_P(nFig)) return nCur; nf = NUM2INT(nFig); if (nf < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument must be positive"); } VpSetPrecLimit(nf); } return nCur; }
Limit the number of significant digits in newly created BigDecimal
numbers to the specified value. Rounding is performed as necessary, as specified by BigDecimal.mode
A limit of 0, the default, means no upper limit.
The limit specified by this method takes less priority over any limit specified to instance methods such as ceil, floor, truncate, or round.
static VALUE BigDecimal_mode(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE which; VALUE val; unsigned long f,fo; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &which, &val); f = (unsigned long)NUM2INT(which); if (f & VP_EXCEPTION_ALL) { /* Exception mode setting */ fo = VpGetException(); if (val == Qnil) return INT2FIX(fo); if (val != Qfalse && val!=Qtrue) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "second argument must be true or false"); return Qnil; /* Not reached */ } if (f & VP_EXCEPTION_INFINITY) { VpSetException((unsigned short)((val == Qtrue) ? (fo | VP_EXCEPTION_INFINITY) : (fo & (~VP_EXCEPTION_INFINITY)))); } fo = VpGetException(); if (f & VP_EXCEPTION_NaN) { VpSetException((unsigned short)((val == Qtrue) ? (fo | VP_EXCEPTION_NaN) : (fo & (~VP_EXCEPTION_NaN)))); } fo = VpGetException(); if (f & VP_EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW) { VpSetException((unsigned short)((val == Qtrue) ? (fo | VP_EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW) : (fo & (~VP_EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW)))); } fo = VpGetException(); if(f & VP_EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE) { VpSetException((unsigned short)((val == Qtrue) ? (fo | VP_EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE) : (fo & (~VP_EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE)))); } fo = VpGetException(); return INT2FIX(fo); } if (VP_ROUND_MODE == f) { /* Rounding mode setting */ unsigned short sw; fo = VpGetRoundMode(); if (NIL_P(val)) return INT2FIX(fo); sw = check_rounding_mode(val); fo = VpSetRoundMode(sw); return INT2FIX(fo); } rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "first argument for BigDecimal.mode invalid"); return Qnil; }
Controls handling of arithmetic exceptions and rounding. If no value is supplied, the current value is returned.
Six values of the mode parameter control the handling of arithmetic exceptions:
For each mode parameter above, if the value set is false, computation continues after an arithmetic exception of the appropriate type. When computation continues, results are as follows:
+Infinity or -Infinity
+Infinity or -Infinity
+Infinity or -Infinity
One value of the mode parameter controls the rounding of numeric values: BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE
. The values it can take are:
, :up -
round away from zero
, :down, :truncate -
round towards zero (truncate)
, :half_up, :default -
round towards the nearest neighbor, unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round away from zero. (default)
, :half_down -
round towards the nearest neighbor, unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round towards zero.
, :half_even, :banker -
round towards the nearest neighbor, unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round towards the even neighbor (Banker's rounding)
, :ceiling, :ceil -
round towards positive infinity (ceil)
, :floor -
round towards negative infinity (floor)
static VALUE BigDecimal_save_exception_mode(VALUE self) { unsigned short const exception_mode = VpGetException(); int state; VALUE ret = rb_protect(rb_yield, Qnil, &state); VpSetException(exception_mode); if (state) rb_jump_tag(state); return ret; }
Execute the provided block, but preserve the exception mode
BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false) BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false) BigDecimal(BigDecimal('Infinity')) BigDecimal(BigDecimal('-Infinity')) BigDecimal(BigDecimal('NaN')) end
For use with the BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_*
See BigDecimal.mode
static VALUE BigDecimal_save_limit(VALUE self) { size_t const limit = VpGetPrecLimit(); int state; VALUE ret = rb_protect(rb_yield, Qnil, &state); VpSetPrecLimit(limit); if (state) rb_jump_tag(state); return ret; }
Execute the provided block, but preserve the precision limit
BigDecimal.limit(100) puts BigDecimal.limit BigDecimal.save_limit do BigDecimal.limit(200) puts BigDecimal.limit end puts BigDecimal.limit
static VALUE BigDecimal_save_rounding_mode(VALUE self) { unsigned short const round_mode = VpGetRoundMode(); int state; VALUE ret = rb_protect(rb_yield, Qnil, &state); VpSetRoundMode(round_mode); if (state) rb_jump_tag(state); return ret; }
Execute the provided block, but preserve the rounding mode
BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, :up) puts BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE) end
For use with the BigDecimal::ROUND_*
See BigDecimal.mode
Public Instance Methods
static VALUE BigDecimal_mod(VALUE self, VALUE r)
Returns the modulus from dividing by b.
See BigDecimal#divmod
static VALUE BigDecimal_mult(VALUE self, VALUE r) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a, *b; size_t mx; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); if (RB_TYPE_P(r, T_FLOAT)) { b = GetVpValueWithPrec(r, DBLE_FIG, 1); } else if (RB_TYPE_P(r, T_RATIONAL)) { b = GetVpValueWithPrec(r, a->Prec*VpBaseFig(), 1); } else { b = GetVpValue(r,0); } if (!b) return DoSomeOne(self, r, '*'); SAVE(b); mx = a->Prec + b->Prec; GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx *(VpBaseFig() + 1), "0")); VpMult(c, a, b); return ToValue(c); }
Multiply by the specified value.
c = a.mult(b,n) c = a * b
- digits
If specified and less than the number of significant digits of the result, the result is rounded to that number of digits, according to
static VALUE BigDecimal_power_op(VALUE self, VALUE exp) { return BigDecimal_power(1, &exp, self); }
Returns the value raised to the power of n.
