interface Appendable
typealias Appendable = Appendable
An object to which char sequences and values can be appended.
Appends the specified character value to this Appendable and returns this instance.
abstract fun append(value: Char): Appendable
Appends the specified character sequence value to this Appendable and returns this instance.
abstract fun append(value: CharSequence?): Appendable
Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence value to this Appendable and returns this instance.
abstract fun append( value: CharSequence?, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int ): Appendable
Extension Functions
Appends all arguments to the given Appendable.
fun <T : Appendable> T.append(vararg value: CharSequence?): T
Appends a line feed character (\n
) to this Appendable.
fun Appendable.appendLine(): Appendable
Appends value to the given Appendable and a line feed character (\n
) after it.
fun Appendable.appendLine(value: CharSequence?): Appendable
fun Appendable.appendLine(value: Char): Appendable
Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence value to this Appendable and returns this instance.
fun <T : Appendable> T.appendRange( value: CharSequence, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int ): T
A mutable sequence of characters.
class StringBuilder : Appendable, CharSequence
typealias StringBuilder = StringBuilder
class StringBuilder : CharSequence, Appendable
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