
This module implements a crit bit tree which is an efficient container for a sorted set of strings, or for a sorted mapping of strings. Based on the excellent paper by Adam Langley. (A crit bit tree is a form of radix tree or patricia trie.)


    var critbitAsSet: CritBitTree[void]
    doAssert critbitAsSet.len == 0
    incl critbitAsSet, "kitten"
    doAssert critbitAsSet.len == 1
    incl critbitAsSet, "puppy"
    doAssert critbitAsSet.len == 2
    incl critbitAsSet, "kitten"
    doAssert critbitAsSet.len == 2
    incl critbitAsSet, ""
    doAssert critbitAsSet.len == 3
  var critbitAsDict: CritBitTree[int]
  critbitAsDict["key"] = 42
  doAssert critbitAsDict["key"] == 42
  critbitAsDict["key"] = 0
  doAssert critbitAsDict["key"] == 0
  critbitAsDict["key"] = -int.high
  doAssert critbitAsDict["key"] == -int.high
  critbitAsDict["key"] = int.high
  doAssert critbitAsDict["key"] == int.high




CritBitTree[T] = object
  root: Node[T]
  count: int
The crit bit tree can either be used as a mapping from strings to some type T or as a set of strings if T is void. Source Edit


proc excl[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; key: string)

Removes key (and its associated value) from the set c. If the key does not exist, nothing happens.

See also:


var c: CritBitTree[void]
incl(c, "key")
excl(c, "key")
doAssert not c.contains("key")
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proc missingOrExcl[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; key: string): bool

Returns true if c does not contain the given key. If the key does exist, c.excl(key) is performed.

See also:


  var c: CritBitTree[void]
  doAssert c.missingOrExcl("key")
  var c: CritBitTree[void]
  incl(c, "key")
  doAssert not c.missingOrExcl("key")
  doAssert not c.contains("key")
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proc containsOrIncl[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; key: string; val: T): bool

Returns true if c contains the given key. If the key does not exist c[key] = val is performed.

See also:


  var c: CritBitTree[int]
  doAssert not c.containsOrIncl("key", 42)
  doAssert c.contains("key")
  var c: CritBitTree[int]
  incl(c, "key", 21)
  doAssert c.containsOrIncl("key", 42)
  doAssert c["key"] == 21
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proc containsOrIncl(c: var CritBitTree[void]; key: string): bool {...}{.raises: [],
    tags: [].}

Returns true if c contains the given key. If the key does not exist it is inserted into c.

See also:


  var c: CritBitTree[void]
  doAssert not c.containsOrIncl("key")
  doAssert c.contains("key")
  var c: CritBitTree[void]
  incl(c, "key")
  doAssert c.containsOrIncl("key")
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proc inc(c: var CritBitTree[int]; key: string; val: int = 1) {...}{.raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Increments c[key] by val.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key"] = 1
inc(c, "key")
doAssert c["key"] == 2
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proc incl(c: var CritBitTree[void]; key: string) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

Includes key in c.

See also:


var c: CritBitTree[void]
incl(c, "key")
doAssert c.hasKey("key")
Source Edit
proc incl[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; key: string; val: T)

Inserts key with value val into c.

See also:


var c: CritBitTree[int]
incl(c, "key", 42)
doAssert c["key"] == 42
Source Edit
proc `[]=`[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; key: string; val: T)

Puts a (key, value)-pair into t.

See also:


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key"] = 42
doAssert c["key"] == 42
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func len[T](c: CritBitTree[T]): int {...}{.inline.}
Returns the number of elements in c in O(1).


var c: CritBitTree[void]
incl(c, "key1")
incl(c, "key2")
doAssert c.len == 2
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func contains[T](c: CritBitTree[T]; key: string): bool {...}{.inline.}
Returns true if c contains the given key.


var c: CritBitTree[void]
incl(c, "key")
doAssert c.contains("key")
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func hasKey[T](c: CritBitTree[T]; key: string): bool {...}{.inline.}
Alias for contains. Source Edit
func `[]`[T](c: CritBitTree[T]; key: string): T {...}{.inline.}

Retrieves the value at c[key]. If key is not in t, the KeyError exception is raised. One can check with hasKey whether the key exists.

See also:

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func `[]`[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; key: string): var T {...}{.inline.}

Retrieves the value at c[key]. The value can be modified. If key is not in t, the KeyError exception is raised.

