
The Chef Infra Server acts as a hub for configuration data. The Chef Infra Server stores cookbooks, the policies that are applied to nodes, and metadata that describes each registered node that is being managed by Chef Infra Client. Nodes use Chef Infra Client to ask the Chef Infra Server for configuration details, such as recipes, templates, and file distributions. Chef Infra Client then does as much of the configuration work as possible on the nodes themselves (and not on the Chef Infra Server). This scalable approach distributes the configuration effort throughout the organization.

The front-end for the Chef Infra Server is written using Erlang, which is a programming language that first appeared in 1986, was open sourced in 1998, and is excellent with critical enterprise concerns like concurrency, fault-tolerance, and distributed environments. The Chef Infra Server can scale to the size of any enterprise and is sometimes referred to as Erchef.

The following diagram shows the various components that are part of a Chef Infra Server deployment and how they relate to one another.


Component Description


Bookshelf is used to store cookbook content—files, templates, and so on—that have been uploaded to the Chef Infra Server as part of a cookbook version. Cookbook content is stored by content checksum. If two different cookbooks or different versions of the same cookbook include the same file or template, Bookshelf will store that file only once. The cookbook content managed by Bookshelf is stored in flat files and is separated from the Chef Infra Server and search index repositories.

All cookbooks are stored in a dedicated repository.


Erchef is a complete rewrite of the core API for the Chef Infra Server, which allows it to be faster and more scalable than previous versions. The API itself is still compatible with the original Ruby-based Chef Infra Server, which means that cookbooks and recipes that were authored for the Ruby-based Chef Infra Server will continue to work on the Erlang-based Chef Infra Server. Chef Infra Client is still written in Ruby.


Even though the Chef Infra Server is authored in Erlang, writing code in Erlang is NOT a requirement for using Chef.


chef-elasticsearch wraps Elastisearch and exposes its REST API for indexing and search.

All messages are added to a dedicated search index repository.

Nginx Nginx is an open-source HTTP and reverse proxy server that is used as the front-end load balancer for the Chef Infra Server. All requests to the Chef Infra Server API are routed through Nginx.
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is the data storage repository for the Chef Infra Server.

The following sections detail how to monitor the server, manage log files, manage services, manage firewalls and ports, configure SSL, tune server configuration settings, and backup and restore data.


Monitoring the Chef Infra Server involves two types of checks: application and system. In addition monitoring the HTTP requests that workstations and nodes are making to the Chef Infra Server and per-disk data storage volumes is recommended.

Monitoring Priorities

The following sections describe the priorities for monitoring of the Chef Infra Server. In particular, running out of disk space is the primary cause of failure.


Over time, and with enough data, disks will fill up or exceed the per-disk quotas that may have been set for them and they will not be able to write data. A disk that is not able to write data will not be able to support certain components of the Chef Infra Server, such as PostgreSQL, service log files, and deleted file handles. Monitoring disk usage is the best way to ensure that disks don’t fill up or exceed their quota.

Use the following commands to monitor global disk usage on a Chef Infra Server with a typical installation:

du -sh /var/opt/opscode


du -sh /var/log/opscode

To keep the Chef Infra Server healthy, both /var/opt/opscode and /var/log/opscode should never exceed 80% use. In situations where disk space grows at a rapid pace, it may be preferable to shut down the Chef Infra Server and contact Chef support.

The following components should be monitored for signs that disks may be rapidly filling up:

  • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is the data store for the Chef Infra Server.
  • Log files If /var/log/opscode is taking up a lot of disk space, ensure that the Chef Infra Server log rotation cron job is running without errors. These errors can be found in /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog and/or the root user’s local mail.
  • Deleted file handles Running processes with file handles associated with one (or more) deleted files will prevent the disk space being used by the deleted files from being reclaimed. Use the sudo lsof | grep '(deleted)' command to find all deleted file handles.

Application Checks

Application-level checks should be done periodically to ensure that there is enough disk space, enough memory, and that the front-end and back-end services are communicating.


Many components of the Chef Infra Server are written using Erlang and run on the BEAM virtual machine. One feature of Erlang and BEAM is the ability to interact with the running service using a command shell. For example:

cd /opt/opscode/embedded
  export PATH=$PATH:/opt/opscode/bin:/opt/opscode/embedded/bin
  bin/erl -setcookie service_name -name [email protected] -remsh [email protected]

where service_name is bifrost or erchef. This command will then open a shell that is connected to the Erchef processes:

Erlang R15B02 (erts-5.9.2) [source] [64-bit] ...


Connecting to the Erlang processes should only be done when directed by Chef support services.

To connect to the oc_bifrost service, use the following command:

erl -setcookie oc_bifrost -name [email protected] -remsh [email protected]

To connect to the opscode-erchef service, use the following command:

erl -setcookie erchef -name [email protected] -remsh [email protected]

To disconnect from the shell, use the following key sequence CTRL-g, q, and then ENTER.

The output from the shell after the CTRL-g looks similar to:

([email protected])1>
User switch command

then enter q, and then hit ENTER to exit the shell.

Some commands should not be entered when interacting with a running service while using the command shell, including:

  • q() kills the Erlang node
  • init:stop()
  • exit or exit() does nothing
eper tools

As root on the Chef Infra Server, point to the bundled eper package of debugging tools. Replace the 2nd and 5th path entries and the X.XX.X value in the following path with the items that occur on the system.

export ERL_LIB=:/opt/{chef-server,opscode}/embedded/service/{erchef,opscode-erchef}/lib/eper-X.XX.X/ebin/

Open an Erlang command shell to begin diagnosing service issues on the Chef Infra Server:

Eshell V5.10.4  (abort with ^G)
([email protected])1>

The dtop tool presents a view on the Erlang virtual machine that is similar to the linuxdagnostic command. The period at the end of the dtop command is required for the command to take effect.

([email protected])1> dtop:start().

To stop the dtop command, run:

([email protected])1> dtop:stop().

To disconnect from the shell, use the following key sequence CTRL-g, q, and then ENTER.

The output from the shell after the CTRL-g looks similar to:

([email protected])1>
User switch command

then enter q, and then hit ENTER to exit the shell.


Use Nginx to monitor for services that may be returning 504 errors. Use the following command on a front-end machine:

grep 'HTTP/1.1" 504' /var/log/opscode/nginx/access.log

and then extract the URLs and sort them by uniq count:

grep 'HTTP/1.1" 504' nginx-access.log | cut -d' ' -f8 | sort | uniq -c | sort

In a large installation, restricting these results to a subset of results may be necessary:

tail -10000 nginx-access.log | grep 'HTTP/1.1" 504' | cut -d' ' -f8 | sort | uniq -c | sort


psql is the management tool for PostgreSQL. It can be used to obtain information about data stored in PostgreSQL. For more information about psql, see, and then the doc set appropriate for the version of PostgreSQL being used.

To connect to the PostgreSQL database, run the following command:

cd /opt/opscode/embedded/service/postgresql/
  export PATH=$PATH:/opt/opscode/bin:/opt/opscode/embedded/bin
  bin/psql -U opscode_chef


Connecting to the PostgreSQL database should only be done when directed by Chef support services.


