infix fun <T> Array<out T>.intersect( other: Iterable<T> ): Set<T>
infix fun ByteArray.intersect( other: Iterable<Byte> ): Set<Byte>
infix fun ShortArray.intersect( other: Iterable<Short> ): Set<Short>
infix fun IntArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Int>): Set<Int>
infix fun LongArray.intersect( other: Iterable<Long> ): Set<Long>
infix fun FloatArray.intersect( other: Iterable<Float> ): Set<Float>
infix fun DoubleArray.intersect( other: Iterable<Double> ): Set<Double>
infix fun BooleanArray.intersect( other: Iterable<Boolean> ): Set<Boolean>
infix fun CharArray.intersect( other: Iterable<Char> ): Set<Char>
Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.
The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.
To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use union.
infix fun <T> Iterable<T>.intersect( other: Iterable<T> ): Set<T>
Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this collection and the specified collection.
The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original collection.
To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use union.
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