See also:

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func `$`[T](c: CritBitTree[T]): string
Turns c into a string representation. Example outputs: {keyA: value, keyB: value}, {:} If T is void the outputs look like: {keyA, keyB}, {}. Source Edit
func commonPrefixLen[T](c: CritBitTree[T]): int {...}{.inline.}
Returns longest common prefix length of all keys of c. If c is empty, returns 0.


var c: CritBitTree[void]
doAssert c.commonPrefixLen == 0
incl(c, "key1")
doAssert c.commonPrefixLen == 4
incl(c, "key2")
doAssert c.commonPrefixLen == 3
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func toCritBitTree[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): CritBitTree[A]
Creates a new CritBitTree that contains the given pairs.


doAssert {"a": "0", "b": "1", "c": "2"}.toCritBitTree is CritBitTree[string]
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func toCritBitTree[T](items: openArray[T]): CritBitTree[void]
Creates a new CritBitTree that contains the given items.


doAssert ["a", "b", "c"].toCritBitTree is CritBitTree[void]
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iterator keys[T](c: CritBitTree[T]): string
Yields all keys in lexicographical order.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 1
c["key2"] = 2
var keys: seq[string]
for key in c.keys:
doAssert keys == @["key1", "key2"]
Source Edit
iterator values[T](c: CritBitTree[T]): T
Yields all values of c in the lexicographical order of the corresponding keys.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 1
c["key2"] = 2
var vals: seq[int]
for val in c.values:
doAssert vals == @[1, 2]
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iterator mvalues[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]): var T

Yields all values of c in the lexicographical order of the corresponding keys. The values can be modified.

See also:

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iterator items[T](c: CritBitTree[T]): string
Yields all keys in lexicographical order.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 1
c["key2"] = 2
var keys: seq[string]
for key in c.items:
doAssert keys == @["key1", "key2"]
Source Edit
iterator pairs[T](c: CritBitTree[T]): tuple[key: string, val: T]
Yields all (key, value)-pairs of c.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 1
c["key2"] = 2
var ps: seq[tuple[key: string, val: int]]
for p in c.pairs:
doAssert ps == @[(key: "key1", val: 1), (key: "key2", val: 2)]
Source Edit
iterator mpairs[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]): tuple[key: string, val: var T]

Yields all (key, value)-pairs of c. The yielded values can be modified.

See also:

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iterator itemsWithPrefix[T](c: CritBitTree[T]; prefix: string;
                            longestMatch = false): string
Yields all keys starting with prefix. If longestMatch is true, the longest match is returned, it doesn't have to be a complete match then.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 42
c["key2"] = 43
var keys: seq[string]
for key in c.itemsWithPrefix("key"):
doAssert keys == @["key1", "key2"]
Source Edit
iterator keysWithPrefix[T](c: CritBitTree[T]; prefix: string;
                           longestMatch = false): string
Yields all keys starting with prefix.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 42
c["key2"] = 43
var keys: seq[string]
for key in c.keysWithPrefix("key"):
doAssert keys == @["key1", "key2"]
Source Edit
iterator valuesWithPrefix[T](c: CritBitTree[T]; prefix: string;
                             longestMatch = false): T
Yields all values of c starting with prefix of the corresponding keys.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 42
c["key2"] = 43
var vals: seq[int]
for val in c.valuesWithPrefix("key"):
doAssert vals == @[42, 43]
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iterator mvaluesWithPrefix[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; prefix: string;
                              longestMatch = false): var T

Yields all values of c starting with prefix of the corresponding keys. The values can be modified.

See also:

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iterator pairsWithPrefix[T](c: CritBitTree[T]; prefix: string;
                            longestMatch = false): tuple[key: string, val: T]
Yields all (key, value)-pairs of c starting with prefix.


var c: CritBitTree[int]
c["key1"] = 42
c["key2"] = 43
var ps: seq[tuple[key: string, val: int]]
for p in c.pairsWithPrefix("key"):
doAssert ps == @[(key: "key1", val: 42), (key: "key2", val: 43)]
Source Edit
iterator mpairsWithPrefix[T](c: var CritBitTree[T]; prefix: string;
                             longestMatch = false): tuple[key: string,
    val: var T]

Yields all (key, value)-pairs of c starting with prefix. The yielded values can be modified.

See also:

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© 2006–2021 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.