The redis_lb service located on the back end machine handles requests that are made from the Nginx service that is located on all front end machines in a Chef Infra Server cluster.

In the event of a disk full condition for the Redis data store, the dump.rdb (the primary data store .rdb used by Redis) can become corrupt and saved as a zero byte file.

When this occurs, after the redis_lb service started, it’s logs will show a statement similar to the following:

2015-03-23_16:11:31.44256 [11529] 23 Mar 16:10:09.624 # Server started, Redis version 2.8.2
2015-03-23_16:11:31.44256 [11529] 23 Mar 16:10:09.624 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
2015-03-23_16:11:31.44257 [11529] 23 Mar 16:11:31.438 # Short read or OOM loading DB. Unrecoverable error, aborting now.

The dump.rdb file will be empty:

ls -al /var/opt/opscode/redis_lb/data/
total 20
drwxr-x--- 2 opscode opscode 4096 Mar 23 15:58 .
drwxr-x--- 4 opscode opscode 4096 Dec 22 18:59 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 opscode opscode    0 Mar 23 15:58 dump.rdb

This situation is caused by a bug in Redis where saves are allowed to succeed even when the disk has been full for some time, and not just on edge cases where the disk becomes full as Redis is writing. To fix this issue, do the following:

  1. Stop the redis_lb service:

    chef-server-ctl stop redis_lb
  2. Remove the corrupt files:

    cd /var/opt/opscode/redis_lb/data
    rm -fr *rdb
  3. Start the redis_lb service:

    chef-server-ctl start redis_lb
    less /var/log/opscode/redis_lb/current
    2015-03-23_17:05:18.82516 [28676] 23 Mar 17:05:18.825 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 16379
  4. Reconfigure the Chef Infra Server to re-populate Redis:

    chef-server-ctl reconfigure
  5. Verify that Redis is re-populated, as indicated by the key dl_default:

    /opt/opscode/embedded/bin/redis-cli -p 16379 keys \*
    1) "dl_default"

System Checks

System-level checks should be done for the ports and services status.

chef-backend-ctl status

The chef-backend-ctl status subcommand is used to check the status of services running in the Chef Backend server topology. This command will verify the status of the following services on the node it is run on:

  • leaderl
  • postgresql
  • etcd
  • epmd
  • elasticsearch

It will also check on the status of other nodes in the cluster, from the current node’s perspective. For example:

chef-backend-ctl status
Service Local Status Time in State Distributed Node Status
leaderl running (pid 1191) 53d 15h 11m 12s leader: 1; waiting: 0; follower: 2;    total: 3
epmd running (pid 1195) 53d 15h 11m 12s status: local-only
etcd running (pid 1189) 53d 15h 11m 12s health: green; healthy nodes: 3/3
postgresql running (pid 40686) 0d 12h 36m 23s leader: 1; offline: 0; syncing: 0;    synced: 2
elasticsearch running (pid 47423) 0d 12h 18m 6s state: green; nodes online: 3/3

System Local Status Distributed Node Status
disks /var/log/chef-backend: OK; /var/opt/chef-backend: OK health: green; healthy    nodes: 3/3

More information about each service can be found in the individual service logs in /var/opt/chef-backend/.


The authz API provides a high-level view of the health of the opscode-authz service with a simple endpoint: _ping. This endpoint can be accessed using cURL and GNU Wget. For example:

curl http://localhost:9463/_ping

This command typically prints a lot of information. Use Python to use pretty-print output:

curl http://localhost:9463/_ping | python -mjson.tool


The status API provides a high-level view of the health of the system with a simple endpoint: _status. This endpoint can be accessed using cURL and GNU Wget. For example:

curl http://localhost:8000/_status

which will return something similar to:


For each of the upstream services, pong or fail is returned. The possible upstream names are:

  • chef_sql (for the postgresql service)
  • oc_chef_authz (for the opscode-authz service)

If any of the status values return fail, this typically means the Chef Infra Server is unavailable for that service.

Nodes, Workstations

If a client makes an HTTP request to the server that returns a non-specific error message, this is typically an issue with the opscode-chef or opscode-erchef services. View the full error message for these services in their respective log files. The error is most often a stacktrace from the application error. In some cases, the error message will clearly indicate a problem with another service, which can then be investigated further. For non-obvious errors, please contact Chef support services.

Log Files

All logs generated by the Chef Infra Server can be found in /var/log/opscode. Each service enabled on the system also has a sub-directory in which service-specific logs are located, typically found in /var/log/opscode/service_name.

View Log Files

The Chef Infra Server has built-in support for easily tailing the logs that are generated. To view all the logs being generated on the Chef Infra Server, enter the following command:

chef-server-ctl tail

To view logs for a specific service:

chef-server-ctl tail SERVICENAME

where SERVICENAME should be replaced with name of the service for which log files will be viewed.

tail Log Files

The tail subcommand is used to follow all of the Chef Infra Server logs for all services. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl tail SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.

Another common approach to tailing the log files for a service is to use the system utility tail. For example:

tail -50f /var/log/opscode/opscode-erchef/current


Supervisor logs are created and managed directly by the service supervisor, and are automatically rotated when the current log file reaches 1,000,000 bytes. 10 log files are kept. The latest supervisor log is always located in /var/log/service_name/current and rotated logs have a filename starting with @ followed by a precise tai64n timestamp based on when the file was rotated.

Supervisor logs are available for the following services:

  • bifrost
  • bookshelf
  • elasticsearch
  • nginx
  • opscode-erchef
  • postgresql
  • redis

nginx, access

Nginx is an important entry point for data on the Chef Infra Server, which means that debugging efforts frequently start with analyzing the nginx service’s access.log file. This log contains every HTTP request made to the front-end machine and can be very useful when investigating request rates and usage patterns. The following is an example log entry: - - [12/Jul/2013:15:56:54 +0000] "GET
/organizations/exampleorg/data/firewall/nova_api HTTP/1.1" 200
"0.850" 452 "-" "Chef Client/0.10.2 (ruby-1.8.7-p302; ohai-0.6.4;
x86_64-linux; +" "" "200"
"0.849" "0.10.2" "version=1.0" ""
"2013-07-12T15:56:40Z" "2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=" 985

where important fields in this log include:

  • The HTTP status code (200)
  • The IP address of the requesting client (
  • The timestamp ([12/Jul/2013:15:56:54 +0000])
  • The total request time ("0.850")
  • The request method (GET)
  • The request URL (/organizations/exampleorg/data/firewall/nova_api)

opscode-erchef, current

The opscode-erchef service’s current.log file contains a history of stack traces from major application crashes.

opscode-erchef, erchef

The opscode-erchef service’s erchef.log file contains a history of API requests that have been processed by Erchef. These logs can be rotated quickly, therefore it is generally best to sort them by date, and then find the most recently updated log file:

ls -lrt /var/log/opscode/opscode-erchef/erchef.log.*

The following is an example log entry:

2013-08-06T08:54:32Z [email protected] INFO org_name=srwjedoqqoypgmvafmoi; req_id=g3IAA2QAEGVyY2hlZkAx

where important fields in this log include:

  • The HTTP method (POST)
  • The HTTP path (/organizations/srwjedoqqoypgmvafmoi/environments)
  • The message ({created,<<"_default">>})
  • The organization name (org_name=srwjedoqqoypgmvafmoi)
  • The timestamp (2013-08-06T08:54:32Z)
  • The name of the user and/or Chef Infra Client which made the request (pivotal)

In addition, the log file may contain additional entries that detail the amounts of time spent interacting with other services:

  • rdbms_time (the time spent talking to the postgresql service)
  • req_time (the request time)
  • solr_time (the time spent talking to the opscode-solr service)


Application logs are created by the services directly, and may require log rotation policies to be applied based on organizational goals and the platform(s) on which the services are running.


