This module contains the type definitions for the new evaluation engine. An instruction is 1-3 int32s in memory, it is a register based VM.
TInstrType = uint64
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TRegister = range[0 .. 65535'u64.int]
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TDest = range[-1 .. 65535'u64.int]
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TInstr = distinct TInstrType
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TOpcode = enum opcEof, opcRet, opcYldYoid, opcYldVal, opcAsgnInt, opcAsgnFloat, opcAsgnRef, opcAsgnComplex, opcCastIntToFloat32, opcCastIntToFloat64, opcCastFloatToInt32, opcCastFloatToInt64, opcCastPtrToInt, opcCastIntToPtr, opcFastAsgnComplex, opcNodeToReg, opcLdArr, opcLdArrAddr, opcWrArr, opcLdObj, opcLdObjAddr, opcWrObj, opcAddrReg, opcAddrNode, opcLdDeref, opcWrDeref, opcWrStrIdx, opcLdStrIdx, opcAddInt, opcAddImmInt, opcSubInt, opcSubImmInt, opcLenSeq, opcLenStr, opcIncl, opcInclRange, opcExcl, opcCard, opcMulInt, opcDivInt, opcModInt, opcAddFloat, opcSubFloat, opcMulFloat, opcDivFloat, opcShrInt, opcShlInt, opcAshrInt, opcBitandInt, opcBitorInt, opcBitxorInt, opcAddu, opcSubu, opcMulu, opcDivu, opcModu, opcEqInt, opcLeInt, opcLtInt, opcEqFloat, opcLeFloat, opcLtFloat, opcLeu, opcLtu, opcEqRef, opcEqNimNode, opcSameNodeType, opcXor, opcNot, opcUnaryMinusInt, opcUnaryMinusFloat, opcBitnotInt, opcEqStr, opcLeStr, opcLtStr, opcEqSet, opcLeSet, opcLtSet, opcMulSet, opcPlusSet, opcMinusSet, opcConcatStr, opcContainsSet, opcRepr, opcSetLenStr, opcSetLenSeq, opcIsNil, opcOf, opcIs, opcSubStr, opcParseFloat, opcConv, opcCast, opcQuit, opcInvalidField, opcNarrowS, opcNarrowU, opcSignExtend, opcAddStrCh, opcAddStrStr, opcAddSeqElem, opcRangeChck, opcNAdd, opcNAddMultiple, opcNKind, opcNSymKind, opcNIntVal, opcNFloatVal, opcNSymbol, opcNIdent, opcNGetType, opcNStrVal, opcNSigHash, opcNGetSize, opcNSetIntVal, opcNSetFloatVal, opcNSetSymbol, opcNSetIdent, opcNSetType, opcNSetStrVal, opcNNewNimNode, opcNCopyNimNode, opcNCopyNimTree, opcNDel, opcGenSym, opcNccValue, opcNccInc, opcNcsAdd, opcNcsIncl, opcNcsLen, opcNcsAt, opcNctPut, opcNctLen, opcNctGet, opcNctHasNext, opcNctNext, opcNodeId, opcSlurp, opcGorge, opcParseExprToAst, opcParseStmtToAst, opcQueryErrorFlag, opcNError, opcNWarning, opcNHint, opcNGetLineInfo, opcNSetLineInfo, opcEqIdent, opcStrToIdent, opcGetImpl, opcGetImplTransf, opcEcho, opcIndCall, opcIndCallAsgn, opcRaise, opcNChild, opcNSetChild, opcCallSite, opcNewStr, opcTJmp, opcFJmp, opcJmp, opcJmpBack, opcBranch, opcTry, opcExcept, opcFinally, opcFinallyEnd, opcNew, opcNewSeq, opcLdNull, opcLdNullReg, opcLdConst, opcAsgnConst, opcLdGlobal, opcLdGlobalAddr, opcLdGlobalDerefFFI, opcLdGlobalAddrDerefFFI, opcLdImmInt, opcNBindSym, opcNDynBindSym, opcSetType, opcTypeTrait, opcMarshalLoad, opcMarshalStore, opcSymOwner, opcSymIsInstantiationOf
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TBlock = object label*: PSym fixups*: seq[TPosition]
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TEvalMode = enum emRepl, ## evaluate because in REPL mode emConst, ## evaluate for 'const' according to spec emOptimize, ## evaluate for optimization purposes (same as ## emConst?) emStaticExpr, ## evaluate for enforced compile time eval ## ('static' context) emStaticStmt ## 'static' as an expression
- reason for evaluation Source Edit
TSandboxFlag = enum allowCast, ## allow unsafe language feature: 'cast' allowInfiniteLoops ## allow endless loops
- what the evaluation engine should allow Source Edit
TSandboxFlags = set[TSandboxFlag]
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TSlotKind = enum slotEmpty, slotFixedVar, slotFixedLet, slotTempUnknown, slotTempInt, slotTempFloat, slotTempStr, slotTempComplex, slotTempPerm
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TRegisterKind = enum rkNone, rkNode, rkInt, rkFloat, rkRegisterAddr, rkNodeAddr
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TFullReg = object case kind*: TRegisterKind of rkNone: nil of rkInt: intVal*: BiggestInt of rkFloat: floatVal*: BiggestFloat of rkNode: node*: PNode of rkRegisterAddr: regAddr*: ptr TFullReg of rkNodeAddr: nodeAddr*: ptr PNode
