This is a raw POSIX interface module. It does not not provide any convenience: cstrings are used instead of proper Nim strings and return codes indicate errors. If you want exceptions and a proper Nim-like interface, use the OS module or write a wrapper.
For high-level wrappers specialized for Linux and BSDs see: posix_utils
Coding conventions: ALL types are named the same as in the POSIX standard except that they start with 'T' or 'P' (if they are pointers) and without the '_t' suffix to be consistent with Nim conventions. If an identifier is a Nim keyword the `identifier` notation is used.
This library relies on the header files of your C compiler. The resulting C code will just #include <XYZ.h>
and not define the symbols declared here.
DIR {...}{.importc: "DIR", header: "<dirent.h>", incompleteStruct.} = object
- A type representing a directory stream. Source Edit
SocketHandle = distinct cint
- Source Edit
Time {...}{.importc: "time_t", header: "<time.h>".} = distinct clong
- Source Edit
Timespec {...}{.importc: "struct timespec", header: "<time.h>", final, pure.} = object tv_sec*: Time ## Seconds. tv_nsec*: clong ## Nanoseconds.
- struct timespec Source Edit
Dirent {...}{.importc: "struct dirent", header: "<dirent.h>", final, pure.} = object d_ino*: Ino d_off*: Off d_reclen*: cushort d_type*: int8 d_name*: array[256, cchar]
- dirent_t struct Source Edit
Tflock {...}{.importc: "struct flock", final, pure, header: "<fcntl.h>".} = object l_type*: cshort ## Type of lock; F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK. l_whence*: cshort ## Flag for starting offset. l_start*: Off ## Relative offset in bytes. l_len*: Off ## Size; if 0 then until EOF. l_pid*: Pid ## Process ID of the process holding the lock; ## returned with F_GETLK.
- flock type Source Edit
Glob {...}{.importc: "glob_t", header: "<glob.h>", final, pure.} = object gl_pathc*: csize_t ## Count of paths matched by pattern. gl_pathv*: cstringArray ## Pointer to a list of matched pathnames. gl_offs*: csize_t ## Slots to reserve at the beginning of gl_pathv. gl_flags*: cint gl_closedir*: pointer gl_readdir*: pointer gl_opendir*: pointer gl_lstat*: pointer gl_stat*: pointer
- glob_t Source Edit
Group {...}{.importc: "struct group", header: "<grp.h>", final, pure.} = object gr_name*: cstring ## The name of the group. gr_passwd*: cstring gr_gid*: Gid ## Numerical group ID. gr_mem*: cstringArray ## Pointer to a null-terminated array of character ## pointers to member names.
- struct group Source Edit
Iconv {...}{.importc: "iconv_t", header: "<iconv.h>".} = pointer
- Identifies the conversion from one codeset to another. Source Edit
Lconv {...}{.importc: "struct lconv", header: "<locale.h>", final, pure.} = object decimal_point*: cstring thousands_sep*: cstring grouping*: cstring int_curr_symbol*: cstring currency_symbol*: cstring mon_decimal_point*: cstring mon_thousands_sep*: cstring mon_grouping*: cstring positive_sign*: cstring negative_sign*: cstring int_frac_digits*: char frac_digits*: char p_cs_precedes*: char p_sep_by_space*: char n_cs_precedes*: char n_sep_by_space*: char p_sign_posn*: char n_sign_posn*: char int_p_cs_precedes*: char int_p_sep_by_space*: char int_n_cs_precedes*: char int_n_sep_by_space*: char int_p_sign_posn*: char int_n_sign_posn*: char
- Source Edit
Mqd {...}{.importc: "mqd_t", header: "<mqueue.h>".} = cint
- Source Edit
MqAttr {...}{.importc: "struct mq_attr", header: "<mqueue.h>", final, pure.} = object mq_flags*: clong ## Message queue flags. mq_maxmsg*: clong ## Maximum number of messages. mq_msgsize*: clong ## Maximum message size. mq_curmsgs*: clong ## Number of messages currently queued. pad: array[4, clong]
- message queue attribute Source Edit
Passwd {...}{.importc: "struct passwd", header: "<pwd.h>", final, pure.} = object pw_name*: cstring ## User's login name. pw_passwd*: cstring pw_uid*: Uid ## Numerical user ID. pw_gid*: Gid ## Numerical group ID. pw_gecos*: cstring pw_dir*: cstring ## Initial working directory. pw_shell*: cstring ## Program to use as shell.
- struct passwd Source Edit
Blkcnt {...}{.importc: "blkcnt_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = clong
- used for file block counts Source Edit
Blksize {...}{.importc: "blksize_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = clong
- used for block sizes Source Edit
Clock {...}{.importc: "clock_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = clong
- Source Edit
ClockId {...}{.importc: "clockid_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cint
- Source Edit
Dev {...}{.importc: "dev_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = culong
- Source Edit
Fsblkcnt {...}{.importc: "fsblkcnt_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = culong
- Source Edit
Fsfilcnt {...}{.importc: "fsfilcnt_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = culong
- Source Edit
Gid {...}{.importc: "gid_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cuint
- Source Edit
Id {...}{.importc: "id_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cuint
- Source Edit
Ino {...}{.importc: "ino_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = culong
- Source Edit
Key {...}{.importc: "key_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cint
- Source Edit
Mode {...}{.importc: "mode_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = uint32
- Source Edit
Nlink {...}{.importc: "nlink_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = culong
- Source Edit
Off {...}{.importc: "off_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = clong
- Source Edit
Pid {...}{.importc: "pid_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cint
- Source Edit
Pthread_attr {...}{.importc: "pthread_attr_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[56 div 8, clong]
- Source Edit
Pthread_barrier {...}{.importc: "pthread_barrier_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[32 div 8, clong]
- Source Edit
Pthread_barrierattr {...}{.importc: "pthread_barrierattr_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[4 div 4, cint]
- Source Edit
Pthread_cond {...}{.importc: "pthread_cond_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[48 div 8, clonglong]
- Source Edit
Pthread_condattr {...}{.importc: "pthread_condattr_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[4 div 4, cint]
- Source Edit
Pthread_key {...}{.importc: "pthread_key_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cuint
- Source Edit
Pthread_mutex {...}{.importc: "pthread_mutex_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[48 div 8, clong]
- Source Edit
Pthread_mutexattr {...}{.importc: "pthread_mutexattr_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[4 div 4, cint]
- Source Edit
Pthread_once {...}{.importc: "pthread_once_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cint
- Source Edit
Pthread_rwlock {...}{.importc: "pthread_rwlock_t", header: "<sys/types.h>", pure, final.} = object abi: array[56 div 8, clong]
- Source Edit
Pthread_rwlockattr {...}{.importc: "pthread_rwlockattr_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = object abi: array[8 div 8, clong]
- Source Edit
Pthread_spinlock {...}{.importc: "pthread_spinlock_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cint
- Source Edit
Pthread {...}{.importc: "pthread_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = culong
- Source Edit
Suseconds {...}{.importc: "suseconds_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = clong
- Source Edit
Timer {...}{.importc: "timer_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = pointer
- Source Edit
Uid {...}{.importc: "uid_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cuint
- Source Edit
Useconds {...}{.importc: "useconds_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = cuint
- Source Edit
Utsname {...}{.importc: "struct utsname", header: "<sys/utsname.h>", final, pure.} = object sysname*, ## Name of this implementation of the operating system. nodename*, ## Name of this node within the communications ## network to which this node is attached, if any. release*, ## Current release level of this implementation. version*, ## Current version level of this release. machine*, ## Name of the hardware type on which the ## system is running. domainname*: array[65, char]
- struct utsname Source Edit
Sem {...}{.importc: "sem_t", header: "<semaphore.h>", final, pure.} = object abi: array[32 div 8, clong]
- Source Edit
Ipc_perm {...}{.importc: "struct ipc_perm", header: "<sys/ipc.h>", final, pure.} = object key: Key uid*: Uid ## Owner's user ID. gid*: Gid ## Owner's group ID. cuid*: Uid ## Creator's user ID. cgid*: Gid ## Creator's group ID. mode*: cshort ## Read/write permission. pad1: cshort seq1: cshort pad2: cshort reserved1: culong reserved2: culong
- struct ipc_perm Source Edit
Stat {...}{.importc: "struct stat", header: "<sys/stat.h>", final, pure.} = object st_dev*: Dev ## Device ID of device containing file. st_ino*: Ino ## File serial number. st_nlink*: Nlink ## Number of hard links to the file. st_mode*: Mode ## Mode of file (see below). st_uid*: Uid ## User ID of file. st_gid*: Gid ## Group ID of file. pad0 {...}{.importc: "__pad0".}: cint st_rdev*: Dev ## Device ID (if file is character or block special). st_size*: Off ## For regular files, the file size in bytes. ## For symbolic links, the length in bytes of the ## pathname contained in the symbolic link. ## For a shared memory object, the length in bytes. ## For a typed memory object, the length in bytes. ## For other file types, the use of this field is ## unspecified. st_blksize*: Blksize ## A file system-specific preferred I/O block size ## ## for this object. In some file system types, this ## ## may vary from file to file. st_blocks*: Blkcnt ## Number of blocks allocated for this object. st_atim*: Timespec ## Time of last access. st_mtim*: Timespec ## Time of last data modification. st_ctim*: Timespec ## Time of last status change.