The nginx service creates both supervisor and administrator logs. The administrator logs contain both access and error logs for each virtual host utilized by the Chef Infra Server. Each of the following logs require external log rotation.

Logs Description
/var/log/opscode/nginx/access.log The Web UI and API HTTP access logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/error.log The Web UI and API HTTP error logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/internal-account.access.log The opscode-account internal load-balancer access logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/internal-account.error.log The opscode-account internal load-balancer error logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/internal-authz.access.log The opscode-authz internal load-balancer access logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/internal-authz.error.log The opscode-authz internal load-balancer error logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/internal-chef.access.log The opscode-chef and opscode-erchef internal load-balancer access logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/internal-chef.error.log The opscode-chef and opscode-erchef internal load-balancer error logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/nagios.access.log The nagios access logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/nagios.error.log The nagios error logs.
/var/log/opscode/nginx/rewrite-port-80.log The rewrite logs for traffic that uses HTTP instead of HTTPS.

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail nginx
Read Log Files

The nginx access log format is as follows:

log_format opscode '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local]  '
  '"$request" $status "$request_time" $body_bytes_sent '
  '"$http_referrer" "$http_user_agent" "$upstream_addr" '
  '"$upstream_status" "$upstream_response_time" "$http_x_chef_version" '
  '"$http_x_ops_sign" "$http_x_ops_userid" "$http_x_ops_timestamp" '
   '"$http_x_ops_content_hash" $request_length';

A sample log line: - - [17/Feb/2012:16:02:42 -0800]
  "GET /organizations/nginx/cookbooks HTTP/1.1" 200
  "0.346" 12 "-"
  "Chef Knife/0.10.4 (ruby-1.9.3-p0;
  "" "200" "0.339" "0.10.4"
  "version=1.0" "adam" "2012-02-18T00:02:42Z"
  "2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=" 871

Field descriptions:

Field Description
$remote_addr The IP address of the client who made this request.
$remote_user The HTTP basic auth user name of this request.
$time_local The local time of the request.
$request The HTTP request.
$status The HTTP status code.
$request_time The time it took to service the request.
$body_bytes_sent The number of bytes in the HTTP response body.
$http_referrer The HTTP referrer.
$http_user_agent The user agent of the requesting client.
$upstream_addr The upstream reverse proxy used to service this request.
$upstream_status The upstream reverse proxy response status code.
$upstream_response_time The upstream reverse proxy response time.
$http_x_chef_version The version of Chef used to make this request.
$http_x_ops_sign The version of the authentication protocol.
$http_x_ops_userid The client name that was used to sign this request.
$http_x_ops_timestamp The timestamp from when this request was signed.
$http_x_ops_content_hash The hash of the contents of this request.
$request_length The length of this request.

Firewalls and Ports

All of the ports used by the Chef Infra Server are TCP ports. Refer to the operating system’s manual or site systems administrators for instructions on how to enable changes to ports, if necessary.

All services must be listening on the appropriate ports. Most monitoring systems provide a means of testing whether a given port is accepting connections and service-specific tools may also be available. In addition, the generic system tool Telnet can also be used to initiate the connection:



An “external” port is external from the perspective of a workstation (such as knife), a machine (Chef Infra Client), or any other user that accesses the Chef Infra Server via the Chef Infra Server API.


The following sections describe the ports that are required by the Chef Infra Server in a standalone configuration:


A single loopback interface should be configured using the address. This ensures that all of the services are available to the Chef Infra Server, in the event that the Chef Infra Server attempts to contact itself from within a front or back end machine. All ports should be accessible through the loopback interface of their respective hosts.

For a standalone installation, ensure that ports marked as external (marked as yes in the External column) are open and accessible via any firewalls that are in use:

Port Service Name, Description External



The bookshelf service is an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)-compatible service that is used to store cookbooks, including all of the files—recipes, templates, and so on—that are associated with each cookbook.


80, 443, 9683


The nginx service is used to manage traffic to the Chef Infra Server, including virtual hosts for internal and external API request/response routing, external add-on request routing, and routing between front- and back-end components.


Port 9683 is used to internally load balance the oc_bifrost service.




The oc_bifrost service ensures that every request to view or manage objects stored on the Chef Infra Server is authorized.



The oc-id service enables OAuth 2.0 authentication to the Chef Infra Server by external applications, including Chef Supermarket. OAuth 2.0 uses token-based authentication, where external applications use tokens that are issued by the oc-id provider. No special credentials—webui_priv.pem or privileged keys—are stored on the external application.



The opscode-erchef service is an Erlang-based service that is used to handle Chef Infra Server API requests to the following areas within the Chef Infra Server:

  • Cookbooks
  • Data bags
  • Environments
  • Nodes
  • Roles
  • Sandboxes
  • Search



The postgresql service is used to store node, object, and user data.



The elasticsearch service is used to create the search indexes used for searching objects like nodes, data bags, and cookbooks. (This service ensures timely search results via the Chef Infra Server API; data that is used by the Chef platform is stored in PostgreSQL.)



Key-value store used in conjunction with Nginx to route requests and populate request data used by the Chef Infra Server.


The following sections describe the ports that are required by the Chef Infra Server in a tiered configuration:


A single loopback interface should be configured using the address. This ensures that all of the services are available to the Chef Infra Server, in the event that the Chef Infra Server attempts to contact itself from within a front or back end machine. All ports should be accessible through the loopback interface of their respective hosts.

Front End

For front-end servers, ensure that ports marked as external (marked as yes in the External column) are open and accessible via any firewalls that are in use:

Port Service Name, Description External

80, 443, 9683


The nginx service is used to manage traffic to the Chef Infra Server, including virtual hosts for internal and external API request/response routing, external add-on request routing, and routing between front- and back-end components.


Port 9683 is used to internally load balance the oc_bifrost service.




The oc_bifrost service ensures that every request to view or manage objects stored on the Chef Infra Server is authorized.



The oc-id service enables OAuth 2.0 authentication to the Chef Infra Server by external applications, including Chef Supermarket. OAuth 2.0 uses token-based authentication, where external applications use tokens that are issued by the oc-id provider. No special credentials—webui_priv.pem or privileged keys—are stored on the external application.



