
Copyright (c) Ashley Yakeley 2005 2006 2009
License BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
Maintainer Ashley Yakeley <[email protected]>
Stability experimental
Portability portable
Safe Haskell Trustworthy
Language Haskell2010


This module defines a "Fixed" type for fixed-precision arithmetic. The parameter to Fixed is any type that's an instance of HasResolution. HasResolution has a single method that gives the resolution of the Fixed type.

This module also contains generalisations of div, mod, and divMod to work with any Real instance.

div' :: (Real a, Integral b) => a -> a -> b Source

Generalisation of div to any instance of Real

mod' :: Real a => a -> a -> a Source

Generalisation of mod to any instance of Real

divMod' :: (Real a, Integral b) => a -> a -> (b, a) Source

Generalisation of divMod to any instance of Real

newtype Fixed (a :: k) Source

The type parameter should be an instance of HasResolution.


MkFixed Integer
Instances details
Enum (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


succ :: Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

pred :: Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

toEnum :: Int -> Fixed a Source

fromEnum :: Fixed a -> Int Source

enumFrom :: Fixed a -> [Fixed a] Source

enumFromThen :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> [Fixed a] Source

enumFromTo :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> [Fixed a] Source

enumFromThenTo :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a -> [Fixed a] Source

Eq (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


(==) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Bool Source

(/=) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Bool Source

HasResolution a => Fractional (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


(/) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

recip :: Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

fromRational :: Rational -> Fixed a Source

(Typeable k, Typeable a) => Data (Fixed a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Fixed a -> c (Fixed a) Source

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Fixed a) Source

toConstr :: Fixed a -> Constr Source

dataTypeOf :: Fixed a -> DataType Source

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Fixed a)) Source

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Fixed a)) Source

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Fixed a -> r Source

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Fixed a -> r Source

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Fixed a -> [u] Source

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Fixed a -> u Source

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Fixed a -> m (Fixed a) Source

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Fixed a -> m (Fixed a) Source

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Fixed a -> m (Fixed a) Source

HasResolution a => Num (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


(+) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

(-) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

(*) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

negate :: Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

abs :: Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

signum :: Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

fromInteger :: Integer -> Fixed a Source

Ord (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


compare :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Ordering Source

(<) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Bool Source

(<=) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Bool Source

(>) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Bool Source

(>=) :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Bool Source

max :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

min :: Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a Source

HasResolution a => Read (Fixed a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed

HasResolution a => Real (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


toRational :: Fixed a -> Rational Source

HasResolution a => RealFrac (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


properFraction :: Integral b => Fixed a -> (b, Fixed a) Source

truncate :: Integral b => Fixed a -> b Source

round :: Integral b => Fixed a -> b Source

ceiling :: Integral b => Fixed a -> b Source

floor :: Integral b => Fixed a -> b Source

HasResolution a => Show (Fixed a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


showsPrec :: Int -> Fixed a -> ShowS Source

show :: Fixed a -> String Source

showList :: [Fixed a] -> ShowS Source

class HasResolution (a :: k) where Source


resolution :: p a -> Integer Source

Instances details
KnownNat n => HasResolution (n :: Nat)

For example, Fixed 1000 will give you a Fixed with a resolution of 1000.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p n -> Integer Source

HasResolution E12

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E12 -> Integer Source

HasResolution E9

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E9 -> Integer Source

HasResolution E6

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E6 -> Integer Source

HasResolution E3

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E3 -> Integer Source

HasResolution E2

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E2 -> Integer Source

HasResolution E1

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E1 -> Integer Source

HasResolution E0

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E0 -> Integer Source

showFixed :: HasResolution a => Bool -> Fixed a -> String Source

First arg is whether to chop off trailing zeros

data E0 Source

Instances details
HasResolution E0

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E0 -> Integer Source

type Uni = Fixed E0 Source

resolution of 1, this works the same as Integer

data E1 Source

Instances details
HasResolution E1

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E1 -> Integer Source

type Deci = Fixed E1 Source

resolution of 10^-1 = .1

data E2 Source

Instances details
HasResolution E2

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E2 -> Integer Source

type Centi = Fixed E2 Source

resolution of 10^-2 = .01, useful for many monetary currencies

data E3 Source

Instances details
HasResolution E3

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E3 -> Integer Source

type Milli = Fixed E3 Source

resolution of 10^-3 = .001

data E6 Source

Instances details
HasResolution E6

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E6 -> Integer Source

type Micro = Fixed E6 Source

resolution of 10^-6 = .000001

data E9 Source

Instances details
HasResolution E9

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E9 -> Integer Source

type Nano = Fixed E9 Source

resolution of 10^-9 = .000000001

data E12 Source

Instances details
HasResolution E12

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Fixed


resolution :: p E12 -> Integer Source

type Pico = Fixed E12 Source

resolution of 10^-12 = .000000000001

© The University of Glasgow and others
Licensed under a BSD-style license (see top of the page).