- struct stat Source Edit
Statvfs {...}{.importc: "struct statvfs", header: "<sys/statvfs.h>", final, pure.} = object f_bsize*: culong ## File system block size. f_frsize*: culong ## Fundamental file system block size. f_blocks*: Fsblkcnt ## Total number of blocks on file system ## in units of f_frsize. f_bfree*: Fsblkcnt ## Total number of free blocks. f_bavail*: Fsblkcnt ## Number of free blocks available to ## non-privileged process. f_files*: Fsfilcnt ## Total number of file serial numbers. f_ffree*: Fsfilcnt ## Total number of free file serial numbers. f_favail*: Fsfilcnt ## Number of file serial numbers available to ## non-privileged process. f_fsid*: culong ## File system ID. f_flag*: culong ## Bit mask of f_flag values. f_namemax*: culong ## Maximum filename length. f_spare: array[6, cint]
- struct statvfs Source Edit
Tm {...}{.importc: "struct tm", header: "<time.h>", final, pure.} = object tm_sec*: cint ## Seconds [0,60]. tm_min*: cint ## Minutes [0,59]. tm_hour*: cint ## Hour [0,23]. tm_mday*: cint ## Day of month [1,31]. tm_mon*: cint ## Month of year [0,11]. tm_year*: cint ## Years since 1900. tm_wday*: cint ## Day of week [0,6] (Sunday =0). tm_yday*: cint ## Day of year [0,365]. tm_isdst*: cint ## Daylight Savings flag. tm_gmtoff*: clong tm_zone*: cstring
- struct tm Source Edit
Itimerspec {...}{.importc: "struct itimerspec", header: "<time.h>", final, pure.} = object it_interval*: Timespec ## Timer period. it_value*: Timespec ## Timer expiration.
- struct itimerspec Source Edit
Sig_atomic {...}{.importc: "sig_atomic_t", header: "<signal.h>".} = cint
- Possibly volatile-qualified integer type of an object that can be accessed as an atomic entity, even in the presence of asynchronous interrupts. Source Edit
Sigset {...}{.importc: "sigset_t", header: "<signal.h>", final, pure.} = object abi: array[1024 div 64, culong]
- Source Edit
SigEvent {...}{.importc: "struct sigevent", header: "<signal.h>", final, pure.} = object sigev_value*: SigVal ## Signal value. sigev_signo*: cint ## Signal number. sigev_notify*: cint ## Notification type. sigev_notify_function*: proc (x: SigVal) {...}{.noconv.} ## Notification func. sigev_notify_attributes*: ptr Pthread_attr ## Notification attributes. abi: array[12, int]
- struct sigevent Source Edit
SigVal {...}{.importc: "union sigval", header: "<signal.h>", final, pure.} = object sival_ptr*: pointer ## pointer signal value; ## integer signal value not defined!
- struct sigval Source Edit
Sigaction {...}{.importc: "struct sigaction", header: "<signal.h>", final, pure.} = object sa_handler*: proc (x: cint) {...}{.noconv.} ## Pointer to a signal-catching ## function or one of the macros ## SIG_IGN or SIG_DFL. sa_mask*: Sigset ## Set of signals to be blocked during execution of ## the signal handling function. sa_flags*: cint ## Special flags. sa_sigaction*: proc (x: cint; y: ptr SigInfo; z: pointer) {...}{.noconv.}
- struct sigaction Source Edit
Stack {...}{.importc: "stack_t", header: "<signal.h>", final, pure.} = object ss_sp*: pointer ## Stack base or pointer. ss_size*: int ## Stack size. ss_flags*: cint ## Flags.
- stack_t Source Edit
SigStack {...}{.importc: "struct sigstack", header: "<signal.h>", final, pure.} = object ss_onstack*: cint ## Non-zero when signal stack is in use. ss_sp*: pointer ## Signal stack pointer.
- struct sigstack Source Edit
SigInfo {...}{.importc: "siginfo_t", header: "<signal.h>", final, pure.} = object si_signo*: cint ## Signal number. si_code*: cint ## Signal code. si_errno*: cint ## If non-zero, an errno value associated with ## this signal, as defined in <errno.h>. si_pid*: Pid ## Sending process ID. si_uid*: Uid ## Real user ID of sending process. si_addr*: pointer ## Address of faulting instruction. si_status*: cint ## Exit value or signal. si_band*: int ## Band event for SIGPOLL. si_value*: SigVal ## Signal value. pad {...}{.importc: "_pad".}: array[128 - 56, uint8]
- siginfo_t Source Edit
Nl_item {...}{.importc: "nl_item", header: "<nl_types.h>".} = cint
- Source Edit
Nl_catd {...}{.importc: "nl_catd", header: "<nl_types.h>".} = pointer
- Source Edit
Sched_param {...}{.importc: "struct sched_param", header: "<sched.h>", final, pure.} = object sched_priority*: cint
- struct sched_param Source Edit
Timeval {...}{.importc: "struct timeval", header: "<sys/select.h>", final, pure.} = object tv_sec*: Time ## Seconds. tv_usec*: Suseconds ## Microseconds.
- struct timeval Source Edit
TFdSet {...}{.importc: "fd_set", header: "<sys/select.h>", final, pure.} = object abi: array[1024 div 64, clong]
- Source Edit
Mcontext {...}{.importc: "mcontext_t", header: "<ucontext.h>", final, pure.} = object gregs: array[23, clonglong] fpregs: pointer reserved1: array[8, clonglong]
- Source Edit
Ucontext {...}{.importc: "ucontext_t", header: "<ucontext.h>", final, pure.} = object uc_flags: clong uc_link*: ptr Ucontext ## Pointer to the context that is resumed ## when this context returns. uc_stack*: Stack ## The stack used by this context. uc_mcontext*: Mcontext ## A machine-specific representation of the saved ## ## context. uc_sigmask*: Sigset ## The set of signals that are blocked when this ## context is active.
- ucontext_t Source Edit
Taiocb {...}{.importc: "struct aiocb", header: "<aio.h>", final, pure.} = object aio_fildes*: cint ## File descriptor. aio_lio_opcode*: cint ## Operation to be performed. aio_reqprio*: cint ## Request priority offset. aio_buf*: pointer ## Location of buffer. aio_nbytes*: csize_t ## Length of transfer. aio_sigevent*: SigEvent ## Signal number and value. next_prio: pointer abs_prio: cint policy: cint error_Code: cint return_value: clong aio_offset*: Off ## File offset. reserved: array[32, uint8]
- struct aiocb Source Edit
Tposix_spawnattr {...}{.importc: "posix_spawnattr_t", header: "<spawn.h>", final, pure.} = object flags: cshort pgrp: Pid sd: Sigset ss: Sigset sp: Sched_param policy: cint pad: array[16, cint]
- Source Edit
Tposix_spawn_file_actions {...}{.importc: "posix_spawn_file_actions_t", header: "<spawn.h>", final, pure.} = object allocated: cint used: cint actions: pointer pad: array[16, cint]
- Source Edit
SockLen {...}{.importc: "socklen_t", header: "<sys/socket.h>".} = cuint
- Source Edit
TSa_Family {...}{.importc: "sa_family_t", header: "<sys/socket.h>".} = cushort
- Source Edit
SockAddr {...}{.importc: "struct sockaddr", header: "<sys/socket.h>", pure, final.} = object sa_family*: TSa_Family ## Address family. sa_data*: array[14, char] ## Socket address (variable-length data).
- struct sockaddr Source Edit
Sockaddr_un {...}{.importc: "struct sockaddr_un", header: "<sys/un.h>", pure, final.} = object sun_family*: TSa_Family ## Address family. sun_path*: array[108, char] ## Socket path
- struct sockaddr_un Source Edit
Sockaddr_storage {...}{.importc: "struct sockaddr_storage", header: "<sys/socket.h>", pure, final.} = object ss_family*: TSa_Family ## Address family. ss_padding: array[126 - 8, char] ss_align: clong
- struct sockaddr_storage Source Edit
Tif_nameindex {...}{.importc: "struct if_nameindex", final, pure, header: "<net/if.h>".} = object if_index*: cuint ## Numeric index of the interface. if_name*: cstring ## Null-terminated name of the interface.
- struct if_nameindex Source Edit
IOVec {...}{.importc: "struct iovec", pure, final, header: "<sys/uio.h>".} = object iov_base*: pointer ## Base address of a memory region for input or output. iov_len*: csize_t ## The size of the memory pointed to by iov_base.
- struct iovec Source Edit
Tmsghdr {...}{.importc: "struct msghdr", pure, final, header: "<sys/socket.h>".} = object msg_name*: pointer ## Optional address. msg_namelen*: SockLen ## Size of address. msg_iov*: ptr IOVec ## Scatter/gather array. msg_iovlen*: csize_t ## Members in msg_iov. msg_control*: pointer ## Ancillary data; see below. msg_controllen*: csize_t ## Ancillary data buffer len. msg_flags*: cint ## Flags on received message.
- struct msghdr Source Edit
Tcmsghdr {...}{.importc: "struct cmsghdr", pure, final, header: "<sys/socket.h>".} = object cmsg_len*: csize_t ## Data byte count, including the cmsghdr. cmsg_level*: cint ## Originating protocol. cmsg_type*: cint ## Protocol-specific type.
- struct cmsghdr Source Edit
TLinger {...}{.importc: "struct linger", pure, final, header: "<sys/socket.h>".} = object l_onoff*: cint ## Indicates whether linger option is enabled. l_linger*: cint ## Linger time, in seconds.