See BigDecimal#power
static VALUE BigDecimal_add(VALUE self, VALUE r) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a, *b; size_t mx; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); if (RB_TYPE_P(r, T_FLOAT)) { b = GetVpValueWithPrec(r, DBLE_FIG, 1); } else if (RB_TYPE_P(r, T_RATIONAL)) { b = GetVpValueWithPrec(r, a->Prec*VpBaseFig(), 1); } else { b = GetVpValue(r, 0); } if (!b) return DoSomeOne(self,r,'+'); SAVE(b); if (VpIsNaN(b)) return b->obj; if (VpIsNaN(a)) return a->obj; mx = GetAddSubPrec(a, b); if (mx == (size_t)-1L) { GUARD_OBJ(c,VpCreateRbObject(VpBaseFig() + 1, "0")); VpAddSub(c, a, b, 1); } else { GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx * (VpBaseFig() + 1), "0")); if(!mx) { VpSetInf(c, VpGetSign(a)); } else { VpAddSub(c, a, b, 1); } } return ToValue(c); }
Add the specified value.
c = a.add(b,n) c = a + b
- digits
If specified and less than the number of significant digits of the result, the result is rounded to that number of digits, according to
static VALUE BigDecimal_uplus(VALUE self) { return self; }
Return self.
+BigDecimal('5') #=> 0.5e1
static VALUE BigDecimal_sub(VALUE self, VALUE r) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a, *b; size_t mx; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self,1)); if (RB_TYPE_P(r, T_FLOAT)) { b = GetVpValueWithPrec(r, DBLE_FIG, 1); } else if (RB_TYPE_P(r, T_RATIONAL)) { b = GetVpValueWithPrec(r, a->Prec*VpBaseFig(), 1); } else { b = GetVpValue(r,0); } if (!b) return DoSomeOne(self,r,'-'); SAVE(b); if (VpIsNaN(b)) return b->obj; if (VpIsNaN(a)) return a->obj; mx = GetAddSubPrec(a,b); if (mx == (size_t)-1L) { GUARD_OBJ(c,VpCreateRbObject(VpBaseFig() + 1, "0")); VpAddSub(c, a, b, -1); } else { GUARD_OBJ(c,VpCreateRbObject(mx *(VpBaseFig() + 1), "0")); if (!mx) { VpSetInf(c,VpGetSign(a)); } else { VpAddSub(c, a, b, -1); } } return ToValue(c); }
Subtract the specified value.
c = a - b
The precision of the result value depends on the type of b
If b
is a Float
, the precision of the result is Float::DIG+1.
If b
is a BigDecimal
, the precision of the result is b
's precision of internal representation from platform. So, it's return value is platform dependent.
static VALUE BigDecimal_neg(VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(a->Prec *(VpBaseFig() + 1), "0")); VpAsgn(c, a, -1); return ToValue(c); }
Return the negation of self.
-BigDecimal('5') #=> -0.5e1
static VALUE BigDecimal_div(VALUE self, VALUE r) /* For c = self/r: with round operation */ { ENTER(5); Real *c=NULL, *res=NULL, *div = NULL; r = BigDecimal_divide(&c, &res, &div, self, r); if (!NIL_P(r)) return r; /* coerced by other */ SAVE(c); SAVE(res); SAVE(div); /* a/b = c + r/b */ /* c xxxxx r 00000yyyyy ==> (y/b)*BASE >= HALF_BASE */ /* Round */ if (VpHasVal(div)) { /* frac[0] must be zero for NaN,INF,Zero */ VpInternalRound(c, 0, c->frac[c->Prec-1], (BDIGIT)(VpBaseVal() * (BDIGIT_DBL)res->frac[0] / div->frac[0])); } return ToValue(c); }
Divide by the specified value.
See BigDecimal#div
static VALUE BigDecimal_lt(VALUE self, VALUE r) { return BigDecimalCmp(self, r, '<'); }
Returns true if a is less than b.
Values may be coerced to perform the comparison (see ==, BigDecimal#coerce
static VALUE BigDecimal_le(VALUE self, VALUE r) { return BigDecimalCmp(self, r, 'L'); }
Returns true if a is less than or equal to b.
Values may be coerced to perform the comparison (see ==, BigDecimal#coerce
static VALUE BigDecimal_comp(VALUE self, VALUE r) { return BigDecimalCmp(self, r, '*'); }
The comparison operator. a <=> b is 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b, -1 if a < b.
static VALUE BigDecimal_eq(VALUE self, VALUE r) { return BigDecimalCmp(self, r, '='); }
Tests for value equality; returns true if the values are equal.
The == and === operators and the eql? method have the same implementation for BigDecimal
Values may be coerced to perform the comparison:
BigDecimal('1.0') == 1.0 #=> true
Tests for value equality; returns true if the values are equal.
The == and === operators and the eql? method have the same implementation for BigDecimal
Values may be coerced to perform the comparison:
BigDecimal('1.0') == 1.0 #=> true
static VALUE BigDecimal_gt(VALUE self, VALUE r) { return BigDecimalCmp(self, r, '>'); }
Returns true if a is greater than b.