The opscode-erchef service is an Erlang-based service that is used to handle Chef Infra Server API requests to the following areas within the Chef Infra Server:

  • Cookbooks
  • Data bags
  • Environments
  • Nodes
  • Roles
  • Sandboxes
  • Search

Back End

For back-end servers in a tiered Chef Infra Server installation, ensure that ports marked as external (marked as yes in the External column) are open and accessible via any firewalls that are in use:

Port Service Name, Description External

80, 443, 9683


The nginx service is used to manage traffic to the Chef Infra Server, including virtual hosts for internal and external API request/response routing, external add-on request routing, and routing between front- and back-end components.


Port 9683 is used to internally load balance the oc_bifrost service.




The oc_bifrost service ensures that every request to view or manage objects stored on the Chef Infra Server is authorized.



The elasticsearch service is used to create the search indexes used for searching objects like nodes, data bags, and cookbooks. (This service ensures timely search results via the Chef Infra Server API; data that is used by the Chef platform is stored in PostgreSQL.)



The postgresql service is used to store node, object, and user data.



Key-value store used in conjunction with Nginx to route requests and populate request data used by the Chef Infra Server.



The bookshelf service is an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)-compatible service that is used to store cookbooks, including all of the files—recipes, templates, and so on—that are associated with each cookbook.



The opscode-erchef service is an Erlang-based service that is used to handle Chef Infra Server API requests to the following areas within the Chef Infra Server:

  • Cookbooks
  • Data bags
  • Environments
  • Nodes
  • Roles
  • Sandboxes
  • Search

Chef Push Jobs

TCP protocol ports 10000, 10002 and 10003. 10000 is the default heartbeat port, 10002 is the default command port, 10003 is the default API port. These may be configured in the Chef Push Jobs configuration file. The command port allows Chef Push Jobs clients to communicate with the Chef Push Jobs server and also allows chef server components to communicate with the push-jobs server. In a configuration with both front and back ends, this port only needs to be open on the back end servers. The Chef Push Jobs server waits for connections from the Chef Push Jobs client, and never initiates a connection to a Chef Push Jobs client. In situations where the chef server has a non-locally-assigned public address (like a cloud deployment / or behind NAT ) the api port should be added to the network security configuration for the chef server to connect to itself on the public IP, if that is what the chef server hostname points to.


The Chef Infra Server has a built in process supervisor, which ensures that all of the required services are in the appropriate state at any given time. The supervisor starts two processes per service.

Service Subcommands

This command has a built in process supervisor that ensures all of the required services are in the appropriate state at any given time. The supervisor starts two processes per service and provides the following subcommands for managing services: hup, int, kill, once, restart, service-list, start, status, stop, tail, and term.


The hup subcommand is used to send a SIGHUP to all services. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl hup SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.


The int subcommand is used to send a SIGINT to all services. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl int SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.


The kill subcommand is used to send a SIGKILL to all services. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl kill SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.


The supervisor for the Chef Infra Server is configured to restart any service that fails, unless that service has been asked to change its state. The once subcommand is used to tell the supervisor to not attempt to restart any service that fails.

This command is useful when troubleshooting configuration errors that prevent a service from starting. Run the once subcommand followed by the status subcommand to look for services in a down state and/or to identify which services are in trouble. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl once SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.


The restart subcommand is used to restart all services enabled on the Chef Infra Server or to restart an individual service by specifying the name of that service in the command.


When running the Chef Infra Server in a high availability configuration, restarting all services may trigger failover.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl restart SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand. When a service is successfully restarted the output should be similar to:

ok: run: service_name: (pid 12345) 1s


The service-list subcommand is used to display a list of all available services. A service that is enabled is labeled with an asterisk (*).

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl service-list


The start subcommand is used to start all services that are enabled in the Chef Infra Server. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl start SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand. When a service is successfully started the output should be similar to:

ok: run: service_name: (pid 12345) 1s

The supervisor for the Chef Infra Server is configured to wait seven seconds for a service to respond to a command from the supervisor. If you see output that references a timeout, it means that a signal has been sent to the process, but that the process has yet to actually comply. In general, processes that have timed out are not a big concern, unless they are failing to respond to the signals at all. If a process is not responding, use a command like the kill subcommand to stop the process, investigate the cause (if required), and then use the start subcommand to re-enable it.


The status subcommand is used to show the status of all services available to the Chef Infra Server. The results will vary based on the configuration of a given server. This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl status

and will return the status for all services. Status can be returned for individual services by specifying the name of the service as part of the command:

chef-server-ctl status SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.

When service status is requested, the output should be similar to:

run: service_name: (pid 12345) 12345s; run: log: (pid 1234) 67890s


  • run: is the state of the service (run: or down:)
  • service_name: is the name of the service for which status is returned
  • (pid 12345) is the process identifier
  • 12345s is the uptime of the service, in seconds

For example:

down: opscode-erchef: (pid 35546) 10s

By default, runit will restart services automatically when the services fail. Therefore, runit may report the status of a service as run: even when there is an issue with that service. When investigating why a particular service is not running as it should be, look for the services with the shortest uptimes. For example, the list below indicates that the opscode-erchef should be investigated further:

run: oc-id
run: opscode-chef: (pid 4327) 13671s; run: log: (pid 4326) 13671s
run: opscode-erchef: (pid 5383) 5s; run: log: (pid 4382) 13669s
Log Files

A typical status line for a service that is running any of the Chef Infra Server front-end services is similar to the following:

run: name_of_service: (pid 1486) 7819s; run: log: (pid 1485) 7819s


  • run describes the state in which the supervisor attempts to keep processes. This state is either run or down. If a service is in a down state, it should be stopped
  • name_of_service is the service name, for example: opscode-erchef
  • (pid 1486) 7819s; is the process identifier followed by the amount of time (in seconds) the service has been running
  • run: log: (pid 1485) 7819s is the log process. It is typical for a log process to have a longer run time than a service; this is because the supervisor does not need to restart the log process in order to connect the supervised process

If the service is down, the status line will appear similar to the following:

down: opscode-erchef: 3s, normally up; run: log: (pid 1485) 8526s


  • down indicates that the service is in a down state
  • 3s, normally up; indicates that the service is normally in a run state and that the supervisor would attempt to restart this service after a reboot


The stop subcommand is used to stop all services enabled on the Chef Infra Server. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl stop SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand. When a service is successfully stopped the output should be similar to:

ok: down: service_name: 0s, normally up

For example:

chef-server-ctl stop

will return something similar to:

ok: down: nginx: 393s, normally up
ok: down: opscode-chef: 391s, normally up
ok: down: opscode-erchef: 391s, normally up
ok: down: opscode-solr4: 389s, normally up
ok: down: postgresql: 388s, normally up
ok: down: redis_lb: 387s, normally up


The tail subcommand is used to follow all of the Chef Infra Server logs for all services. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl tail SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.


The term subcommand is used to send a SIGTERM to all services. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl term SERVICE_NAME

where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand.

List of Services

The following services are part of the Chef Infra Server:

  • bifrost
  • bookshelf
  • elasticsearch
  • nginx
  • opscode-erchef
  • postgresql
  • redis-lb


The oc_bifrost service ensures that every request to view or manage objects stored on the Chef Infra Server is authorized.