- struct linger Source Edit
InPort = uint16
- Source Edit
InAddrScalar = uint32
- Source Edit
InAddrT {...}{.importc: "in_addr_t", pure, final, header: "<netinet/in.h>".} = uint32
- Source Edit
InAddr {...}{.importc: "struct in_addr", pure, final, header: "<netinet/in.h>".} = object s_addr*: InAddrScalar
- struct in_addr Source Edit
Sockaddr_in {...}{.importc: "struct sockaddr_in", pure, final, header: "<netinet/in.h>".} = object sin_family*: TSa_Family ## AF_INET. sin_port*: InPort ## Port number. sin_addr*: InAddr ## IP address. sin_zero: array[12 - 4, uint8]
- struct sockaddr_in Source Edit
In6Addr {...}{.importc: "struct in6_addr", pure, final, header: "<netinet/in.h>".} = object s6_addr*: array[0 .. 15, char]
- struct in6_addr Source Edit
Sockaddr_in6 {...}{.importc: "struct sockaddr_in6", pure, final, header: "<netinet/in.h>".} = object sin6_family*: TSa_Family ## AF_INET6. sin6_port*: InPort ## Port number. sin6_flowinfo*: uint32 ## IPv6 traffic class and flow information. sin6_addr*: In6Addr ## IPv6 address. sin6_scope_id*: uint32 ## Set of interfaces for a scope.
- struct sockaddr_in6 Source Edit
Tipv6_mreq {...}{.importc: "struct ipv6_mreq", pure, final, header: "<netinet/in.h>".} = object ipv6mr_multiaddr*: In6Addr ## IPv6 multicast address. ipv6mr_interface*: cuint ## Interface index.
- struct ipv6_mreq Source Edit
Hostent {...}{.importc: "struct hostent", pure, final, header: "<netdb.h>".} = object h_name*: cstring ## Official name of the host. h_aliases*: cstringArray ## A pointer to an array of pointers to ## alternative host names, terminated by a ## null pointer. h_addrtype*: cint ## Address type. h_length*: cint ## The length, in bytes, of the address. h_addr_list*: cstringArray ## A pointer to an array of pointers to network ## ## addresses (in network byte order) for the ## host, ## terminated by a null pointer.
- struct hostent Source Edit
Tnetent {...}{.importc: "struct netent", pure, final, header: "<netdb.h>".} = object n_name*: cstring ## Official, fully-qualified (including the ## domain) name of the host. n_aliases*: cstringArray ## A pointer to an array of pointers to ## alternative network names, terminated by a ## null ## pointer. n_addrtype*: cint ## The address type of the network. n_net*: uint32 ## The network number, in host byte order.
- struct netent Source Edit
Protoent {...}{.importc: "struct protoent", pure, final, header: "<netdb.h>".} = object p_name*: cstring ## Official name of the protocol. p_aliases*: cstringArray ## A pointer to an array of pointers to ## alternative protocol names, terminated by ## a null ## pointer. p_proto*: cint ## The protocol number.
- struct protoent Source Edit
Servent {...}{.importc: "struct servent", pure, final, header: "<netdb.h>".} = object s_name*: cstring ## Official name of the service. s_aliases*: cstringArray ## A pointer to an array of pointers to ## alternative service names, terminated by ## a null pointer. s_port*: cint ## The port number at which the service ## resides, in network byte order. s_proto*: cstring ## The name of the protocol to use when ## contacting the service.
- struct servent Source Edit
AddrInfo {...}{.importc: "struct addrinfo", pure, final, header: "<netdb.h>".} = object ai_flags*: cint ## Input flags. ai_family*: cint ## Address family of socket. ai_socktype*: cint ## Socket type. ai_protocol*: cint ## Protocol of socket. ai_addrlen*: SockLen ## Length of socket address. ai_addr*: ptr SockAddr ## Socket address of socket. ai_canonname*: cstring ## Canonical name of service location. ai_next*: ptr AddrInfo ## Pointer to next in list.
- struct addrinfo Source Edit
TPollfd {...}{.importc: "struct pollfd", pure, final, header: "<poll.h>".} = object fd*: cint ## The following descriptor being polled. events*: cshort ## The input event flags (see below). revents*: cshort ## The output event flags (see below).
- struct pollfd Source Edit
Tnfds {...}{.importc: "nfds_t", header: "<poll.h>".} = culong
- Source Edit
Rusage {...}{.importc: "struct rusage", header: "<sys/resource.h>", bycopy.} = object ru_utime*, ru_stime*: Timeval ru_maxrss*, ru_ixrss*, ru_idrss*, ru_isrss*, ru_minflt*, ru_majflt*, ru_nswap*, ru_inblock*, ru_oublock*, ru_msgsnd*, ru_msgrcv*, ru_nsignals*, ru_nvcsw*, ru_nivcsw*: clong
- Source Edit
RLimit {...}{.importc: "struct rlimit", header: "<sys/resource.h>", pure, final.} = object rlim_cur*: int rlim_max*: int
- Source Edit
errno: cint
- error variable Source Edit
h_errno: cint
- Source Edit
daylight: cint
- Source Edit
timezone: clong
- Source Edit
in6addr_any: In6Addr
- Source Edit
in6addr_loopback: In6Addr
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- File number of stderr; Source Edit
- File number of stdin; Source Edit
- File number of stdout; Source Edit
- Unknown file type. Source Edit
- Named pipe, or FIFO. Source Edit
DT_CHR = 2
- Character device. Source Edit
DT_DIR = 4
- Directory. Source Edit
DT_BLK = 6
- Block device. Source Edit
DT_REG = 8
- Regular file. Source Edit
DT_LNK = 10
- Symbolic link. Source Edit
DT_SOCK = 12
- UNIX domain socket. Source Edit
DT_WHT = 14
- Source Edit
StatHasNanoseconds = true
- Boolean flag that indicates if the system supports nanosecond time resolution in the fields of
. Note that the nanosecond based fields (Stat.st_atim
) can be accessed without checking this flag, because this module defines fallback procs when they are not available. Source Edit Sockaddr_un_path_length = 108
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
LIO_NOP = 2'i32
- Source Edit
LIO_NOWAIT = 1'i32
- Source Edit
LIO_READ = 0'i32
- Source Edit
LIO_WAIT = 0'i32
- Source Edit
LIO_WRITE = 1'i32
- Source Edit
RTLD_LAZY = 1'i32
- Source Edit
RTLD_NOW = 2'i32
- Source Edit
RTLD_GLOBAL = 256'i32
- Source Edit
RTLD_LOCAL = 0'i32
- Source Edit
E2BIG = 7'i32
- Source Edit
EACCES = 13'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EAGAIN = 11'i32
- Source Edit
EALREADY = 114'i32
- Source Edit
EBADF = 9'i32
- Source Edit
EBADMSG = 74'i32
- Source Edit
EBUSY = 16'i32
- Source Edit
ECANCELED = 125'i32
- Source Edit
ECHILD = 10'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
ECONNRESET = 104'i32
- Source Edit
EDEADLK = 35'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EDOM = 33'i32
- Source Edit
EDQUOT = 122'i32
- Source Edit
EEXIST = 17'i32
- Source Edit
EFAULT = 14'i32
- Source Edit
EFBIG = 27'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EIDRM = 43'i32
- Source Edit
EILSEQ = 84'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EINTR = 4'i32
- Source Edit
EINVAL = 22'i32
- Source Edit
EIO = 5'i32
- Source Edit
EISCONN = 106'i32
- Source Edit
EISDIR = 21'i32
- Source Edit
ELOOP = 40'i32
- Source Edit
EMFILE = 24'i32
- Source Edit
EMLINK = 31'i32
- Source Edit
EMSGSIZE = 90'i32
- Source Edit
EMULTIHOP = 72'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
ENETDOWN = 100'i32
- Source Edit
ENETRESET = 102'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
ENFILE = 23'i32
- Source Edit
ENOBUFS = 105'i32
- Source Edit
ENODATA = 61'i32
- Source Edit
ENODEV = 19'i32
- Source Edit
ENOENT = 2'i32
- Source Edit
ENOEXEC = 8'i32
- Source Edit
ENOLCK = 37'i32
- Source Edit
ENOLINK = 67'i32
- Source Edit
ENOMEM = 12'i32
- Source Edit
ENOMSG = 42'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
ENOSPC = 28'i32
- Source Edit
ENOSR = 63'i32
- Source Edit
ENOSTR = 60'i32
- Source Edit
ENOSYS = 38'i32
- Source Edit
ENOTCONN = 107'i32
- Source Edit
ENOTDIR = 20'i32
- Source Edit
ENOTEMPTY = 39'i32
- Source Edit
ENOTSOCK = 88'i32
- Source Edit
ENOTSUP = 95'i32
- Source Edit
ENOTTY = 25'i32
- Source Edit
ENXIO = 6'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EOVERFLOW = 75'i32
- Source Edit
EPERM = 1'i32
- Source Edit
EPIPE = 32'i32
- Source Edit
EPROTO = 71'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
ERANGE = 34'i32
- Source Edit
EROFS = 30'i32
- Source Edit
ESPIPE = 29'i32
- Source Edit
ESRCH = 3'i32
- Source Edit
ESTALE = 116'i32
- Source Edit
ETIME = 62'i32
- Source Edit
ETIMEDOUT = 110'i32
- Source Edit
ETXTBSY = 26'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EXDEV = 18'i32
- Source Edit
F_DUPFD = 0'i32
- Source Edit
F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 1030'i32
- Source Edit
F_GETFD = 1'i32
- Source Edit
F_SETFD = 2'i32
- Source Edit
F_GETFL = 3'i32
- Source Edit
F_SETFL = 4'i32
- Source Edit
F_GETLK = 5'i32
- Source Edit
F_SETLK = 6'i32
- Source Edit
F_SETLKW = 7'i32
- Source Edit
F_GETOWN = 9'i32
- Source Edit
F_SETOWN = 8'i32
- Source Edit
FD_CLOEXEC = 1'i32
- Source Edit
F_RDLCK = 0'i32
- Source Edit
F_UNLCK = 2'i32
- Source Edit
F_WRLCK = 1'i32
- Source Edit
O_CREAT = 64'i32
- Source Edit
O_EXCL = 128'i32
- Source Edit
O_NOCTTY = 256'i32
- Source Edit
O_TRUNC = 512'i32
- Source Edit
O_APPEND = 1024'i32
- Source Edit
O_DSYNC = 4096'i32
- Source Edit
O_NONBLOCK = 2048'i32
- Source Edit
O_RSYNC = 1052672'i32
- Source Edit
O_SYNC = 1052672'i32
- Source Edit
O_ACCMODE = 3'i32
- Source Edit
O_RDONLY = 0'i32
- Source Edit
O_RDWR = 2'i32
- Source Edit
O_WRONLY = 1'i32
- Source Edit
O_CLOEXEC = 524288'i32
- Source Edit
O_DIRECT = 16384'i32
- Source Edit
O_PATH = 2097152'i32
- Source Edit
O_NOATIME = 262144'i32
- Source Edit
O_TMPFILE = 4259840'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
FE_INEXACT = 32'i32
- Source Edit
FE_INVALID = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
FE_ALL_EXCEPT = 61'i32
- Source Edit
FE_DOWNWARD = 1024'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
FE_TOWARDZERO = 3072'i32
- Source Edit
FE_UPWARD = 2048'i32
- Source Edit
FE_DFL_ENV = -1'i32
- Source Edit
MM_HARD = 1'i32
- Source Edit
MM_SOFT = 2'i32
- Source Edit
MM_FIRM = 4'i32
- Source Edit
MM_APPL = 8'i32
- Source Edit
MM_UTIL = 16'i32
- Source Edit
MM_OPSYS = 32'i32
- Source Edit
MM_RECOVER = 64'i32
- Source Edit
MM_NRECOV = 128'i32
- Source Edit
MM_HALT = 1'i32
- Source Edit
MM_ERROR = 2'i32
- Source Edit
MM_WARNING = 3'i32
- Source Edit
MM_INFO = 4'i32
- Source Edit
MM_NOSEV = 0'i32
- Source Edit
MM_PRINT = 256'i32
- Source Edit
MM_CONSOLE = 512'i32
- Source Edit
MM_OK = 0'i32
- Source Edit
MM_NOTOK = -1'i32
- Source Edit
MM_NOMSG = 1'i32
- Source Edit
MM_NOCON = 4'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
FNM_PERIOD = 4'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
FNM_NOSYS = -1'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_F = 0'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_D = 1'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_DNR = 2'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_DP = 5'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_NS = 3'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_SL = 4'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_SLN = 6'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_PHYS = 1'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_MOUNT = 2'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_DEPTH = 8'i32
- Source Edit
FTW_CHDIR = 4'i32
- Source Edit
GLOB_APPEND = 32'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
GLOB_ERR = 1'i32
- Source Edit
GLOB_MARK = 2'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
GLOB_NOSYS = 4'i32
- Source Edit
CODESET = 14'i32
- Source Edit
D_T_FMT = 131112'i32
- Source Edit
D_FMT = 131113'i32
- Source Edit
T_FMT = 131114'i32
- Source Edit
T_FMT_AMPM = 131115'i32
- Source Edit
AM_STR = 131110'i32
- Source Edit
PM_STR = 131111'i32
- Source Edit
DAY_1 = 131079'i32
- Source Edit
DAY_2 = 131080'i32
- Source Edit
DAY_3 = 131081'i32
- Source Edit
DAY_4 = 131082'i32
- Source Edit
DAY_5 = 131083'i32
- Source Edit
DAY_6 = 131084'i32
- Source Edit
DAY_7 = 131085'i32
- Source Edit
ABDAY_1 = 131072'i32
- Source Edit
ABDAY_2 = 131073'i32
- Source Edit
ABDAY_3 = 131074'i32
- Source Edit
ABDAY_4 = 131075'i32
- Source Edit
ABDAY_5 = 131076'i32
- Source Edit
ABDAY_6 = 131077'i32
- Source Edit
ABDAY_7 = 131078'i32
- Source Edit
MON_1 = 131098'i32
- Source Edit
MON_2 = 131099'i32
- Source Edit
MON_3 = 131100'i32
- Source Edit
MON_4 = 131101'i32
- Source Edit
MON_5 = 131102'i32
- Source Edit
MON_6 = 131103'i32
- Source Edit
MON_7 = 131104'i32
- Source Edit
MON_8 = 131105'i32
- Source Edit
MON_9 = 131106'i32
- Source Edit
MON_10 = 131107'i32
- Source Edit
MON_11 = 131108'i32
- Source Edit
MON_12 = 131109'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_1 = 131086'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_2 = 131087'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_3 = 131088'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_4 = 131089'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_5 = 131090'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_6 = 131091'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_7 = 131092'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_8 = 131093'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_9 = 131094'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_10 = 131095'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_11 = 131096'i32
- Source Edit
ABMON_12 = 131097'i32
- Source Edit
ERA = 131116'i32
- Source Edit
ERA_D_FMT = 131118'i32
- Source Edit
