
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.4), JS (1.4), Native (1.4)
inline fun CharSequence.minOfOrNull(
    selector: (Char) -> Double
): Double?
inline fun CharSequence.minOfOrNull(
    selector: (Char) -> Float
): Float?

Returns the smallest value among all values produced by selector function applied to each character in the char sequence or null if there are no characters.

If any of values produced by selector function is NaN, the returned result is NaN.

Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.4), JS (1.4), Native (1.4)
inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharSequence.minOfOrNull(
    selector: (Char) -> R
): R?

Returns the smallest value among all values produced by selector function applied to each character in the char sequence or null if there are no characters.

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