class ActiveStorage::Attachment
Attachments associate records with blobs. Usually that's a one record-many blobs relationship, but it is possible to associate many different records with the same blob. A foreign-key constraint on the attachments table prevents blobs from being purged if they’re still attached to any records.
Attachments also have access to all methods from ActiveStorage::Blob
Public Instance Methods
# File activestorage/app/models/active_storage/attachment.rb, line 23 def purge transaction do delete record&.touch end blob&.purge end
Synchronously deletes the attachment and purges the blob.
# File activestorage/app/models/active_storage/attachment.rb, line 32 def purge_later transaction do delete record&.touch end blob&.purge_later end
Deletes the attachment and enqueues a background job to purge the blob.
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