ERA_D_T_FMT = 131120'i32
- Source Edit
ERA_T_FMT = 131121'i32
- Source Edit
ALT_DIGITS = 131119'i32
- Source Edit
RADIXCHAR = 65536'i32
- Source Edit
THOUSEP = 65537'i32
- Source Edit
YESEXPR = 327680'i32
- Source Edit
NOEXPR = 327681'i32
- Source Edit
CRNCYSTR = 262159'i32
- Source Edit
LC_ALL = 6'i32
- Source Edit
LC_COLLATE = 3'i32
- Source Edit
LC_CTYPE = 0'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
LC_NUMERIC = 1'i32
- Source Edit
LC_TIME = 2'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
NO_DATA = 4'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
TRY_AGAIN = 2'i32
- Source Edit
AI_PASSIVE = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
AI_V4MAPPED = 8'i32
- Source Edit
AI_ALL = 16'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
NI_NOFQDN = 4'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
NI_DGRAM = 16'i32
- Source Edit
EAI_AGAIN = -3'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EAI_FAIL = -4'i32
- Source Edit
EAI_FAMILY = -6'i32
- Source Edit
EAI_MEMORY = -10'i32
- Source Edit
EAI_NONAME = -2'i32
- Source Edit
EAI_SERVICE = -8'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
EAI_SYSTEM = -11'i32
- Source Edit
EAI_OVERFLOW = -12'i32
- Source Edit
IF_NAMESIZE = 16'i32
- Source Edit
IPPROTO_IP = 0'i32
- Source Edit
IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
IPPROTO_RAW = 255'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
IPPROTO_UDP = 17'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
INADDR_LOOPBACK = 2130706433'u
- Source Edit
INADDR_BROADCAST = 4294967295'u
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 20'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
IPV6_V6ONLY = 26'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
NL_SETD = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
POLLIN = 1'i16
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
POLLRDBAND = 128'i16
- Source Edit
POLLPRI = 2'i16
- Source Edit
POLLOUT = 4'i16
- Source Edit
POLLWRNORM = 256'i16
- Source Edit
POLLWRBAND = 512'i16
- Source Edit
POLLERR = 8'i16
- Source Edit
POLLHUP = 16'i16
- Source Edit
POLLNVAL = 32'i16
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SCHED_FIFO = 1'i32
- Source Edit
SCHED_RR = 2'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SIGEV_NONE = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SIGABRT = 6'i32
- Source Edit
SIGALRM = 14'i32
- Source Edit
SIGBUS = 7'i32
- Source Edit
SIGCHLD = 17'i32
- Source Edit
SIGCONT = 18'i32
- Source Edit
SIGFPE = 8'i32
- Source Edit
SIGHUP = 1'i32
- Source Edit
SIGILL = 4'i32
- Source Edit
SIGINT = 2'i32
- Source Edit
SIGKILL = 9'i32
- Source Edit
SIGPIPE = 13'i32
- Source Edit
SIGQUIT = 3'i32
- Source Edit
SIGSEGV = 11'i32
- Source Edit
SIGSTOP = 19'i32
- Source Edit
SIGTERM = 15'i32
- Source Edit
SIGTSTP = 20'i32
- Source Edit
SIGTTIN = 21'i32
- Source Edit
SIGTTOU = 22'i32
- Source Edit
SIGUSR1 = 10'i32
- Source Edit
SIGUSR2 = 12'i32
- Source Edit
SIGPOLL = 29'i32
- Source Edit
SIGPROF = 27'i32
- Source Edit
SIGSYS = 31'i32
- Source Edit
SIGTRAP = 5'i32
- Source Edit
SIGURG = 23'i32
- Source Edit
SIGVTALRM = 26'i32
- Source Edit
SIGXCPU = 24'i32
- Source Edit
SIGXFSZ = 25'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SIG_BLOCK = 0'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SA_ONSTACK = 134217728'i32
- Source Edit
SA_RESETHAND = -2147483648'i32
- Source Edit
SA_RESTART = 268435456'i32
- Source Edit
SA_SIGINFO = 4'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SA_NODEFER = 1073741824'i32
- Source Edit
SS_ONSTACK = 1'i32
- Source Edit
SS_DISABLE = 2'i32
- Source Edit
MINSIGSTKSZ = 2048'i32
- Source Edit
SIGSTKSZ = 8192'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SIG_ERR = -1
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
IPC_CREAT = 512'i32
- Source Edit
IPC_EXCL = 1024'i32
- Source Edit
IPC_NOWAIT = 2048'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
IPC_RMID = 0'i32
- Source Edit
IPC_SET = 1'i32
- Source Edit
IPC_STAT = 2'i32
- Source Edit
PROT_READ = 1'i32
- Source Edit
PROT_WRITE = 2'i32
- Source Edit
PROT_EXEC = 4'i32
- Source Edit
PROT_NONE = 0'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
MAP_NORESERVE = 16384'i32
- Source Edit
MAP_SHARED = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
MAP_FIXED = 16'i32
- Source Edit
MS_ASYNC = 1'i32
- Source Edit
MS_SYNC = 4'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
MCL_FUTURE = 2'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
MAP_POPULATE = 32768'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
FD_SETSIZE = 1024'i32
- Source Edit
MSG_CTRUNC = 8'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
MSG_EOR = 128'i32
- Source Edit
MSG_OOB = 1'i32
- Source Edit
SCM_RIGHTS = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SO_DEBUG = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SO_ERROR = 4'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SO_LINGER = 13'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SO_RCVBUF = 8'i32
- Source Edit
SO_RCVLOWAT = 18'i32
- Source Edit
SO_RCVTIMEO = 20'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SO_SNDBUF = 7'i32
- Source Edit
SO_SNDLOWAT = 19'i32
- Source Edit
SO_SNDTIMEO = 21'i32
- Source Edit
SO_TYPE = 3'i32
- Source Edit
SOCK_DGRAM = 2'i32
- Source Edit
SOCK_RAW = 3'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SOCK_CLOEXEC = 524288'i32
- Source Edit
SOL_SOCKET = 1'i32
- Source Edit
SOMAXCONN = 4096'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
MSG_NOSIGNAL = 16384'i32
- Source Edit
MSG_PEEK = 2'i32
- Source Edit
MSG_TRUNC = 32'i32
- Source Edit
MSG_WAITALL = 256'i32
- Source Edit
AF_INET = 2'i32
- Source Edit
AF_INET6 = 10'i32
- Source Edit
AF_UNIX = 1'i32
- Source Edit
AF_UNSPEC = 0'i32
- Source Edit
SHUT_RD = 0'i32
- Source Edit
SHUT_RDWR = 2'i32
- Source Edit
SHUT_WR = 1'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFBLK = 24576'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFCHR = 8192'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFDIR = 16384'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFIFO = 4096'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFLNK = 40960'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFMT = 61440'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFREG = 32768'i32
- Source Edit
S_IFSOCK = 49152'i32
- Source Edit
S_IRGRP = 32'i32
- Source Edit
S_IROTH = 4'i32
- Source Edit
S_IRUSR = 256'i32
- Source Edit
S_IRWXG = 56'i32
- Source Edit
S_IRWXO = 7'i32
- Source Edit
S_IRWXU = 448'i32
- Source Edit
S_ISGID = 1024'i32
- Source Edit
S_ISUID = 2048'i32
- Source Edit
S_ISVTX = 512'i32
- Source Edit
S_IWGRP = 16'i32
- Source Edit
S_IWOTH = 2'i32
- Source Edit
S_IWUSR = 128'i32
- Source Edit
S_IXGRP = 8'i32
- Source Edit
S_IXOTH = 1'i32
- Source Edit
S_IXUSR = 64'i32
- Source Edit
ST_RDONLY = 1'i32
- Source Edit
ST_NOSUID = 2'i32
- Source Edit
WNOHANG = 1'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
WEXITED = 4'i32
- Source Edit
WSTOPPED = 2'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
WNOWAIT = 16777216'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
IOFBF = 0'i32
- Source Edit
IONBF = 2'i32
- Source Edit
CLOCKS_PER_SEC = 1000000
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
F_OK = 0'i32
- Source Edit
R_OK = 4'i32
- Source Edit
W_OK = 2'i32
- Source Edit
X_OK = 1'i32
- Source Edit
CS_PATH = 0'i32
- Source Edit
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS = 1116'i32
- Source Edit
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS = 1117'i32
- Source Edit
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS = 1118'i32
- Source Edit
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- Source Edit
- Source Edit
CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS = 1124'i32
- Source Edit
CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS = 1125'i32
- Source Edit
CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS = 1126'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
F_LOCK = 1'i32
- Source Edit
F_TEST = 3'i32
- Source Edit
F_TLOCK = 2'i32
- Source Edit
F_ULOCK = 0'i32
- Source Edit
PC_2_SYMLINKS = 20'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
PC_ASYNC_IO = 10'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
PC_LINK_MAX = 0'i32
- Source Edit
PC_MAX_CANON = 1'i32
- Source Edit
PC_MAX_INPUT = 2'i32
- Source Edit
PC_NAME_MAX = 3'i32
- Source Edit
PC_NO_TRUNC = 7'i32
- Source Edit
PC_PATH_MAX = 4'i32
- Source Edit
PC_PIPE_BUF = 5'i32
- Source Edit
PC_PRIO_IO = 11'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
PC_SYNC_IO = 9'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_2_C_BIND = 47'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_C_DEV = 48'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_CHAR_TERM = 95'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_FORT_DEV = 49'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_FORT_RUN = 50'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_LOCALEDEF = 52'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_PBS = 168'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_2_PBS_LOCATE = 170'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE = 171'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_PBS_TRACK = 172'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_SW_DEV = 51'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_UPE = 97'i32
- Source Edit
SC_2_VERSION = 46'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_AIO_MAX = 24'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_ARG_MAX = 0'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_ATEXIT_MAX = 87'i32
- Source Edit
SC_BARRIERS = 133'i32
- Source Edit
SC_BC_BASE_MAX = 36'i32
- Source Edit
SC_BC_DIM_MAX = 37'i32
- Source Edit
SC_BC_SCALE_MAX = 38'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_CHILD_MAX = 1'i32
- Source Edit
SC_CLK_TCK = 2'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_CPUTIME = 138'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_FSYNC = 15'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_HOST_NAME_MAX = 180'i32
- Source Edit
SC_IOV_MAX = 60'i32
- Source Edit
SC_IPV6 = 235'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_LINE_MAX = 43'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_MEMLOCK = 17'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX = 27'i32
- Source Edit
SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX = 28'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_OPEN_MAX = 4'i32
- Source Edit
SC_PAGESIZE = 30'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_RAW_SOCKETS = 236'i32
- Source Edit
SC_RE_DUP_MAX = 44'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_REGEXP = 155'i32
- Source Edit
SC_RTSIG_MAX = 31'i32
- Source Edit
SC_SAVED_IDS = 8'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_SHELL = 157'i32
- Source Edit
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SC_SPAWN = 159'i32
- Source Edit
SC_SPIN_LOCKS = 154'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_SS_REPL_MAX = 241'i32
- Source Edit
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SC_SYMLOOP_MAX = 173'i32
- Source Edit
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- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_THREADS = 67'i32
- Source Edit
SC_TIMEOUTS = 164'i32
- Source Edit
SC_TIMER_MAX = 35'i32
- Source Edit
SC_TIMERS = 11'i32
- Source Edit
SC_TRACE = 181'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_TRACE_LOG = 184'i32
- Source Edit
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SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX = 244'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_TTY_NAME_MAX = 72'i32
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
- Source Edit
SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32 = 176'i32
- Source Edit
SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG = 177'i32
- Source Edit
SC_V6_LP64_OFF64 = 178'i32
- Source Edit
SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG = 179'i32
- Source Edit
SC_VERSION = 29'i32
- Source Edit
SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32 = 125'i32
- Source Edit
SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG = 126'i32
- Source Edit
SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64 = 127'i32
- Source Edit
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SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N = 93'i32
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SC_XOPEN_SHM = 94'i32
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SC_XOPEN_UNIX = 91'i32
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SEEK_SET = 0'i32
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SEEK_CUR = 1'i32
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SEEK_END = 2'i32
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proc WEXITSTATUS(s: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc WTERMSIG(s: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc WSTOPSIG(s: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc WIFEXITED(s: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc WIFSIGNALED(s: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc WIFSTOPPED(s: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc WIFCONTINUED(s: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc st_atime(s: Stat): Time {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Second-granularity time of last access. Source Edit
