fun Char.digitToIntOrNull(): Int?
Returns the numeric value of the decimal digit that this Char represents, or null
if this Char is not a valid decimal digit.
A Char is considered to represent a decimal digit if isDigit is true for the Char. In this case, the Unicode decimal digit value of the character is returned.
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println('5'.digitToIntOrNull()) // 5
println('3'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 8)) // 3
println('A'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 16)) // 10
println('K'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 36)) // 20
// radix argument should be in 2..36
// '0'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 1) // will fail
// '1'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 100) // will fail
// only 0 and 1 digits are valid for binary numbers
println('5'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 2)) // null
// radix = 10 is used by default
println('A'.digitToIntOrNull()) // null
// symbol '+' is not a digit in any radix
println('+'.digitToIntOrNull()) // null
// Only Latin letters are valid for digits greater than 9.
println('β'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 36)) // null
fun Char.digitToIntOrNull(radix: Int): Int?
Returns the numeric value of the digit that this Char represents in the specified radix, or null
if this Char is not a valid digit in the specified radix. Throws an exception if the radix is not in the range 2..36
A Char is considered to represent a digit in the specified radix if at least one of the following is true:
isDigit is
for the Char and the Unicode decimal digit value of the character is less than the specified radix. In this case the decimal digit value is returned. - The Char is one of the uppercase Latin letters 'A' through 'Z' and its code is less than
radix + 'A'.code - 10
. In this case,this.code - 'A'.code + 10
is returned. - The Char is one of the lowercase Latin letters 'a' through 'z' and its code is less than
radix + 'a'.code - 10
. In this case,this.code - 'a'.code + 10
is returned. - The Char is one of the fullwidth Latin capital letters '\uFF21' through '\uFF3A' and its code is less than
radix + 0xFF21 - 10
. In this case,this.code - 0xFF21 + 10
is returned. - The Char is one of the fullwidth Latin small letters '\uFF41' through '\uFF5A' and its code is less than
radix + 0xFF41 - 10
. In this case,this.code - 0xFF41 + 10
is returned.
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println('5'.digitToIntOrNull()) // 5
println('3'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 8)) // 3
println('A'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 16)) // 10
println('K'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 36)) // 20
// radix argument should be in 2..36
// '0'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 1) // will fail
// '1'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 100) // will fail
// only 0 and 1 digits are valid for binary numbers
println('5'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 2)) // null
// radix = 10 is used by default
println('A'.digitToIntOrNull()) // null
// symbol '+' is not a digit in any radix
println('+'.digitToIntOrNull()) // null
// Only Latin letters are valid for digits greater than 9.
println('β'.digitToIntOrNull(radix = 36)) // null
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