To view the status for the service:

chef-server-ctl status bifrost

to return something like:

run: bifrost: (pid 1234) 123456s; run: log: (pid 5678) 789012s

To start the service:

chef-server-ctl start bifrost

To stop the service:

chef-server-ctl stop bifrost

To restart the service:

chef-server-ctl restart bifrost

to return something like:

ok: run: bifrost: (pid 1234) 1234s

To kill the service (send a SIGKILL command):

chef-server-ctl kill bifrost
run once

To run the service, but not restart it (if the service fails):

chef-server-ctl once bifrost

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail bifrost


The bookshelf service is an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)-compatible service that is used to store cookbooks, including all of the files—recipes, templates, and so on—that are associated with each cookbook.


To view the status for the service:

chef-server-ctl status bookshelf

to return something like:

run: bookshelf: (pid 1234) 123456s; run: log: (pid 5678) 789012s

To start the service:

chef-server-ctl start bookshelf

To stop the service:

chef-server-ctl stop bookshelf

To restart the service:

chef-server-ctl restart bookshelf

to return something like:

ok: run: bookshelf: (pid 1234) 1234s

To kill the service (send a SIGKILL command):

chef-server-ctl kill bookshelf
run once

To run the service, but not restart it (if the service fails):

chef-server-ctl once bookshelf

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail bookshelf



To view the status for the service:

chef-server-ctl status elasticsearch

to return something like:

elasticsearch: (pid 12345) 1s; run: log: (pid 5678) 123456s

To start the service:

chef-server-ctl start elasticsearch

to return something like:

ok: run: elasticsearch: (pid 5678) 0s

To stop the service:

chef-server-ctl stop elasticsearch

to return something like:

ok: down: elasticsearch: 123456s, normally up

To restart the service:

chef-server-ctl restart elasticsearch

to return something like:

ok: run: elasticsearch: (pid 56789) 1s

To kill the service (send a SIGKILL command):

chef-server-ctl kill elasticsearch
run once
chef-server-ctl once elasticsearch

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail elasticsearch


The nginx service is used to manage traffic to the Chef Infra Server, including virtual hosts for internal and external API request/response routing, external add-on request routing, and routing between front- and back-end components.


To view the status for the service:

chef-server-ctl status nginx

to return something like:

run: nginx: (pid 1234) 123456s; run: log: (pid 5678) 789012s

To start the service:

chef-server-ctl start nginx

To stop the service:

chef-server-ctl stop nginx

To restart the service:

chef-server-ctl restart nginx

to return something like:

ok: run: nginx: (pid 1234) 1234s

To kill the service (send a SIGKILL command):

chef-server-ctl kill nginx
run once

To run the service, but not restart it (if the service fails):

chef-server-ctl once nginx

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail nginx


The opscode-erchef service is an Erlang-based service that is used to handle Chef Infra Server API requests to the following areas within the Chef Infra Server:

  • Cookbooks
  • Data bags
  • Environments
  • Nodes
  • Roles
  • Sandboxes
  • Search

To view the status for the service:

chef-server-ctl status opscode-erchef

to return something like:

run: opscode-erchefs: (pid 1234) 123456s; run: log: (pid 5678) 789012s

To start the service:

chef-server-ctl start opscode-erchef

To stop the service:

chef-server-ctl stop opscode-erchef

To restart the service:

chef-server-ctl restart opscode-erchef

to return something like:

ok: run: opscode-erchef: (pid 1234) 1234s

To kill the service (send a SIGKILL command):

chef-server-ctl kill opscode-erchef
run once

To run the service, but not restart it (if the service fails):

chef-server-ctl once opscode-erchef

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail opscode-erchef


The postgresql service is used to store node, object, and user data.


To view the status for the service:

chef-server-ctl status postgresql

to return something like:

run: postgresql: (pid 1234) 123456s; run: log: (pid 5678) 789012s

To start the service:

chef-server-ctl start postgresql

To stop the service:

chef-server-ctl stop postgresql

To restart the service:

chef-server-ctl restart postgresql

to return something like:

ok: run: postgresql: (pid 1234) 1234s

To kill the service (send a SIGKILL command):

chef-server-ctl kill postgresql
run once

To run the service, but not restart it (if the service fails):

chef-server-ctl once postgresqls

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail postgresql


Key-value store used in conjunction with Nginx to route requests and populate request data used by the Chef Infra Server.


To view the status for the service:

chef-server-ctl status redis

to return something like:

run: redis: (pid 1234) 123456s; run: log: (pid 5678) 789012s

To start the service:

chef-server-ctl start redis

To stop the service:

chef-server-ctl stop redis

To restart the service:

chef-server-ctl restart redis

to return something like:

ok: run: redis: (pid 1234) 1234s

To kill the service (send a SIGKILL command):

chef-server-ctl kill name_of_service
run once

To run the service, but not restart it (if the service fails):

chef-server-ctl once redis

To follow the logs for the service:

chef-server-ctl tail name_of_service


This guide covers the security features available in Chef Infra Server.

SSL Certificates

Initial configuration of the Chef Infra Server is done automatically using a self-signed certificate to create the certificate and private key files for Nginx. This section details the process for updating a Chef Infra Server’s SSL certificate.

The Chef Infra Server can be configured to use SSL certificates by adding the following settings to the server configuration file:

Setting Description
nginx['ssl_certificate'] The SSL certificate used to verify communication over HTTPS.
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] The certificate key used for SSL communication.

and then setting their values to define the paths to the certificate and key.

For example:

nginx['ssl_certificate'] = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/your-host.crt'
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = '/etc/pki/tls/private/your-host.key'

Save the file, and then run the following command:

sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure

For more information about the server configuration file, see chef-server.rb.

Manual Installation

SSL certificates can be updated manually by placing the certificate and private key file obtained from the certifying authority in the correct files, after the initial configuration of Chef Infra Server.

The locations of the certificate and private key files are:

  • /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/FQDN.crt
  • /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/FQDN.key

Because the FQDN has already been configured, do the following:

  1. Replace the contents of /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/FQDN.crt and /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/FQDN.key with the certifying authority’s files.

  2. Reconfigure the Chef Infra Server:

    chef-server-ctl reconfigure
  3. Restart the Nginx service to load the new key and certificate:

    chef-server-ctl restart nginx


The FQDN for the Chef Infra Server should be resolvable, lowercase, and have fewer than 64 characters including the domain suffix, when using OpenSSL, as OpenSSL requires the CN in a certificate to be no longer than 64 characters.

SSL Protocols

The following settings are often modified from the default as part of the tuning effort for the nginx service and to configure the Chef Infra Server to use SSL certificates:


The SSL certificate used to verify communication over HTTPS. Default value: nil.


The certificate key used for SSL communication. Default value: nil.