proc st_mtime(s: Stat): Time {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Second-granularity time of last data modification. Source Edit
proc st_ctime(s: Stat): Time {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Second-granularity time of last status change. Source Edit
proc aio_cancel(a1: cint; a2: ptr Taiocb): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc aio_error(a1: ptr Taiocb): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc aio_fsync(a1: cint; a2: ptr Taiocb): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc aio_read(a1: ptr Taiocb): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc aio_return(a1: ptr Taiocb): int {...}{.importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc aio_suspend(a1: ptr ptr Taiocb; a2: cint; a3: ptr Timespec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc aio_write(a1: ptr Taiocb): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc lio_listio(a1: cint; a2: ptr ptr Taiocb; a3: cint; a4: ptr SigEvent): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<aio.h>".}
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proc htonl(a1: uint32): uint32 {...}{.importc, header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc htons(a1: uint16): uint16 {...}{.importc, header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc ntohl(a1: uint32): uint32 {...}{.importc, header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc ntohs(a1: uint16): uint16 {...}{.importc, header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc inet_addr(a1: cstring): InAddrT {...}{.importc, header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc inet_ntoa(a1: InAddr): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc inet_ntop(a1: cint; a2: pointer; a3: cstring; a4: int32): cstring {...}{. importc: "(char *)$1", header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc inet_pton(a1: cint; a2: cstring; a3: pointer): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<arpa/inet.h>".}
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proc IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT(): In6Addr {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
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proc IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT(): In6Addr {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
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proc closedir(a1: ptr DIR): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<dirent.h>".}
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proc opendir(a1: cstring): ptr DIR {...}{.importc, header: "<dirent.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc readdir(a1: ptr DIR): ptr Dirent {...}{.importc, header: "<dirent.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc readdir_r(a1: ptr DIR; a2: ptr Dirent; a3: ptr ptr Dirent): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<dirent.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc rewinddir(a1: ptr DIR) {...}{.importc, header: "<dirent.h>".}
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proc seekdir(a1: ptr DIR; a2: int) {...}{.importc, header: "<dirent.h>".}
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proc telldir(a1: ptr DIR): int {...}{.importc, header: "<dirent.h>".}
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proc dlclose(a1: pointer): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc dlerror(): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc dlopen(a1: cstring; a2: cint): pointer {...}{.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc dlsym(a1: pointer; a2: cstring): pointer {...}{.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc creat(a1: cstring; a2: Mode): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<fcntl.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc fcntl(a1: cint | SocketHandle; a2: cint): cint {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<fcntl.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc open(a1: cstring; a2: cint): cint {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<fcntl.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc posix_fadvise(a1: cint; a2, a3: Off; a4: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<fcntl.h>".}
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proc posix_fallocate(a1: cint; a2, a3: Off): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<fcntl.h>".}
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proc fmtmsg(a1: int; a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4, a5, a6: cstring): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<fmtmsg.h>".}
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proc fnmatch(a1, a2: cstring; a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<fnmatch.h>".}
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proc ftw(a1: cstring; a2: proc (x1: cstring; x2: ptr Stat; x3: cint): cint {...}{.noconv.}; a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<ftw.h>".}
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proc glob(a1: cstring; a2: cint; a3: proc (x1: cstring; x2: cint): cint {...}{.noconv.}; a4: ptr Glob): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<glob.h>", sideEffect.}
- Filename globbing. Use os.walkPattern() and similar. Source Edit
proc globfree(a1: ptr Glob) {...}{.importc, header: "<glob.h>".}
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proc getgrgid(a1: Gid): ptr Group {...}{.importc, header: "<grp.h>".}
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proc getgrnam(a1: cstring): ptr Group {...}{.importc, header: "<grp.h>".}
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proc getgrgid_r(a1: Gid; a2: ptr Group; a3: cstring; a4: int; a5: ptr ptr Group): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<grp.h>".}
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proc getgrnam_r(a1: cstring; a2: ptr Group; a3: cstring; a4: int; a5: ptr ptr Group): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<grp.h>".}
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proc getgrent(): ptr Group {...}{.importc, header: "<grp.h>".}
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proc endgrent() {...}{.importc, header: "<grp.h>".}
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proc setgrent() {...}{.importc, header: "<grp.h>".}
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proc iconv_open(a1, a2: cstring): Iconv {...}{.importc, header: "<iconv.h>".}
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proc iconv(a1: Iconv; a2: var cstring; a3: var int; a4: var cstring; a5: var int): int {...}{. importc, header: "<iconv.h>".}
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proc iconv_close(a1: Iconv): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<iconv.h>".}
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proc nl_langinfo(a1: Nl_item): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<langinfo.h>".}
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proc basename(a1: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<libgen.h>".}
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proc dirname(a1: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<libgen.h>".}
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proc localeconv(): ptr Lconv {...}{.importc, header: "<locale.h>".}
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proc setlocale(a1: cint; a2: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<locale.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc strfmon(a1: cstring; a2: int; a3: cstring): int {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<monetary.h>".}
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proc mq_close(a1: Mqd): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_getattr(a1: Mqd; a2: ptr MqAttr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_notify(a1: Mqd; a2: ptr SigEvent): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_open(a1: cstring; a2: cint): Mqd {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_receive(a1: Mqd; a2: cstring; a3: int; a4: var int): int {...}{.importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_send(a1: Mqd; a2: cstring; a3: int; a4: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_setattr(a1: Mqd; a2, a3: ptr MqAttr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_timedreceive(a1: Mqd; a2: cstring; a3: int; a4: int; a5: ptr Timespec): int {...}{. importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_timedsend(a1: Mqd; a2: cstring; a3: int; a4: int; a5: ptr Timespec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc mq_unlink(a1: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<mqueue.h>".}
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proc getpwnam(a1: cstring): ptr Passwd {...}{.importc, header: "<pwd.h>".}
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proc getpwuid(a1: Uid): ptr Passwd {...}{.importc, header: "<pwd.h>".}
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proc getpwnam_r(a1: cstring; a2: ptr Passwd; a3: cstring; a4: int; a5: ptr ptr Passwd): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pwd.h>".}
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proc getpwuid_r(a1: Uid; a2: ptr Passwd; a3: cstring; a4: int; a5: ptr ptr Passwd): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pwd.h>".}
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proc endpwent() {...}{.importc, header: "<pwd.h>".}
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proc getpwent(): ptr Passwd {...}{.importc, header: "<pwd.h>".}
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proc setpwent() {...}{.importc, header: "<pwd.h>".}
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proc uname(a1: var Utsname): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/utsname.h>".}
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proc strerror(errnum: cint): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<string.h>".}
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proc pthread_atfork(a1, a2, a3: proc () {...}{.noconv.}): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_attr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getdetachstate(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getguardsize(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getinheritsched(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getschedparam(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: ptr Sched_param): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getscope(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getstack(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: var pointer; a3: var int): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getstackaddr(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: var pointer): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_getstacksize(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: var int): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_init(a1: ptr Pthread_attr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setdetachstate(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setguardsize(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setinheritsched(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setschedparam(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: ptr Sched_param): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setscope(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setstack(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: pointer; a3: int): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setstackaddr(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: pointer): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_attr_setstacksize(a1: ptr Pthread_attr; a2: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_barrier_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_barrier): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_barrier_init(a1: ptr Pthread_barrier; a2: ptr Pthread_barrierattr; a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_barrier_wait(a1: ptr Pthread_barrier): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_barrierattr_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_barrierattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_barrierattr_getpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_barrierattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_barrierattr_init(a1: ptr Pthread_barrierattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_barrierattr_setpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_barrierattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cancel(a1: Pthread): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cleanup_push(a1: proc (x: pointer) {...}{.noconv.