Windows modules
- win_acl - Set file/directory/registry permissions for a system user or group
- win_acl_inheritance - Change ACL inheritance
- win_audit_policy_system - Used to make changes to the system wide Audit Policy
- win_audit_rule - Adds an audit rule to files, folders, or registry keys
- win_certificate_store - Manages the certificate store
- win_chocolatey - Manage packages using chocolatey
- win_command - Executes a command on a remote Windows node
- win_copy - Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts
- win_defrag - Consolidate fragmented files on local volumes
- win_disk_facts - Show the attached disks and disk information of the target host
- win_disk_image - Manage ISO/VHD/VHDX mounts on Windows hosts
- win_dns_client - Configures DNS lookup on Windows hosts
- win_domain - Ensures the existence of a Windows domain
- win_domain_computer - Manage computers in Active Directory
- win_domain_controller - Manage domain controller/member server state for a Windows host
- win_domain_group - Creates, modifies or removes domain groups
- win_domain_membership - Manage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host
- win_domain_user - Manages Windows Active Directory user accounts
- win_dotnet_ngen - Runs ngen to recompile DLLs after .NET updates
- win_dsc - Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration
- win_environment - Modify environment variables on windows hosts
- win_eventlog - Manage Windows event logs
- win_eventlog_entry - Write entries to Windows event logs
- win_feature - Installs and uninstalls Windows Features on Windows Server
- win_file - Creates, touches or removes files or directories
- win_file_version - Get DLL or EXE file build version
- win_find - Return a list of files based on specific criteria
- win_firewall - Enable or disable the Windows Firewall
- win_firewall_rule - Windows firewall automation
- win_get_url - Downloads file from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
- win_group - Add and remove local groups
- win_group_membership - Manage Windows local group membership
- win_hostname - Manages local Windows computer name.
- win_hotfix - Install and uninstalls Windows hotfixes
- win_iis_virtualdirectory - Configures a virtual directory in IIS
- win_iis_webapplication - Configures IIS web applications
- win_iis_webapppool - Configure IIS Web Application Pools
- win_iis_webbinding - Configures a IIS Web site binding
- win_iis_website - Configures a IIS Web site
- win_lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression
- win_mapped_drive - Map network drives for users
- win_msg - Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts
- win_msi - Installs and uninstalls Windows MSI files (D)
- win_nssm - NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager
- win_owner - Set owner
- win_package - Installs/uninstalls an installable package
- win_pagefile - Query or change pagefile configuration
- win_path - Manage Windows path environment variables
- win_pester - Run Pester tests on Windows hosts
- win_ping - A windows version of the classic ping module
- win_power_plan - Changes the power plan of a Windows system
- win_product_facts - Provides Windows product information (product id, product key)
- win_psexec - Runs commands (remotely) as another (privileged) user
- win_psmodule - Adds or removes a Powershell Module
- win_rabbitmq_plugin - Manage RabbitMQ plugins
- win_reboot - Reboot a windows machine
- win_reg_stat - Get information about Windows registry keys
- win_regedit - Add, change, or remove registry keys and values
- win_region - Set the region and format settings
- win_regmerge - Merges the contents of a registry file into the windows registry
- win_robocopy - Synchronizes the contents of two directories using Robocopy
- win_route - Add or remove a static route
- win_say - Text to speech module for Windows to speak messages and optionally play sounds
- win_scheduled_task - Manage scheduled tasks
- win_scheduled_task_stat - Get information about Windows Scheduled Tasks
- win_security_policy - Change local security policy settings
- win_service - Manage and query Windows services
- win_share - Manage Windows shares
- win_shell - Execute shell commands on target hosts
- win_shortcut - Manage shortcuts on Windows
- win_stat - Get information about Windows files
- win_tempfile - Creates temporary files and directories
- win_template - Templates a file out to a remote server
- win_timezone - Sets Windows machine timezone
- win_toast - Sends Toast windows notification to logged in users on Windows 10 or later hosts
- win_unzip - Unzips compressed files and archives on the Windows node
- win_updates - Download and install Windows updates
- win_uri - Interacts with webservices
- win_user - Manages local Windows user accounts
- win_user_right - Manage Windows User Rights
- win_wait_for - Waits for a condition before continuing
- win_wakeonlan - Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet
- win_webpicmd - Installs packages using Web Platform Installer command-line
- win_whoami - Get information about the current user and process
- (D): This marks a module as deprecated, which means a module is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged. The module documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.