gcp_compute_target_https_proxy – Creates a GCP TargetHttpsProxy
New in version 2.6.
- Represents a TargetHttpsProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming HTTPS requests to a URL map.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- python >= 2.6
- requests >= 2.18.4
- google-auth >= 1.3.0
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
auth_kind string / required |
| The type of credential used. |
description string | An optional description of this resource. | |
env_type string | Specifies which Ansible environment you're running this module within. This should not be set unless you know what you're doing. This only alters the User Agent string for any API requests. | |
name string / required | Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. | |
project string | The Google Cloud Platform project to use. | |
quic_override string added in 2.7 | Specifies the QUIC override policy for this resource. This determines whether the load balancer will attempt to negotiate QUIC with clients or not. Can specify one of NONE, ENABLE, or DISABLE. If NONE is specified, uses the QUIC policy with no user overrides, which is equivalent to DISABLE. Not specifying this field is equivalent to specifying NONE. Some valid choices include: "NONE", "ENABLE", "DISABLE" | |
scopes list | Array of scopes to be used. | |
service_account_contents jsonarg | The contents of a Service Account JSON file, either in a dictionary or as a JSON string that represents it. | |
service_account_email string | An optional service account email address if machineaccount is selected and the user does not wish to use the default email. | |
service_account_file path | The path of a Service Account JSON file if serviceaccount is selected as type. | |
ssl_certificates list / required | A list of SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the load balancer. Currently, exactly one SSL certificate must be specified. | |
ssl_policy dictionary added in 2.8 | A reference to the SslPolicy resource that will be associated with the TargetHttpsProxy resource. If not set, the TargetHttpsProxy resource will not have any SSL policy configured. This field represents a link to a SslPolicy resource in GCP. It can be specified in two ways. First, you can place a dictionary with key 'selfLink' and value of your resource's selfLink Alternatively, you can add `register: name-of-resource` to a gcp_compute_ssl_policy task and then set this ssl_policy field to "{{ name-of-resource }}" | |
state string |
| Whether the given object should exist in GCP |
url_map dictionary / required | A reference to the UrlMap resource that defines the mapping from URL to the BackendService. This field represents a link to a UrlMap resource in GCP. It can be specified in two ways. First, you can place a dictionary with key 'selfLink' and value of your resource's selfLink Alternatively, you can add `register: name-of-resource` to a gcp_compute_url_map task and then set this url_map field to "{{ name-of-resource }}" |
- API Reference: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/v1/targetHttpsProxies
- Official Documentation: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/http/target-proxies
- for authentication, you can set service_account_file using the c(gcp_service_account_file) env variable.
- for authentication, you can set service_account_contents using the c(GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CONTENTS) env variable.
- For authentication, you can set service_account_email using the
env variable. - For authentication, you can set auth_kind using the
env variable. - For authentication, you can set scopes using the
env variable. - Environment variables values will only be used if the playbook values are not set.
- The service_account_email and service_account_file options are mutually exclusive.