Values may be coerced to perform the comparison (see ==, BigDecimal#coerce
static VALUE BigDecimal_ge(VALUE self, VALUE r) { return BigDecimalCmp(self, r, 'G'); }
Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b.
Values may be coerced to perform the comparison (see ==, BigDecimal#coerce
static VALUE BigDecimal_dump(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *vp; char *psz; VALUE dummy; volatile VALUE dump; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &dummy); GUARD_OBJ(vp,GetVpValue(self, 1)); dump = rb_str_new(0, VpNumOfChars(vp, "E")+50); psz = RSTRING_PTR(dump); sprintf(psz, "%"PRIuSIZE":", VpMaxPrec(vp)*VpBaseFig()); VpToString(vp, psz+strlen(psz), 0, 0); rb_str_resize(dump, strlen(psz)); return dump; }
used to provide marshalling support.
inf = BigDecimal('Infinity') #=> Infinity BigDecimal._load(inf._dump) #=> Infinity
See the Marshal
static VALUE BigDecimal_abs(VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; size_t mx; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec *(VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpAsgn(c, a, 1); VpChangeSign(c, 1); return ToValue(c); }
Returns the absolute value, as a BigDecimal
BigDecimal('5').abs #=> 0.5e1 BigDecimal('-3').abs #=> 0.3e1
static VALUE BigDecimal_add2(VALUE self, VALUE b, VALUE n) { ENTER(2); Real *cv; SIGNED_VALUE mx = GetPrecisionInt(n); if (mx == 0) return BigDecimal_add(self, b); else { size_t pl = VpSetPrecLimit(0); VALUE c = BigDecimal_add(self, b); VpSetPrecLimit(pl); GUARD_OBJ(cv, GetVpValue(c, 1)); VpLeftRound(cv, VpGetRoundMode(), mx); return ToValue(cv); } }
Add the specified value.
c = a.add(b,n) c = a + b
- digits
If specified and less than the number of significant digits of the result, the result is rounded to that number of digits, according to
static VALUE BigDecimal_ceil(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; int iLoc; VALUE vLoc; size_t mx, pl = VpSetPrecLimit(0); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &vLoc) == 0) { iLoc = 0; } else { iLoc = NUM2INT(vLoc); } GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec * (VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpSetPrecLimit(pl); VpActiveRound(c, a, VP_ROUND_CEIL, iLoc); if (argc == 0) { return BigDecimal_to_i(ToValue(c)); } return ToValue(c); }
Return the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value, as a BigDecimal
BigDecimal('3.14159').ceil #=> 4 BigDecimal('-9.1').ceil #=> -9
If n is specified and positive, the fractional part of the result has no more than that many digits.
If n is specified and negative, at least that many digits to the left of the decimal point will be 0 in the result.
BigDecimal('3.14159').ceil(3) #=> 3.142 BigDecimal('13345.234').ceil(-2) #=> 13400.0
static VALUE BigDecimal_coerce(VALUE self, VALUE other) { ENTER(2); VALUE obj; Real *b; if (RB_TYPE_P(other, T_FLOAT)) { GUARD_OBJ(b, GetVpValueWithPrec(other, DBLE_FIG, 1)); obj = rb_assoc_new(ToValue(b), self); } else { if (RB_TYPE_P(other, T_RATIONAL)) { Real* pv = DATA_PTR(self); GUARD_OBJ(b, GetVpValueWithPrec(other, pv->Prec*VpBaseFig(), 1)); } else { GUARD_OBJ(b, GetVpValue(other, 1)); } obj = rb_assoc_new(b->obj, self); } return obj; }
The coerce method provides support for Ruby type coercion. It is not enabled by default.
This means that binary operations like + * / or - can often be performed on a BigDecimal
and an object of another type, if the other object can be coerced into a BigDecimal
a = BigDecimal("1.0") b = a / 2.0 #=> 0.5
Note that coercing a String
to a BigDecimal
is not supported by default; it requires a special compile-time option when building Ruby.
static VALUE BigDecimal_div3(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE b,n; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &b, &n); return BigDecimal_div2(self, b, n); }
Divide by the specified value.
- digits
If specified and less than the number of significant digits of the result, the result is rounded to that number of digits, according to
.If digits is 0, the result is the same as for the / operator or
.If digits is not specified, the result is an integer, by analogy with
; see alsoBigDecimal#divmod
a = BigDecimal("4") b = BigDecimal("3") a.div(b, 3) # => 0.133e1 a.div(b, 0) # => 0.1333333333333333333e1 a / b # => 0.1333333333333333333e1 a.quo(b) # => 0.1333333333333333333e1 a.div(b) # => 1
static VALUE BigDecimal_divmod(VALUE self, VALUE r) { ENTER(5); Real *div = NULL, *mod = NULL; if (BigDecimal_DoDivmod(self, r, &div, &mod)) { SAVE(div); SAVE(mod); return rb_assoc_new(ToValue(div), ToValue(mod)); } return DoSomeOne(self,r,rb_intern("divmod")); }
Divides by the specified value, and returns the quotient and modulus as BigDecimal
numbers. The quotient is rounded towards negative infinity.
For example:
require 'bigdecimal' a = BigDecimal("42") b = BigDecimal("9") q, m = a.divmod(b) c = q * b + m a == c #=> true
The quotient q is (a/b).floor, and the modulus is the amount that must be added to q * b to get a.
Tests for value equality; returns true if the values are equal.
