Class FilterIterator
Creates a filtered iterator from another iterator. The filtering is done by passing a callback function to each of the elements and taking them out if it does not return true.
- IteratorIterator implements Iterator, Traversable, OuterIterator
Cake\Collection\Collection implements Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface, Serializable uses Cake\Collection\CollectionTrait
Properties summary
protectedThe callback used to filter the elements in this collectioncallable
Method Summary
- __construct() public
Creates a filtered iterator using the callback to determine which items are accepted or rejected.
- unwrap() public
Method Detail
__construct()source public
__construct( Iterator $items , callable $callback )
Creates a filtered iterator using the callback to determine which items are accepted or rejected.
Each time the callback is executed it will receive the value of the element in the current iteration, the key of the element and the passed $items iterator as arguments, in that order.
- Iterator
- The items to be filtered.
- callable
- Callback.
InvalidArgumentExceptionIf passed incorrect type for items.
unwrap()source public
unwrap( )
We perform here some strictness analysis so that the iterator logic is bypassed entirely.
Methods inherited from Cake\Collection\Collection
__debugInfo()source public
__debugInfo( )
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
arraycount()source public
count( )
Throws an exception.
Issuing a count on a Collection can have many side effects, some making the Collection unusable after the count operation.
LogicExceptionserialize()source public
serialize( )
Returns a string representation of this object that can be used to reconstruct it
stringImplementation of
unserialize()source public
unserialize( string $collection )
Unserializes the passed string and rebuilds the Collection instance
- string
- The serialized collection
Implementation of
Methods used from Cake\Collection\CollectionTrait
_unwrap()source public
_unwrap( )
append()source public
append( $items )
avg()source public
avg( $matcher null )
cartesianProduct()source public
cartesianProduct( callable $operation null , callable $filter null )
chunk()source public
chunk( $chunkSize )
chunkWithKeys()source public
chunkWithKeys( $chunkSize , $preserveKeys true )
combine()source public
combine( $keyPath , $valuePath , $groupPath null )
compile()source public
compile( $preserveKeys true )
contains()source public
contains( $value )
countBy()source public
countBy( $callback )
each()source public
each( callable $c )
every()source public
every( callable $c )
extract()source public
extract( $matcher )
first()source public
first( )
firstMatch()source public
firstMatch( array $conditions )
groupBy()source public
groupBy( $callback )
indexBy()source public
indexBy( $callback )
isEmpty()source public
isEmpty( )
jsonSerialize()source public
jsonSerialize( )
last()source public
last( )
listNested()source public
listNested( $dir 'desc' , $nestingKey 'children' )
match()source public
match( array $conditions )
max()source public
max( $callback , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
median()source public
median( $matcher null )
min()source public
min( $callback , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
nest()source public
nest( $idPath , $parentPath , $nestingKey 'children' )
optimizeUnwrap()source protected
optimizeUnwrap( )
Unwraps this iterator and returns the simplest traversable that can be used for getting the data out
Traversable|arrayreduce()source public
reduce( callable $c , $zero null )
sample()source public
sample( $size 10 )
shuffle()source public
shuffle( )
skip()source public
skip( $howMany )
some()source public
some( callable $c )
sortBy()source public
sortBy( $callback , $dir SORT_DESC , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
sumOf()source public
sumOf( $matcher null )
take()source public
take( $size 1 , $from 0 )
through()source public
through( callable $handler )
toArray()source public
toArray( $preserveKeys true )
toList()source public
toList( )
unfold()source public
unfold( callable $transformer null )
zip()source public
zip( $items )
zipWith()source public
zipWith( $items , $callable )
Properties detail
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Licensed under the MIT License.
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We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.