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PProc = ref object blocks*: seq[TBlock] sym*: PSym slots*: array[TRegister, tuple[inUse: bool, kind: TSlotKind]] maxSlots*: int
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VmArgs = object ra*, rb*, rc*: Natural slots*: ptr UncheckedArray[TFullReg] currentException*: PNode currentLineInfo*: TLineInfo
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VmCallback = proc (args: VmArgs) {...}{.closure.}
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PCtx = ref TCtx
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TCtx = object of TPassContext code*: seq[TInstr] debug*: seq[TLineInfo] globals*: PNode constants*: PNode types*: seq[PType] currentExceptionA*, currentExceptionB*: PNode exceptionInstr*: int prc*: PProc module*: PSym callsite*: PNode mode*: TEvalMode features*: TSandboxFlags traceActive*: bool loopIterations*: int comesFromHeuristic*: TLineInfo callbacks*: seq[tuple[key: string, value: VmCallback]] errorFlag*: string cache*: IdentCache config*: ConfigRef graph*: ModuleGraph oldErrorCount*: int profiler*: Profiler templInstCounter*: ref int
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PStackFrame = ref TStackFrame
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TStackFrame {...}{.acyclic.} = object prc*: PSym slots*: seq[TFullReg] next*: PStackFrame comesFrom*: int safePoints*: seq[int]
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Profiler = object tEnter*: float tos*: PStackFrame
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TPosition = distinct int
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PEvalContext = PCtx
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byteExcess = 128
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regOShift = 0'u
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regAShift = 8'u64
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regBShift = 24'u64
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regCShift = 40'u64
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regBxShift = 24'u64
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regOMask = 255'u64
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regAMask = 65535'u64
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regBMask = 65535'u64
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regCMask = 65535'u64
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regBxMask = 16777215'u64
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wordExcess = 8388608
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regBxMin = -8388607
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regBxMax = 8388607
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firstABxInstr = opcTJmp
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largeInstrs = {opcSubStr, opcConv, opcCast, opcNewSeq, opcOf, opcMarshalLoad, opcMarshalStore}
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slotSomeTemp = slotTempUnknown
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relativeJumps = {opcTJmp, opcFJmp, opcJmp, opcJmpBack}
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nimNodeFlag = 16
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proc newCtx(module: PSym; cache: IdentCache; g: ModuleGraph): PCtx {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc refresh(c: PCtx; module: PSym) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc registerCallback(c: PCtx; name: string; callback: VmCallback): int {...}{. discardable, raises: [], tags: [].}
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template opcode(x: TInstr): TOpcode
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template regA(x: TInstr): TRegister
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template regB(x: TInstr): TRegister
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template regC(x: TInstr): TRegister
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template regBx(x: TInstr): int
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template jmpDiff(x: TInstr): int
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© 2006–2021 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.