The == and === operators and the eql? method have the same implementation for BigDecimal
Values may be coerced to perform the comparison:
BigDecimal('1.0') == 1.0 #=> true
static VALUE BigDecimal_exponent(VALUE self) { ssize_t e = VpExponent10(GetVpValue(self, 1)); return SSIZET2NUM(e); }
Returns the exponent of the BigDecimal
number, as an Integer
If the number can be represented as 0.xxxxxx*10**n where xxxxxx is a string of digits with no leading zeros, then n is the exponent.
static VALUE BigDecimal_IsFinite(VALUE self) { Real *p = GetVpValue(self, 1); if (VpIsNaN(p)) return Qfalse; if (VpIsInf(p)) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; }
Returns True if the value is finite (not NaN or infinite).
static VALUE BigDecimal_fix(VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; size_t mx; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec *(VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpActiveRound(c, a, VP_ROUND_DOWN, 0); /* 0: round off */ return ToValue(c); }
Return the integer part of the number, as a BigDecimal
static VALUE BigDecimal_floor(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; int iLoc; VALUE vLoc; size_t mx, pl = VpSetPrecLimit(0); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &vLoc)==0) { iLoc = 0; } else { iLoc = NUM2INT(vLoc); } GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec * (VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpSetPrecLimit(pl); VpActiveRound(c, a, VP_ROUND_FLOOR, iLoc); #ifdef BIGDECIMAL_DEBUG VPrint(stderr, "floor: c=%\n", c); #endif if (argc == 0) { return BigDecimal_to_i(ToValue(c)); } return ToValue(c); }
Return the largest integer less than or equal to the value, as a BigDecimal
BigDecimal('3.14159').floor #=> 3 BigDecimal('-9.1').floor #=> -10
If n is specified and positive, the fractional part of the result has no more than that many digits.
If n is specified and negative, at least that many digits to the left of the decimal point will be 0 in the result.
BigDecimal('3.14159').floor(3) #=> 3.141 BigDecimal('13345.234').floor(-2) #=> 13300.0
static VALUE BigDecimal_frac(VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; size_t mx; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec * (VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpFrac(c, a); return ToValue(c); }
Return the fractional part of the number, as a BigDecimal
static VALUE BigDecimal_hash(VALUE self) { ENTER(1); Real *p; st_index_t hash; GUARD_OBJ(p, GetVpValue(self, 1)); hash = (st_index_t)p->sign; /* hash!=2: the case for 0(1),NaN(0) or +-Infinity(3) is sign itself */ if(hash == 2 || hash == (st_index_t)-2) { hash ^= rb_memhash(p->frac, sizeof(BDIGIT)*p->Prec); hash += p->exponent; } return ST2FIX(hash); }
Creates a hash for this BigDecimal
Two BigDecimals with equal sign, fractional part and exponent have the same hash.
static VALUE BigDecimal_IsInfinite(VALUE self) { Real *p = GetVpValue(self, 1); if (VpIsPosInf(p)) return INT2FIX(1); if (VpIsNegInf(p)) return INT2FIX(-1); return Qnil; }
Returns nil, -1, or +1 depending on whether the value is finite, -Infinity, or +Infinity.
static VALUE BigDecimal_inspect(VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *vp; volatile VALUE str; size_t nc; GUARD_OBJ(vp, GetVpValue(self, 1)); nc = VpNumOfChars(vp, "E"); str = rb_str_new(0, nc); VpToString(vp, RSTRING_PTR(str), 0, 0); rb_str_resize(str, strlen(RSTRING_PTR(str))); return str; }
Returns a string representation of self.
BigDecimal("1234.5678").inspect #=> "0.12345678e4"
static VALUE BigDecimal_mult2(VALUE self, VALUE b, VALUE n) { ENTER(2); Real *cv; SIGNED_VALUE mx = GetPrecisionInt(n); if (mx == 0) return BigDecimal_mult(self, b); else { size_t pl = VpSetPrecLimit(0); VALUE c = BigDecimal_mult(self, b); VpSetPrecLimit(pl); GUARD_OBJ(cv, GetVpValue(c, 1)); VpLeftRound(cv, VpGetRoundMode(), mx); return ToValue(cv); } }
Multiply by the specified value.
c = a.mult(b,n) c = a * b
- digits
If specified and less than the number of significant digits of the result, the result is rounded to that number of digits, according to
static VALUE BigDecimal_n_significant_digits(VALUE self) { ENTER(1); Real *p; GUARD_OBJ(p, GetVpValue(self, 1)); ssize_t n = p->Prec; while (n > 0 && p->frac[n-1] == 0) --n; if (n <= 0) { return INT2FIX(0); } int nlz, ntz; BDIGIT x = p->frac[0]; for (nlz = BASE_FIG; x > 0; x /= 10) --nlz; x = p->frac[n-1]; for (ntz = 0; x > 0 && x % 10 == 0; x /= 10) ++ntz; ssize_t n_digits = BASE_FIG * n - nlz - ntz; return SSIZET2NUM(n_digits); }
static VALUE BigDecimal_IsNaN(VALUE self) { Real *p = GetVpValue(self, 1); if (VpIsNaN(p)) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; }
Returns True if the value is Not a Number.
static VALUE BigDecimal_nonzero(VALUE self) { Real *a = GetVpValue(self, 1); return VpIsZero(a) ? Qnil : self; }
Returns self if the value is non-zero, nil otherwise.