}; a2: pointer) {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cleanup_pop(a1: cint) {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cond_broadcast(a1: ptr Pthread_cond): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cond_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_cond): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cond_init(a1: ptr Pthread_cond; a2: ptr Pthread_condattr): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cond_signal(a1: ptr Pthread_cond): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cond_timedwait(a1: ptr Pthread_cond; a2: ptr Pthread_mutex; a3: ptr Timespec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_cond_wait(a1: ptr Pthread_cond; a2: ptr Pthread_mutex): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_condattr_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_condattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_condattr_getclock(a1: ptr Pthread_condattr; a2: var ClockId): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_condattr_getpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_condattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_condattr_init(a1: ptr Pthread_condattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_condattr_setclock(a1: ptr Pthread_condattr; a2: ClockId): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_condattr_setpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_condattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_create(a1: ptr Pthread; a2: ptr Pthread_attr; a3: proc (x: pointer): pointer {...}{.noconv.}; a4: pointer): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_detach(a1: Pthread): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_equal(a1, a2: Pthread): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_exit(a1: pointer) {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_getconcurrency(): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_getcpuclockid(a1: Pthread; a2: var ClockId): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_getschedparam(a1: Pthread; a2: var cint; a3: ptr Sched_param): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_getspecific(a1: Pthread_key): pointer {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_join(a1: Pthread; a2: ptr pointer): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_key_create(a1: ptr Pthread_key; a2: proc (x: pointer) {...}{.noconv.}): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_key_delete(a1: Pthread_key): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_getprioceiling(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_init(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex; a2: ptr Pthread_mutexattr): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_lock(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_setprioceiling(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex; a2: cint; a3: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_timedlock(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex; a2: ptr Timespec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_trylock(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutex_unlock(a1: ptr Pthread_mutex): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_gettype(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_init(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_mutexattr_settype(a1: ptr Pthread_mutexattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_once(a1: ptr Pthread_once; a2: proc () {...}{.noconv.}): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_init(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock; a2: ptr Pthread_rwlockattr): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_rdlock(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock; a2: ptr Timespec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock; a2: ptr Timespec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_unlock(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlock_wrlock(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlockattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlockattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlockattr_init(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlockattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(a1: ptr Pthread_rwlockattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_self(): Pthread {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
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proc pthread_setcancelstate(a1: cint; a2: var cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_setcanceltype(a1: cint; a2: var cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_setconcurrency(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_setschedparam(a1: Pthread; a2: cint; a3: ptr Sched_param): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_setschedprio(a1: Pthread; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_setspecific(a1: Pthread_key; a2: pointer): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_spin_destroy(a1: ptr Pthread_spinlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_spin_init(a1: ptr Pthread_spinlock; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_spin_lock(a1: ptr Pthread_spinlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_spin_trylock(a1: ptr Pthread_spinlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_spin_unlock(a1: ptr Pthread_spinlock): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_testcancel() {...}{.importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc exitnow(code: int): void {...}{.importc: "_exit", header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc access(a1: cstring; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc alarm(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc chdir(a1: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc chown(a1: cstring; a2: Uid; a3: Gid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc close(a1: cint | SocketHandle): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc confstr(a1: cint; a2: cstring; a3: int): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc crypt(a1, a2: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc ctermid(a1: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc dup(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc dup2(a1, a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc encrypt(a1: array[0 .. 63, char]; a2: cint) {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc execl(a1, a2: cstring): cint {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc execle(a1, a2: cstring): cint {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc execlp(a1, a2: cstring): cint {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc execv(a1: cstring; a2: cstringArray): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc execve(a1: cstring; a2, a3: cstringArray): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc execvp(a1: cstring; a2: cstringArray): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc execvpe(a1: cstring; a2: cstringArray; a3: cstringArray): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc fchown(a1: cint; a2: Uid; a3: Gid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc fchdir(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc fdatasync(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc fork(): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc fpathconf(a1, a2: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc fsync(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- synchronize a file's buffer cache to the storage device Source Edit
proc ftruncate(a1: cint; a2: Off): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getcwd(a1: cstring; a2: int): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc getuid(): Uid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- returns the real user ID of the calling process Source Edit
proc geteuid(): Uid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- returns the effective user ID of the calling process Source Edit
proc getgid(): Gid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- returns the real group ID of the calling process Source Edit
proc getegid(): Gid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- returns the effective group ID of the calling process Source Edit
proc getgroups(a1: cint; a2: ptr array[0 .. 255, Gid]): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc gethostid(): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc gethostname(a1: cstring; a2: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc getlogin(): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc getlogin_r(a1: cstring; a2: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc getopt(a1: cint; a2: cstringArray; a3: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getpgid(a1: Pid): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getpgrp(): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getpid(): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- returns the process ID (PID) of the calling process Source Edit
proc getppid(): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- returns the process ID of the parent of the calling process Source Edit
proc getsid(a1: Pid): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>", sideEffect.}
- returns the session ID of the calling process Source Edit
proc getwd(a1: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc isatty(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc lchown(a1: cstring; a2: Uid; a3: Gid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc link(a1, a2: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc lockf(a1, a2: cint; a3: Off): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc lseek(a1: cint; a2: Off; a3: cint): Off {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc nice(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pathconf(a1: cstring; a2: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pause(): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pclose(a: File): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<stdio.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pipe(a: array[0 .. 1, cint]): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc popen(a1, a2: cstring): File {...}{.importc, header: "<stdio.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pread(a1: cint; a2: pointer; a3: int; a4: Off): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pwrite(a1: cint; a2: pointer; a3: int; a4: Off): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc read(a1: cint; a2: pointer; a3: int): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc readlink(a1, a2: cstring; a3: int): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc ioctl(f: FileHandle; device: uint): int {...}{.importc: "ioctl", header: "<sys/ioctl.h>", varargs, tags: [WriteIOEffect].}
- A system call for device-specific input/output operations and other operations which cannot be expressed by regular system calls Source Edit
proc rmdir(a1: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setegid(a1: Gid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc seteuid(a1: Uid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setgid(a1: Gid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setpgid(a1, a2: Pid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setpgrp(): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setregid(a1, a2: Gid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setreuid(a1, a2: Uid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setsid(): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setuid(a1: Uid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sleep(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc swab(a1, a2: pointer; a3: int) {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc symlink(a1, a2: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sync() {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc sysconf(a1: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc tcgetpgrp(a1: cint): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc tcsetpgrp(a1: cint; a2: Pid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc truncate(a1: cstring; a2: Off): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc ttyname(a1: cint): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc ttyname_r(a1: cint; a2: cstring; a3: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc ualarm(a1, a2: Useconds): Useconds {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc unlink(a1: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc usleep(a1: Useconds): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc vfork(): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc write(a1: cint; a2: pointer; a3: int): int {...}{.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
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proc sem_close(a1: ptr Sem): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
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proc sem_destroy(a1: ptr Sem): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sem_getvalue(a1: ptr Sem; a2: var cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
