module ActionCable::Channel::TestCase::Behavior
Public Instance Methods
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 258 def assert_broadcast_on(stream_or_object, *args) super(broadcasting_for(stream_or_object), *args) end
Calls superclass method
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 254 def assert_broadcasts(stream_or_object, *args) super(broadcasting_for(stream_or_object), *args) end
Enhance TestHelper
assertions to handle non-String broadcastings
Calls superclass method
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 280 def assert_has_stream(stream) assert subscription.streams.include?(stream), "Stream #{stream} has not been started" end
Asserts that the specified stream has been started.
def test_assert_started_stream subscribe assert_has_stream 'messages' end
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 291 def assert_has_stream_for(object) assert_has_stream(broadcasting_for(object)) end
Asserts that the specified stream for a model has started.
def test_assert_started_stream_for subscribe id: 42 assert_has_stream_for User.find(42) end
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 269 def assert_no_streams assert subscription.streams.empty?, "No streams started was expected, but #{subscription.streams.count} found" end
Asserts that no streams have been started.
def test_assert_no_started_stream subscribe assert_no_streams end
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 241 def perform(action, data = {}) check_subscribed! subscription.perform_action(data.stringify_keys.merge("action" => action.to_s)) end
Perform action on a channel.
NOTE: Must be subscribed.
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 219 def stub_connection(identifiers = {}) @connection = end
Set up test connection with the specified identifiers:
class ApplicationCable < ActionCable::Connection::Base identified_by :user, :token end stub_connection(user: users[:john], token: 'my-secret-token')
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 224 def subscribe(params = {}) @connection ||= stub_connection @subscription =, CHANNEL_IDENTIFIER, params.with_indifferent_access) @subscription.singleton_class.include(ChannelStub) @subscription.subscribe_to_channel @subscription end
Subscribe to the channel under test. Optionally pass subscription parameters as a Hash
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 247 def transmissions # Return only directly sent message (via #transmit) { |data| data["message"] }.compact end
Returns messages transmitted into channel
# File actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb, line 233 def unsubscribe check_subscribed! subscription.unsubscribe_from_channel end
Unsubscribe the subscription under test.
© 2004–2020 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.