static VALUE BigDecimal_power(int argc, VALUE*argv, VALUE self) { ENTER(5); VALUE vexp, prec; Real* exp = NULL; Real *x, *y; ssize_t mp, ma, n; SIGNED_VALUE int_exp; double d; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &vexp, &prec); GUARD_OBJ(x, GetVpValue(self, 1)); n = NIL_P(prec) ? (ssize_t)(x->Prec*VpBaseFig()) : NUM2SSIZET(prec); if (VpIsNaN(x)) { y = VpCreateRbObject(n, "0"); RB_GC_GUARD(y->obj); VpSetNaN(y); return ToValue(y); } retry: switch (TYPE(vexp)) { case T_FIXNUM: break; case T_BIGNUM: break; case T_FLOAT: d = RFLOAT_VALUE(vexp); if (d == round(d)) { if (FIXABLE(d)) { vexp = LONG2FIX((long)d); } else { vexp = rb_dbl2big(d); } goto retry; } if (NIL_P(prec)) { n += DBLE_FIG; } exp = GetVpValueWithPrec(vexp, DBLE_FIG, 1); break; case T_RATIONAL: if (is_zero(rb_rational_num(vexp))) { if (is_positive(vexp)) { vexp = INT2FIX(0); goto retry; } } else if (is_one(rb_rational_den(vexp))) { vexp = rb_rational_num(vexp); goto retry; } exp = GetVpValueWithPrec(vexp, n, 1); if (NIL_P(prec)) { n += n; } break; case T_DATA: if (is_kind_of_BigDecimal(vexp)) { VALUE zero = INT2FIX(0); VALUE rounded = BigDecimal_round(1, &zero, vexp); if (RTEST(BigDecimal_eq(vexp, rounded))) { vexp = BigDecimal_to_i(vexp); goto retry; } if (NIL_P(prec)) { GUARD_OBJ(y, GetVpValue(vexp, 1)); n += y->Prec*VpBaseFig(); } exp = DATA_PTR(vexp); break; } /* fall through */ default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %"PRIsVALUE" (expected scalar Numeric)", RB_OBJ_CLASSNAME(vexp)); } if (VpIsZero(x)) { if (is_negative(vexp)) { y = VpCreateRbObject(n, "#0"); RB_GC_GUARD(y->obj); if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(x)) { if (is_integer(vexp)) { if (is_even(vexp)) { /* (-0) ** (-even_integer) -> Infinity */ VpSetPosInf(y); } else { /* (-0) ** (-odd_integer) -> -Infinity */ VpSetNegInf(y); } } else { /* (-0) ** (-non_integer) -> Infinity */ VpSetPosInf(y); } } else { /* (+0) ** (-num) -> Infinity */ VpSetPosInf(y); } return ToValue(y); } else if (is_zero(vexp)) { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "1")); } else { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "0")); } } if (is_zero(vexp)) { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "1")); } else if (is_one(vexp)) { return self; } if (VpIsInf(x)) { if (is_negative(vexp)) { if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(x)) { if (is_integer(vexp)) { if (is_even(vexp)) { /* (-Infinity) ** (-even_integer) -> +0 */ return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "0")); } else { /* (-Infinity) ** (-odd_integer) -> -0 */ return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "-0")); } } else { /* (-Infinity) ** (-non_integer) -> -0 */ return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "-0")); } } else { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "0")); } } else { y = VpCreateRbObject(n, "0"); if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(x)) { if (is_integer(vexp)) { if (is_even(vexp)) { VpSetPosInf(y); } else { VpSetNegInf(y); } } else { /* TODO: support complex */ rb_raise(rb_eMathDomainError, "a non-integral exponent for a negative base"); } } else { VpSetPosInf(y); } return ToValue(y); } } if (exp != NULL) { return rmpd_power_by_big_decimal(x, exp, n); } else if (RB_TYPE_P(vexp, T_BIGNUM)) { VALUE abs_value = BigDecimal_abs(self); if (is_one(abs_value)) { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "1")); } else if (RTEST(rb_funcall(abs_value, '<', 1, INT2FIX(1)))) { if (is_negative(vexp)) { y = VpCreateRbObject(n, "0"); if (is_even(vexp)) { VpSetInf(y, VpGetSign(x)); } else { VpSetInf(y, -VpGetSign(x)); } return ToValue(y); } else if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(x) && is_even(vexp)) { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "-0")); } else { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "0")); } } else { if (is_positive(vexp)) { y = VpCreateRbObject(n, "0"); if (is_even(vexp)) { VpSetInf(y, VpGetSign(x)); } else { VpSetInf(y, -VpGetSign(x)); } return ToValue(y); } else if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(x) && is_even(vexp)) { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "-0")); } else { return ToValue(VpCreateRbObject(n, "0")); } } } int_exp = FIX2LONG(vexp); ma = int_exp; if (ma < 0) ma = -ma; if (ma == 0) ma = 1; if (VpIsDef(x)) { mp = x->Prec * (VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(y, VpCreateRbObject(mp * (ma + 1), "0")); } else { GUARD_OBJ(y, VpCreateRbObject(1, "0")); } VpPower(y, x, int_exp); if (!NIL_P(prec) && VpIsDef(y)) { VpMidRound(y, VpGetRoundMode(), n); } return ToValue(y); }
Returns the value raised to the power of n.
