datadog_monitor – Manages Datadog monitors
- Manages monitors within Datadog.
- Options as described on
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- datadog
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
api_key string / required | Your Datadog API key. | |
app_key string / required | Your Datadog app key. | |
escalation_message string | A message to include with a re-notification. Supports the '@username' notification we allow elsewhere. Not applicable if renotify_interval=None. | |
evaluation_delay string added in 2.7 | Time to delay evaluation (in seconds). Effective for sparse values. | |
id string | The ID of the alert. If set, will be used instead of the name to locate the alert. | |
locked boolean |
| Whether changes to this monitor should be restricted to the creator or admins. |
message string | A message to include with notifications for this monitor. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same '@username' notation as events. Monitor message template variables can be accessed by using double square brackets, i.e '[[' and ']]'. | |
name string / required | The name of the alert. | |
new_host_delay string added in 2.4 | A positive integer representing the number of seconds to wait before evaluating the monitor for new hosts. This gives the host time to fully initialize. | |
no_data_timeframe string | Default: "2x timeframe for metric, 2 minutes for service" | The number of minutes before a monitor will notify when data stops reporting. Must be at least 2x the monitor timeframe for metric alerts or 2 minutes for service checks. |
notify_audit boolean |
| Whether tagged users will be notified on changes to this monitor. |
notify_no_data boolean |
| Whether this monitor will notify when data stops reporting. |
query string | The monitor query to notify on. Syntax varies depending on what type of monitor you are creating. | |
renotify_interval string | The number of minutes after the last notification before a monitor will re-notify on the current status. It will only re-notify if it is not resolved. | |
require_full_window boolean |
| Whether this monitor needs a full window of data before it gets evaluated. We highly recommend you set this to False for sparse metrics, otherwise some evaluations will be skipped. |
silenced - | Default: "" | Dictionary of scopes to silence, with timestamps or None. Each scope will be muted until the given POSIX timestamp or forever if the value is None. |
state string / required |
| The designated state of the monitor. |
tags list | A list of tags to associate with your monitor when creating or updating. This can help you categorize and filter monitors. | |
thresholds - | Default: {"critical": 1, "ok": 1, "warning": 1} | A dictionary of thresholds by status. Only available for service checks and metric alerts. Because each of them can have multiple thresholds, we do not define them directly in the query. |
timeout_h string | The number of hours of the monitor not reporting data before it will automatically resolve from a triggered state. | |
type string |
| The type of the monitor. |
# Create a metric monitor - datadog_monitor: type: "metric alert" name: "Test monitor" state: "present" query: "datadog.agent.up.over('host:host1').last(2).count_by_status()" message: "Host [[]] with IP [[host.ip]] is failing to report to datadog." api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff" # Deletes a monitor - datadog_monitor: name: "Test monitor" state: "absent" api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff" # Mutes a monitor - datadog_monitor: name: "Test monitor" state: "mute" silenced: '{"*":None}' api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff" # Unmutes a monitor - datadog_monitor: name: "Test monitor" state: "unmute" api_key: "9775a026f1ca7d1c6c5af9d94d9595a4" app_key: "87ce4a24b5553d2e482ea8a8500e71b8ad4554ff"
- This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
- This module is maintained by the Ansible Community. [community]
- Sebastian Kornehl (@skornehl)
If you notice any issues in this documentation, you can edit this document to improve it.
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.