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proc sem_init(a1: ptr Sem; a2: cint; a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sem_open(a1: cstring; a2: cint): ptr Sem {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
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proc sem_post(a1: ptr Sem): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sem_timedwait(a1: ptr Sem; a2: ptr Timespec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
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proc sem_trywait(a1: ptr Sem): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
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proc sem_unlink(a1: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
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proc sem_wait(a1: ptr Sem): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<semaphore.h>".}
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proc ftok(a1: cstring; a2: cint): Key {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/ipc.h>".}
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proc statvfs(a1: cstring; a2: var Statvfs): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/statvfs.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc fstatvfs(a1: cint; a2: var Statvfs): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/statvfs.h>".}
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proc chmod(a1: cstring; a2: Mode): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc fchmod(a1: cint; a2: Mode): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc fstat(a1: cint; a2: var Stat): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc lstat(a1: cstring; a2: var Stat): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc mkdir(a1: cstring; a2: Mode): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>", sideEffect.}
- Use os.createDir() and similar. Source Edit
proc mkfifo(a1: cstring; a2: Mode): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc mknod(a1: cstring; a2: Mode; a3: Dev): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc stat(a1: cstring; a2: var Stat): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc umask(a1: Mode): Mode {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc S_ISBLK(m: Mode): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a block special file. Source Edit
proc S_ISCHR(m: Mode): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a character special file. Source Edit
proc S_ISDIR(m: Mode): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a directory. Source Edit
proc S_ISFIFO(m: Mode): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a pipe or FIFO special file. Source Edit
proc S_ISREG(m: Mode): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a regular file. Source Edit
proc S_ISLNK(m: Mode): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a symbolic link. Source Edit
proc S_ISSOCK(m: Mode): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a socket. Source Edit
proc S_TYPEISMQ(buf: var Stat): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a message queue. Source Edit
proc S_TYPEISSEM(buf: var Stat): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a semaphore. Source Edit
proc S_TYPEISSHM(buf: var Stat): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test for a shared memory object. Source Edit
proc S_TYPEISTMO(buf: var Stat): bool {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/stat.h>".}
- Test macro for a typed memory object. Source Edit
proc mlock(a1: pointer; a2: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc mlockall(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc mmap(a1: pointer; a2: int; a3, a4, a5: cint; a6: Off): pointer {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc mprotect(a1: pointer; a2: int; a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
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proc msync(a1: pointer; a2: int; a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
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proc munlock(a1: pointer; a2: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc munlockall(): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc munmap(a1: pointer; a2: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
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proc posix_madvise(a1: pointer; a2: int; a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_mem_offset(a1: pointer; a2: int; a3: var Off; a4: var int; a5: var cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_typed_mem_open(a1: cstring; a2, a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc shm_open(a1: cstring; a2: cint; a3: Mode): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc shm_unlink(a1: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/mman.h>".}
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proc asctime(a1: var Tm): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc asctime_r(a1: var Tm; a2: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc clock(): Clock {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc clock_getcpuclockid(a1: Pid; a2: var ClockId): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc clock_getres(a1: ClockId; a2: var Timespec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc clock_gettime(a1: ClockId; a2: var Timespec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc clock_nanosleep(a1: ClockId; a2: cint; a3: var Timespec; a4: var Timespec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc clock_settime(a1: ClockId; a2: var Timespec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc `==`(a, b: Time): bool {...}{.borrow.}
- Source Edit
proc `-`(a, b: Time): Time {...}{.borrow.}
- Source Edit
proc ctime(a1: var Time): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc ctime_r(a1: var Time; a2: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc difftime(a1, a2: Time): cdouble {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getdate(a1: cstring): ptr Tm {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc gmtime(a1: var Time): ptr Tm {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc gmtime_r(a1: var Time; a2: var Tm): ptr Tm {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc localtime(a1: var Time): ptr Tm {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc localtime_r(a1: var Time; a2: var Tm): ptr Tm {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc mktime(a1: var Tm): Time {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc timegm(a1: var Tm): Time {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc nanosleep(a1, a2: var Timespec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc strftime(a1: cstring; a2: int; a3: cstring; a4: var Tm): int {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc strptime(a1, a2: cstring; a3: var Tm): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc time(a1: var Time): Time {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc timer_create(a1: ClockId; a2: var SigEvent; a3: var Timer): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc timer_delete(a1: Timer): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc timer_gettime(a1: Timer; a2: var Itimerspec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc timer_getoverrun(a1: Timer): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc timer_settime(a1: Timer; a2: cint; a3: var Itimerspec; a4: var Itimerspec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc tzset() {...}{.importc, header: "<time.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc wait(a1: ptr cint): Pid {...}{.importc, discardable, header: "<sys/wait.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc waitid(a1: cint; a2: Id; a3: var SigInfo; a4: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/wait.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc waitpid(a1: Pid; a2: var cint; a3: cint): Pid {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/wait.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc wait4(pid: Pid; status: ptr cint; options: cint; rusage: ptr Rusage): Pid {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/wait.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc getrusage(who: cint; rusage: ptr Rusage): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/resource.h>", discardable.}
- Source Edit
proc bsd_signal(a1: cint; a2: proc (x: pointer) {...}{.noconv.}) {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc kill(a1: Pid; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc killpg(a1: Pid; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_kill(a1: Pthread; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pthread_sigmask(a1: cint; a2, a3: var Sigset): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc `raise`(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigaction(a1: cint; a2, a3: var Sigaction): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigaction(a1: cint; a2: var Sigaction; a3: ptr Sigaction = nil): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigaddset(a1: var Sigset; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigaltstack(a1, a2: var Stack): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigdelset(a1: var Sigset; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigemptyset(a1: var Sigset): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigfillset(a1: var Sigset): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sighold(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigignore(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
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proc siginterrupt(a1, a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigismember(a1: var Sigset; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc signal(a1: cint; a2: Sighandler) {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigpause(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigpending(a1: var Sigset): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigprocmask(a1: cint; a2, a3: var Sigset): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigqueue(a1: Pid; a2: cint; a3: SigVal): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigrelse(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigset(a1: int; a2: proc (x: cint) {...}{.noconv.}) {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigsuspend(a1: var Sigset): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigtimedwait(a1: var Sigset; a2: var SigInfo; a3: var Timespec): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigwait(a1: var Sigset; a2: var cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sigwaitinfo(a1: var Sigset; a2: var SigInfo): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc catclose(a1: Nl_catd): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<nl_types.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc catgets(a1: Nl_catd; a2, a3: cint; a4: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<nl_types.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc catopen(a1: cstring; a2: cint): Nl_catd {...}{.importc, header: "<nl_types.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_get_priority_max(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_get_priority_min(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_getparam(a1: Pid; a2: var Sched_param): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_getscheduler(a1: Pid): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_rr_get_interval(a1: Pid; a2: var Timespec): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_setparam(a1: Pid; a2: var Sched_param): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_setscheduler(a1: Pid; a2: cint; a3: var Sched_param): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sched_yield(): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sched.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc hstrerror(herrnum: cint): cstring {...}{.importc: "(char *)$1", header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc FD_CLR(a1: cint; a2: var TFdSet) {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc FD_ISSET(a1: cint | SocketHandle; a2: var TFdSet): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc FD_SET(a1: cint | SocketHandle; a2: var TFdSet) {...}{.importc: "FD_SET", header: "<sys/select.