Note that n must be an Integer
Also available as the operator **.
static VALUE BigDecimal_precision(VALUE self) { ENTER(1); Real *p; GUARD_OBJ(p, GetVpValue(self, 1)); /* * The most significant digit is frac[0], and the least significant digit is frac[Prec-1]. * When the exponent is zero, the decimal point is located just before frac[0]. * When the exponent is negative, the decimal point moves to leftward. * Conversely, when the exponent is positive, the decimal point moves to rightward. * * | frac[0] frac[1] frac[2] . frac[3] frac[4] ... frac[Prec-1] * |------------------------> exponent == 3 */ ssize_t ex = p->exponent; ssize_t precision = 0; if (ex < 0) { precision = (-ex + 1) * BASE_FIG; /* 1 is for p->frac[0] */ ex = 0; } else if (p->Prec > 0) { BDIGIT x = p->frac[0]; for (precision = 0; x > 0; x /= 10) { ++precision; } } if (ex > (ssize_t)p->Prec) { precision += (ex - 1) * BASE_FIG; } else if (p->Prec > 0) { ssize_t n = (ssize_t)p->Prec - 1; while (n > 0 && p->frac[n] == 0) --n; precision += n * BASE_FIG; if (ex < (ssize_t)p->Prec) { BDIGIT x = p->frac[n]; for (; x > 0 && x % 10 == 0; x /= 10) { --precision; } } } return SSIZET2NUM(precision); }
Returns the number of decimal digits in this number.
BigDecimal("0").precision # => 0 BigDecimal("1").precision # => 1 BigDecimal("-1e20").precision # => 21 BigDecimal("1e-20").precision # => 20 BigDecimal("Infinity").precision # => 0 BigDecimal("-Infinity").precision # => 0 BigDecimal("NaN").precision # => 0
static VALUE BigDecimal_prec(VALUE self) { ENTER(1); Real *p; VALUE obj; rb_category_warn(RB_WARN_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED, "BigDecimal#precs is deprecated and will be removed in the future; " "use BigDecimal#precision instead."); GUARD_OBJ(p, GetVpValue(self, 1)); obj = rb_assoc_new(SIZET2NUM(p->Prec*VpBaseFig()), SIZET2NUM(p->MaxPrec*VpBaseFig())); return obj; }
Returns an Array
of two Integer
values that represent platform-dependent internal storage properties.
This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Instead, use BigDecimal#n_significant_digits
for obtaining the number of significant digits in scientific notation, and BigDecimal#precision
for obtaining the number of digits in decimal notation.
BigDecimal('5').precs #=> [9, 18]
static VALUE BigDecimal_remainder(VALUE self, VALUE r) /* remainder */ { VALUE f; Real *d, *rv = 0; f = BigDecimal_divremain(self, r, &d, &rv); if (!NIL_P(f)) return f; return ToValue(rv); }
Returns the remainder from dividing by the value.
x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate
static VALUE BigDecimal_round(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; int iLoc = 0; VALUE vLoc; VALUE vRound; int round_to_int = 0; size_t mx, pl; unsigned short sw = VpGetRoundMode(); switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &vLoc, &vRound)) { case 0: iLoc = 0; round_to_int = 1; break; case 1: if (RB_TYPE_P(vLoc, T_HASH)) { sw = check_rounding_mode_option(vLoc); } else { iLoc = NUM2INT(vLoc); if (iLoc < 1) round_to_int = 1; } break; case 2: iLoc = NUM2INT(vLoc); if (RB_TYPE_P(vRound, T_HASH)) { sw = check_rounding_mode_option(vRound); } else { sw = check_rounding_mode(vRound); } break; default: break; } pl = VpSetPrecLimit(0); GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec * (VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpSetPrecLimit(pl); VpActiveRound(c, a, sw, iLoc); if (round_to_int) { return BigDecimal_to_i(ToValue(c)); } return ToValue(c); }
Round to the nearest integer (by default), returning the result as a BigDecimal
if n is specified, or as an Integer
if it isn't.
BigDecimal('3.14159').round #=> 3 BigDecimal('8.7').round #=> 9 BigDecimal('-9.9').round #=> -10 BigDecimal('3.14159').round(2) #=> "BigDecimal" BigDecimal('3.14159') #=> "Integer"
If n is specified and positive, the fractional part of the result has no more than that many digits.
If n is specified and negative, at least that many digits to the left of the decimal point will be 0 in the result, and return value will be an Integer
BigDecimal('3.14159').round(3) #=> 3.142 BigDecimal('13345.234').round(-2) #=> 13300
The value of the optional mode argument can be used to determine how rounding is performed; see BigDecimal.mode
static VALUE BigDecimal_sign(VALUE self) { /* sign */ int s = GetVpValue(self, 1)->sign; return INT2FIX(s); }
Returns the sign of the value.
Returns a positive value if > 0, a negative value if < 0, and a zero if == 0.