- name: create a instance group gcp_compute_instance_group: name: instancegroup-targethttpsproxy zone: us-central1-a project: "{{ gcp_project }}" auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}" service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}" state: present register: instancegroup - name: create a HTTP health check gcp_compute_http_health_check: name: httphealthcheck-targethttpsproxy healthy_threshold: 10 port: 8080 timeout_sec: 2 unhealthy_threshold: 5 project: "{{ gcp_project }}" auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}" service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}" state: present register: healthcheck - name: create a backend service gcp_compute_backend_service: name: backendservice-targethttpsproxy backends: - group: "{{ instancegroup.selfLink }}" health_checks: - "{{ healthcheck.selfLink }}" enable_cdn: 'true' project: "{{ gcp_project }}" auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}" service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}" state: present register: backendservice - name: create a URL map gcp_compute_url_map: name: urlmap-targethttpsproxy default_service: "{{ backendservice }}" project: "{{ gcp_project }}" auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}" service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}" state: present register: urlmap - name: create a SSL certificate gcp_compute_ssl_certificate: name: sslcert-targethttpsproxy description: A certificate for testing. Do not use this certificate in production certificate: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICqjCCAk+gAwIBAgIJAIuJ+0352Kq4MAoGCCqGSM49BAMCMIGwMQswCQYDVQQG EwJVUzETMBEGA1UECAwKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjERMA8GA1UEBwwIS2lya2xhbmQxFTAT BgNVBAoMDEdvb2dsZSwgSW5jLjEeMBwGA1UECwwVR29vZ2xlIENsb3VkIFBsYXRm b3JtMR8wHQYDVQQDDBZ3d3cubXktc2VjdXJlLXNpdGUuY29tMSEwHwYJKoZIhvcN AQkBFhJuZWxzb25hQGdvb2dsZS5jb20wHhcNMTcwNjI4MDQ1NjI2WhcNMjcwNjI2 MDQ1NjI2WjCBsDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgMCldhc2hpbmd0b24xETAP BgNVBAcMCEtpcmtsYW5kMRUwEwYDVQQKDAxHb29nbGUsIEluYy4xHjAcBgNVBAsM FUdvb2dsZSBDbG91ZCBQbGF0Zm9ybTEfMB0GA1UEAwwWd3d3Lm15LXNlY3VyZS1z aXRlLmNvbTEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSbmVsc29uYUBnb29nbGUuY29tMFkwEwYH KoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEHGzpcRJ4XzfBJCCPMQeXQpTXwlblimODQCuQ 4mzkzTv0dXyB750fOGN02HtkpBOZzzvUARTR10JQoSe2/5PIwaNQME4wHQYDVR0O BBYEFKIQC3A2SDpxcdfn0YLKineDNq/BMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFKIQC3A2SDpxcdfn 0YLKineDNq/BMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDSQAwRgIhALs4vy+O M3jcqgA4fSW/oKw6UJxp+M6a+nGMX+UJR3YgAiEAvvl39QRVAiv84hdoCuyON0lJ zqGNhIPGq2ULqXKK8BY= -----END CERTIFICATE----- private_key: |- -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MHcCAQEEIObtRo8tkUqoMjeHhsOh2ouPpXCgBcP+EDxZCB/tws15oAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAEHGzpcRJ4XzfBJCCPMQeXQpTXwlblimODQCuQ4mzkzTv0dXyB750f OGN02HtkpBOZzzvUARTR10JQoSe2/5PIwQ== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY----- project: "{{ gcp_project }}" auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}" service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}" state: present register: sslcert - name: create a target HTTPS proxy gcp_compute_target_https_proxy: name: test_object ssl_certificates: - "{{ sslcert }}" url_map: "{{ urlmap }}" project: test_project auth_kind: serviceaccount service_account_file: "/tmp/auth.pem" state: present
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
creationTimestamp string | success | Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format. |
description string | success | An optional description of this resource. |
id integer | success | The unique identifier for the resource. |
name string | success | Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. |
quicOverride string | success | Specifies the QUIC override policy for this resource. This determines whether the load balancer will attempt to negotiate QUIC with clients or not. Can specify one of NONE, ENABLE, or DISABLE. If NONE is specified, uses the QUIC policy with no user overrides, which is equivalent to DISABLE. Not specifying this field is equivalent to specifying NONE. |
sslCertificates list | success | A list of SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the load balancer. Currently, exactly one SSL certificate must be specified. |
sslPolicy dictionary | success | A reference to the SslPolicy resource that will be associated with the TargetHttpsProxy resource. If not set, the TargetHttpsProxy resource will not have any SSL policy configured. |
urlMap dictionary | success | A reference to the UrlMap resource that defines the mapping from URL to the BackendService. |
- This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
- This module is maintained by the Ansible Community. [community]
- Google Inc. (@googlecloudplatform)
If you notice any issues in this documentation, you can edit this document to improve it.
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.