The list of supported cipher suites that are used to establish a secure connection. To favor AES256 with ECDHE forward security, drop the RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5:RC4:RSA prefix. For example:

nginx['ssl_ciphers'] =  "HIGH:MEDIUM:!LOW:!kEDH: \
                         !aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!EXP: \
                         !SSLv2:!SEED:!CAMELLIA: \

The SSL protocol versions that are enabled. SSL 3.0 is supported by the Chef Infra Server; however, SSL 3.0 is an obsolete and insecure protocol. Transport Layer Security (TLS)—TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2—has effectively replaced SSL 3.0, which provides for authenticated version negotiation between Chef Infra Client and Chef Infra Server, which ensures the latest version of the TLS protocol is used. For the highest possible security, it is recommended to disable SSL 3.0 and allow all versions of the TLS protocol. For example:

nginx['ssl_protocols'] = 'TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2'


See for more information about the values used with the nginx['ssl_ciphers'] and nginx['ssl_protocols'] settings.

For example, after copying the SSL certificate files to the Chef Infra Server, update the nginx['ssl_certificate'] and nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] settings to specify the paths to those files, and then (optionally) update the nginx['ssl_ciphers'] and nginx['ssl_protocols'] settings to reflect the desired level of hardness for the Chef Infra Server:

nginx['ssl_certificate'] = '/etc/pki/tls/private/name.of.pem'
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = '/etc/pki/tls/private/name.of.key'
nginx['ssl_ciphers'] = 'HIGH:MEDIUM:!LOW:!kEDH:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!EXP:!SSLv2:!SEED:!CAMELLIA:!PSK'
nginx['ssl_protocols'] = 'TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2'

Example: Configure SSL Keys for Nginx

The following example shows how the Chef Infra Server sets up and configures SSL certificates for Nginx. The cipher suite used by Nginx is configurable using the ssl_protocols and ssl_ciphers settings.

ssl_keyfile = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, "#{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}.key")
ssl_crtfile = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, "#{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}.crt")
ssl_signing_conf = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, "#{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}-ssl.conf")

unless ::File.exist?(ssl_keyfile) && ::File.exist?(ssl_crtfile) && ::File.exist?(ssl_signing_conf)
  file ssl_keyfile do
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'
    mode '0755'
    content '/opt/opscode/embedded/bin/openssl genrsa 2048'
    not_if { ::File.exist?(ssl_keyfile) }

  file ssl_signing_conf do
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'
    mode '0755'
    not_if { ::File.exist?(ssl_signing_conf) }
    content <<-EOH
  [ req ]
  distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
  prompt = no
  [ req_distinguished_name ]
  C                      = #{node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_country_name']}
  ST                     = #{node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_state_name']}
  L                      = #{node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_locality_name']}
  O                      = #{node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_company_name']}
  OU                     = #{node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_organizational_unit_name']}
  CN                     = #{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}
  emailAddress           = #{node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_email_address']}

  ruby_block 'create crtfile' do
    block do
      r =, run_context)
      r.owner 'root' 'root'
      r.mode '0755'
      r.content "/opt/opscode/embedded/bin/openssl req -config '#{ssl_signing_conf}' -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 3650 -key '#{ssl_keyfile}'"
      r.not_if { ::File.exist?(ssl_crtfile) }

Knife, Chef Infra Client

Chef Server 12 and later enables SSL verification by default for all requests made to the server, such as those made by knife and Chef Infra Client. The certificate that is generated during the installation of the Chef Infra Server is self-signed, which means the certificate is not signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA) that ships with Chef Infra Client. The certificate generated by the Chef Infra Server must be downloaded to any machine from which knife and/or Chef Infra Client will make requests to the Chef Infra Server.

For example, without downloading the SSL certificate, the following knife command:

knife client list

responds with an error similar to:

ERROR: SSL Validation failure connecting to host: ...
ERROR: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 ...

This is by design and will occur until a verifiable certificate is added to the machine from which the request is sent.

See Chef Infra Client SSL Certificates for more information on how knife and Chef Infra Client use SSL certificates generated by the Chef Infra Server.

Private Certificate Authority

If an organization is using an internal certificate authority, then the root certificate will not appear in any cacerts.pem file that ships by default with operating systems and web browsers. Because of this, no currently deployed system will be able to verify certificates that are issued in this manner. To allow other systems to trust certificates from an internal certificate authority, this root certificate will need to be configured so that other systems can follow the chain of authority back to the root certificate. (An intermediate certificate is not enough because the root certificate is not already globally known.)

To use an internal certificate authority, append the server–optionally, any intermediate certificate as well–and root certificates into a single .crt file. For example:

cat server.crt [intermediate.crt] root.crt >> /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/FQDN.crt

Check your combined certificate’s validity on the Chef Infra Server:

openssl verify -verbose -purpose sslserver -CAfile cacert.pem  /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/FQDN.crt

The cacert.pem should contain only your root CA’s certificate file. This is not the usual treatment, but mimics how Chef Workstation behaves after a knife ssl fetch followed by a knife ssl verify.

Intermediate Certificates

For use with 3rd party certificate providers, for example, Verisign.

To use an intermediate certificate, append both the server and intermediate certificates into a single .crt file. For example:

cat server.crt intermediate.crt >> /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/FQDN.crt

Verify Certificate Was Signed by Proper Key

It’s possible that a certificate/key mismatch can occur during the CertificateSigningRequest (CSR) process. During a CSR, the original key for the server in question should always be used. If the output of the following commands don’t match, then it’s possible the CSR for a new key for this host was generated using a random key or a newly generated key. The symptoms of this issue will look like the following in the nginx log files:

nginx: [emerg] SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file("/var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/YOUR_HOSTNAME.key") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509    certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch)

Here’s how to tell for sure when the configured certificate doesn’t match the key

## openssl x509 -in /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/chef-432.lxc.crt -noout -modulus | openssl sha1
(stdin)= 05b4f62e52fe7ce2351ff81d3e1060c0cdf1fa24

## openssl rsa -in /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/chef-432.lxc.key -noout -modulus | openssl sha1
(stdin)= 05b4f62e52fe7ce2351ff81d3e1060c0cdf1fa24

To fix this, you will need to generate a new CSR using the original key for the server, the same key that was used to produce the CSR for the previous certificates. Install that new certificates along with the original key and the mismatch error should go away.

Regenerate Certificates

SSL certificates should be regenerated periodically. This is an important part of protecting the Chef Infra Server from vulnerabilities and helps to prevent the information stored on the Chef Infra Server from being compromised.

To regenerate SSL certificates:

  1. Run the following command:

    chef-server-ctl stop
  2. The Chef Infra Server can regenerate them. These certificates will be located in /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/ and will be named after the FQDN for the Chef Infra Server. To determine the FQDN for the server, run the following command:

    hostname -f

    Please delete the files found in the ca directory with names like this $FQDN.crt and $FQDN.key.

  3. If your organization has provided custom SSL certificates to the Chef Infra Server, the locations of that custom certificate and private key are defined in /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb as values for the nginx['ssl_certificate'] and nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] settings. Delete the files referenced in those two settings and regenerate new keys using the same authority.

  4. Run the following command, Chef server-generated SSL certificates will automatically be created if necessary:

    chef-server-ctl reconfigure
  5. Run the following command:

    chef-server-ctl start

Chef Infra Server Credentials Management

New in Chef Server 12.14: Chef Infra Server limits where it writes service passwords and keys to disk. In the default configuration, credentials are only written to files in /etc/opscode.