The specific value returned indicates the type and sign of the BigDecimal
, as follows:
value is Not a Number
value is +0
value is -0
value is +Infinity
value is -Infinity
value is positive
value is negative
static VALUE BigDecimal_split(VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *vp; VALUE obj,str; ssize_t e, s; char *psz1; GUARD_OBJ(vp, GetVpValue(self, 1)); str = rb_str_new(0, VpNumOfChars(vp, "E")); psz1 = RSTRING_PTR(str); VpSzMantissa(vp, psz1); s = 1; if(psz1[0] == '-') { size_t len = strlen(psz1 + 1); memmove(psz1, psz1 + 1, len); psz1[len] = '\0'; s = -1; } if (psz1[0] == 'N') s = 0; /* NaN */ e = VpExponent10(vp); obj = rb_ary_new2(4); rb_ary_push(obj, INT2FIX(s)); rb_ary_push(obj, str); rb_str_resize(str, strlen(psz1)); rb_ary_push(obj, INT2FIX(10)); rb_ary_push(obj, SSIZET2NUM(e)); return obj; }
Splits a BigDecimal
number into four parts, returned as an array of values.
The first value represents the sign of the BigDecimal
, and is -1 or 1, or 0 if the BigDecimal
is Not a Number.
The second value is a string representing the significant digits of the BigDecimal
, with no leading zeros.
The third value is the base used for arithmetic (currently always 10) as an Integer
The fourth value is an Integer
If the BigDecimal
can be represented as 0.xxxxxx*10**n, then xxxxxx is the string of significant digits with no leading zeros, and n is the exponent.
From these values, you can translate a BigDecimal
to a float as follows:
sign, significant_digits, base, exponent = a.split f = sign * "0.#{significant_digits}".to_f * (base ** exponent)
(Note that the to_f
method is provided as a more convenient way to translate a BigDecimal
to a Float
static VALUE BigDecimal_sqrt(VALUE self, VALUE nFig) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; size_t mx, n; GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec * (VpBaseFig() + 1); n = GetPrecisionInt(nFig) + VpDblFig() + BASE_FIG; if (mx <= n) mx = n; GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpSqrt(c, a); return ToValue(c); }
Returns the square root of the value.
Result has at least n significant digits.
static VALUE BigDecimal_sub2(VALUE self, VALUE b, VALUE n) { ENTER(2); Real *cv; SIGNED_VALUE mx = GetPrecisionInt(n); if (mx == 0) return BigDecimal_sub(self, b); else { size_t pl = VpSetPrecLimit(0); VALUE c = BigDecimal_sub(self, b); VpSetPrecLimit(pl); GUARD_OBJ(cv, GetVpValue(c, 1)); VpLeftRound(cv, VpGetRoundMode(), mx); return ToValue(cv); } }
Subtract the specified value.
c = a.sub(b,n)
- digits
If specified and less than the number of significant digits of the result, the result is rounded to that number of digits, according to
# File ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb, line 106 def to_d self end
Returns self.
require 'bigdecimal/util' d = BigDecimal("3.14") d.to_d # => 0.314e1
# File ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb, line 86 def to_digits if self.nan? || self.infinite? || self.to_s else i = self.to_i.to_s _,f,_,z = self.frac.split i + "." + ("0"*(-z)) + f end end
Converts a BigDecimal
to a String
of the form “nnnnnn.mmm”. This method is deprecated; use BigDecimal#to_s
(“F”) instead.
require 'bigdecimal/util' d = BigDecimal("3.14") d.to_digits # => "3.14"
static VALUE BigDecimal_to_f(VALUE self) { ENTER(1); Real *p; double d; SIGNED_VALUE e; char *buf; volatile VALUE str; GUARD_OBJ(p, GetVpValue(self, 1)); if (VpVtoD(&d, &e, p) != 1) return rb_float_new(d); if (e > (SIGNED_VALUE)(DBL_MAX_10_EXP+BASE_FIG)) goto overflow; if (e < (SIGNED_VALUE)(DBL_MIN_10_EXP-BASE_FIG)) goto underflow; str = rb_str_new(0, VpNumOfChars(p, "E")); buf = RSTRING_PTR(str); VpToString(p, buf, 0, 0); errno = 0; d = strtod(buf, 0); if (errno == ERANGE) { if (d == 0.0) goto underflow; if (fabs(d) >= HUGE_VAL) goto overflow; } return rb_float_new(d); overflow: VpException(VP_EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, "BigDecimal to Float conversion", 0); if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(p)) return rb_float_new(VpGetDoubleNegInf()); else return rb_float_new(VpGetDoublePosInf()); underflow: VpException(VP_EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW, "BigDecimal to Float conversion", 0); if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(p)) return rb_float_new(-0.0); else return rb_float_new(0.0); }
Returns a new Float
object having approximately the same value as the BigDecimal
number. Normal accuracy limits and built-in errors of binary Float
arithmetic apply.