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc FD_ZERO(a1: var TFdSet) {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc pselect(a1: cint; a2, a3, a4: ptr TFdSet; a5: ptr Timespec; a6: var Sigset): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc select(a1: cint | SocketHandle; a2, a3, a4: ptr TFdSet; a5: ptr Timeval): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawn(a1: var Pid; a2: cstring; a3: var Tposix_spawn_file_actions; a4: var Tposix_spawnattr; a5, a6: cstringArray): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(a1: var Tposix_spawn_file_actions; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(a1: var Tposix_spawn_file_actions; a2, a3: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(a1: var Tposix_spawn_file_actions; a2: cint; a3: cstring; a4: cint; a5: Mode): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(a1: var Tposix_spawn_file_actions): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawn_file_actions_init(a1: var Tposix_spawn_file_actions): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_destroy(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var Sigset): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_getflags(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var cshort): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_getpgroup(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var Pid): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_getschedparam(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var Sched_param): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_getsigmask(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var Sigset): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_init(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var Sigset): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_setflags(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_setpgroup(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: Pid): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_setschedparam(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var Sched_param): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: cint): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnattr_setsigmask(a1: var Tposix_spawnattr; a2: var Sigset): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc posix_spawnp(a1: var Pid; a2: cstring; a3: var Tposix_spawn_file_actions; a4: var Tposix_spawnattr; a5, a6: cstringArray): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<spawn.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getcontext(a1: var Ucontext): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<ucontext.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc makecontext(a1: var Ucontext; a4: proc () {...}{.noconv.}; a3: cint) {...}{.varargs, importc, header: "<ucontext.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setcontext(a1: var Ucontext): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<ucontext.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc swapcontext(a1, a2: var Ucontext): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<ucontext.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc readv(a1: cint; a2: ptr IOVec; a3: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/uio.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc writev(a1: cint; a2: ptr IOVec; a3: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/uio.h>".}
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proc CMSG_DATA(cmsg: ptr Tcmsghdr): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc CMSG_NXTHDR(mhdr: ptr Tmsghdr; cmsg: ptr Tcmsghdr): ptr Tcmsghdr {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr: ptr Tmsghdr): ptr Tcmsghdr {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc CMSG_SPACE(len: csize): csize {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", deprecated: "argument `len` should be of type `csize_t`".}
- Source Edit
proc CMSG_SPACE(len: csize_t): csize_t {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc CMSG_LEN(len: csize): csize {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", deprecated: "argument `len` should be of type `csize_t`".}
- Source Edit
proc CMSG_LEN(len: csize_t): csize_t {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc `==`(x, y: SocketHandle): bool {...}{.borrow.}
- Source Edit
proc accept(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr SockAddr; a3: ptr SockLen): SocketHandle {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc accept4(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr SockAddr; a3: ptr SockLen; flags: cint): SocketHandle {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc bindSocket(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr SockAddr; a3: SockLen): cint {...}{. importc: "bind", header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- is Posix's
, becausebind
is a reserved word Source Edit proc connect(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr SockAddr; a3: SockLen): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getpeername(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr SockAddr; a3: ptr SockLen): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getsockname(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr SockAddr; a3: ptr SockLen): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getsockopt(a1: SocketHandle; a2, a3: cint; a4: pointer; a5: ptr SockLen): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc listen(a1: SocketHandle; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc recv(a1: SocketHandle; a2: pointer; a3: int; a4: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc recvfrom(a1: SocketHandle; a2: pointer; a3: int; a4: cint; a5: ptr SockAddr; a6: ptr SockLen): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc recvmsg(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr Tmsghdr; a3: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc send(a1: SocketHandle; a2: pointer; a3: int; a4: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc sendmsg(a1: SocketHandle; a2: ptr Tmsghdr; a3: cint): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc sendto(a1: SocketHandle; a2: pointer; a3: int; a4: cint; a5: ptr SockAddr; a6: SockLen): int {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc setsockopt(a1: SocketHandle; a2, a3: cint; a4: pointer; a5: SockLen): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc shutdown(a1: SocketHandle; a2: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc socket(a1, a2, a3: cint): SocketHandle {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
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proc sockatmark(a1: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
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proc socketpair(a1, a2, a3: cint; a4: var array[0 .. 1, cint]): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc if_nametoindex(a1: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<net/if.h>".}
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proc if_indextoname(a1: cint; a2: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc, header: "<net/if.h>".}
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proc if_nameindex(): ptr Tif_nameindex {...}{.importc, header: "<net/if.h>".}
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proc if_freenameindex(a1: ptr Tif_nameindex) {...}{.importc, header: "<net/if.h>".}
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proc IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Unspecified address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Loopback address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Multicast address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Unicast link-local address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Unicast site-local address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- IPv4 mapped address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- IPv4-compatible address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_NODELOCAL(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Multicast node-local address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Multicast link-local address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_SITELOCAL(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Multicast site-local address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_ORGLOCAL(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Multicast organization-local address. Source Edit
proc IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_GLOBAL(a1: ptr In6Addr): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netinet/in.h>".}
- Multicast global address. Source Edit
proc endhostent() {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
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proc endnetent() {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
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proc endprotoent() {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
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proc endservent() {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
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proc freeaddrinfo(a1: ptr AddrInfo) {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc gai_strerror(a1: cint): cstring {...}{.importc: "(char *)$1", header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getaddrinfo(a1, a2: cstring; a3: ptr AddrInfo; a4: var ptr AddrInfo): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc gethostbyaddr(a1: pointer; a2: SockLen; a3: cint): ptr Hostent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc gethostbyname(a1: cstring): ptr Hostent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc gethostent(): ptr Hostent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getnameinfo(a1: ptr SockAddr; a2: SockLen; a3: cstring; a4: SockLen; a5: cstring; a6: SockLen; a7: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getnetbyaddr(a1: int32; a2: cint): ptr Tnetent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getnetbyname(a1: cstring): ptr Tnetent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getnetent(): ptr Tnetent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getprotobyname(a1: cstring): ptr Protoent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getprotobynumber(a1: cint): ptr Protoent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getprotoent(): ptr Protoent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getservbyname(a1, a2: cstring): ptr Servent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getservbyport(a1: cint; a2: cstring): ptr Servent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc getservent(): ptr Servent {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc sethostent(a1: cint) {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setnetent(a1: cint) {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setprotoent(a1: cint) {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc setservent(a1: cint) {...}{.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc poll(a1: ptr TPollfd; a2: Tnfds; a3: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<poll.h>", sideEffect.}
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proc realpath(name, resolved: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc: "realpath", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
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proc mkstemp(tmpl: cstring): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<stdlib.h>", sideEffect.}
Creates a unique temporary file.
Warning: The
Source Edittmpl
argument is written to bymkstemp
and thus can't be a string literal. If in doubt make a copy of the cstring before passing it in. proc mkstemps(tmpl: cstring; suffixlen: int): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<stdlib.h>", sideEffect.}
Creates a unique temporary file.
Warning: The
Source Edittmpl
argument is written to bymkstemps
and thus can't be a string literal. If in doubt make a copy of the cstring before passing it in. proc mkdtemp(tmpl: cstring): pointer {...}{.importc, header: "<stdlib.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc mkostemp(tmpl: cstring; oflags: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<stdlib.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc mkostemps(tmpl: cstring; suffixlen: cint; oflags: cint): cint {...}{.importc, header: "<stdlib.h>", sideEffect.}
- Source Edit
proc posix_memalign(memptr: pointer; alignment: csize_t; size: csize_t): cint {...}{. importc, header: "<stdlib.h>".}
- Source Edit
proc utimes(path: cstring; times: ptr array[2, Timeval]): int {...}{. importc: "utimes", header: "<sys/time.h>", sideEffect.}
Sets file access and modification times.
Pass the filename and an array of times to set the access and modification times respectively. If you pass nil as the array both attributes will be set to the current time.
Returns zero on success.
For more information read http://www.unix.com/man-page/posix/3/utimes/.
Source Edit proc setrlimit(resource: cint; rlp: var RLimit): cint {...}{.importc: "setrlimit", header: "<sys/resource.h>".}
- The setrlimit() system calls sets resource limits. Source Edit
proc getrlimit(resource: cint; rlp: var RLimit): cint {...}{.importc: "getrlimit", header: "<sys/resource.h>".}
- The getrlimit() system call gets resource limits. Source Edit
template onSignal(signals: varargs[cint]; body: untyped)
Setup code to be executed when Unix signals are received. The currently handled signal is injected as
into the calling scope.Example:
from posix import SIGINT, SIGTERM, onSignal onSignal(SIGINT, SIGTERM): echo "bye from signal ", sig
Source Edit
© 2006–2021 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.