By default, Chef Infra Server still writes service credentials to multiple locations inside /etc/opscode. This is designed to maintain compatibility with add-ons. Chef Server 12.14 introduces the insecure_addon_compat configuration option in /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb, which allows you to further restrict where credentials are written. insecure_addon_compat can be used if you are not using add-ons, or if you are using the latest add-on versions. Setting insecure_addon_compat to false writes credentials to only one location: /etc/opscode/private-chef-secrets.json.

User-provided secrets (such as the password for an external PostgreSQL instance) can still be set in /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb or via the Secrets Management commands. These commands allow you to provide external passwords without including them in your configuration file.

Add-on Compatibility

The following table lists which add-on versions support the more restrictive insecure_addon_compat false setting. These version also now require Chef Server 12.14.0 or greater:

Add-on Name Minimum Version
Chef Backend all
Chef Manage 2.5.0
Push Jobs Server 2.2.0

These newer add-ons will also write all of their secrets to /etc/opscode/private-chef-secrets.json. Older versions of the add-ons will still write their configuration to locations in /etc and /var/opt.


/etc/opscode/private-chef-secrets.json’s default permissions allow only the root user to read or write the file. This file contains all of the secrets for access to the Chef server’s underlying data stores and thus access to it should be restricted to trusted users.

While the file does not contain passwords in plaintext, it is not safe to share with untrusted users. The format of the secrets file allows Chef Infra Server deployments to conform to regulations that forbid the appearance of sensitive data in plain text in configuration files; however, it does not make the file meaningfully more secure.

SSL Encryption Between Chef Infra Server and External PostgreSQL

New in Chef Infra Server 13.1.13: Chef Infra Server 13.1.13 introduces the ability to encrypt traffic between Chef Infra Server and an external PostgreSQL server over SSL. These instructions are not all-encompassing and assume some familiarity with PostgreSQL administration, configuration, and troubleshooting. Consult the PostgreSQL documentation for more information.

The following is a typical scenario for enabling encryption between a machine running Chef Infra Server and an external machine running PostgreSQL. Both machines must be networked together and accessible to the user.

  1. Run the following command on both machines to gain root access:

    sudo -i
  2. Ensure that OpenSSL is installed on the PostgreSQL machine.

  3. Ensure that SSL support is compiled in on PostgreSQL. This applies whether you are compiling your own source or using a pre-compiled binary.

  4. Place SSL certificates in the proper directories on the PostgreSQL machine and ensure they have correct filenames, ownerships, and permissions.

  5. Enable SSL on PostgreSQL by editing the postgresql.conf file. Set ssl = on and specify the paths to the SSL certificates:

  6. To prevent PostgreSQL from accepting non-SSL connections, edit pg_hba.conf on the PostgreSQL machine and change the relevant Chef Infra Server connections to hostssl.

    Here is a sample pg_hba.conf file with hostssl connections for Chef Infra Server (the contents of your pg_hba.conf will be different):

    # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
    local      all             all                                     peer
    # IPv4 local connections:
    hostssl    all             all               md5
    # IPv6 local connections:
    hostssl    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
    # nonlocal connections
    hostssl    all             all          md5
  7. Restart PostgreSQL. This can typically be done with the following command on the PostgreSQL machine:

    /path/to/postgresql/postgresql restart
  8. Edit /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb on the Chef Infra Server and add the following line:

    postgresql['sslmode'] = 'require'
  9. Run reconfigure on the Chef Infra Server:

    chef-server-ctl reconfigure
  10. Verify that SSL is enabled and that SSL connections are up between Chef Infra Server and your running PostgreSQL instance. One way to do this is to log into the PostgreSQL database from the Chef Infra Server by running chef-server-ctl psql and then examine the SSL state using SQL queries.

    Start a psql session:

    chef-server-ctl psql opscode_chef

    From the psql session, enter postgres=# show ssl; which will show if ssl is enabled:

    postgres=# show ssl;
    (1 row)

    Then enter postgres=# select * from pg_stat_ssl; which will return true (t) in rows with SSL connections:

    postgres=# select * from pg_stat_ssl;
      pid  | ssl | version |           cipher            | bits | compression | clientdn
     16083 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16084 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16085 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16086 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16087 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16088 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16089 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16090 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16091 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16092 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16093 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16094 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16095 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16096 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16097 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16098 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16099 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16100 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16101 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16102 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 | f           |
     16119 | f   |         |                             |      |             |
    (21 rows)

Key Rotation

See the chef-server-ctl key rotation commands for more information about user key management.

Server Tuning

The server configuration file contains a list of all configuration options that are available for the Chef Infra Server. Some of these values should be modified for large-scale installations.


This topic contains general information about how settings can be tuned. In many cases, this topic suggests specific values to be used for tuning. That said, every organization and configuration is different, so please don’t hesitate to contact Chef support to discuss your tuning effort so as to help ensure the right value is identified for any particular setting.

Customize the Config File

The /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb file contains all of the non-default configuration settings used by the Chef Infra Server. The default settings are built into the Chef Infra Server configuration and should only be added to the chef-server.rb file to apply non-default values. These configuration settings are processed when the chef-server-ctl reconfigure command is run. The chef-server.rb file is a Ruby file, which means that conditional statements can be used within it.

Use Conditions

Use a case statement to apply different values based on whether the setting exists on the front-end or back-end servers. Add code to the server configuration file similar to the following:

role_name = ChefServer['servers'][node['fqdn']]['role']
case role_name
when 'backend'
  # backend-specific configuration here
when 'frontend'
  # frontend-specific configuration here

The following settings are typically added to the server configuration file (no equal sign is necessary to set the value):


The FQDN for the Chef Infra Server. This setting is not in the server configuration file by default. When added, its value should be equal to the FQDN for the service URI used by the Chef Infra Server. For example: api_fqdn "".


Default value: true.


Use to set the IP version: "ipv4" or "ipv6". When set to "ipv6", the API listens on IPv6 and front end and back end services communicate via IPv6 when a high availability configuration is used. When configuring for IPv6 in a high availability configuration, be sure to set the netmask on the IPv6 backend_vip attribute. Default value: "ipv4".


Default value: [email protected].

SSL Protocols

The following settings are often modified from the default as part of the tuning effort for the nginx service and to configure the Chef Infra Server to use SSL certificates:


The SSL certificate used to verify communication over HTTPS. Default value: nil.


The certificate key used for SSL communication. Default value: nil.


The list of supported cipher suites that are used to establish a secure connection. To favor AES256 with ECDHE forward security, drop the RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5:RC4:RSA prefix. For example:

nginx['ssl_ciphers'] =  "HIGH:MEDIUM:!LOW:!kEDH: \
                         !aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!EXP: \
                         !SSLv2:!SEED:!CAMELLIA: \

The SSL protocol versions that are enabled. SSL 3.0 is supported by the Chef Infra Server; however, SSL 3.0 is an obsolete and insecure protocol. Transport Layer Security (TLS)—TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2—has effectively replaced SSL 3.0, which provides for authenticated version negotiation between Chef Infra Client and Chef Infra Server, which ensures the latest version of the TLS protocol is used. For the highest possible security, it is recommended to disable SSL 3.0 and allow all versions of the TLS protocol. For example:

nginx['ssl_protocols'] = 'TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2'


See for more information about the values used with the nginx['ssl_ciphers'] and nginx['ssl_protocols'] settings.