static VALUE BigDecimal_to_i(VALUE self) { ENTER(5); ssize_t e, nf; Real *p; GUARD_OBJ(p, GetVpValue(self, 1)); BigDecimal_check_num(p); e = VpExponent10(p); if (e <= 0) return INT2FIX(0); nf = VpBaseFig(); if (e <= nf) { return LONG2NUM((long)(VpGetSign(p) * (BDIGIT_DBL_SIGNED)p->frac[0])); } else { VALUE a = BigDecimal_split(self); VALUE digits = RARRAY_AREF(a, 1); VALUE numerator = rb_funcall(digits, rb_intern("to_i"), 0); VALUE ret; ssize_t dpower = e - (ssize_t)RSTRING_LEN(digits); if (BIGDECIMAL_NEGATIVE_P(p)) { numerator = rb_funcall(numerator, '*', 1, INT2FIX(-1)); } if (dpower < 0) { ret = rb_funcall(numerator, rb_intern("div"), 1, rb_funcall(INT2FIX(10), rb_intern("**"), 1, INT2FIX(-dpower))); } else { ret = rb_funcall(numerator, '*', 1, rb_funcall(INT2FIX(10), rb_intern("**"), 1, INT2FIX(dpower))); } if (RB_TYPE_P(ret, T_FLOAT)) { rb_raise(rb_eFloatDomainError, "Infinity"); } return ret; } }
Returns the value as an Integer
If the BigDecimal
is infinity or NaN, raises FloatDomainError
Returns the value as an Integer
If the BigDecimal
is infinity or NaN, raises FloatDomainError
# File ext/json/lib/json/add/bigdecimal.rb, line 26 def to_json(*args) as_json.to_json(*args) end
return the JSON
static VALUE BigDecimal_to_r(VALUE self) { Real *p; ssize_t sign, power, denomi_power; VALUE a, digits, numerator; p = GetVpValue(self, 1); BigDecimal_check_num(p); sign = VpGetSign(p); power = VpExponent10(p); a = BigDecimal_split(self); digits = RARRAY_AREF(a, 1); denomi_power = power - RSTRING_LEN(digits); numerator = rb_funcall(digits, rb_intern("to_i"), 0); if (sign < 0) { numerator = rb_funcall(numerator, '*', 1, INT2FIX(-1)); } if (denomi_power < 0) { return rb_Rational(numerator, rb_funcall(INT2FIX(10), rb_intern("**"), 1, INT2FIX(-denomi_power))); } else { return rb_Rational1(rb_funcall(numerator, '*', 1, rb_funcall(INT2FIX(10), rb_intern("**"), 1, INT2FIX(denomi_power)))); } }
Converts a BigDecimal
to a Rational
static VALUE BigDecimal_to_s(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ENTER(5); int fmt = 0; /* 0: E format, 1: F format */ int fPlus = 0; /* 0: default, 1: set ' ' before digits, 2: set '+' before digits. */ Real *vp; volatile VALUE str; char *psz; char ch; size_t nc, mc = 0; SIGNED_VALUE m; VALUE f; GUARD_OBJ(vp, GetVpValue(self, 1)); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &f) == 1) { if (RB_TYPE_P(f, T_STRING)) { psz = StringValueCStr(f); if (*psz == ' ') { fPlus = 1; psz++; } else if (*psz == '+') { fPlus = 2; psz++; } while ((ch = *psz++) != 0) { if (ISSPACE(ch)) { continue; } if (!ISDIGIT(ch)) { if (ch == 'F' || ch == 'f') { fmt = 1; /* F format */ } break; } mc = mc*10 + ch - '0'; } } else { m = NUM2INT(f); if (m <= 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument must be positive"); } mc = (size_t)m; } } if (fmt) { nc = VpNumOfChars(vp, "F"); } else { nc = VpNumOfChars(vp, "E"); } if (mc > 0) { nc += (nc + mc - 1) / mc + 1; } str = rb_usascii_str_new(0, nc); psz = RSTRING_PTR(str); if (fmt) { VpToFString(vp, psz, mc, fPlus); } else { VpToString (vp, psz, mc, fPlus); } rb_str_resize(str, strlen(psz)); return str; }
Converts the value to a string.
The default format looks like 0.xxxxEnn.
The optional parameter s consists of either an integer; or an optional '+' or ' ', followed by an optional number, followed by an optional 'E' or 'F'.
If there is a '+' at the start of s, positive values are returned with a leading '+'.
A space at the start of s returns positive values with a leading space.
If s contains a number, a space is inserted after each group of that many fractional digits.
If s ends with an 'E', engineering notation (0.xxxxEnn) is used.
If s ends with an 'F', conventional floating point notation is used.
BigDecimal('-123.45678901234567890').to_s('5F') #=> '-123.45678 90123 45678 9' BigDecimal('123.45678901234567890').to_s('+8F') #=> '+123.45678901 23456789' BigDecimal('123.45678901234567890').to_s(' F') #=> ' 123.4567890123456789'
static VALUE BigDecimal_truncate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ENTER(5); Real *c, *a; int iLoc; VALUE vLoc; size_t mx, pl = VpSetPrecLimit(0); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &vLoc) == 0) { iLoc = 0; } else { iLoc = NUM2INT(vLoc); } GUARD_OBJ(a, GetVpValue(self, 1)); mx = a->Prec * (VpBaseFig() + 1); GUARD_OBJ(c, VpCreateRbObject(mx, "0")); VpSetPrecLimit(pl); VpActiveRound(c, a, VP_ROUND_DOWN, iLoc); /* 0: truncate */ if (argc == 0) { return BigDecimal_to_i(ToValue(c)); } return ToValue(c); }
Truncate to the nearest integer (by default), returning the result as a BigDecimal
BigDecimal('3.14159').truncate #=> 3 BigDecimal('8.7').truncate #=> 8 BigDecimal('-9.9').truncate #=> -9
If n is specified and positive, the fractional part of the result has no more than that many digits.
If n is specified and negative, at least that many digits to the left of the decimal point will be 0 in the result.
BigDecimal('3.14159').truncate(3) #=> 3.141 BigDecimal('13345.234').truncate(-2) #=> 13300.0
static VALUE BigDecimal_zero(VALUE self) { Real *a = GetVpValue(self, 1); return VpIsZero(a) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; }
Returns True if the value is zero.
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Licensed under the Ruby License.
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