For example, after copying the SSL certificate files to the Chef Infra Server, update the nginx['ssl_certificate'] and nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] settings to specify the paths to those files, and then (optionally) update the nginx['ssl_ciphers'] and nginx['ssl_protocols'] settings to reflect the desired level of hardness for the Chef Infra Server:

nginx['ssl_certificate'] = '/etc/pki/tls/private/name.of.pem'
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = '/etc/pki/tls/private/name.of.key'
nginx['ssl_ciphers'] = 'HIGH:MEDIUM:!LOW:!kEDH:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!EXP:!SSLv2:!SEED:!CAMELLIA:!PSK'
nginx['ssl_protocols'] = 'TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2'

Optional Services Tuning

The following settings are often used to for performance tuning of the Chef Infra Server in larger installations.


When changes are made to the chef-server.rb file the Chef Infra Server must be reconfigured by running the following command:

chef-server-ctl reconfigure


The following setting is often modified from the default as part of the tuning effort for the bookshelf service:


The virtual IP address. Default value: node['fqdn'].


The following settings are often modified from the default as part of the tuning effort for the opscode-erchef service:


The number of open connections to PostgreSQL that are maintained by the service. If failures indicate that the opscode-erchef service ran out of connections, try increasing the postgresql['max_connections'] setting. If failures persist, then increase this value (in small increments) and also increase the value for postgresql['max_connections']. Default value: 20.


The amount of time (in seconds) before connections to the server expire. If Chef Infra Client runs are timing out, increase this setting to 3600, and then adjust again if necessary. Default value: 900.


Use to specify that search results only return objects to which an actor

(user, client, etc.) has read access, as determined by ACL settings. This affects all searches. When true, the performance of the Chef management console may increase because it enables the Chef management console to skip redundant ACL checks. To ensure the Chef management console is configured properly, after this setting has been applied with a chef-server-ctl reconfigure run chef-manage-ctl reconfigure to ensure the Chef management console also picks up the setting. Default value: false.


When true, opscode_erchef['strict_search_result_acls'] affects all search results and any actor (user, client, etc.) that does not have read access to a search result will not be able to view it. For example, this could affect search results returned during a Chef Infra Client runs if a Chef Infra Client does not have permission to read the information.


The following setting is often modified from the default as part of the tuning effort for the postgresql service:


The maximum number of allowed concurrent connections. This value should only be tuned when the opscode_erchef['db_pool_size'] value used by the opscode-erchef service is modified. Default value: 350. If there are more than two front end machines in a cluster, the postgresql['max_connections'] setting should be increased. The increased value depends on the number of machines in the front end, but also the number of services that are running on each of these machines.

  • Each front end machine always runs the oc_bifrost and opscode-erchef services.
  • The Reporting add-on adds the reporting service.
  • The Chef Push Jobs service adds the push_jobs service.

Each of these services requires 25 connections, above the default value.

Use the following formula to help determine what the increased value should be:

new_value = current_value + [
            (# of front end machines - 2) * (25 * # of services)

For example, if the current value is 350, there are four front end machines, and all add-ons are installed, then the formula looks like:

550 = 350 + [(4 - 2) * (25 * 4)]

Backup and Restore a Standalone or Frontend install

Periodic backups of Chef Infra Server data are an essential part of managing and maintaining a healthy configuration and ensuring that important data can be restored, if required.


For the majority of use cases, chef-server-ctl backup is the recommended way to take backups of the Chef Infra Server. Use the following commands for managing backups of Chef Infra Server data, and for restoring those backups.


The backup subcommand is used to back up all Chef Infra Server data. This subcommand:

  • Requires rsync to be installed on the Chef Infra Server prior to running the command
  • Requires a chef-server-ctl reconfigure prior to running the command
  • Should not be run in a Chef Infra Server configuration with an external PostgreSQL database; use knife ec backup instead
  • Puts the initial backup in the /var/opt/chef-backup directory as a tar.gz file; move this backup to a new location for safe keeping


This subcommand has the following options:

-y, --yes

Use to specify if the Chef Infra Server can go offline during tar.gz-based backups.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl backup


The restore subcommand is used to restore Chef Infra Server data from a backup that was created by the backup subcommand. This subcommand may also be used to add Chef Infra Server data to a newly-installed server. This subcommand:

  • Requires rsync to be installed on the Chef Infra Server prior to running the command
  • Requires a chef-server-ctl reconfigure prior to running the command
  • Should not be run in a Chef Infra Server configuration with an external PostgreSQL database; use knife ec backup instead


This subcommand has the following options:

-c, --cleanse

Use to remove all existing data on the Chef Infra Server; it will be replaced by the data in the backup archive.

-d DIRECTORY, --staging-dir DIRECTORY

Use to specify that the path to an empty directory to be used during the restore process. This directory must have enough disk space to expand all data in the backup archive.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

chef-server-ctl restore PATH_TO_BACKUP (options)


chef-server-ctl restore /path/to/tar/archive.tar.gz

Backup and restore a Chef Backend install

In a disaster recovery scenario, the backup and restore processes allow you to restore a data backup into a newly built cluster. It is not intended for the recovery of an individual machine in the chef-backend cluster or for a point-in-time rollback of an existing cluster.


Restoring your data in the case of an emergency depends on having previously made backups of:

  • the data in your Chef Backend cluster
  • the configuration from your Chef server

To make backups for future use in disaster scenarios:

  1. On a follower chef-backend node, run chef-backend-ctl backup
  2. On a Chef Infra Server node run: chef-server-ctl backup --config-only
  3. Move the tar archives created in steps (1) and (2) to a long-term storage location.


To restore a Chef Backend-based Chef Infra Server cluster:

  1. Restore the node and an IP address that can be used to reach the node on the first machine that you want to use in your new Chef Backend cluster. The argument to the --publish_address option should be the IP address for reaching the node you are restoring.

    chef-backend-ctl restore --publish_address X.Y.Z.W /path/to/backup.tar.gz
  2. Join additional nodes to your Chef Backend cluster. (If you are only testing and verifying your restore process you can test against a single Chef Backend node and a single Chef Infra Server node.)

    chef-backend-ctl join-cluster IP_OF_FIRST_NODE --publish_address IP_OF_THIS_NODE
  3. Restore Chef Infra Server from your backed up Infra Server configuration (See step 2 in the backup instructions above). Alternatively, you can generate new configuration for this node and reconfigure it using the steps found in the installation instructions..

    chef-server-ctl restore /path/to/chef-server-backup.tar.gz
  4. Run the reindex command to re-populate your search index

    chef-server-ctl reindex --all


We recommend periodically verifying your backup by restoring a single Chef Backend node, a single Chef Infra Server node, and ensuring that various knife commands and Chef Infra Client runs can successfully complete against your backup.

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